vacn tion Of - frfel even Persons, AmonQ POWELL TO nem rnnce von nesse, rv II a re Dead In Air Lrash Flying in Fog and plummets to Earth with ratal Results 0STEND, Belgium, Nov. 16: (CP) Eleven persons, luding five members of the former German royal fam- f It- T.I11 t i. A . I .1 oi nesse, wvre niueu wnen a, transport, piane on me unjcn-urusseis-ionuon line crasneu near tnis cnannei 1 l-.t 11 i 1 1 A P il 1 M.i-.i i i i. .i i i nKI'IlMl LIU" CllilHIIl'l. L 1 11' .111 lllll'I 1-1 .I.Mll'll 1111 ii ;i Illiril i ft n i l. m mm ' BUILDING of New Post Office in wx uuycn may ik: rtccn ai Telegraph Office T. I I'" I VITfMIlll' - kl Ilk 1. I 111' s and elevations of the propos- new pir olllcc building here; which tenders arc now being 11 HkiT I'm irnii' T r T nn mrrcr II w ' " uj biiv t yoi s mh the exception of a corner the Third Street Rlr! In which t -1 Government Telegraphs office dc located, Upstairs will be 1 rnoftlttnt 1-1 . . i eriran KYnprt m mm, ni.vniM 1 ill H w . m- AWA Nov. 16: (CP) Dr Taylor of the University 1 !tnr,.H..i .-1-1 ... n ... 6imJ( mm gruui umi- jJHiuai iiiui, mere wua nu u n jiaiisiacuirv icvci - . . u ... ni.vuv i . v- w PCQ ... .1 11 . .. hiuuuwiiuii was conironcu. expressed doubt if this cou'd achieved through lnteniatlonaJ -DVi.ivuv DUl suggesica 11 v.,. Lii,i,i,,',i Tiiiiiinii mill ADr AC JU SNATCHERS -- ", serving inif Terms lor "'1'iappinc, Make Darinj (etaway A 1 1, ij in, , .. . ... -"UYiuLiri, New York, Nov. 10: n- Tlu-cc men convicted" of kld- Jonn O'Cnnnrll (r of AI- LuCUIITfl In rfirl.., foolilnn Qi Onandiisa county Jail Uxlay r hhuiing und gagging four ,pm ltlld 11 mulron atid kl'diiap- rw. v VtllUl. "i ir Imi,i,. ,...... . 'via wvru iticy uvui; u JOhn Olev fir AIK mw tirlm tt'PfO m sentences of sevcntv-seven tniprlsonmcnt. mid Harold -"I 01 wew York, wlio had been twcnty-cloht von chimney and plummeted to earth, i The members of the family of Hesse to perish were Prince von Hesse, the Dowager Grand Duchess of von Hesse, the Grand Duchess and two children, Ludwlg and Al-senbach. They were enroute to attend the wedding of Prince Lud-wib von Hesse of the German embassy at London. NEWSMAN EXPELLED ' 1 I J AT I plan shgw a building meas- Writing About Foot and Mill 4f.fl.,. .. A,.... n( f lltAf f well as commodious livlnc auar- BERLIN, Nov. 16: (CP)- Paul Ha- News Agency news ourcau in ileum, was last night ordered to leave Germany within 72 hours. The particular complaint upon which his expulsion from the country is based lis In regard to dispatches he wrote customs offices, the fisheries I staling tnat loot ana mouui imiruai; .fs nffiro o., n.) rr.i tain Reich farm districts. The dis patches are termed "maucous. Ravoux Is the second foreign news I paper correspondent to be expelled I I mm the pountrv within the last few months. Today Ravoux was granted a four day extension of the expulsion. w Havas Is a French news organiza tion and Is allied with Associated Press. KIDNAPPED MAN DIES a 111. .1 A a Three Are Cliarccu iui iuuun-i In West Virginia lollowlng Death of Elderly Victim HUNTINGTON, West Virginia, tj, lft: (CP) Dr. James Seder, 79-vear old, kidnap victim, uu. being held for ton clays in an au-andoned coal mine In what United States federal agents declared to be a futile $50,000 extortion plot, died of pneaumonla yesterday Trosfcutor E. E Winters announced Immediately that , lie would confer with Judge Clay ur.M. r.,i Hip rmtianrlllni' 01 11 Orvllle heavy bond, British Social Credit Expert Gets Six Months' Imprisonment with Hard Labor on Libel Conviction EDMONTON. Nov. 10: (CP) in A III ll'i. II!. I II I , , . .... .. I ... ...... I transput i. i mm: jiiib iiiuii vuiiiiucy ai unii'mi ulillCiUCU1Bc r- ruwu'p au-uuiifu onwau Social Credit expert, was scnten ccd by Mr. Justice V. C. Ives In Supreme Court of Alberta yesterday to six months' Imprisonment with hard labor following conviction on a charge .of publishing delamatory libel "well knowing It to be false." The Judge said he. would recom mend that he be deported. In passing sentence, Mr. justice Ives said that there was growing turmoil and disrespect for the law In Alberta for which such persons as Powell were responsible. Federal immigration officials said that Powell could not be deported until after he had served his sentence. He came here from London last June. Counsel for Powell announced there would be an appeal. Serious Charge Stayed . E. 13. Cogswell K.C., crown today announced that be would enter a"sta7 of1 TJroteTnufp-oh charges of counselling to murder md fcdltlous libel against Powell and Joseph' H. .Unwiu, Social Credit member of the Albcrla Legislature for Edson, who was convicted last week on a defamatory libel charge arid sentenced to three months' im prisonment, CEREMONY AT BRIDGE Opening of I'attulla Span Bu' Forerunner of Greater Highwav Development Says Minister NEAV WESTMINSTER , Nov. 16' 1 CP) At the ceremony of opening the new Pattullo Bridge span ning the Frascr River here at noon vrxlerdav with representatives of the provincial government, main land municipalities and Washin? ton State In attendance. Premier T. D. Pattullo. in formal morning dress, took an acetylene torch from the hands of an ovcralled work man and. as Its flames melted through the links of a tiny golden chain across the roadway, declared the $4,000,000 structure officially oncn to traffic. Hon. F. M. McPhcrson, mtnlstet of public works, said that the bridge was a forerunner to greater development to come In the prov inclal highway system. JEWS ARE ARRESTED Hebrew Leaders Taken Into Cus tody Following Ri"ts Over Week-end " ..I t o.,rl ,n..lrl nvk-I .IHIlUSALI-ai. NOV. 10: (C1N niurdcr indictments against three Arrest of prominent Jewish rcvolu- 'tlonlst loaders followed the weck- OUiijvv-v... ... . . . . . i.. r,..lll hnltl'OKIl Arnett Booth, John Trivis unci cnii riii.Mn.-a m ""- ,, , I Adklns arc held under Arabs anu jcws. iinwwi ""''-' I 'IA, ''i.e. Today's Weather omorrow s Tides AM.) ( Rupert - Part cloudy Prince mm High. 0:10 a.m. 195 ft. mutheast wind, 14 miles per hour; 12:05 p.m. 23.0 ft. 29.55 (falling); temperature. barometer, Low 6:00 am 6.6 ft. light chop. 43; 18:48 pm. 1.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVI., No. 206. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1937. PRICE: CENTS Nanking Gunshot Wound DwnirAB Unlnl 1 iuvco 1 aim 1 Povlnclal police headquart- ers were advised late yesterday afternoon of the' death at 10 ' o'clock in the morning of Wll- Ham Gordon of Bella Coola as a result of gunshot wounds In- : fllcted In the knee on Sunday. An Inquest is proceeding at At- narko today. Circumstances of ' the fatality werp apparently accidental. Gordon and his wife with a man named Max. Hickman were walking up a narrow trail. Gordon was In front of Hickman who was car- rylng a loaded gun in the crook of his arm Gordon, who was carrying a fishing pole, , turned around, the fishing pole catehing the trigger of the gun 1 and discharging It. The bullet's 1 course was in at (he knee andt - out at thei shin bone. Shock ' was evidently the cause of ' death. Cattle Market Fairly Active tics arrested Eri jaDounsKy, son oi nniiy Valdlmlr leader of the . . . . . .i I 1... . mi Ih VISCOUNT HALIFAX l.r.AVl.N .irwisn Jievisiouisi nui-jf. u..u w...-LONDON Nov. 10: (CP) Vis-1 teen other members of the party, count Halifax left London today It Is believed they will lc sentcne- f,.i ivrlln for conferences wiuiica to six inuuum rhaneellor Adolf Hitler and oth .r! The FINANCING BUILDING Hospital Board Has Meeting wi(h Managing SecrcUry Following Trip (o Victoria An Informal meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert jcncral Hospital was held last Ight following the return to the city of the managing secretary, II. ,V. Birch, from Victoria where he took up with the provincial government matters in connection with the financing of the new local hospital project. Mr. Birch confirmed an intimation made public yesterday by City Commissioner W. J. Alder that $50,000 would be forthcoming from the provincial government. The floating of bonds to raise $30,000 required in addition to the $20,000 fund already available has now been suggested and will be Placed before a vote of the taxpay ers. The hospital building project will come up again on Friday night when the board holds its regular monthly meeting. Heavy Cost To raise 30.000 through floating of. city debentures ror llie new hospital urolcct. it was estimated at the City Hall today that it would cost the city $23,904.00. In other words to obtain $30,000 spread over fifteen years, the ratepayers would eventually have tc pay $53,964.60, providing there i' no depreciation In the present market value of the city's sccurl tics. In order to yield $30,000 at th present price of 75, there would have to be an issue of $40,000. The annual cost over fifteen years ii. repayment of the principal and in terest would work out .at $3,597.C4 on the present market value of the city's bonds. Heavy Steers and Cows Yesterday's Sales VANCOUVER, No. 10: The cat-J tic market was moderately active yesterday with prices steady. Heavy Jewish Revisionists arc steers ana cows were prcponacrant Improving re- sometimes referred to as jcwisn in 6uia wwuiub . --.? nfflelals OlUCiaiS in 111 n-rfll'U rezard to w .iiikiwh b I ...... tft lio r...1...l.. ,liu,n In fore 1)I5 atlons between Great Britain and Nazis, iney wouiu nc ta.v...v "-... v-, v v . . ( l il.... .nri n..i,ftf ft 1 rt T fill,. Germany. an inaepenaenv uuuuu. iu" " BEGGING ALLEGED VAXCOUVI-K Sale yt.icrclay Vancouver pol'ce arrested (wen Iv-onc unemployed men on charges of obstructing the police. They arc alleged (o have M'icit-ed aid from passersby. It is understood the men were ineligible for work In 1hc n?wlv established forestry camns. hav'ntf arrived In (he province since Oc-(ober 27. DRIFTING IV STOItM SEATTLE Coaslguaril vessels " i-e'ln last ni?ht northward from Sun Francisco and smilhwaM from Seattle to the, cvoa-t of Orern where (he vtamer Gold'n Hear, with ten "n on board, was adrift in a storm after breaking away from a lug which was taking her frntn San Francfccn lo Seat Me. Th Golden Bear was being V""ht north, to Seattle to be OPERATOR IS BLAMED All Crew Could Have Been Saved 'tis Said Graphic Slory NORFOLK, Va.. Nov. 16: (CP) the crew could have been saved if i the "S.O.S." had been sounded ear-! llcr. He charged that the distress signal had not been sent until he stood over the radio operator with a drawn knife and threatened to kill him unless he sent the signal im-, mediately. I The crew of the vessel numbered twcnty-clght. CONGRESS MESSAGE Four Point Legislative Program U Submitted by President A( Opening of U. S. House wAKirmnrnN. I), c. Nov. 1C Is Started Oyal Favvrily Members Die Chinese Nationalist Capital Is Being Transferred To Hankow; Terror Stricken People Flee BULLETINS Japanese Invaders Continue Their Advance and Promise to Meet All Resistance in Their Path Without Quarter NANKING, Nov. 16i (CP) The Chinese Nationalist government has decided to move to Hankow on the Yang-ste Pviver nearly three hundred miles to the west because of the threat to the capital by Japanese forces advancing from Shanghai. The ministry of communications has taken the lead by evacuating staff and records to a Hankow-bound steamer. League of Nations technical experts will leave tomorrow. To provide even greater security, three or four cities in all will probably be used for various departments. Military headquarters will remain at Nanking until the last. 1 In fear of bombardment like that which has already wrought such havoc at Shanghai, thousands of panic-stricken civilians are already Ikeing from Nanking, Tslnanfu, capital of Shangtung Province and Soochow. The Japanese advance from west of Shanghai is reported to be continuing. bombing by war planes accompan led the advancing troops. I , . 1 T 1.1 and no-Quarter Will be shown to re slstance. The Japanese government REVENUES INCREASED Federal Government Collects More From Customs, Excise and In come Tax OTTAWA, Nov. 16: (CP) Federal revenues from customs, excise and Income tax increased ir he f'rst seven months of the cur Widespread ftlscal W b th Exports of Canadian products arc i i .also on the increase over last the middle of December, it Is stated, , Tnda Vs Weather i3rirmn-n" ".tMmi( i $ hdi formally decided to create an Triple Lsland Overcast, nortb.-Impcrial headquarters for the more east wind, 8 miles per hour;:light vigorous conduct of the war in mop- i 4 China. It will unite the general Langara Island Overcast, north-staffs of fighting services under east wind. 18 miles per hour; baro-dlrect command of the Emperor. meter, 29.68; temperature, 41; sea How Canada Voted rougn. nDiioorr o m ir. (rm pif. Dead Tree UihUUUCilAJ, 1WI, v. ' Linns Inelndini? Canada. NO CHANGE IN POLICY Is Not Fascist but Will Fight Communism Without Quarter, Says Dictator of Brazil (CP)--Recommending the removal oncuy hiiropean. nr tax Injustice's In order to "en- " ' rdurage productive enterprise." . . . I'rosldent IVanklin I). Roosevelt flQWie IViOrenZ submitted a lour point icuisiauve program to the United States Congress yesterday at the opening of a special session. lt The President asked for early ac-itlon on farm cron control; labor. wages and hours. of work; rcorgan Izatlon of the executive branch and planning of national resources The chief executive reiterated that he expected the ,next budsret "can be brought within definite balance" and directed special attention to business conditions. RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 10: (CP) President Getullo Vargas, the new 34. Point Raining, strong southeast wind; barometer. ouiYiruia ui wit iicisuh.1 , . - - ' QQ. ,,, ii. u 1 zenny Chandris, which sank Sat- lart night supported the declaration - Z Zl urday olf Diamond Shoals, arriving prepared by Great Britain, United here, being unable to speak English States and France condemning Ja-ihemsclves, told through interpre- pan as a treaty breaker in its in- wind, 7 miles per hour; barometer, 29.56; temperature, 34; sea rough. Alert Bay Raining, fresh easter- icrs a grapnic story ox me sinning ,u .... J( , w,nd baromete 29.82; temper- ' of the ship which was laden with against the declaration, and three ature, 34; sea rough. scrap iron cargo. (Scandinavian countries, which ab-Thc captain had a bright red stained from voting, may not at-gash across the bridge of his nose .tend the conference when it re-to witness his story of how one sea- ( assembles on November 22. man on a raft with him went mad and bit the captain in the face. Konstantlnos Balascus, third engineer said that he believed all Estevan Island Raining, south east wind, four miles per hour; barometer. 29.96. Victoria Cloudy, northeast wind, ten miles per hour; barometer ', 29.80. t Vancouver Raining, southeast i wind, four miles per hour; baro meter 29.84. Prince George Cloudy, north-1 east wind, 12 miles per hour; ba'ro-1 meter, 30.12. "; Terrace-Cloudy, north wind, 30.- Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 34. Alice Arm Part cloudy, northeast wind, 38. Anyox Cloudy, northeast wind, dictator of Brazil, declares that his Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 34. country's foreign policy will not be Smithers Cloudy, east wind changed under the new constltu- Burns Lane Dull, calm, 20. tion. His regime was not Fascist, Vargas reiterated, and it was not likely he would Join the anti-Communist pact of Italy, Germany and Japan although he would fight the spread of communism without quarter. The new policy of Brazil would be primarily American and only sec- Son Threatened I 25. New Flight Mark Made JOHANNESBURG, South Af rica, Nov. 16: (CP) Flying Of- fleer A. E. Clouston and Mrs. Betty Klrby-Green set a new London to Johannesburg flight record of Just over forty-eight hours today when they landed . here. The previous mark of f MONTREAL, Nov. 16: (CP) - two days, four hours, fifty-six Special police guards were posted minutes was set by C. W. A. last night atthe home of the late Scott and Giles Guthrie last Howie Mor'enz, famous hockey star, year. The present flight is an who died about a year ago, fol- attempt to break the record for lowing threats having been received of harm against his ten-year old son Police believe the threats to have been made by a person of unbalanced mind. a London-Capetown and re- turn flight now held by Amy Johnson Mollison. V. 4"u Hi Jiir:i,;,(, ' (! i3;Siti((. s-X it, " s il- .. ir ft a I ..miill'lll' it 'M' . ii -in. 1 :ll ,' nil , A. WJK: ik ' fi"" M xi,,.. "wbihii Mki- TJ., mi .'i:ihi. Hi HI, 'flK if : I W'h.iif.r'"" i-ISiJiiUi.' "5l- 1T w.&' i II if 1 fttii-flr