ember 16, 1637. Tuxis Square Takes Service N run ik-ratw 0 iac run in eocl VicAi facfcafej service throughout was taken by- ih hnv : of this etoud. Ken Hard 1 John Depont ILaid At Rest Interesting Proceedings Sunday at. F(llieraI of Elderl Ucsident of Sea !: ITnWr.,1 With llnvs In .... . . ... . " " " ; uove, Who Died Last Week, marge The service Sunday morning at Held Yesterday Afternoon First United Church was of unique Funeral of the late John DePont, interest being In charge of "The elderly resident of Seal Cove, Cruiader.;" Tuxls Square under the whose death occurred the latter of Ken The mentor-ship Harding. part 0 last wpek took place terday afternoon from the chapel ing acted as chairman and led the of . IIayner Bros - undertakers, to devotion; Scripture passages were Falrview Cemetery. A number of read by Jack Davis and Malcolm j bid friends of deceased were in iat-Wtldirr Fred Soles set before the . tendance. The servicee was con- gathering some of the group's plans ( ducted by Capt. Ivan Halsey Of for the future while inspiring ad-, the Solvation Army. There were ia drcises were given by Maurice Dav-ey and Ken Harding on the meaning of Tuxls" and the importance of home Influences In the life of younj people. The boys are making a canvaa this week for funds to arry out their ambitious program ahd it u hoped that they will revive the support of those upon whom hey call so that their work 'j the winter months may be ef- fr-tive The Junior choir, under the .jrecuon 01 miss swanna oiaison, rendered the Tuxls hymn and Marie lecke sang a solo entitled "Thou Art My Shepherd." Df. R, H. Bedford, who has re-.jned from the scientific staff of Prince Rupert Fisheries Exper- ::ntal Station to Join the service he AUantic Coast Fisheries Cor-.ition in New York, sailed on the . . ila .f s oftprnnnn fnr Vn.nr.nu- nt enrcute East to assume the new post number of floral offerings. TO PRESENT MEDAL TO EDWAKI) G.VMBLE The Indian Department cruiser Naskeena Is on a trip to Kltkatla today, taking a Coronation medAl to Chief Edward Gamble, Well known native leader of that village. The presentation will bv made tonight by Indian Agent W E. Collison who is accompanied by Dominion Constable A J. Watkln-son and Constable Arthur Hand- ford, R. C. M. P. The Naskeena left this morning and is due back tomorrow. The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Trades and La bor Council, which was to have been, held last Thursday ntght,,was postponed for a week on account of it being Armistice Day. TOMATOES m These red, ripe tomatoes are packed so as to bring to yu the warmth V and vitality of the summer sun.- MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 15 PULL-UP CHAIRS With walnut frames, spiral spring seats. Covered In J2.50 aborted tapestry. A Christmas gift suggestion, Each Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue Canadian 1 COMMUNICATIONS 1 Pacific Trans-Atlantic T-irnntlncntal Trans-Pacific io Vancouver Tia Ocean falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every ft day. w P-m. TO VANCOUVER DlKECT PRINCESS NUiiAU Oct. 29th, Nov. 8th, 18th, 29th WINTER EXCURSION TO .VANCOUVER ?32.00 1937 to Feb. 28th 1938 Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, Final Return Limit March 31st, 1938 with Canadian Pacific Service Connection at Vancouver J?"! a"tesrVat,0,t, rrS.nce Rupert. B.C. j. iiiai i':m. lienerai w m mmhh ing llC or 111 the next time ydu order coal. Twenty years of ton-t ptant service In Prince? Ituperl. Albert & McCaffery Limited, it Charles Graham, Inspector 0' mines, left on last evening's train for a trip to Smlthers on official duties. Ned McLeod of Ihe local C. P. R. office is at present on his anniial vacation in the course of which he plans on making a hunting trip. Alex Rlx, district manager ,of the Imperial Oil Co., left on list evening's train for a trip to Ter race on company business, being due to return on tonight's train. T. A. Mc Waters, local manager of W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd.. return ed to the city oh the Cataia this morning from a trip to Stewart on company ousmess. onto FOjl RENT FOR RENT 6 room house with furnace. Apply 709, 5th Ave. W. (267) FOR RENT 4-room house with bath. $12X)0 per month. 108 8th Ave, West. Apply 114 8th Ave. West. (287) FOR RENT Modem 5-room lower flat, Phone Green G98. (272) WORK WANTED WOMAN wahts hbusework. by the hour. Phone Red 444; (267) WANTED WANTED to purchase for - cash small 3 or 4-room house. Phone 88. t.r. FOR SALE FOR SALB-rHallbut fishing boat 3G feet by 72 feet. Beavan 10 hpaw dutv engine. Abbly Seal (Jove Grocery, phone Green 48 1. (272) Announcements All advertisements In this column -vlll be charged .for ft full month at 25c a word. THE OAIL PAG3 TSTiai LOCAL NEWS NOTES A, B. Parlow. district forester Mr. and Mrs. H. Erlckson and left on last evening's train for a daughter returned to the city on trip to Smlthers on official dutle the Catala Sunday night from a i trip to Vancouver. City Tennis Association Dihnet Dance, Commodore Cafe Saturday Miss M. Campbell of the Port November 26. 7 p.m. (267) Simpson General Hospital nursing ...... I staff was a passenger aboard the Miss Beatrice Hunter returned tb Catala Sunday evening returning the city on Saturday night's train north after a trip to Vancouver. after a two weeks' visit at Prince ! George and Wells, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Letnes sailed this afternoon on the Catala for House wli-es! Are vow fceilirit . Vancouver,, Mr. Letnes having been your; dollar? worth of heat from transferred therein the service bf your coal? Be sure of it bv hhon- the union un vo. The regular mbnthly,..toeetjng bf the Prince Rupert Shrine ': ifciub, which was to have been held;ia$t week, was postponed tihtil later' In the month. No cases came formally before Col. C. W. Peck V: C:. at the pensions tribunal here last week. Wai- Jack Fitzgerald, well known plo- ter Djtnnan, pensions, aavocate, m- a numoer 01 wcai e-passenger neer Stewart mining man, was a.twviewea aboard the Catala to- service .men hV. regard to personal day eoin6 through to Victoria. pension problems AN OUTSTANDING EVENT! MOOSEi CARNIVAL Wednesday attd-TWarsday .nights, featuring Senor'l. Candolt, spectai- ular bullrflghter and numerous at tractionsdancing, clowns, games. Two hours of 'entertainment. Cab aret Dance Friday night. tf. . ... V ih. 1 11 Alex Ehithie . sailed . this afternoon ' on the .Catala. for a. vtrlp. to Vancouver arid elsewhere In Ihe south. I Members of the discussion grourt the Ctirlstlan Youth Society had Just just nrnveai Arrived!' New new shipment snipmeui. of l St. Peter's 'Bazaar, Seal Cove. of Informal nature meet an klmonas and housedresses. Annet- Thursday. Nov. 18, 3 to 6. (267) i a L7niaht ng i te's. tf. (lastnignt. j - General meeting Mount Oldfieldi Tonight's train, due from the Ski Club. Tuesday 8 p.m. city Hill.' A meeting ; bl : the ecutive of (266) he local branch of lh Canadian East at li o'clock, was reported ., . , . . ' ... 1 Legion was held last night in pre- thls morning to be on time. . KZLu . ,. ..swiiw l Oscar wlngnam sailed tms alter-it"""" ul b' Guldo Bussarilch left on the Ca-. noon on the Catala for a trip to tala this afternoon for a visit in Vancouver.. . Vancouver. ' imtoptliiiy tomorrow rifeht. President Jack Preede was in the chair. I Hotel Arrivals Central R. Tysse, H. Haapala, Cecil Ry an, P. Hudson ana j. reaerser city; Bill Mintz, McBride. Knox R. W. McLeod and Gus Leightor. city. JONES Family Market 'hone 957 AND Phohe 95 Fulton Meat Market Phone 683 Special! BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK ' 3 lbs ROUND STEAK 3 lbs PRIME RjB STEAK 3 lbs HAMBURG ER ' 3 lbs-. SHORT RIBS 3 lbs. tot RdABT Per lb. Xotlef o( llilmtHh lo ApplJ to im T-BONE KOAHT-" Land Tn Prinro Ritoert LAtld I.ANH ACT RecoirdlAg District or BrlU'&h, 'Ooluj.l?l. nd eitu-- tclonH rri'ti N. W. point on west elde of Zayafi bii a re; Ml n.. t r rw-iiBiiUcm Miner. lowing descrtbeid tends: of Ule reel ptr Aramzazu ro , , . , r.rr.,uni. a.t l Dost, Dlanted ot1 the high Brassy point 'an tiw Soirh Side or the iw "' ; theiK 1800, feet BtMithwat: tbem 1500 feet Saiilhea. end- cavtalnlng 3 acres, mere or lesi Dated fvtVher 4. 1937. . . LNb Art . . Notice of Intention to Apply to l.eair t brt- Rinnert Land Recording f nHHah rvJumbla'. and iltiir East of Prince. 101 Hudson Bay ru. ow Island cansplcuonw white roct oc high (marked on chart)t , , take notice tlial tTank Waterman f PriiKe fUpert. B. C occupation Mlnr intends to appty for a lease of tile fo. lowing described 8hds:-U of a cod. tpteUoua white rock 85 feet high ant iw surroundings (Rock marked Mi Chrt). , , . . -, t rfl rJn a craaay rcrtc 200 feet 8. E. of N. W Corner en Northeast lde thenc 000 800 fet Norwt: thence roo fet Northeast and containing lo es. more or lK .WAttBiiAMf , Datetl October . 193J,, . I.ANO KEUWTBV -ACT. Ke: rer lfliate of Title Nb. J"9,9"1, Voi lur HiindrNl and thlrtjr-fmlr () K.iine live (). rwt IWrl t. In .. ntalil dirt linndrert a ul , nfr.it mnrm nr leH. a. iwnnf M ldtW Of the .Hni. Till isued In the ntoerf Thomas H. cqnrpy. has been riled In lulls oaivre. " given that I shall, -.t the ?1?h"0f1 one monUi front the dat of the flrtt hmr. issue orovislonal eu "T'. , i io.. M lost certirica,ie oi isw v w i Vik meAhtime val- td objection w moae uf bib ui ';". Prtnos Runert, B. C,. Wis 1 v' November, A.D..'iny m n . ..Dfputy rtcgl&trar: of Tt)wfc Notice of Intention to Apply to t .... I and In PrUic , Rupn . Land Rorl District of British Ootumbl. tnd w s,t on White swum . Take notice Una Frank Waterman t or T.-, . DiirArt. rumination miner, jn- timri ho jd1t for leas of the fol lowing idescrlbed lanls: I Commencing at a ppst piaiuro w - . 'onlS h high cliffs on Whlta Bind . rni.nl!i1 Mnvpmher u 17. ,i 18. t.i. .ri vvinir ann tn from the S, rauuoc u""u'" Vir-L-T, -Bkni island, and 19. Ion Its aat lde. thenc 600 feet.B. VI. 1 Pp'r lb thtw BOO feet N. W.J thence 600 reet xt 1 rvrllnri Lealon Fait Baz- N. B.t.tMnce eoo te4 B..B. nd con- mt " ZtiM' vVAitrtMAti aar, NoVerhber 25. All. -1 LI. TIMnnf WnVOll I1PI 'II ' . . . ' t;i "kkMhtAv act . Be: faertlf lct ' of Tltl No. S13M, ...... Tbn Mnvom. t isrtj Tlilrtoeii (13) and Fourten Hospital Aiwuj , .mirntnrk Nln (9). Txxwn of 8tw hn. nin Rift 30. Cathedral Baiaar November 30, Orahg Scotch. Ddhce, November United Bazaar, December 2. Lutheran Sewing Circle Bazaar, December ft. Baptist Tea, December 9. WIUMtEAH iprw Off jobs w . .. ...ii. ut lmnfl In the nahle of WWiane inngriej filed in this offtrr", natlm Is hruy glveh that I shall, at tih explrntlon of on month from ,the da.t of h first pubHoatlcBi hereof. Istue a pro-vl.1n.nal rvrMflcnta of Tills in lieu o: eald lost tettlflc. tmlens in the mmntlm vaJld objeotlon b made to m In writing.. . . . . DATED ait th. Ifcncl Eeglstr Offlc, Prlnoe aurt, B. C, this xsra. ay v October. 1937. , AKTJftSW TWOMPflOH, j, :rputy.,lifcltrar..oX Titles. SIRLOIN TIP ROAST- Per lb RUMP ROAST P'er lb. SHOULDER-, STEAK-2 lbs. VEAL Veal steak 3 lbs SHOULDER VEAL 4 lbs LAMB LAMB CHOPS 2 lbs SHOULDER LAMB Per lb. PdRK BUTTS Per lb. Phone 683 50c 50c 50c 25c 25c 10c iOc 15c 15c 25c 50c 50c 45c 15c 20c LADIES! Received today another large consignment of coats. Something to suit every taste and pocket. Come in and inspect these goods. Your Credit is Good G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE COAL to H-fiAsfc RvrnVrtonr Satisfaction Ouarantewl Fimbria Ednitn Alberta Coal . Ilulkle; VaUey Coal Vancouver llanl Coal Prince Rupert Feed Companj PHONX: 68 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. Zarellll Proprietor -A HOMfc AWAY FROM HOME" Rites 1 M nf SO Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Hubert, B.C. rhone 211 P.O. Bo iti Orange Pekoe Blend "SALADA" TEA See the Latefct Creations by GREN0VILLE PARIS The Paris RiVal of Coly; iMakers of Two of the World's Most Famous Perfumes Casanova and Byzance Perfumes from 75c Colognes frdln ....... $1.50 Face Powder . . . . . $1.50 Ormes Ltd. ZTfir. Pioneer Drvaists The Reiitl Store Phones: 81 St 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. KEIMJCEII WITKR FAKES lo VAXCOJJVEfiB Culling at Ocean Falls and Powell Hiver 32 "eturn Mmih nnd lierth Included savins mi unoni vc Prince Kkipert IHUIWUrtlO Rate Effective Nov. 1st Until Feb. 28. Return Limit, .March 31. 11:15 p.m. Southbound V-76-37 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and P Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. Foothills coal will suit your stove, Bulkley Valley will warm your toes, Nanalmo-Welllngton Is Just the thing For Stove, Range; Heater or anything. Purchase Your Coal From PHILPOTT EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phones 651 653