Uuary 22, 1937 finery cmj a delight a v m n mil TIP1 mm mm sot ALVAN1ZED HARDWARE i iils Washers Holts J Cans Coal Hods Har Iron J irlaj,re Cans Water Tails Kitchen Cans Wash Tubs in all sizes from 5()c to $2.50 Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. J MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE January Sale i. ...... ............ oi rto ;hii i.Mmicuiii. Miuiii i: v .ii ii .ti i . .n moil liiiioii'imi, s(iiure yarn 3C Special Prices on Clearance Lines LOS FURNITURE Introducing The Folding Metal Bridge Set 1 1 1 1 A ni i istn oa t I c n i i rt i.- 1 1 n ri riui w . I iiiiii and tan, green and black. Three-Piece Chesterfield Suite at very reasonable price Blankets Used Goods Kitchen Ranges and Heaters Battery Radio, 8-Tube Make deForest Crosley Singer Sewing Machine Portable Underwood Typewriter good as new We Buy Used Goods or Exchange D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE uuia iinrn irnm Kim in m m 'i-iinrv. h a.m. iti i w.i... Says Varicose Veins Can Be Reduced At Home Prove It At Small Cost If you or any relative or friend Is worried because of varicose veins, or bunches, as good advice for home treatment as any friend can give, before resorting to operations or injections, is to eet a prescription known as Moorie's Emerald Oil. Simply ask Ormes Ltd. or your druggist for an original bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil and apply night and morning to the swollen, enlarged veins. Soon you should notice that they are growing smaller and the treatment should be continued until the veins are no longer burdensome. So penetrating and powerful Is Emerald Oil that It also helps simple swellings due to strain to disappear. J. W. Kilpatrick will soil on the Princess Adelaide Saturday mornr Ins for a three weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver FOR SALE FOR SALE 44 ft. '3b hp. diesel boat Discovery, suitable for hall but trolling and seine fishing. Price $3,000.00. O. Fjelde, owner, c o Olson and Sunde Shipyards, Seattle, Washington, or Sunde and d'Evers Company, Seattle, Washington. (tf) FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-piecs Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-plece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-piece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms. 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today. JuUus Shore Mail Order House, 8th floor Beklns Building. Vancouver, (tf) FOR RENT TWo Roomed furnished cottage Available at once. Apply 241 5th Ave. West, or phone- Red 103. (20) WANTED WANTED For cash. United States stamps, old preferred. Loose or on cover r accumulations of any amount. P. Gamula, Box 623. (30) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies highest grade 15 for $1. Paclflf. Supply, 751 Granville. Vancouver. TRUTHFUL Clairvoyant readings. Write Madam Francis, 2531 Wpodland, Vancouver, B.C. Four questions answered. Send birth month. Donation. (tf) MEN Get vigor at once. New" Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and othe-stimulants. 'One dose peps up ot gans, glands. If not delighted "aker refunds few cents paid all or write. Ormes Limited i Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 31.5 SECOND AVE. T5DC bAHiY NiffWd FAQK THRET . -' ' 1 ! CI LOCAL NEWS Just arrived! A new shipment of hats. Annette's. tt Basketball Dance, Moose Hall, Friday njght. Adm. 25c. 18i James L. Lee, manager of the Atlin Fisheries, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a busi ness trip to Vancouver. . Owing to the absence: of witnes ses from, town, the coufnty Court case of Hans Christen vs; John Preece has been adjourned sine die. C. Newell arrived in ttie city on the Prince Rupert last night from the Big Missouri and is proceeding on this evening's train for a trip to Edmonton, Battleford and other prairie points. He will re turn via Vancouver. . a E. Avis, H. W Harris and H. D. Lord of the Anglo-Brltfch Columbia Packing Co., who have been on a visit to company saimon packing plants in this area, railed last night on the Prince Rupert on their return to Vancouver. Mr Avis and Mr. Harris are both well known Skeena River cannery, managers. I THE MVJLM COUGH DROP medicated with throat-soothing ingredients of Vicks VapoRub. W. T. Moodle, new general sup erintendent of the Canadian Na tional Railways for the British Columbia district, and other officials, In the course of a tour of district lines, disembarked from the steamer 'Prince Bupert last! night and are proceeding by this evening's train to Jasper enroute back to Vancouver. W. Hv.Tobey, divisional superintendent here, and M. A. Burbank, divisional engi neer, will accompany the pirty to Jasper. A luncheon was held today In honor of Mr. Moodlei Queen Mary Tea-Sale Enjoyable Successful Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon at Home of Mrs. William Brass An enjoyable and successful tea and sale of home cooking was beld yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Brass, 733 Sixth Avenue West, by Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Emprre. Mrs. Brass was convener and .the guests were received by the regent, Mrs. J. E. Boddie. Mrs. S V. Cox was in charge of the tea room. Mrs. J. C. McLennan, Mrs. A. T. Parkin and Mrs. D, C. Stuart poured and serviteurs were Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mrs. W. C. AsplnaJl and Miss E. M. Earl. Cashier was Mrs. F. W. Dafoe. The tea table was attractively decorated with ,rose and white carnations. Rose colored tapers were also used. The home cooking table was In charge of Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton and Mrs. M. M. Lamb. The raffle of $5 was conducted by Mrs. J. A. Teng, the winner being Shelford Darton. The musical program Included olano solos by Miss Maureen Klrk-jatrlck and Peter Brass. Announcements Presbyterian Burns' Concert, January 25. University extension lecturea January 27, 28 and 29. Presbyterian Church, S. O. N. Masquerade, January 29. Masonic Ball February 3, Cambral Valentino Dance Fcb ruary 5. United Missionary tea, Mrs. Jen ner's, February 11.' Legion Valentine Box Social, February 12. . High School play, Presbyterian Church, February 25 and 2Q, P8S I Hy' ' ;V "He't to IMly anit 'happy utul WF!m& v$rtiJl&"'f -CT good. St Charlet Milk hut heen H iSf - plw M JAXT A HEALTHY BABY OWfS Ills Tftntl H HE . v. t... , llrxffiiHj lt' so easy to di(t bik! it's irrndi- H HH'; 4lPtL oMNf W tYimHi lH by tKe finest mcthol .known to H B Iv1 'yB&JjH wience f(f arteittra siqiplyof Sunsliine H IBk fSttMl HHBK 'inM 's 'rps'1 Pure ontry I jB 4 J!P JH n""c from w'"' dairy farms." It is M B " jflHHHHl vaporatel just n few hours nfler .H HH 10k.- iSiVBHVfl milking time and llonlen safegunrds H iiBHHv '"' nHHHHH 'ts 1uil'ity -md purity by the strictest Hj HHHHJP' mk0jmtf wfllH standards in the dairy industry. M BB That's Vhy St. Charles Milk is bet tor H BHmR , SiWiWi 'or babies and Ix-tler for oiMiking and H HHJb liWiwJ table use. It's fresh, rich, natural Hj HHF H flavour gives extra giMlness to every H HHp HH dish prepared with it. H HT VsVJ Charles from your grocer H Br ' sv I today let your'faiuily enjoy this finer H Iw 1 ?A a milk. H . ,, . . ... n.aWBifnl -ii -Inn , i i ii i ..Mm nr. ir i iii t 5.5 T3ordet6 ST. CHARLES MILK THE BETTER IRRADIATED EVAPORATED MII.K JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Specials PHONE 951 Shoulder Lamb I per lb Shoulder MUtton, 6 lbs. C SL 10 lbs. Turnips Leg Mutton "i 18C Q per lb. Loin Mutton 4Cn .1;L per lb Pot Roast, 6 lbs. 7lP OKy 10 lbs. Turnips ' Sirloin Tip -t C0 A3L per lb Rump Roast Beef, 6 lbs. C"fl 10 lbs, Turnips . Sirloin Steak 35C Round Steak, 2 lbs. OVl, 5 lbs. Turnips Rib Steak, 2 lbs. JJs ftp' 5 lbs. Turnips. Shoulder Roast Pork -f On per lb Leg Pork 99, per lb Loin Pork 99 o! per lb Pork Neck Bones ' 2j Pork. Spare Ribs 25C Pork Hocks An XUl per lb T-Bone Roast, 6 lbs. 04 10 lbs. Turnips' V-- Swift Premium Chicken 7!pi i0s average 2V2 lbs FANCY WORK At Reasonable Prices PALMISTRY Suite 7, First Floor I I.DKUAL IILDO. Phone Orcen "01 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Plionc 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. K. I5I-ACK JUST TRY IT ONCE You'll Always Use It! Lin -A-Septic An absorbent antiseptic linament and analgesic. Safe, clean and pleasant to use. For Sprains, sore muscles, rheumatic and muscular J pains, bruises, abrasions, insect bites and sunburn. For athlete's foot As a rub-down for conditioning athletes, Guaranteed by Rexall. Two sikes 4 oz. .... 50c 16 oz. . . . $1.25 Ormes Ltd. Xm Pioneer Druqgists The Kexall Store Phones: 81 & 83 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. fill 9 p.m. i ATTENTION ENGINEERS THF. TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE offers correspondence training leading to all types of professional examinations for engineers. Some notable triumphs of T. I. trained graduates: First Place Inst. Civil Engineers, Assoc, members examinations. Baylis Prize Inst. Civil Engineers. Honorable Mention Inst. Mech. Engrs., Assoc. members exam. Five First Places Royal Aeronautical Society, associate members. Pass Percentage 98. Special attention advanced to Board of Trade (Ordinary and Motor) and P, M. O. Wireless Certificate Aspirants. Training towards Masters' Certificate (Nautical). c(o The Dally .News. If you lose anything, try a classified ad. it ii it : '! -t. t : l '! :t it i t t i; i i 'i a ' .tin ra ax at;; 1!? i. t: fit t :Ui u . : r rt? !l V-. ' i i '. y.t.- I n