PADE TWO If li Tea for every Taste n A m a mm ma T E A SMART Footwe ar New Arrivals in Wonderfully Attractive Styles, Leathers and Colorings For Every Occasion. Popularly Priced Family shoe store ltB. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA . PubUihtd Every Afternoon, axept Sunday, by, Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avnue H. F PTJLLEM . SUBSCRIPTION KATES M?eUT,eryb7 CaiIler' ,early noa to Paw la advance, per week Paid In advance, per month I to?J!S1,ParU BTitlsh Columbla7ie'Br,tl''Er United SUUs. yearly period, paid In advance By mail to all other countries, per year ZZ IZT ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion Z"ZT" " Advertising and Circulation Telephone 38 DAILY EUiTiO.N CURIOUS C A kc.v. .12 .50 3.00 1 9.00 1 .02 .25 Friday, October 1, 1937. BOWLING G. Tavlor . - H. Menzies J. -lack J. Saunders V. Houston i GYRO iJ. Dulger F. Dibb . E. Morris Dr, Large , D. Carter . ,.14C ..132 . .153 .113 .141 C85 C. X. Xo. 11 M. Irvine ..178 J. Paul 1G2 J. West 180 G. Franklvn .110 J. Rutler 148 778 X. STAR 1 F. Comadina 161 J. Armstrong 132 T. McMeekin 159 J. McLeod ...187 Low Score ..111 750 1 ..142 ..112 ..166 .123 ..111 183 202 1G6 123 147 826 2 125 157 162 96 173 713 2 143 128 124 133 80 608 2 118 180 143 205 80 National Learne New York 93 Chicago 91 Pittsburgh 82 St. Louis 79 Boston 77 Brooklyn 61 Philadelphia 61 156 145 138 129 168 dictators. They dare at S thing el not do any- m 457 365 45? 734 2245 3 120 144 113 99 159 T. 423 463 450 305 480 635 2126 3 139 156 101 135 131 T. 443 416 384 453 cratiffollf twmany f UuIy again return t0 the demo- Al J n C Old. Jtoilte in forei y each Country Soccer Once the Spanish trouble is settled it will be easier for he nations to get together unless some other SXtidn cailv1ustItaU1SvSla 1 Sraid t0 be Part but o ot 1 cal y just as Italy and Germany and Russia are not of- diffl SfSl PartJn the ;var in SPain' Jurt now it Is ditficult to know when a nation is at war. HUMAN LIFE importance mlf f" co"ditions hu"an life seems of little JyinX' Mmy in a (lifferent ers Jp! in J 1 earller ages the aves or common work- erty-loss. There is a much BreMt7edtaBP0Z than ever was the case in the past. Let a neSnn f lly proraihence be iost or abducted orchard .wtth crime and the whole world becomes interested. It is the interest of. a human beine- for another of its . t, -;w mu. null, is wnv the: world views t with ,., , horror the slaughter of non-combatants m.China. . WEDNESDAY 56 60 63 71 73 89 90 93 52 65 68 71 70 78 Scottish Leaeue, First division Queen of South 2, Dundee 2. 322 THE DAILY NEWS 18 Prtrta' Or ben 1 If , I - -n " ) FINISHING SCHEDULES Rupert Motors and fijro Club Win World Series Starting: Wednesday In Commercial League Openers Thursday Night Will be Next Bis Event Sporting First bowling competition of NEW YORK; Oct 1: CPt With the. season to get under way i .t the pennant.races decided, the final .Prince Rupert, initial games games of- the Big League schedules were played la.t night in the are now,being run off prior to the Commercial Bowling League with commencement of the Werld Series Rupert Motors beating Canadian next Wednesday at New York be-National No. 1 and Gyro Club tween the New York Yankees and jlf BLACKHEADS 662 2020 3 T. 147 144 181 161 131 407 436 4?0 489 323 654 726 764 2144 Baseball Standing s - .624 .603 .547 327 313 .658 .570 .536 .530 .480 .359 .313 Blackheada trn m.UVt. v.- - i , .. . fht? ilXJV trom. "Mr dmrri. rub hf.Itr' rt e,oth over th bUckhesd -and joa will wonder where tbtr I defeating North Star. New York . Giants. Yesterday the! Three players tied for high '.r- Giants split a double-header with dividual average for the night the. Phillies at Philadelphia, their Dr. R. ft. Larue and Ellis Morris virtnrv in ih nivnpr havinir ifiven of Gyro Club and Gibb Taylor of them.a c inch on the National Lea-1 nupert .Motors each ot whom gUe pennants- At the Yankee Stad nad !(.. Dr. Large rolled the him. the Yankees drop dropped nignest single game with 20o ends of . a double-header to the with Ham Menzie of Rupert Sir- phlladelnhia AthiPtir The Cleve- tors a close second with 202. land Tnrtlanc tri tw o me frm Detail .. -r ; I DIM FOR SALE FOR SALE A few large bundles of oia newspapers. 2 for 25c. SEWING 47 UTILITY SEWING CLASSES-Im7 Z Thomassn Wallace Blcck. Phone " Blue 637. (t.f.) WANTED TO TRADE 550 WOULD Exchqnge Calgary reve nue oeannjf- nouses tor fren-eral or 'hardware business or will manage business Avith privilege of buying. Apply Ro. 06, Spiritwood, Saskatchewan tf. WANTED WANTED To purchase a used organ, also a used piano. McRae Bra?.. Ltd (229) Pnr GfU,fNTS BCST PROCURABLE" The Original Liquor nLSar? a.fc v,e"d or direct from "Mail Order Dent " Control Board, 847 Beatty Street. Vancouver B C. ERfl PROCURflBLE, SCOTCH WHISKY MV-l W& MONUMENT TERRIERS WINNER'S Orillia .ta .Come West to Compete For Dominion Senior Lacrosse Championship MONTREAL, Oct. 1: (CP)f . Orilliu Thrariers Utolc th Eastern! iJCanada senior lacrosses-title l.istf' night by defeating. .Montreal ;ua nadiens 27 straight out -of three- game series. ABOLITION OF RELIEF (Continued from Page One) must be-encouraged, if. the. nation is to prosper. The speaker analyzed the relief situation, showing that there were people who were unfortunate and wanted to work but. in snite of their efforts, could, not find any. There were others who would work, but rather reluctantly, if it was offered them, nnrl herp both jw,?re others who would not work s of the srorimy were as the White ; Sox at Chicneo and . .tic men ill tnuiKe of relief should deal intelligently with the question and not lump ill towefhr. Husiness min were. follows: mnvpri tnt.- -fmirt h riaep ahinri nf he considered, the ones vhn MOTORS 1 2 3 3 T the. BostonsRed Sox who were dl-!"hou,1 undertake to look after the 4g viding,a7doublebill with the Sen 479 atorsat Washington i unemployed. It was Iheir pro1 Hem. I! Flnal.schaduled games of the Big abs.or all except those physically League season will be on Sunday. unfu Yesterdav's Bie Leaewe hacehall Concluding, the Judge sad ploymenyin a country as rich as.' thlK-v iri' atural resources. He spf ke of the inter-relation of. in-,: ilustries and mentioned that mining In this country wn the key to-- alli-othera.. He-ured. all citizens to take a keen in- jterest in public affairs and especially to bend their efforts to a solution of this problem. m.ti:u(lmtice: ' , U". . ..." IlvrrloiUaiil iWt to G for their second! take notice that The Deprt- victory in the best two' "2 PlUc. S?- Sanada' whCfle Westminster. B.C. will apply Tor a licence to take and use 30 Imp. Qala per minute of water out of Christen-. ten .Creek, which now southerly and (trains Into SkJdegute Inlet about 000 ft. north-easterly along.- High Water Mark from the Government Wherf. Queen Charlotte CWy. The wteri will. b. diverted at fc point about 4 SO ft. -upstream from "he bridge cn the Government Queen Char lotte .viit citi- o&turwi Skldeswte Rood x'juu and ana T-ai rill .1.' V. .....WU... . I i rve deocrlbea aa. lot 2870 Queen Chcitotte klandJ District, B.C. This notice wan posted on the ,TOmd on the 37th day of Aurust, 1937 A xpy of Uua notice and an ap?ll-natioti pursuant thereto and to the Water Act" will be Ifled In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince .tuptrt, B.C. Objections to the application may bo ttled with the said Water Recorder, or with the Comptroller of Water Right Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C, wUJkki. thlrtv nivt Alter fw flnw an. pearance of this nutk In a local news-1 rich DEPARTMENT OP PTJBUC I WORKS. CANADA. Applicant. j By J. P. Forde. District I EiivliMr Aimt 1 The drfte of the first publication of I scores: there was no excuse for unem- uua nut: e is sptember National League i . New York, 2-2; Philadelphia, 1-6. Brooklyn, 2-2; Boston, 5-3. St. Louis. 3; Pittsburgh, 4. Chicago, 4; Cincinnati, 1. American League Philadelphia, 8-6; New York, 3-3. Boston, 3-9; Washington, 4-3. Cleveland. 6-4; Chicago. 4-1 game called in eighth on account of darkness. Detroit. 3; St. Louis. 10. Nervoui, and Irritable? Most ordinary cases of constipation art relieved by eating Ketlogg's ALL-Bran regularly. Try it I For Better 10th, 1937. feet JlMPY? BADMINTON Play With Slazengers SLAZENGERS Finest Quality, Racquets tiKMY $4.00 CHELTENHAM $M)0 XI S6.00 NEW VARSITY $12.00 Get the SLAZENGER Fcelinjf for Top-Notch Performance Slazengcr Regulation Shuttle-Each Campbell's Number One Shuttle Each Canadian mm 35 c 35C D,ozte ..... $4.00 Campbell's RIue G osShuttle Each Dozen Hadminton Racquet' Presses Each , Waterproof ... y 25e . $3.00 75 c 45c Leave your old recquet with us for Highest Grade RESTRINGING Expert work- OS) aa . manship. From, up --Ulf mj racifiG Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pildflc To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Pdrts Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct tL0TrE - ""MESS CISSeSptC,4th UISE Connection ai Vancouver w'th Canad'paclfl. ServS, rT,1'kel" !nd ""ervation. IV W. 1 1.. rriATva COATES, Oenal Aent from St. .. KNOX li be used fcr vwsWs. at the Govrnmm j KT.MZUlUtU REX 1 BOWLING ALLEY r' . , The weather I pc" the right thins ' coat. It alwav.? ' We have u very latest KNOX v WHO'S TIIREt People Who Want Th. "REST FOR LESS-GOOD. MEALS and CLEiv COMFORTABLE ROOMS DAILY-WEEKLY or MONTHLY KATES KNOX HOTEL Bra" X. M. Bra,,, YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD GOLDBL00M IB $5 Down Secures Fur Coil I THE OLD RELIABLE ! rrui:'arrB?B?x:'irr-i-'ii3 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZareH' Proprot "A HOME AW.iY FEOI HOME" Rate, $1.01 np 0 Room Hot 6t C M Wa Prince Hup rt B C Phone 281 P.O. Boi 1M j- 7 1 - 4 lSSWSSSSSBB, -. S. T THE SEAL of QUALITY ct "UUIY-1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only ataos canning company with an w the year round payroll to Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE.