Sfcv pJHS 'ONE PHMPmi ) f I WBUS 52.50 6 CW of our new Taiwc isg 4nd Gab-Vac pad ta oatfwttbk. 3idt, few. rjtwhe, arc TjrBwit .. , . patent or 4nri- "Where Most People Trade F AMILY SHOE STORE LTU. FHDKf- iEstab 1906 SUBSCmPTlON HATES City delhrerx by carrier, yeaxly psrioti, jmi in anrance Par lesser periods, paid aflranee, per weet 5y nail lt all other countries, per year THIRD AVEKI7L THE DAILY NEWS. xCINC UUTEUT - T.KmSH COLUMBIA Published Atternomi. Except Stmdaj. by llnce Rupert "Dnifr Kews, T.tmlteri, Thirc Avenue 2. T PUHEN ainnaguigrEdttar By Tr.nr, to all parte ol British Cdlnrnbia, the Bflttsh -Empire and United States, yearly period, paid tn advanee . AlfVEETIMNC UAXLS Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion raasslftefl advertising, per ward, per tnsertiun .... local Traders, per Jme, ;per tofiertion , Aaverliiint and Circulation Telephone ... Jew Icpartment Telephone PATI.Y JPHTiOK "Member aT Audit Ourtan at Cliciilations The Building Trades ,98 KC X5.Mll sjxM 3J Pridsy, January 22, aS3tf In rood times th buildinr trades empire MtbcHw ot 5n-! day in Prince Eupert the building trades employ only ar very simtij iracnon oi xne popmanon. At one time in the history of the city there were a nun. 4 Grorer Wall's "Ham und 3Panuver fCtalrianfl .. tSeatSe Uink her of local firms emraued in seliinc real estate, fconnee- Prince Eupert Winner -r Bonspiel SMTTHERS. Jan 22 The "Ham 4an Egg BaHspai' put en hy the Snathea Curling Club uinuitUr as e rireiufif 1 Slip easaffts ar- on Sui4w and nine smtps ae. Snow Head up ui the toaraastent. The last ama m ttut. (were ptaarai Mrmrtaj wenin The wrattter Jus hem soiti dw-J vsjyk 'inr the as week and 1k ban ilirieaJ tar sib 13m- winter jrantefl aa kere Hockey Sfeoffings i MontreaJ 'Tnnmto Intentatlona) 5rrtiun Canariiea JO ia . E 8 STS A. P, Jl "7 5237 "2S "5 icaa ? 42 .5621 9 33 82 XADICS' IJOWLTKG The league MaBfline to jfctte: a. Tti. HJKiEangea S 7EBS 332Annette S 7824 25Blue Bird "7345 IBoodads -5 7025 tKneckaute S C7C3 Spark Plu J5 6CM (C.3J."B,A. 6425 lOratte J& 'J342 HOTEL AltltTVALS tA immr Irx.l ,,Tzi ;,ir,, ti 1 r I Jacob B. Engdol, Bicnard "Van, j?: - -i-i i -i , . , . , -i--. -, J - Tuleve, Bdiph P. sulhman and xt du uie tut wjuui uuu lu jjc jjeateu, iijjin.eu anu cieaii- ed. 1 oday there is not a finn doing enough business selling real estate to house and feed one man. A somewhat similar condition exists among the bufldimr material supply houses, the hardware stores, the building contrao-ln xarsnn. citr i.ors ana ocners. very iew jaDorers are aiggmg iorinaa-tions, carrying mortar or pulling down old buildings. Carpenters, masons, plumbers, steam beating engineers, glaziers, painters and others .are either idle or -working part time. Normally they should be all busy most -of the time and this would malie others busy. During the past year the buHding trades have confined their activities to a few small jobs except for some -waterfront .activities. This year there is evidently to be a considerable amount of larger construction und this wiD be followed by smaller construction. Until the -builders are again busy and prosperous, we cannot say sfchat economic-recovery ha really set in. So far there is a tendency toward improvement but only a tendency. AiitoHiotive Industries f0ne industry that is showing decided signs of -life is the ' automove industry of Eastern Canada The factories? have heen making cars for home use ant! also for export, j The west has lieen buying some of these and helping the east to start recovery in that particular line. Over fifteen . thousand people in Eastern Canada are now employed in making cars and the sum last year paid in wages and salaries amounted to twenty-two million dollars. This iV an important factor in Canadian recovery, but see what will happen when the building trades become busy. Then there will be more trucks needed, more cars for the people -who -will be earning good money but today find it -difficult to pav for food and shelter. Let the building trades get busy in Prince Tiupert and orders will at once go through for several hundred new cars. Already people are buyinp more cars and this vear -will see a hir advance. Th'ery industry that shows improvement affects every other industry. There is a general interlocking. "We are glad to know the .automotive industry is rmakangTirogress. It means ihat the -whole -country is malongTirocTess. "This is a ce-operative worlcl All countries affect all other .countries and all industries affect all other industries. P Johnscrr. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. Brash, Surf Point "Mine; Joe Sanfcey and John Mor- WffiFELETS From the "Waterfront 33if , .Seattle halihu; schooner Eagle. Capt Jacob B Engcla. wfaicfc if- or b tv morrtrs' Thar-ter ttx Irctsaaiiatml FMierteb SsmmlnHi seeking toiuarrrauior 'WMb dh tfefe year wen ry fhr .Mtatiw to thf abumtenr f tel-kinfc stiftpai! &ewe "Will nei lMfl spawn id the wicniuy of Cape II km AftMM jdtw nil : Si Jame. wai Miium (wwrowttalJa: ; Them were many Mw ;am supplies The scipnttftc partjr daring the aeries and some anes$- j aboard the Bagletcnnsfcas BTTBlib-1tiona'.fineeuxBnwas ntaml'irt Tfcui CSrvs. .John "Cast, jthe Itf bfltof Jb perfect esndttan ij-Srtksan and Pjltph T Sffitnuia. ' The rinto- lur the tournament! par few- Sanson Cup were ntouKn The Eetehifcan motor Tessfas Jr-iieon ana ianrmn were to -pew. w isunnnR. uen -watt a enwoaa ui iioaoi wu tt m miiBirafunrtik coat over CfaradRan Vattenal IdB- The Baton OB Oo. Ca pt- Power inHkBr Una- vesaertiay trera "yBnwnuver vMtha fuel for the eornpanjf toetf tine After diseharjitna 4he vissf aaiiec Ma Ukst srturn watti ia "W' Coast of "Wwwfiiivw Mtond C J Ji sasraer PrhieeK Abe- fi 32 S9 66 JSilBHie. CajKT5. H. Oral arrtv in 2 a 'flSttSjMn at 1 Dtaast th& attemaon 1 3C at 3iLniD the aoeat aiic wID aau an' 1 American .Section -JMir ar so star on it sfieBiul Tqy- DetsjOL .JK 4 9 2a 36ia 1 HelrhBcan whence she is Ranaas M S S4St2sid(H' hack bete jmifUilMuac! KBiwr- fHaston J 3 2 Ci 2j raorntae. jChtaaffo 7 Ca B82aj i j T. T Dwrte Tie' Metl&tsfla. W. . i - A.J-! and dauab- sr. Breijm. arrlvefl Jr, the chg yea- terday on theh"DV7n "toast. thPKary Lou. after hwrine wished idattan at Hartlej Bay tor a eeuple of "weeks. The also tmade a brief alM M. Port 'Simpsan. The plan ta lsavt far home this Tvening I5e5r j 110 I i4nj 12575 iSditor 3267, 12C& SUGGESTS SAVEETSTAKE Twlth a sub3t.Tn.irJ KubscrirjUan fmay I make the suggestion that, Mr. A biff. 3n .his capacity as commissioner and dry council do-' nate a number cC leverted risna, Part Simpsm; Miss A. "W off rsasonahle fccatian to those directly something like one-fourth of ihe populataon. Tj?" A- p-osans- 'who wffl jiaw charge a? raisins A. H. Perkins. Port Eoval E. Brikson. Seattle; C Stewart: J. UL Bobsrtson, tver. Central J. Tlautt and O. Bunt. C Knox C H B Basketb letlakatl; (Alaska vs. Ue-veH "Wancou- K. B ITCH ... STOPPED IN A MINUTE... ttt tiimtiug m. ok .. .at jjrvom oi cim..tiflifi ; )f. - f ifiwm m her km -affile null viitck no hvm Triirf, colinE. an ttf rr- li:.u.' - D. a. C rncHstwn. In gr. M uk trri und '"leu iulm r Kzmirtr- tfnet iM S- im : .it anw :z.trrme w ..tac tmunttt -Hi trc MMt i Onaj moTti It m ior ux 30 ail Prince Rupert Also Intermediate and Girls' Games at Soese Hafl Friday and Saturday 7430 PJV1. Tickets on Sale at Grotto ADMISSION Adults, 5(lc. Children, 25c Daily Hems in Teferenae to the linanring oT the new hosptaal and the Inability (the money, lor the holding a lottery or In doing this the city could not lose anything as these lots are on its nana and are Hkejy toJ be lor some time and, a thlnasJ uuu i iJi-t up so. me enn ar live' years it is irable to get the lota back n train. i ai Air. Alaer seems to think-i there is money to be had If we are- i willing to exert sufficient energy i to go alter it, I offer this sugges tion as a concrete proposition on his own suggested terms. INTERESTED The Bally Nrws Has an circulation Play safe! audited ' 65 Taxi And Ulesseneer Service I 1 Stand Empress Hotel i l Hill Stuart Al Prench 1 John Saunders TRAPPERS! AttenSon! Don't sell your furs until you see Frank Lockwodl P. 0. Box 200 This artvr'rttSFnier, 4 tu puhi :.ib cf tursm as aiowEa- Ac Caranmrtst Pa ana the C . T. is na the ienner tko TBralutiBniav snd tt tatter pa: -1 Bamsftarry The wnrtea were lauKe tapshte eB Tnlmj; the floun- Ih- roest JiHfiHigent people Jhad dtaBW been reerultea from In "THiie rant he wwteers Bnasla ruet! aw Sorwte. nnt directe q Oanununisas fiCSharier Chapmen ieaiaret) tiur. mmmtmfm jaeanv arnimna owi-'aJtup AS he ananas of jmoducuor md tHaaWbultoa The C C P mvbuH) eempeacKte tht; capitaliKiF tar Whml thsr toot awa from Asm and were JtWe ditferent Irani what the Ubsis prfnefl tB be. The C C. P. bdKeved 4a : tradusJ aamansm. A eo41eefm n-saltrtJ in SaJg ocine iken. listen to this - - "Dr. Bateler said vS alraw-benies: "Daubtleai '-Dud could .have made a better beny. buVtleubV leas God never did." izaak Walton the 'Oompleaiai Arler. thuk quotes the good doc-w hnr Bad Br. Boteier lived in Piineem -Rupet he might have saic. "Oou ta les God 'could have made coal than Albert 6i MeCatlery ibuti doubtless God never 'did " For twenty -years. Albert 2: ivie-i Ca fiery coal has been the best ai the dtj' to matertaliy aiBWiavahaDle- 3t is the be todajr. And a. JonaMson ana a. uocik, n Jtp -rhrmw thereby at teast a certain sum 2Qura be raised by apreadins these u-ftickett tnronghout the curround- ving country. An aaded inducement crjuld be made by giving a -first prize & aouble Ira vrith u dlear tttle on da Jeee Irom taxes lor soy live years and a second jabs In accordance etc. if better could be -got. we -would have it. It gives yon the most Ileal? for the least money and thatV vhat you "v.-ant. So, the next time you need coal, just phone 116 or 117 to Albert ts McCalferjr and order Nanaimo-ri purpose ail wemngton lor lurnace and theater same or a' Alberta-sootless lor the kitchen asnes nr lorxenes or train: rrt-rmfp Tou deserve the bestr! Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, rata. 26. Aivansh Cloud? . eahn. 30. Alice Arm 'Light rain, souttfl wind, 40. Stewart Baining, south wind, 34 Baaelton Cloudy, ealnx, 17. Smlt hers Cloudy, eahn. milder BRITISH men of Br : ralumbia Insist on liiSM!SEfEB K ItjtoBH "Mutt UI 1 I L tt.NW LUW rfuLt i 19 10 UI J CRAMPS BEST PROCURABLE" The Original Inm-RUllUMUn. 1 mn.i 1 e'j BKT PROCURABil Thtf advert isemrnt is tw t pnlthshed or 1; : Control Buard or the overnmeTn. ju; tJl'y tie Liquor : -uritisb C olumiaa. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. su-miitu.-. Jravp iruiw ttufrt Tiir Vanwmw TAS CATALA WEKlltSiUAr. 4 -30 r.M Due Vaiicouvet. iTlmniaay pja. Uuc Vat ouvta. "Munoaj ajit. If rtntvenient please purchase tickrts at iiffirt. Jtunoier ltilHrniatiou jregardmE reservatlonB and ticket Irom A. IV. XEWMAN, JTinee Uupert Asent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 EtEKH i Ell WIXTEIt FARES io VAxrorvEi. Cullinp at-Owp rail anfl ! -H Itiver Relnrn Mralx and licrth Included 1ns 1'rinrr Iliirrt COLUMBIA THURSDAYS LEADERS 10.50 p .Tn. Soul tilMiitiid ItHte effective now and until Frit. "R. Tlrt itrn limit, March 31- QAKADIAM pjATlOKAL STEAMSHIPS tact. iKfitfF z s " ;m. a linn. IK. sftmmi, tthn imi frrmirr nf .ftritinh CrlHm).i frum Jii w It, JJK, rt0 January JV MM. .iw.W H,i. C, A. Wulkm' trnmd Irrm u Vrrmivr. -Hit trrm niJ!,rr m liori.litrilond iron nnrj nmrkrtt I uhf ..KUIomifHr lfMlaliri t I'mrinriiilUrvlnfin, mtt. Silver Spring Lupur Bmit i internationally knemn fur ilsfinr (lirvin- nnl nX. 7. . one uf BrhiHh Cfiluml.ia' mont j.ojiiilar lr, fr &ViKK SILVE R SPRING Lager Beer 'JThi advcrtiienient i nm ntilUh - .r..i i x fkfS the Government ol Britiih Colunb?Ur nlroi Bld T