ADS TOUR ON YOUR GUARD! BEWARE of epidemics whose first symptoms are often coughs, colds and fever. Stop the cough or cold, at the onset with Buckley's Mixture, which first became famous in 1918. Take Buckley's Cinnamated Capsules to relieve the feverishness, headache, and .backache. Buckley's Cinnamated Capsules contain Oil of Cinnamon, a powerful internal germicide long used in Europe in combatting ' epidemics., Be prepared. Get these two dependable, effective Buckley ' products TODAY. 5, It Pays to liuy "From a MUSSALLEM'S a Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mall or phone your order and save FREE OIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALEiNTIN DAIRY PHONB fi57 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PKINCK RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 FREE TROUSERS Free trousers or 10 discount for. Suit or Overcoat of House of Hobberlln Clothes during the month of January only, and 10 discount offered on House of Stone Clothes. Quality, Style, Fit, Satisfaction Guaranteed LING - The Tailor 817 Second Ave. Phone 019 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclli Proprietor UA HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 51.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 281- P.O. Box 19G I PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL mm Fancy Red 1-4 Sockeye PINK SEAL mL4 Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert. C P. Baiagno of th ; city Is on vacation trip to Victoria and S.atf.e, having left for the south few days ago. Lii I EGGS "A" Grade Large, 3 doz. $1 BEEF Pot Roast per lb 10c Oven Roast per lb. 15c Prime Rib per lb 15c Brisket 3 lbs 25c Fresh Killed Boiling Fowl, lb 25c Ayrshire Bacon per lb 28c Dominion Bacon In packet, lb. 28c Cottage Rolls per lb. 23c Butter I First Grade Butler I 3 lbs 95c j j K-9 Dog Food 2 tins 25c l We Have a Few Ducks, per lb. 25c And Turkeys, Average 28c i 6 lbs., per lb. ! j , SPECIAL PRICK On Custom Tailor-Made SUITS ! ' $38.50 Reduced to $30 From Jan. 12 to Feb. 12 This is lowest price ever charged for these suits M. T. 'LEE Third Avenue Next to M. M. Stephens Our cod hv' tnate you very 9 oir 7f way As V M out wnotf ZOM& sure VOUll LIKE IMF UW I PH1LP0TT - EVITT & Co. Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements al PHONE 652 The Fish which made t-i... Tdt uajiunro , .. DAILY N?WS Royal Bank of Canada 68th Annual Meeting Morris W. Wilson, President and Managing Director, Stresses Need for Orderly Recovery Recommends Commission to Investigate Financial Relationships Of Dominion, Provincial and Municipal Governments Sydney G. Dobson, General Increase in Deposits Profits Improved "Business Undoubtedly on Up Grade" Warning against the dangers of mining, as a whole, the number a speculative boom, and a plea that employed is greater than at any recovery be maintained on an or- time in our history. In trade the derly basis, were outstanding fea- volume of employment is not un-tures of the address of Morris W. satisfactory. Under these clrcum-Wilson, President and Managing stances, I cannot but feel that the Jlreptor, at the 68th Annual Gen- time has come to examine with eral Meeting of The Royal Bank of care our lists of those receiving Canada. , unemployment relief. It Is a notable That recovery was well on the fact that there has been no census way there could be IRtle doubt, 1 of unemployment since 1931. At a and "even the most sanguine would . time like the nresent a biennial have hesitated" a year ago to pre dict progress as great as that which has been accomplished during 1936." stated Mr. Wilson. In addressing the meeting, Mr. Wilson said, in part: 'A serious drought again affect ed large areas In the West, with results that were disastrous to the farmers immediately concerned. rhose farmers who reaped good crops last year benefited materially by higher prices, but, in he midst of a broad recovery, farm income has lagged behind. "It is gratifying that the stocks of grain In Canada are again of normal proportions. Nature Is In a fair way to take the Government of Canada out of the grain business. It Is sincerely to be hoped hat she will not be drawn Into it again. Industries "Prices for newsprint have shown a slight Increase during the past year and this, together with a heavier volume of sales, has brought encouragement to the "newsprint Industry. "In the lumber Industry there has been a satisfactory volume of demand from Great Britain ever since the beginning of their build ing boom. This demand has been maintained during the past year jand is the most Important factor In the Improvement of conditions in lumbering "The value of, Canadian mineral production established a new high record in 1936, amounting to ap- proximately $350 million compared with $312 million In 1935. The prospects of the Canadian mining Industry are more favorable than at any ,time in the past. "Throughout the manufacturing industries of Canada, volume of production has been above the level which prevailed in 1926 and In October reached the highest point recorded since July 1929. Employment and Relief "At the moment manufacturing employment is close to normal. In Treat Yourself to a Happy New Year uv having your Coal bin lull of the best coal in town. Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Manager, Reports $50,000,000 census would give our various governing bodies facts which would help them In determination of policies. Division 'of Taxes "Over a wide field of economic legislation it is virtually impossible to guess whether ultimate authority rests with the Province or with the Dominion. "Let us secure a review of the whole subject by a Royal Commission with the object of resolving these complexities. Changed social and economic conditions, have thrown responsibilities on various governing bodies that were never contemplated at the time of Con-! ieaeration, and as a consequence it is found increasingly difficult, in some Instances, to meet these' additional responsibilities wth the sources of revenue at their disposal. ; Having regard to the necessity of: maintaining the national credit, if it is at all possible some solution must be, found which will permit! botn provinces and municipalities) to continue the service of their! public debt In full. Individualistic Democracy "It is the fashion in certain quarters to say Jhat the system of capitalism or, as I prefer to term jit, Individualism has failed. "In the past It has adapted itself to changes In economic conditions and social concepts, and there Is no reason to hlnk that such adaptations will -not continue to be made. In fact, they must be made If the system l to Survive. With Communism, Fascism and Nazlsrn in competition. Individualism will survive only if the benefits which ft provides to the community con tinue to be greater than those conferred upon people livlns under other organizations of society. "If we would set an example to the world We must manifest that unusual . degree of self-control which restrains booms and thus avoids subsequent depressions. Money "It Is for this reason then that thev present monetary situation Is an outstanding challenge to economic individualism. Can a Donular government, such as that in the United States, for Instance, deal effectively with the monetary situation? The revaluation of gold by the United States and the re duction in the gold value of other currencies, made almost unanimous this past year by the capitulation of the European gold bloc Introduced a dynamic Inflationary force into world economy. It is encouraging to note that this potentiality seems to be understood by the monetary authorities in the United States and that they are taking definite action. The world has not previously experienced a period when borrowing rates have been so low for so long a time. If continued on this basis an un- healthy and artificial situation will j develop. Easy money Is a powerful . force; it operates somewhat slowly, but to wait until it Is evident! mat speculation Is out of hand will be to create conditions which can be corrected only by depression. In some quarters we are asked to believe that the Increased government regulation of general economy may make It possible to continue low interest rates more or less indefinitely. I feel strongly that this view Is not correct and that the action now being taken Is by no means premature. By use, if necessary, of the"'huge reserves already accumulated it will be possible to prevent any serious Interruption in recovery. It is surely better that we maintain the upward trend for a prolonged period and tlut recovery shall proceed In an orderly manner, with the mini- ; TERRACE A Masonic function brought sev eral visitors to Terrace last weck-iend. including W. II. Tobey and A. O, Rlx of Prince Rupert and Thomas McOubbJn of Pacific. Terrace weather has boen cold land calm with near zero tempera- turcs for the past week A pleasing performance wa eiven by a troun of little girls under the auspices of the Wo- mens auxiliary of the Anglican Church on Friday last. It was a play called "The Sleeping Prin cess." The attendants and thr fairies were very pretty in costumes made, by the local ladies At the close the little Warden girl thanked the company by means of a delightful little rhyme. T. W. Hall, inspector of schools was here for the week-end. While here he gave an Interesting story of his trip to the Vlmy Memorial mum of encouragement to Irresponsible speculation. We must on no account allow recovery to de generate into boom the forerun ner of depression. Individualistic economy will stand or fall, de pending upon its ability to prevent depressions. General Manager's Address In reviewing the annual balance sheet. Mr. S. O. Dobson, General Manager, referred with satisfaction to an increase of $54,663,757 in total assets, which now aggregate $355,588,457, and to an Increase In deposits during the year of $56.-579,909. Mr. Dobson said in 'part: Current Loans Situation "The demand for loans In Canada was again disappointing, though there have been Indications during the last few months of Increased requirements for business purposes. While advances under the heading of Current Loans In Canada decreased $41,251,783 during the year, this docs not mean that the requirements of our ordinary borrowers were that much smaller. The reduction is fully accounted for by repayment of two special loans, namely, about $33,-000.000 due by the Wheat Board liquidated principally through the sale of surplus stocks of wheat held under Government control, and the repayment of approximately $10. 000,000 due bv the Canadlnn Par! flc Railway,' bete!: our nartlcina tlon jn the loan to that comdanv made by the chartered hink of Canada under Dominion Govern ment guarantee. " "I give this information to cor rect an impression which casual consideration of this item In our Balance Sheet might create, that is. that business Is still undergoing a process of liquidation. "In this connection It is interest lng to note that total commercial loans In Canada of all banks are only :50.46 of the amount out standing at the end of 1929. "Due to increased volume of business, I am pleased to report an improvement In profits of $201,-492. While not large, this Is an encouraging trend. Improvement in Business "A review of conditions in Canada and other countries In which the bank has branches, indicates a definite improvement in business in Canada and In practically all nf the foreign countries in which we are represented. Business Is un-doubtedly on the upgrade, and I look forward to 1937 with a greater feeling of confidence than has been justified for some years." TRAPPERS and DEALERS I have a large order for mink, marten and all varieties of fur We Guarantee TWENTY PERCENT MOKE than you can get anywhere else No. 1 Marten $oo Mink, Interior $23. Mink, coast $12 to $15 We are In the market for everything Ship jour goods now. We cannot tell how long; these prices will last. We wire you your money GOLD BLOOM THE OLD RELIABLE TARZAN IN NEW FILM Hair-Kaising Thrills in Drama Based on Edgar Rice Bur-rouglis Characters ''Tarzan Escapes," with Johnny Welssmuller as Tarzan and Maureen 0"Sulllvan as the heroine, is at the Capitol Theatre here this week-end. With hordes of jungle beasts, many thrills and a new romantic idea, the new Edgar Rice Bur roughs adventure yarn takes Tar- zan and his oeiovea jane imo me iand of the giant bats where many -iprils nre encountered. 1 Prominent In the supporting 1 last of "Tarzan Escapes" are Ben-ita Hume, recently seen as thej malevolent spy In "Suzy," William j Henry, Herbert Mundln and John I Buckler. Henry, promising young juvenile, plays the role of Jane's cousin who braves darkest Africa to find her and induce her to return to civilization Mundin adds considerable hilarity In another of his typical cockney characterizations; Buckler is seen as Major Fry, the explorer, as villainous a character as ever fought his way through an African swamp. Battles with African natives, an encounter with giant bats, Tar-zan's fight to release animals captured for menageries, the rescue of the white patty from the wild Ganelonl tribesmen, the mad elephant stampede which saves the scouting party, the escape of Tarzan from a cage in which he has been imprisoned, native tortures, a plunge over a cliff, a perilous adventure in a crocodile-Infested river are some of the thrill sequences in "Tarzan Escapes." Be wise Rear! tn want arts "Banquets a Specialty" R. BRASELL phone 71 The MAGIC VOICE It speaks for itself. The MAGIC BRAIN Radio nerve centre. More stations, less noise, better tone, easier tuning. The MAGIC EYE your radio better and finer. More sensitive than the human ear. Model 5T3 $C2.00 all to lumimi and SATlit)A, Last Complete Show, 9:q5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LJimiinsftircn a The grandest of ' jfcfgl Tarzan Pic i te& tures! Two year, f jtl brine you! i Vfii new love thrills. J3 scores of breath-' 9 iffimi taking ad- tyMh ventures! f jj Mjffl ill m msm-aw (At 7 36 & 9 :. ADDED Walt Disney Silly Symphony "THE COUNTRY COUSIN" NEWS and .MUSICAL ! IMHB I W iW I 1IMHH 1 GOOD FOR ONE FOUR OUNCE TIN OF RPAin'Q DOUBLE-ACTING BAKIMG POWDER with the purchase i of 1 lb. package Brald'iTca or Coffee TO GROCERS i:terJw'''- LBT5AID TUCK & company Inquire Regarding New Special Rates For Room and Board U THE KNOX HOTEL N, M. BKASILL First and Foremost For 1937 It. C. A. Victor Radio leads the world. It is Radio's Rcst-lo hear-to see to own mm Model 5K2 $!l.00 PLUS- Many Improved features that guarantee thrilling reception around the globe. Son sl Z r V,cmu"l'a" PLUS-lAnd WntahCtf cabm- louance. oW!a'nce (S Convenient i V' a'' ,ns,de ri ut- EVefy payment C. A, Victor model Is a musl 1 cal instrument. '