=| Legislative Library 1HE WEATHER twenty-four hours ending 5 a,m., en b 7 ® MP MIN. THMP, BAR, tN. RAIN a 44.0 29.071 .00 NEXT MAILS For souTu Prince Rupert.... Friday, 8 a.m. ea 8 Angee ~ Cumosun....... .Sunday, 9 p.m. —_, MA y KX ‘Pri imi SS peeg Atte ad Formerly The,Prince Rupert Optimist ( DEC 4,1 } —— ” \ mF ih O. 271 Oras : ; <= VICTORIA. © — — ae PRINCE RupERT, B.C., MONDAY, NoveMBER 27, 1911. we Parcs tive Cus OVERNMENT BUILDING BURNED TO THE GROUND BIR CHARLES BERESFORD | ‘afternoon. DESTROYED IN LESS THAN TWENTY MINUTES WILE SUP PORT CHURCHILL... building resulted in the complete destruction of that building at 2.30 this Within twenty minutes of the outbreak only the cement vault and a brick Fire, which broke out from a defect in the heating appratus of the Provincial Gov- he Ex-Admiral Says That His Young Political Oppon-| chimney stack remained. ent is the Best Head the Navy Has Ever Had, and He Will Support Him sford, who recently|since accepting the headship of British public opinion|the Admiralty had shown that| ships that were in|that the navy has ever had, go to war, has come} A few weeks ago Sir Charles public statement Ww) withdrew from publication his that he will support| book attacking the navy, which Churchill, the new| had just been sent out for re- if the Admiralty, in| view, stating that since it had fact that he and| gone to press he had learned that been political ene-| Mr. Churchill had of his own g time. volition set out to effeet the re Admiral declares} forms that his book was written is a strong man,/to procure SAYS IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PROTECT THE CITIZENS ity Engineer Declares That it is Unwise to Attempt to Protect Any Danger Points Without Protecting All of Them ject of railing ia the|leg. Citizens as a rule are wary grad- | enough to take care of themselves rious strec hand where pedes- in gol g about the streets, and f serious fall, City Davis remarked _ this Warnings are posted at many points. To rail off a few danger would be unprac-|P ints and not all would tend to ny such system | PU! eon ians off their guard ch as this,” he said Sloan Suit Club Diuk Dea@ide me or two, but) ciyy 13M. Mathison. ired such dangerous} Cjyb 14—Jas. Wilson. Club 15—Fred James. Club 16—F. Lawless. ion one bui all ' Club 17—W. Hambleton, there are places parson might Specialists in fitting glasses.—Cam- break an arm Or} eron’s e WANT ANSWER TO “u"teneet ‘ot s=7" = TWO QUESTIONS ‘rssncse yma aye For a long time the Land Registry Office was in danger. ‘change in the wind gave the fire-fighters a chance, and they saved the building. Docu- Nov. 27, Lordjand intensely hated abroad, and|ments from the two offices are scattered ail over the townsite by the winds. Hundreds of citizens deserve thanks for the v that England had/|he will become the best civil head Had it not been for the segregated character of the Government Buildings, a disastrous 'fire that would have swept the townsite would have ensued. It caught fire, ray in which they turned in to help. THE GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS The building on the right is the one that was destroyed by fire today posal to Empty City Sewage at Their Doors VOTE WAS 86 FOR AND 184 AGAINST Statements of City Officers on the Result Ald. Hilditch Says That Sooner or Later the Scheme Will Have to be Taken Up—City Engineer Regrets That the Peoyle Did Not See Their Way to Pass It—The Mayor is Mum and Will Not Speak KING AND QUEEN ARRIVE AT THE PORT OF ADEN They Had a Narrow piiccane From a Night Attack From an Italian Cruiser in the Mediterranean— Arab Chiefs Pay Their Homage (Canadian Press Despatch.) Aden, Nov. 27.—Their Majes- ties, the King and Queen of Eng- land, arrived here on the steamer Medina yesterday on the way to} | narrow escape of a night attack the Indian Durbar with an escort of six cruisers, and were wel- comed by the whole garrison. A banquet was given, at which léad-| ing Arab chiefs of Hinterland of- fered their allegiance. It was a brilliant scene, with the firsi real touch of Oriental color. During the trip to Aden the |powerful British squadron es- lcorting the Monarchs’ several |times encountered the scouts of Italian and Turkish fleets, but after salutes these drew off, though at one time there was a by a panie-stricken Italian cruis- jer which came up without lights. The British East Indian squad- ron of gunboats has left the Per- sian gun runners to their own devices for a little while and will now escort the Medina as far as Bombay. NANKING IS DESTROYED AND THREE THOUSAND ARE SLAIN peserete Capture Ancient City, and Will Annihilate the Manchu Army—Battle is Still Raging— Viceroy Flees for Safety (Canadian Press Despatch.) } Hays Creek Residents Cane Dows Solid to Vote Against the Pro- Ald. Clayton’s Prediction. Mayor Is Mum, Council meet- nothing to say HOW THE VOTE WENT. completely defeated, ; sewerage should rest with those - Announcement is made today ae The following short state- | who defeated the Messrs. Morrissey and WNewton|by Mr, David H. Hays that M Agains the bylaw. . 186 | ments from various parties were | their advisers Have Two Questions on the Frank Ellis of this city has been| For the bylaw 86) made this morning: Eoard for Tonight. appointed auctioneer for the : The City Engineer. “T rather think Grand Trunk sale of Section Two | Majority against ....... . 98 I regret the defeat of the by-|comes up again woard at the City ts Mr. | s is we known as There were seven spoiled votes. | law because il delays the sewer-| danger that the splayed the two}a most efficient auctioneer and age of Section Five, where sewers | other end of the city who did not of motion for|is a popular ld-timer of the figures tell about| are urgently needed, ote on Saturday ay not be so con-| cily a » said of the rate Ald. Hilditch Satisfied. loyn again, is they appear. payers’ toward the by The people’s verdict is pe Alderman Morris VISITED KITSUNKALUM 75.000 to build a} feetly satisfactory to me, but 1} rhe matter will Alderman New- trul own Hay’s Creek] am still of opinion that no mat-| due course at the City Engineer be| Mayor and Road Supt. Jennings | fy), » 8 to manhole 28,| ter where the trunk sewer is put| ing tonight when to this Council Talk Trails With the Settlers. As the required a major-|in it will go in the same place as flicer reports ting a written re ity -fifths of the total] originally intended, The onus of} Until then T have isons for recom Mayor Manson returned yes vote o carry it, it was very} responsibility for the lack of} about it Lhe Council the} terday afte ion from a visit h those contractors | Kilsumkalum a 5TH DARKNESS, JOHN CRAWFORD \iderman Newton,| priations for trails, a Ye and Alderman Morrissey, | bridges. R. Jennings, road sup Solicitor be asked|erintendent, was with a Mayor this Council at the | a written report as | HELD A SMOKER | us for using the} ; lo contest the law-| ertain contractors | igainst the city be-| | Sons of England Made Merry on Saturday Evening. & to effect an amic- | distance of 10 feet} work for the G,.T.P. up river.; Returning to Rupe nt An enjoyable smoking concert) in the darkness over the BP ae) tan of the grade falling with ed for a time al.the — Base held on Saturday evening by |} tected sidewalk at the corne {| foree enough to jam _ his head | from wae houee ‘ Dor Mi ’ sh | Secon and Eighth St tightly in between two rocks.|ing to the St. James Hotel, t i | Sons 0 gland, at which ec i | O } ei Opening Night ane. 0‘ R = . W. Edge, | J well built young! There was an ugly wound on one| he had previously say night Nov. 27th, fos et et a A.W. and T instant death - by}side of his head, and the skulll|he met his death ‘ Series of semi-week- \\ a : (dé W. Kirkland and| smashing skull on the|was fractured. Death had pro | been drinking or will be held in the S, th : is Ong the star per-| roc! The accident oc- l ably been swift and painless, Dr. have lost his balanee 9.E.] Hall, on Seeond Ave j OWNS Pe, a Mr Hilditeh was in the} curred late on Saturday night no} Reddie remarked that had anyone | Prince Rupert in at auspi f th S eee | new applications knows exactly when, seen the man fall, and immed-| place for a tipsy 7 auspices oO 1e Ons | chair, and many ne PpHes ' .] Kaas ai cn anc ENN HBiin aon iis a, Special music by | for me mbership were ret eived Two Boys Saw Him. ay, nee ne os as aro r ‘ (yr ; a oO i ‘ i ‘ ‘ * , ut ill orchestra assures al 1s ’ gruesome discovery = in a hundred of recovering. Lhe | 5 for everybody, Dane- | NO CABINET CRIS till next pee _ : 1, | distance he fell was only about | tions, exeept that u the sons 0 r. JONN) 1 feet, but deceased was a man} PS NB. ‘ ences at 9 p.m, | , as ¢ | tive of Sussex, N.B., f ladi 7 p.m Tick- ba Is the Interpretation Given) (inpie saw the body with out-| 6 fuiy 180 pounds weight, Spi ant le etn i ladies free, Parker's Visit to Canada. str arms, They at once} py» Reddie, who examined the| vijle, Dakots 7 Choicest lignana aaa a Thomas Trotier, who in-|),qy says that death was caused ’ aun 1U0rs and ci f ‘ ‘ pO ; aE ’ ‘ as 06 ried, and had no de gars at Savoy. (Canadian Press Despatch ; _| fort police. — It wae ou ie Kannisatone Atte Shaki \ Saisie ahh oiga tae : ; 92 ‘ Giibel » » sli 2 Oo 1 ody Sam Gompers Goes In. London, Nov. og a ner dent = Ma 3 { My wd Had Worked Up River Pate un eslt le nee akie lanada to ain ere several | Parker sailed for This is taken to indicat that sis and that Nov. 27,—Gompers | cled president of the n there is no cabinet ert Federation of Labor | ‘Mer! Sir Edward Grey willl not resign man and Parker is a keen party would not leave cabinel crisis. — , ; . there were auy eye examination at Camer- if Sad Accident at Unprotected Bae Goat at sen Corner of S ‘Street—Lay All Night on the Rocks With His Skull Smashed In that ‘ FELL OFF SIDEWALK TO HIS DEATH econd Ave. and Eighth A New Brunswick Man. Little is known of his connec- | : | Police enquiry has brought Hayner Bros, have was frost-bitten in} . out the information that Craw-|the remains at their morgue, |} ford had been in the city only a It is understood Death Came Swift. short while, He arrived here} quest will be held, Evidently Crawford had piteh-| from Vancouver by G,.T.P. stea-| inquiry will be foremost over the|mer about Oet, 4th, and went to} the court room at 8 o'clock, Shanghai, Nov. 27—The army | lof the rebels has captured part)}command of the Manchus at Shanghai (Later)—The Vice- roy and the Tarter General in lof Nanking today, and according | Nanking have fled, taking refuge |to messages here a most desper- | ithe harbor. jate battle isin progress. Active jrevoltis now raging, and itis to be three thousand. The Imperial garrison on Pur- ple Hill is still fighting but faces | the prospect of complete anni-| hilation. The rebel leaders state | believed that Nanking is prac-| [ene destroyed. The nurnber ae while to ri al wot ld be Pri c - "\ h extensive work go-|. ‘ ; . jis at preser ti: g treels in a city In /on board a Japanese warship in Now is the time to get Xmas | Cards for friends oversea. Your |of dead within the city is stated | |every wish can be supplied at | McRae Bros. Death Notice At the eante last night, Em- they will make an immediate ad-|anuel Grant, age 30, Native of vance on Peking, after Nanking is taken. | Newfoundland, Interment at | Garde .n- Island LOOKS LIKE PEACE Germany at Last Withdraws Her Two Vessels From Agadir. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Rerlinfi Novy. 27.—The German cruiser Berlin and gunboat Eber, whieh have been stationed at Agadir ever since the Morocco dispute with France.started, have beeen recalled by Germany, THE WAY OF AN OCTOPUS Will Canada Stand for the Ex- ploitation of Her Timber and Natural Resources as the States ‘Have Bonet ‘ARE DRUMMED OUT OF TOWN Aberdeen Citizens Take Prompt Measures to Restore Order (Canadian Press Despatch.) Aberdeen, Nov. 27—Quite reigns again after the threat- ened disturbance by the In- dustrial Workers of World. Those who came were drum- med out of town and have CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL|/not returned. It is expect- has made for the Gosmopolitan! a thorough investigation of lum-} ber trust methods—he has fol-| lowed the slippery trail of the lumber octopus. literally from} coast to coast—and he has the “goods.” You will be surprised at his revelations—at -the tre- mendous power of the trust, its brazen indifference to all but its own interests, its hold upon leg- islators, its highway methods of national pocket-picking. It will |be a great series of articles—| A interesting to every one }who has ever bought any part of] u tree, The first article will ap- ; pear in Sanunis Subscriptions kto Cosmopolitan will be accepted | until December 10th at the spe- }c ial low rate to Canada of $1.50. | Cosmopolitan Agency, box 854, | Wiaipes:. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4, ‘Before the Cadi. H. Uruquart and a man named aper MeDone red this morning | 2 foDonald SPREaT Os t a ' g | western country that does not |fur being D. & D. The usual $5 “land costs were levied, svtonio Cruis was given 10 ‘i Gavs for the same offense. 5 o'clock tea cups and = saucers, + emactal this week, $2.50 half dozen. Big range, beautiful decorations, finest “a English China,—Wallace's. 2t Prince Rupert’s leading hotel— Savoy. that all the trouble is over, A BARGAIN INDEED. It would be impossible to fig- ues what a benefit the Family Heraid and Weekly Star of Mon- trea! has been to the west. It af- | fords the greatest amount of genuine good reading for every }member of the family and its | benefits to the farming commun- ity in its agricultural pages are worth hundreds of thousands of |dollars every year. It is not | merely a theoretical paper. It is a practical farm paper in every respect’and there is no farmer in Canada who cannot profit. by reading it. Two cents a week, one dollar a year—the price of one bushel of wheat for a whole vear’s subscription to that great paper, not to speak of the beauti-* ful premium picture “Home Again,” size 22x29 igches, ready for framing. It makes one won- der if the publishers pay their, bills. Any home in this receive the Family Herald and Weekly Star for 1912 will miss a bargain indeed, Toronto, Nov. 27—— KRigheen thousand people on Saturday ; witnessed the final for the rugby football championship of Can- ada, when Varsity defeated the Argos by 14 to 7, Both teams belong to Toronto, weet ilies. de So ile SS a a ao a etelin ie Si Ty ate be lala ai Bsa ie nies