Here is your opportunity to get the pair of evening slippers for the holiday reason at a redieulous low price. Or, maybe it is a coat or dress you wanted. Come into Annette's tomorrow and see for yourself just what value our uniii Ik i vt TOYS TOYS i? an peccmber 10, 1937. COATS TAOI THRU TILE UAILT MIWI LOCAL NEWS Bridce. Bovs' Band Parent's Ass'n. Annettes Eagles' Hall, Friday, Dec 10, 8 (287) p.m. HOLIDAY SPECIAL! OJlllUID III V Sandals and Evening Slippers Novelty sandals and evening slippers in silver, gold, bfack, silver and green, silver and blue, gold and red, etc. Flatties, cubans and high heels. All sizes, reg. values to $5.1)5. HOLIDAY SPECIAL $3.45 7 Only Women's Coats- From 40 to 1(5. Fur trimmed, Chamois 1710 lined. JI11CII. Keg. llti value to -15.00. Holiday J Special $19.50 and More Toys IhtUtmas is the Time for Toys and We Have an Exceptional Mvty Prices Are Way Down to Clear at Christmas. Come in n4S Our Large Display ah riainiy .u.irMu ai i mis. TRAIN'S- Including Hornby. Lionel and American Flyer. Clock-fork at 70c, $1.50, $2.25. S2.50 and up to $G.50. Electric $8.50 complete with transformer. KVXS and SHOOTING GA.MES-Includlng Mickey Mouse nd Krazy KaU at '5c ands19 O-Man Machine Guns VW" ir 13f' 25c nn. and 40c Cap guns ni'U.DING BLOCKS and ABC BLOCKS-A great variety at 25c, 30c, 50c, COc and - 7JC !nisi!i:s Colorful sets in glass, china, tin or aluminum, at 25c 13c, COc, 63c, 85c and up to W ftiAMKS For the whole family. Bridge Kcno, Fan Tel, Pick-up !, Sticks. Tabic Tcnnfa. Lotto. Bingo. QuolU. Parchcesl Snakes 'd and Ladders, Chess, Ten Pins, Mosaics, Jig Saws and others u from VOOHKN and 1-LUSII ANIMAL TOYSMKCIIASICAL TOYS-UtlMl'KTS - lHtUMS - TELEPHONKS - SKWINO MALIIINLb RATTLES - SOLDIER SETS M BBOOMS - TOPS - ; RUBBER TOYS, Etc. IIJBER BALLS- At special low prices. DOLLS-Come In and see our vA BFUTII UL COLLECTION OF f Doll aortn cnt Wc have them to meet every wish and gift ( requirement. MaSm.ttd Headquarters I fit . .1 I'llln Regal Shop Fresh Local Kaw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONF-637 REX BOWLING ALLEY nascment of Exchane" Block PHONE C58 for it. anythingVadvortisc If you lose himself. $6.95 000000000000000000000000000000005000 000000000000H50iOOOiOOiHOOOiWOiOOiJ Annette Ladies Wear Co. Third Avenue and Fifth Street Third Avenue and Fifth Street trm DRESSES 12 Only Outsize Dresses From 40 to k ni ah i i l i. oz. mi new siiuues, meuuiic ui velvet trim, ueguiar vaiue to $12.95. Hliday - Special Kenneth Powell. Indian, for drunkenness, was fined $10. with! I option of seven days' Imprisonment, in city police court trus morning. Mrs. B. E. Webster, whose hus band died recently, sailed last night on the Prince George for Victoria where she Intends to take up future residence. Dr. R. B. Brummltt of Smlthers arrived In the city on last night's train from the Interior and sailed on the Prince George for Vancou- J ver where he is to obtain treatment Dr. Neal Carter, director of the PHtirn T?mwrt. Vishrrlos F.xiiimpn- ! tal Station, will return to the city on the Catala Sunday evening from Port Albernl, Vancouver Island, where he has been taking part In a lecture course being given for Always Tired, Grouchy, Nervous! Chronic Constipation Made Life Miserable- Is Happy Now H itrcr conilipilion' I drif I jou down, trj Ihc fruit juice ', herb, tonic remcdjr. Nothing like it. Mr. L L, MontrMl, wril,i. "I frit ntrroul. irritable nd lircd all the lime. Couldn't eL Didn't lp. Worked with difficulty' due to chronic conilipilion. I (ot no relief until I tried Fruit-i-lirei. Soon I became regular, headaches and irritation left me. I ha Iota ol energy now." lt'a worth while lo try thia aame simplo way to regain health. You'll be glad you did. 25c. and 50c. FRUIT-ATI VEStts Just arrived A new shipment ol brushed wool sweaters. Annette's. jfc j C. C. Mills returned to the city on XX the Prince George last night from a brief business trip to Stewart and P Pt-nmlnr I It. Keen warm this cold weathcrl Burn our famous Nanalmo-Wellington coal Albert & McCaffery, Phone 11G-117. (283) Keep your feet dry and avoid a cold at Xmas. Special prices In Zippers and Rubbers at Fashion Footwear. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL The Cathedral Choir presents an other Special Service of Praise Sun day evening at 7:30. An attractive program is prepared. Cornel (288) Albert Farrow, steamboat inspec tor, who has been here for the past week on official duties, sailed by the Prince George last night on Ills return to Vancouver. T.ihn nHnn Georce A. Clothier, former resi dent mining engineer here and now ' superintending a mining operation on Chicagoff Island near juneau,-was here aboard the Princess Norah( yesterday going through to Vancou-. ver. Announcements All advertisements In this column 111 be charged for a full month at 25c a word. S.O.N. Christmas Tree December 27. C.Y.S. Holiday Dance Dec. 28th, Oddfellows' Hall. L . . 29. Norkap Chrlstmas'.Tree December Oddfellows' Old Time Hogmanay Dance, December 3L l..M KMIISTHV AfcT lie: Certificate of Title So. 19099-!, tl l.t iour Hundred and Thirty-font (I3I), Itanse rive S), toast District, Mild to t-milalii One- Hundred ana l ifly-tlirre (153). acres, more of let. wmrnir'AS mmf fit la, of the ibove CerUficato ol Title lawied la tne Datd octowr 4. i37; name of Thomas It. CunroJ na oen riicri in u-ii oiiltx. ncUc. ! herebt given that I shall, at the. expiration of oive moiiUi from the date , ca the first publication hereof, isuxut a proTionai Certificate of Title in llu, of Bald lost certificate, tuilce In -the meantime valid objection be made to me In vrltln DATED a,t the Lund Registry Office Prince Rupert, B. O, .UxU 9th.- dJ o November. A.D., 1937. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Reslstinar of Title LAND ACT Notice of Intention lo Applr to l.eaf I JUKI In Prince riujpert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and tltti-ate oil Zaym Island on the N. W. point 1 cM west side of Zayas on a reef of' Aramzazu Point. Take notice that Frank Waterman of rriiir-a nuTvrt.. n r!.. nmiTM.tton inner linteJid to apply for a lee of the fol lowing dcncea lines: tui oi ue ree-off Aramzuzu Point. Conimeivclng at a pout planted .or the hlEh rrassY mint an the t3outh Bide of the rwf thenc ,j!800 feet Northeast: thence 1500 feet Northweel thenoe 1800 feet ' Southwest! then, 1500 feet Southeast and containing 33 acres, more or FRANK WATERMAN Choice Of The House $J j.50 Choose any overcoat from the balance of our stock. These coats arc sensational values. P. CRAVETTO FOURTH STREET V Phone BL11 418 t.f. YrA st. charles milk ysanlyj tiwKorf WiPnlpr Ir .. sarin of Her- bert Wheeler, president of the WhltePass and Yukon Route, was nnri nivrf nnlvon omnnnr niLssenecrs aboard the orHvfr! rt thfi ritv on the Princess Drinnofc : MMh vfitprdnv afternoon. I, t l w v --rf - & V"" j 4 1. frnm '- .... ... noran yeswiruny ..iKaiwn-- jje to pay a visit to nis nome in Juneau and will go last on wis ..... p vmnPT Mr. wheeler U In the service of the White Pass, to Chicago and the Jailer1 to New . v,,i,nti rjrvnte (n thp Yukon. I York. . ul""' Chances of "cc'.ds" are increased by, common constipation. It may lower resistance to infection. Keilogg's All-Bran absorbs water and softens like a sponge forms a soft mass aids elimination. Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily. As a cereal with milk or U "T7 'W. JONES Family Market hone 957 AND Phone 95 Fulton Meat Market Phone 683 Phone C83 Specials VEAL -lb SHOULDER or VEAL VEAL STEAK Per lb. VEAL CHOPS 2 lbs. LAMli LAMB CHOPS 2 lbs. SHOULDER of LAMB Per lb MUTTON CHOPS 2 M BEEP HAMBURGER 3 lbs T-BONE STEAK Per lb SIRLOIN STEAK Per .lb SHORT RIBS 3 lbs : PRIME RIB SHORT STANDING Per lb PORK SHOULDER Of PORK Per lb, : LEGS of PORK Per lb. LOIN PORK CHOPS ' 2 lbs. 50c 20c 45c 45c 15c 35c 25c 20c 20c 25c 15c 16c 20c 45c DEMERS Closing Out Sale Extra Specials in Prices Winter Coats Fur trimmed. $45.00. Sale price Fur trimmed. $3250 Sale price Untrlmmed coats. $24.50. Sale price ... Untrlmmed coats $19.50. Sale price to imum Rugular to $25.00 Regular to $15.00 Regular to $13.50 bv all irrocers. I ad n riirnn -i 1 mm m - GIVE PHOTOS ThM .Christinas The only gift - your f ri nils cannot buy, liKNON STUDIO Srd Avenue Regular to $9.95 Christmas Gif, Suggestions Yardley of London has sent ui a truly wonderful assortment of Yardley gift boxes... They' 're boxes packed with feminine luxuries and masculine aids to smart grooming. The two illustrated are from a range that runs from 85c to $20.00. See them at our Yardley counter. Silk Dresses 9 Group I. $7.95 11 $5.95 Oroup 111 $4.95 Group.IV $3.95 ?roup v-. - $2.95 GroVI- - $1.95 neautiful Evening Dresses at Special Prices 025 "..I Ormes Ltd. The Store of a Thousand Gifts 1 mm Trmmimn nTTiMitmikn n 1 MaclkatWZItb rllKINll UKe. I RRIGHTEN UP YOUR KITCHEN FOR XMAS Congoleum Rugs All Sizes Linoleum Rugs All Sizes Pcltol Rugs-6x9. S4.50 v Special 10. Chesterfield Tables S11.00 Each PHONE 775 327 THIRD AVENUE ... . i:t ' i . i. 1 .Mi- .f ;