IVINC IN 4 'A m, f " " T far NORit r:c On March .... i..(t Tollu IntrrestinFlv O Conditions In New mining Area Extreme Seasons ,...1.1 !.. Win) or IMpIlc.mt In 1 1 J v Summer Uescnues uounirj-in the mining .town of Gold- . . i t U r, ml n ( nrB It ct frnm leias win."' "v " few Inches beneath the musKeg I- tllVMU - - " - LbUb w - -itrtc itiH fAllnri and -all hnut seven hundred with several t ndirhborhood. That is the way . . l 1 l I I J.. v.. i.AolAMlnti .nt timnlflir Inn. mil Mr Batt ls an employee of the aicd m nc ana omaunK uom I'lLI.X Willi UUUUb 1UU ill CI i Ciii" ... 4 n Ir ah 0 n a n. n l iUn nw not very high grade. Mining s rne uwn 01 uoianeias is in I -1 A t .1.11 t vicinity. To get there most from Ed nnirm irnnwn irtniv no met urrav .inH. ihpn ju..hAit. risnim - i umiing those who took the alt Edmonton In about five The country around Ooldfleld flat or rolling with lakes and Y scrub spruce and some pine pees are found around the lake Jt thr timber ls resinous and, 1.' tue leans against a house built ol It. he ls liable to stick to the wall Pn the souih share of the lake Ihere are miles of white sand MUch glitters In the sun like pow as one flies over It. Tlie weather ls severe, the com pany's thermometer registering 55 Pelow on one occasion but other icllof of lower temoeratures. In Rummer It Is sunny and bright Jicre being no rain from Octobei Y April and not much In the fummcr Growth ls very rapid, sc that It Ls surprising to sec fapld he daily changes ha the foliage v round, Whites and Indians The people In that district art f ither whites, Indians or half reeds. While mining is the chief w:upaiion Just now, there are Diiany engaged In trapping and fishing. The Athabasca fox Ls Iiotcd as a high class fur. There Ls plenty of fish In Atha fntsca Lake. White fish and lake frout In quantities are shipped to f htoago. Also many of the fish fie taken out by airplane to Ed fionton and are sold readily. Some Ji wie .trout weigh as much as forty pounds althouch. he said Mic best he had caught" was ten to K'Vwve pounds. A weekly mall brought letters "'id parcels bv almlane. narccli Posting 50c a pound. It was a com- "ion tiling to see mall order cata logues by the sack, all having one- uoiiar stamps affixed to them; On man day everyone came to the got of people. Sometimes the planes wrought In does and oats and poultry, all paying 20c a pound for transportation. Mr. Batt said he met a number if Prince RuDext dcodIc one of hom had been bootlegging here pma was engaged In the same luc- uive occuuatlon thprp. One Doozo plane a week came in from . : VICTORIA Todays Weather tomorrows tides (8 A.M.) She High .10:20 a.m. 2i:o ft. rrince Rupert Raining, south-cast 23:33 p.m. 18.1 ft. wind, 4 miles per hour; barometer, LOW . 3:56 a.m. 9.5 ft. 3.0.22; sea moderate. 17:15 p.m. ,3.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVI., No; 18. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1937 fRlCE: J CENTS n, V3 imonton every week and the 11- 'It I A 15 tQTORIA, Jan. 22: vCP) Halibut fishing on the North Pacific banks will open at mid night March 15, George J. Alexander, chairman of the International Fisheries Commission, announced yesterday. The catch quotas will be unchanged from those which were set last year. TODAY'S STOCKS Courlecy 3. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver D. C. Nickel, .28. Big Missouri, .62. Bralorne, 8.80. B. R. Cons., .0554. B. R. X., .09. , 1 Cariboo Quartz, 1.G1. Dentonla, .14. A Dunwell, .03. Golconda, .14. Mlnto, .20. Meridian, .03'4. Morning Star, .03. Noble Five. .10Vi. Pend Oreille, 3.60. Pioneer, 6.40. Porter Idaho, .10. Premier, 455. Reeves McDonald, .90. Reno, 1.18. Relief Arlington. Rewardt .08. Taylor Bridge. .08. .8almon-.Gold,-s09!-i.rf' United Empire, .0114. Wayside, .05. Hedley Amalgamated, .44. Premier Border, .03. Sllbak-Premler, 3.15. Congress, ,11. Toronto Beattle, 1.45. Central Patricia, 4.36. God's Lake, .93. Inter. Nickel, 65.15. Lee Gold, .06V2. Little Long Lac. 8.05. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.95. Pickle Crow, 8.60. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.28. San Antonio, 2.25. Sherrltt Gordon, 3.15. Slscoe, 6.40. . , . Smelter Gold, .08. Ventures, 2.95. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.05. Oklend, .68. Mosher, .46. Gllbcc. .06. Madsen Red Lake, 1.45. May Spiers, .31. Sullivan, 2.15. Stadacona, 1.27. Frontier Red Lake, .19. Francoeur, 1.28. Manitoba & Eastern, .10. Perron, 2.42. New Augarlta, .42. Moneta Porcupine, 1.66. Sladen Malartlc, 2.08. Bouscadlllac, .70. Rubec, .O8V2. Thompson Cadillac, 1.72. Bailor, .072. Algold, .57. Port Simpson To Get New School Tenders to be Called for Erection Of New Structure at Village By End of March . i -.f Tnrllmn Af- . n at Port Simpson. Tenders are w be called and construction is mj be completed by the end or Marcu. quor sold at ten dollars a bottle regardless of quauiy. Mr. Batt came out because nc was 111 and had been In hospital He plans to return In the near future. BIG JOB IS AWARDED Dominion Bridge Co. Gets Contract on Liens Gate Span MONTREAL, Jan. 22: (CD-Contract for the erection of the steel superstructure of the $6,-000,000 Lions' Gate bridge across the entrance of Vancouver's Harbor at the First Narrows has been awarded to the Dominion Bridge Co. and the Hamilton Bridge Co., A. J. T. Taylor, president and engineer-ln-chlef of the First Narrows Bridge Co. of Vancouver announced here Thursday. The superstructure will require ten thousand tons of steel which, with labor, will cost about $2,-400,000. MURDER-SUICIDE This is Verdict of Coroner's Jury Investigating Tragedy In Peace Hlver FORT ST. JOHN, Jan. 22: (CP) murder-sulclde verdict has been returned by the coroner's Jury, inquiring Into the razor wound deaths of Stephen A. Delorle; his wife, Mrs. Norah Delorle, aged 30, and their two children, Stephen Eugene, aged six, and Stella Fay. two, In their homestead at Taylor near here. The slashed bodies of Mrs. Delorle and the children were discovered In the homestead Monday Delorle died several hours latei from what the Jury said vere self- Infllcted wounds. MEASLES EPIDEMIC Malady Sweeping Ranks of Indian School Children Throughout Province VANCOUVER, Jan. 22: (CP) -One death and hundreds of ill n esses have been recorded In an outbreak of measles among Indian school children throughout the province, officials of the Dominion Department of Indian Af fairs state. Moses Joe, young son of Captalr Joe of the Seihelt band, succumb ed Tuesday night. The medical staff of St. Gcorge'f Indian residential school at Lyt-ton, where the latest outbreak occurred; has been augmented, officials state. Anniversary Of Lodge Founder Observed Here Thc 118th. anniversary of the by trcaty and jolnt administrative ! birth of Thomas Wlldey, founder of acti0n," said Prime Minister W. L the Independent Order of Oddfel- Mackenzie King In Parliament lows In America, was observed byj-xhe matter has been under dls-the local lodge Tuesday night. A;CUssion with other governments supper was enjoyed after which a musical program was presented in- jand the governments are now con eluding violin solo by Bobby Hale, slderlng what further represcnta-accompanied by Miss Nellie Law-tlons and action are open to rence, cornet solo by Allan Hale,, them," the Prims Minister said vocal solo by Miss Betty vWoods.'ln speaking of threatened Invasion accompanied by Miss Ruth Nelson, Iby foreigners. and reading by Mrs. D. V. Smith. The feature of the proceedings was an address by Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe, pastor of First Baptist Church, on the subject of Oddfellowshlp and Its founder. G. B. Church, noble grand, was In the chair. Another diverting feature was the production of a mock newspaper featuring members of the order. f There was a good attendance. HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Seattle 0, Portland 1. Pictured With Duke When Prince George, Duke of Kent, youngest brqther of King George VI, and favorite brother of the Duke of Windsor, visited a phrenologist in London to have his bumps read, he, was accompanied by beautiful Mrs. William Allen (above), the former Paula Gelllbrand, who was once a mannequin. The duke posed for photographs with Mrs. Allen. Late Telegraphs' QUADRUPLE BIRTH MONTREAL Death broke up the Rondeau quadruplets today, taking in swift succession three of Inc four cliilureit 00m yesterday in the Quebec village of at. 'lhoinas. Ucata of tluce of Mrs. Arcade Rondeau's children eft little Marie Rita, second oldest,- as the only survivor of the day. and a half oldquartet and, v Tierffe hung In theh"alance as doctors tended her in a big hospital incubator. Two boys and one sister all died. POPE IS PROSTRATED VATICAN CITY Pope Pius XI suffered two periods of prostra- ig tion late today as a result, pre lates said, of strain imposed on his heart by terrific pain in his swollen legs. His spirits improved later despite the intermittent pain, the Pope expressed a desire to get out into the brilliant Roman sunshine. INVADING FISHERIES Importance of Maintaining British Columbia Industries Admitted By Premier OTTAWA. Jan. 22: (CP) "The j government attaches the highest j Importance to the conservation of these great Pacific fisheries and to the maintenance of protective measures for the halibut flshjrles which have been gradually developed through many years of co-oneratlon with the United Sta'C 'concerned for considerable time Mother of Local Lady Passes In Q'icL-nff'lioiAran!01'053 and Brenda Allen. The uaorvct H11C W all , members of the Christian Youth j Society were welcomed on behalf Mrs. Walter Thompson of this of the A. V. P. A. by R. Yerburgh, city has received the sad news, Wilfred Hicks responding. There that her mother, Mrs. A. J. Leon-: was a hymn and prayer at the ard, of Klsby, Saskatchewan, re- opening. cently passed away. She was 88 1 years of age and formerly lived 1 NEW YORKi (CP)-Bar silver In Prince Rupert. Mrs. Thompson will have the sympathy of her many friends, TWELVE DIE IN FLOODS ': This is Toll so Far of High Water In Ohio Valley Many Homeless CINCINNATI, Jan. 22: (CP) The death list as a result of the unprecedented floods of the Ohio, Arkansas and other rivers during the past few days now stands at at least twelve with damage of many millions of dollars and 120, 000 at least temporarily homeless, having moved to higher ground for safety. The water here reached a record crest of 61 feet and further discomfort has been caused by an epidemic of Influenza. Thirty-five thousand arc homeless here alone and property damage is estimated at millions. The seven states most severely affected are Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, West Virginia, Kentucky and Arkansas. Three other states are less seriously affected. Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Marietta and Evansville are I among the most hard-hit cities. Tl.. f 1 1 I n ..I .. .1.11. nnA AHC 1.UUU3, .C..1IS UCW. I destruction in their muddy wake. ( were caused by exceptions 1 y heavy rains. Weather is now mild and cloudy. The flood crest has moved downstream from here. ! With hunger stalking the flood wastes and fear of disease in- creasing, relief stations have been established, the federal government making a vote of $100,000 for the purpose. BOSTON IS MOVING UP nr..tri Mrnn t.aa Nlrht To Take Second Place With Rangers Boston 2, Maroons 1. Toronto 3, New York Americans New York Rangers 0, Chicago 2. MONTREAL, Jan. 22: (CP) Boston Bruins defeated Montreal Maroons here last night by a score of 2 to 1 to move Into second place In the American section of the National Hockey League tied wlh New York Rangers who were shut out 2 to 0 by, the Black Hawks at Chicago. In the third scheduled game last night New York Americans won over Toronto Maple Leafs 6 to 3 at New York. Prince Rupert Is Better For Youth Than Vancouver Prince Rupert offers greater advantages for young people than Vancouver. This was established in a dobate Wednesday night at a meeting of the Anglican Young People's Association by a team msVstlng of Bob Irvine and Miss Winnie Cameron representing the Christian Youth Sosiety. The he'g. Hive side of the argument was taken by Peter Allen and Mls3 Ruth Nelson of the A. Y. P. A Mtss Nelson took -the place of Miss Jean McLean who was 111. The Judges were Richmond Mortimer and Miss Y. Love, who. after a long consultation, decided for the I Price. affirmative. Both sides were wellj Recording Secretary, Mrr. Alice prepared -and sorrie interesting ar-, Henry. guments were developed for a large Charles Dudoward Is honorary and interested audience. .vice - president of the Young Refreshments were served follow-: Jn!? the debate bv Misses Joan was unchanged at 4434c per ounce on the New York metal market -today. : ! Disbursements For Relief Less I Relief disbursements from the City Hall for December 1936 totalled $3958.43, a sub- stantlal decrease from $5025.62 In December 1935, It was stated by City Commissioner W. J. Alder today. There were 28 Jess families 6n relief during the past December than there were In the same month of the year previous. There were 17 less single men on relief. LECTIONS AT SIMPSON .Various Organizations Name Their .Officers for Year' 1937 Including Celebraton Committee And Concert Band PORT SIMPSON, Jan. 22 : Varl-T'S Port Simpson societies and or- ,, W o1o.tl 1037 ,0lcrs rec" ntly among them b2lns the Port Simpson Athletic club yQun? People.s Educations, l.SoaJety( jvy Gulldi Port Simpson c-cJjration Committee. Ladies' MA of young People's Educa- Uonal Society and port Simpson "concert Band. The officers of the 1937 celebra- 'tion committee are as follows: Chairman, Charles Dudqward. Deputy Chairman, Joshua Mc Kay. Treasurer, Sam Hughes. Financial Secretary, Alfred West ,ley. Recording Secretary, Cecil Ross Announcer. Paul Price.' ' " .BUrterwames Lawson. James Henry Charles M. Ryan and James McKay. Judges Tom Gosnell, Moses J Wesley and John S. Morrison. Clerks of Course Joseph San-key,, Peter M, Ryan and Herbert Green.. Concert Band The officers of the Port Simpson Concert Band for the year are: Honorary President, . Philip Green. . President, Mark Green. Vice-President,. James Henry. Secretary-Treasurer, Peter M. Wells. Recording Secretary, Paul Price. Conductor, James Henry. First Leader, George Sankey. Second Leader, William Alcxcee. Y. P. E. A. Ladies' Aid The Ladles' Aid of the Young People's Educational Society has elected the following officers: Honorary President, Mrs. J. Wat son. President, Mrs. Joshua Morrison. First Vice-President, Tom Gos nell. Second Vice-President, Miss Violet Ryan. Treasurer, Mrs. Gebrge Sankey. Oenaral Secretary, Herbert Bryant, Ivy Guild The newly elected officers of the iVy Guild are as follows: Honorary President, Mrs. Moses Johnson. President, Mrs. Casper Webster. First Vice-President, Mrs. John C. Talt. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Hen- ry Oray. Treasurer. Mrs. Peter M. Wells Financial Secretary, Mrs. Paul People's Educational Association Howard Spencer Ls fourth vice- could not be success. ' ' president of the Port Simpson a question period follqwed. In Athletic Club. answer to one question; the chair- Enjoyable Social 'man said that the Communist A very enjoyable social evening Party had refused' to participate was held in connection with the; In any capitalistic government, meeting of the Port Simpson Ath-That was why It had not Joined letlc Club at which officers were with Blum's weak compromise ad-elected, the ladles of the ivy ministration In France. The corn-Guild springing a surprise party jmuntst party was 250,000 strong In on the men. The ladies all dressed France wtUh 100,000, members In In hoe-down clothes and some of the costumes were very amusing. COMMUNISM IN FLOWER rarty Opens Hall Here and Observes Anniversary of Death Of Nikolai Lenin Thirteen Years Ago The Communist Party of Canada's local branch, which has. been more or less quietly active for some time, came Into full flower last night with -a public meeting which marked the opening of the party's new hall on Fulton Street as well as observance of a memorial on the occasion of the thirteenth anniversary of the. death of Nikolai Lenin, founder of the Soviet movement. There were about one hundred persons present' and the meeting was presided over by August Wallin. The speakers were Gerald Murphy, who expounded with considerable ardor on the theories of Leninism, and R. R Webster, who spoke more particularly on local application and suggested thai Canada would be much happier if it were CQmmunlstlcally rather than capltalistlcally governed. August Wallin explained that the Communist party had been in being in Canada for fifteen years but only now was it assuming the form of a mass movement. It had 15,000 members In Canada with 2,000. in British Columbia. It was Just as legal as any other party and welcomed to membership workers, intellectuals and small business people. Gerald Murphy referred to the birth of Lenln on April 22, 1870. He then entered upon a discussion of Marxian philosophy and how It had been developed by Lenln who, after many vicissitudes, had been Instrumental In liberating Russia's 170,000,000 .1 rom jtth, -.tyrannical Saiisi" regime. The aim of Lenin-sin was1 the betterment of the luman race and the promotion of eace. Since Lenin's death his cachings had spread lnternatlon-illy and were now recognized as he barLs of the workingman's future welfare. Mr. Murphy described xn Trotsky as an anti-Leninist, enegade and cbunter-revoiutlon-.lry whose endeavor was to divide the workers and establish Fascism In the interests of the capitalistic class. Unity of all workers tehlnd' the banner of Leninism was essential If the workers were to resist the onslaught of an Imperialistic war. There should be mass organization along national and International, racial and Inter-racial lines. Speaking of Spain, Mr. Murphy declared that non-'nterventlon efforts were merely meant to help the Fascist cause A similar situation might arise In Canada. Workers should organize so as to be able to compel the governments to legislate in their Interests and give them work and decent wages such as the potential wealth of the country was capable of affording them. Instead of pres ent conditions which were devitalizing them both mentally and physically. To follow Lenln was the way out. R. R. Webster R. R. Webster declared that the workers In Russia knew freedom such as did those In no other part of the world. They were guaran teed work and decent wages, the right to rest and labor. Russia had set an example for Canada The Communist Party was leading the Canadian worklngman to free- '0m. It was necessary for the workers to be united if they were to head off Fascism and war. Ef- fcrts should be bent to obtaining control of government. , There should be consolidation with the c. C. F. Instead of working at cross-purposes. Without this, there Oermany. Tho difference between (Continued on . Page Two)