PAflF. Form BOWLING Total G-V.K-A. No. 2 Beesley Bond Cameron Jurmain Wanamaker W IN IS CLOSE OMUL No. I Suf Out TUh Win Over Rupert .Motors Individual scoring was as follows: Rupert Motors Taylor Lindsay Jack Hibbard Houston Menxies Handicap 1 137 167 118 170 83 24 1 166 140 139" 1 111 Handicap 83 Total 741 7 Printers R. Franks Vance O, Franks Houston -McCaHuin Handicap Total Gyro 1 160 160 137 134 169 11 779 2 183 152 93 155 148 34 136 147 121 135 149 83 126 125 137 116 151 11 7 3 183 156 I Canadian National Recreation! Jackson 139 ' (Smith i '96 Dibb .' 18 Morris 155 1 Rn1ffr " 146 Handicap 31 Total I The league standing: 1! Association No. 2, leaders in the'CNU-V No. 2 26 Coipinercial Bowling League stand.- Rupert Motors , 23 ing, won a closely contested match Printers from the second place Rupert OMUL No. 1 Motors last night, two games to Gyro Club one. The railwaynien won the first North Star, game by a scant thirty-seven points. Biological Station The second ended in a tie. Rupert Electrical Workers Motors winning in the extra frame, i , . In the third game the railwaymen had but one point to spare. In the second fixture of the evening. Printers defeated Gyro Club two game to one. High average scorer for the evening was Taylor f Rupert Motors with 168. 21 16 15 11 11 9 165 123 126 155 13? 31 DOWN THE ALLEY 10 13 15 IT 18 19 18 News and Views of the Rupert Bowling Front 182 JP6 l?9 136 124 "31 sss ; ;e tjy The league leading Royals slipped be-doubled for the second half. The Hangers sUll top of the list but. ladies peins built' that way. the other teams are not giving up without a real battle. The turkey shoots are just about ready-to start. In fact one has been almost completed, and Hits Morris of the half . . . In the Commercial League on The ladies take their bowling ser- Thursday night the leagee leading iously, and according to Red Young. CJCJt-A. Kb. 2 took two games from 1M are always on time, getting their second place Rupert Motors. Hous-games started promptly a real vtr- ton lost the first game for Rupert jj toe in Red's eyes). All in Da vies Motors, shooting an 88. which put . jg Is a real help to the ladies' loop. He the game on ice for the railway is ' always on the Job as marker men, the second game vac a tte 3 and I understand his salary will which the Motorites eventually won HI T1 A DARK BEER t omStt. HOW r r Aa IAQU ii t 6tT n.4 u t - W uUf Ut W4 fr 4 GOOO Wtf. W irrfj. m. 'Attn ti tnm it ndU( r 14 in rid to r yi i ?thh daily ksws FVirtay Public Works On Islands Subject Of House Query , h MOIf . VIM. Vvw mm III! 1 1 MS fa y y LesjHe Byres Conservative menHJ was smacking his lips after putting ber for CbUhwark. has 'rxjuired in fc in a pretty good score. One can just tbe LefJaturf as to the position j picture Ellis carving the bird and held by .A. L. Mallory of Port Cle-.t MJUT the OC service 1 4VT VJi of the V.. provin-frj. I1VIU1- tier the sausage meat where no one cte Dfptrtment of Public Works on would notice it. Wett, Eats old boy. the Qpem Chariotte Islands, If I drop in on you nexpectedly, Euros' Ms also asked how manyjjf 11 know just where to look for traetoftre hi use by the government fcjf that tid-bit. that is, providing you in tile Queen Charlotte Islands, howl fe win the prize. Yes sir. wiieii it comes 'ifjsre parchased In 1937 and . to eating turkey, my name is fjoea wftptt agent or agents they. K, Mccdv were anrrlrn n ii i ? Last Friday night. Percy Macin tosh offered to bet on his CUiUL tne last game oy one. bovs atainst Pioneer Lau.drv and P a tough game to beine an ooHsrtne cfeaeoie. I took However. :: s ail in the game,! .! .. r. i and mod lurk :he u-inners uhn lUifl up uuv iuk rcrcj - -- - . , 'h hart loft hi rsth in hi other "'JW a ss.'i: g.e a.ia on iirst pants che's lucky to have two pairs Plac these days). And the same and said to me. night Dave Bor-"Hey Stoper. p-.t li2 considerably in their clash with i in big head tees that the Gyro beat 42 35 Taxi this week and lost three in j the Laundry 2 to I. so now I'm 27 a row to Al French and his boys happy. I was paired against Vk but In looking over' the score rec- Houston and boy. did I sock it to 7M 765 752 ords I. lund that, the Hotel men him. it sure gives me great pleasure had to accept low score for the first, to oeat m-M. 3 two games which lost them at least ' 115 one game. Eddie Smith's una void-. Edward John Smith and wife. 132 able absence was aKow to his Patricia, are Jhe proud parents of 13" team and, of course, Al French was a bouncing beauteous babe. Mother 173 going strong- for the Taximen and and father are progrsstng nicely. 153 pUt the game on ice. So the final Congratulations. Eddie and Pat but " outcome of this half is still doubt- condolences In the early - ful although I still favor the Royals when baby waats a bottle or sum-793 if smitty can turn out for the rest pi1"- S 141 156 ALLEV SLOPER pitching TORTURE UAMiiirtt fv 9"ti nU irrm 1M t-K mm, WoMUt, tatim. iski tuO. m nttm ut a(Ur tarn nU tfftw Dr. t" m oote. vc a a a PtttsoafTKA. ia pm U Kar. A M tn. Urn. 1 ort jw I ATTENTION! u y y y y 1 1ST y Customers of Hollywood Studio, .W hours formerly of 229 6th Street, may se- fctf cure re-orde; lers in j same, ver. B. C- at any time by send-to P.O. Box 25, Vancou-'ti The Central Hotel ROOMS mi CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MBS. a E. BLACK m'?tJ jtr C A 2f 'If y y y y y y y y fit ' y y y y 1 ARROW Gift Suggestions Shirts (8 1 Phone 297 ( CRAVATS J I -a -" '-bO ia.T-ia A. E. Par low district forester, safled on the Prince Ge rge last night for Vancouver Finest Stock of FURS Ever to Keach Prince Rupert Just Received for Christmas Season -IGOLDBLOOM-'S THE OLD RELIABLE Christmas Cards For The Old Country See our 'azt assortment of local view photo Cristmaji cards and calendars. They are appreciated by relatives and friend WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Xobod v Knocks The KNOX Tbe Food Is Good The Eom An Clean Tii Ho9 Is Warm Tbe Servfce Friendly Tbe Bate Are EeaiajU KNOX HOTEL B. BraMtl N. JL BraseB For Men and Boys How many shirts make a well-dressed man? Enough to give him a respectable change of pace. He can always use one or two more. ARROW responds magnificently blessing its every shirt with an unerring sense of good taste, expert tailoring, and an Iron-clad guarantee of permanent fit. Men's Shirts $2.00 to S5.00 Hoys' Shirts $1.00 to S1.65 Hoys' Blouses 85c In Individual Christmas Buxes Established 1911 Neckti Ti J 1 il a twrwy-v ies uw you Know mac akkuh makes ties, too-l uas mat are right on a par with he famous aKKUiv sftirts. AKKUtV ties are ger leman: yet individual in design neater kn ts, fev;e wrinkles they're ideal In individual Christmas boxes 50c to $2.00 Handkerchiefs AKUtm Tocket'Fold handkerc: lefs put up in an auracuve iomer is a. 5maii useful gift. Folder of three handkerchiefs f - $1.00 Presented By BRYANT COMPANY 1MB 21- 213 Sixth Strut I Smart Christmas a a '5 S Suggestions From Our Electrical Department ELECTRIC WAITLE IRON'S An always apre chomium-plated modeis Priced from ELECTRIC TOASTERS-rSmaftty jdfed Priced frosQ . '. SANDWICH TOASTERS A very acfUbie g JL Priced from 3 Dertric Food 'Mixer. Gi M;dr S5.00 $2.25 82.90 i cn ro!ft Mikw Eiettrie Ctoeks, HraUng Pad Carlinj Im Zenith Washing Macbiaes. Sparton Relrurrstw d-c j . . . . c in Tn c juh iiu rr uar unp uispiay. tor uirir - of Table. Bridge. TrUite and Bed Lamp The Home of Practical pills" GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 JIcBride St I Canadian 3 BCP' hat If w R racinc Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Tranj I r anroDver via Ocean Falls and Way Tort Princess Adelaide every Friday. 10 PJ. TO VANCOUVER DIBECT PK1NCESS NOR-IU Dee. 9th, Mth. Jan. 3rd, 17th. 51t WINTER EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER JC-M t TUVtts n Sale N'ov, M. HTf U T lfS I Final Betarn Limit !mh Slst, 1 CcsrecUca at Vancoavex with. casadUn Pacific trw W. L. COATES, General Aent rrior VTA llllmm...... ...... a . ' ' if ft m y - ' - p . . . .