ee ee et te er Be { { { | { } { WEDDING BELLS AT SEAL COVE Rev. Mr. James solemnized the wedding last night of Miss Alice Gamble and James Gibson of the Fire Depart- ment at the Seal Cove din- ing hall, which was prettily decorated for the oecasion by Mr. and Mrs. Jo-es. The bride was given away by her father, and was attended by her sister Miss E, Gamble. Len Dewhurst was grooms- man. A large number of guests were present, and the bet a Me ange gk wedding was followed by a m4 dance which lasted until the | Mack Realty & Insurance | COMPANY. small hours. : me ree Re ee ee Ee Phone 150 The Insurance People Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Persona! Bonds We have just arranged with one of our clients to place forty-two lots on the market under exceptional advantages to the purchasers. The lots are some of the best in Sections 7 and 8. The prices are as low as any on the market, and the terms so easy—monthly—that any- one can buy. Along with this exceptional offer, cach lot admits the purchaser to a drawing for a FREE TRIP ROUND’ THE ;m. WORLD. If you hold the lucky p.m. These meetings are in ticket the trip is yours; or you . , 55 . " Os. : eee en can surrender it for a cash con- Bargains in Ladies’ Suits (charge of Sister Hay, assist- sideration. The chances are good—| ‘‘Northway’s Meee ee cra tee by the visiting preacher, one in forty-two. Come in and|shipment just to hand. Must be sold, | ¢, t NTO : ye investigate. $25 suits for $17.65, $32 suits for $21, | Roving Jerry” and soldiers Handsome | Pa gifts were bestowed on the’ bride and_ bridegroom, in-| Hock resent % praia ree The Army meetings will be Department. The young | held as usual at the citadel couple will reside on Third | tonight at 8 o'clock and _to- Houses and Rentals. Salvation Army residency. Applications will be received | up to November 25th, 1911, by | : the Board of Directors of the | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlott Prince Rupert General Hospital | Islands COAL NOTICE “The News” Classified Ads. One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== -THEY WILL Ave., near the Government morrow at 11 a. m, and 8. p. | Sunday School at 1.30) THE DAILY NEWS — — ——$——_- idee errr ee EE EE ere re ela _ te ee ee ee — oll ee lie Otis tg 0s ns os OST ONeP bbbbbkbbb be pes Ae ets es Canadian : Oilcloths Fe ee EXTRA GOOD VALUES ee SPAY ‘AREFUL LOOKING OVER— : : REPAY A CARI ’ 2 grades in a variety of patterns to by 35c and 45c_ These goods are after the style of Eng! good substitute for linolk + Do Oho a> oe o> fio a ao fi af fe af af af fe fe ie ae ae oe ae ae EE TE es re | ere oe ee ee tie ett For Rent eS a | For Rent—Comfortable modern house 2 I ifth | Ave., near Hospital, Phone Blue 0-278 | For Rent—Nice clean, warm Rates 35c and up. King G« 432 SECELELEELELEEELEE EEE EES mf able rooms, e Hotel tf Buckley Block— | SPECIALS For Rent—Furnished Roor . Crockery and Glassware for th« $2.50 week up. H e to McBride, For Rent—Two roomed cabir $10 per month. | freshly papered and clear H Ff. McRae & Co. t-f | ae -F.W. HART 2nd Ave. and 6th St. Phone 62 eet —_—_—. i Insurance | ee - | OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just | settlements. We write every known class of | Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. hc sme ermermsrmnsrermmsrmermmermmed | ! vane | Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 | ae el ee ral @ eu “isoegmmm & wrn SE LINDSAY'S “Srorace™ | maid kept. Mrs. L, W. Patmore t-f | Wanted — Girl for general housework. | Mrs, Laney, 1208 2nd Ave. 2 } 7 Wanted. Dressmaking, cleaning and press- ing, repairing for men and women Mrs Charles Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone 2#4 Red. tf Do away with this. Patromize a white | ! t laundry. White labor only at | i seeseeasesesy a Na eae eaebary | Wanted at Once--Chambermaid at the Cent Hotel, opne. eee | Maternity nurse open for engagement. 1 Apr Box 2159 News. t seccoe eo G. T. P. Transfer Agents Prices reasonable, Apply | 287 265-2! We have clients for property on Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Aves., close in. Submit your listings Orders promptly filled. OFFICE~—H. B, Rochester. Centre St. Phone 68. ee I Lost and Found tet mts _! Shoes. SSS SS MADE ee, REPAIRED | RIE =e pe. = rE ees + and so on, One third off. Wallace’s. 2t/of the local corps. H. F. McRAE AND COMPANY ing to take a full course training in nursing. Association from women wish- | Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince | Rupert, saddler, intends to apply to the Chief of | Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence | to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum on and 12t | under the following described lands on the West amen 0. | | | Found—Ladies’ opal set brooch. Owner description to E.J.M., Daily News. FOUND-—2 Small ec /- sme at News Office. | 225-t JOHN CUR 2. oye SECOND AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT peers ersr arses rere Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4469 thence south 80 chains, thence 80 chains west, thence 5 chains north, thence 80 chains east to point of commencement, AUSTIN M. Located August Ist, 1911. Pub, Aug. 19. CAMOSUN LATE : IN LEAVING McCaffery & Gibbons Real Estate Offerings: BROWN, Locator Skeena Land District—District of Quee n Charlott Take netice that thirty days Bainter of Prince Rupert, bookkeeper, intend to apply t missioner of Lands for a li nd petroleum on and . rT 640 acres « Graham Isalnd de as follows A trip to Goose Bay is sched- uled for the Camosun this week- Lot on Park Ave., $1675; one-third cash | Corner Lot in section 1, with income of end as well as her usual trip. | ~g95 per month; $2625. The ‘‘Old Reliable’ is however, | Lot 17, block 24, section 1, i two miles nort . 18, marked N. W with im- & € Real Estate : FH | we ewturvrerung Notice to Ratepayers Lot for Sale in Section 5, Block 22, Lot 15, 7th Ave. Apply Mike Ruzich, Box 582 City tf Continental Trust Co, Second Avenue Hay’s Creek Sewer By-law The following is a resolution of the | Council passed re the above Sewer By- eee tere eerie J Stenographer j Fee ee eee rel Will buy lots in Prince Rupert at bargain prices for cash. Apply P.O. Box 860 stating location price, ete. 231-tf Prince Rupert PRO, OPRCPAePae rae PRO PRe Pee aera PR PRO PY Te eee teases ES esse eS eS SES oe ‘*That in carrying out the pro- visions of the Hay’s Creek Sewer By-law, the city engin- eer be instructed to construct a twelve hours late. She left Van- couver exactly that number of} hours behind schedule according to a wire received by J. H. Rog- ers this morning. Princess May South The C.P.R. s.s. Princess May left for the south this morning carrying mail and a number of passengers. She Rupert. is discharging coal. Get the ‘‘Walk Over’’ shoe at Scott, Froud & Co., and be com- fortable and fashionable. Social on Tuesday Cookie Social and Musical En- tertainment will be held in the McIntyre Hall on Tuesday even- ing the 28th, given under the auspices of the Young Ladies Class of the Baptist Sunday School. An enjoyable eyening will be spent by all those who attend. Tickets, 25c. 270-2 | Li brought a small shipment of | ice from the north for Prince | The Princess Ena} ,° provements, $8500. Lot 4, block 6, section 5, $1500. Lot 9, block 17, section 5, $1800; terms of half cash, balance in 6, 12 and 18 months. 4ots 15 and $2100 pair. Lots 15 and 16, block 4 $1260 each; easy terms. Double corner on Ninth Ave., pair. Easy terms. Lot 7, block 20, section 6, cash, balance one year. Lot 3 and 4, block 27, section 6, pair; half cash. »ts 11 and 12, block 23, section 6, $2170 pair. Lot in block 27 close to McBride street for $900; easy terms. block 2, section 7, with house, $1750; terms of $750 cash, balance $50 per month. Lots 14 and 15, $1200 pair. Lots 21 and 22, block 43, section 7, for $315 each. Lots 8 and 4, block 22, section 7, each; any reasonable terms. Lots 40 and block 6, $1100 pair. Lots 11 and 12, block section 8, $800 pair; half cash, bal. 1, 2, 3 years. Lots 8 and 9, block 20, section 8, $750 pr., half cash, balance 1, 2, 3 years. Lots in all parts of section 8 with small cash payments and easy terms on the balance. SECTION TWO 16, block 9, section 5, section 5, $1350 $1800; half $2800 for block 12, 41, section 7, 99 oe, We have made a personal inspection | of section two, have a full report on all lots with regard to view, grade, etc., and will be pleased to buy for any in- tending purchasers, section 7, | 0+ $550 I Eastern stenographer of wide experience position Address ‘‘Stenographer, 5 dova St., Vancouver, Y 3. Coal Lease No. 24, thence soutt 18s, thence east 80 chains, thence north thence west 80 chains to place of com temporary outlet before the sewer is used.’’ ht ttt me ere ERNEST A. Woops, City Clerk. | For Sale pt eee ers ere rmarnmer meer ut. Dated Sept. 12,1911. OC. E. BAINTER, Locator Pub. Sept. 23. ‘ Skeena Land District — District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. F B. C., by occupation to the Chief Com Bainter of Prince Ruper bookkeeper, intend to af missioner of Lands for a nee to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted two miles notrh of stake marked C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 4, marked N. E. corner C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 5, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of commencement. Dated Sept. 11, 1911. | Pub, Sept, 23. For Sale—Wardrobe trank in first clase Apply Room 25, 533 8th Ave. West. q Advertise in For Sale — Complete cabin furnishings, inc ing cook stove, tables, chairs, tableware, cc ing utensils, beds, with coal and provisions C. Durant, Hays Bidg 264-270 C. E, BAINTER, Locator The Daily News “FROM HOME TO HOME | HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date H Excellent Cafe. Moderat 1142 Pender Street West Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500 g g ADAP ALAS LS ADS \ Skeena Land District—District of Queen Chralotte ‘Take notice that thirty days from date, I. ( Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation | bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com missiofier of Lands for a licence to prospect for | {coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of | Cor. Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars | land on Graham Island described as follows: | | _Commencing at a post planted twc | RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT) C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 3, marked ¢ j | N. W. corner Coal Lease No. 6, the th j chains, thence east 80 chains, the north 80 | nortl ainter n chains, thence west 80 chdins to place of com ent. ppt. 11,1911. C. E. BAINTER Locator - 23 - The Jamas Nicely furnished rooms, Good table board Board $4.75 Room and Board $7.00 QUALITY HIGH PRICES LOW s Cor. 8rd Av Skeena Land District— District of Queen Charlott. and &th St Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. E Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupatior bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Cor missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: | Commencing at_a post planted two miles pot C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 3, stake S. W. Coal Lease No. 7, thence north 80 chains, east 80 chains, then south 80 chains, west 80 chains to pla Dated Sept.11,1911, C, Pub. Sept. 23 7 wis nortk — corner thence thence of commencement. E, BAINTER, Locator GRADES IN SECTION 2 Savoy Hotel POOOOOOOOGHNEEE: SATURD ISPECIA seseeseeseenseneeneeneemensts Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charl: Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupatior bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of te ; : : ; tte Before the auction of lots in section 2, | intending purchasers should carefully | Study the Lot Grades AT THE land on Graham Island deseribed as follows: Commencing at a post planted two miies north of C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 4, marked 8. E. corner 1Qqr 1OR —INSURANCE— C. E. B. Coai Lease No. 8, thence north 80 ebains, thence west 80 chains, t e south 80 chains McCaffery & Gibbons : ae ane thence east 80 chains to pl f 2 , BAINTER, Locator THIRD AVENUE | Pub, Sept. 23 Jated Sept. 11,1911. C. E, [ oF im Ao 7 DAIL w | ME PIORAR DUM e e OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK Dainty pumps of all kinds, velvet, satin, etc., at Scott, Froud & Co. i Loaned Wa Lansed Money Per Cent. to Build This House Per Cent. to Build This House ene . Let us loan you (he money to buy ur build a house or pay off a mortgage. CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. McIntyre Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Head Office: Pacific Building, Vancouver, B. C. You can only do this satisfactorily by | obtaining a copy of the large map (3 ft 6 in. by 2 ft.) complied from official re- cords by J. H. Pillsbury, C.E. This gives full details of contours, topo graphical features; street grades and lot elevations. PRICE—TWO DOLLARS For Sale at the Office of C. B. SCHREIBER & CO. Prince Rupert 613 Third Ave. P. O, Box 916 Phone 85 cme Clothing House PROEROSROPROPRO PRO PROPROPES, shacudebdebgshdsbuebdshadsed su ED, $1.00 gar. 1.25 Stanfield’s Red Label Underwear Stanfield’s Blue Penman’s Wool Unshrinkable Underwear «7° Intending Purchasers of Section 2 Lots Nov, 29th is the date set for the selling by auction of Lots in Section 2. If you wish to get a lot send us your instrue- tions to buy, together with the cash for the amount you care to put in, TERMS OF SALE—One quarter cash and balance in 1, 2 and 3 years at 6 per cent. 66 PALOPROPROPROPROS: Cee e Sess oeaebwenseesendsbdshdebsende’ Cluett Peabody American shirts, regular price $2.00, now 1.25 ee PLO PROCPRC SRO PROSROPROSRC SRE, p OO COC COO COS CLC Coo CCOOCe Saturday, November 25th, nl ee Acme Clothing House Sole Agents for Slater Shoes G.R. NADEN COMPANY Limited, Prince Rupert, B.C, Second Ave., Chimney Sweeping and Furnace Cleaning Prepare for winter by getting your fnr- | naces and flues put in order by C. H. CUTTING Practical Chimney Sweep Address: Knox Hotel, or | PHONE 71 Second Avenue HESEESEEDEESEEDEEDEDSED SERED ESSER ED ERED ERIS: CTH: TRY THE ‘‘NEWS’’ WANT AD. | WAY OF FINDING