J' 'It It r i I 4 i i " SIR MALCOLM CAMBELL'S jSernice Palmer ays . . . Goodness me, what children will think of to do! There really Isn't any need for all the elaborate preparations we make for their amuse-mept or for the complicated toys we see and long to give them not If all children are as original in the'h- play as the one I am about to tell about and I believe they are if given half a chance. It was her fourth birthday and, because of the whopping cough, nothing much could be done to celebrate the event. There was a little family affair though and the usual & unwrapping ana excia ming was south after a j ln t M y EtS Sb-. hardly likely What they're saying about MILLBANKS (now with Cork TIPS) 'BLUEBIRD" SHATTERS MQTORBOAT SPEED RECORD Sir Malcolm Campbell, J3riti 3I1 speed king, is seen here, at the wheel of his motorboat, Bluebi on Lake Maggiore, Switzerland. Campbell set a world's speed record of 129.5 miles per Jiou the former mark of 124.8(5 m.p.h. held by Gar Wood of America. He is the former holder of th record of better than 300 mjles per hour. All he has to do now is set an aeroplane record an " r " Portland Hoop Team Is Coming Hardly Likely, However, That Military Academy Boys Will Have Game Here As previously announced, a basketball .team from Hill Military As-ademy in Portland is due in Prince gifts were wrapped in gay paper Rupert on Sunday morning January "): "ulclor " per; 2 between 9 and 12 o'clock aboard usal. After the fun and exc tement the Uner Nortniand on the way j 6 ,nat a Eame will he arrancrpH In heard of her. Wondering at the quietness, mother went out to in vestlgate and there she was, flat on her' tummy, wriggling along the ground uttering soft caressing sounds to some unseen object, her nose almost touching tHe earth. When asked what in the world she jft'asj doing, she looked up with the postxherubic expression and the dirtiest' face (a combination only possible " on a little child) and said: "why, mummie, I'm taking my y'orm for a walk 1" ' CHEERIO! . Oakland, California. view of the day and the time of the visit. In the course of the tour games will be played at Ketchikan, Wran-gell, Petersburg, Juneau, Sitka. MAY RADIO GAMES MacKENZIC'S each FURNITURE 40 BRIDGE TABLES . ReaJ sturdy and strong. Very acceptable gifts. Priced, $2.50, $3.00 ad 84.00 THEIR LEAD INCPASED C. N. It.. A. No. 2 Scores Clean Sweep Victory Oyer Electrical Workers in Commercial League Canadian National Recreation Association No. 2 extended Ifs margin of leadership lh the Commercial Bowling League substantially by scoring a clean sweep three game to nil victory in the only league fixture to bje completed last night. Printers rolled their three games, with Dave Houston getting high average honors for the evening with 174, but play by Biological Station was deferred. Individual lows: 1 vy.il, iBond GLASGOW, Nov. 20: (CP) Brit- long lsh Broadcasting Corporation may. Glass ... "air" the Scotland-Ireland and Jurmain Scotland-Czechoslavakia soccer games providing 100 ($500) Is paid on each occasion to charity, the Scottish Association says. 'Why do you smoke Millbanha?" 'My dear fellow, tee huntin people tumbled to them ages ago!" ELEC. scoring was as fol- R. A. No. 2 1 2 .157 139 :..I12 100 i.j..m 121 Fidler McRae Forman McAuley ... Pottinger . Handicap :145 125 Wan'amaker .... 164 J79 Handicap loi 101 Total ..792 765 WORKERS 1 :!w X151 .114 ...118 ...122 .... 79 2 164 137 82 126 110 79 PRINTERS 1 2 R. Franks 1161 119 W. Vance : ...171 148 O. Franks 141 138 D. Houston 198 171 McCallum ..' 174 129 Handicap 16 16 Total 3 141 100 3 110 130 89 12$ 13? Total 731 698 675 3 51 157 163 154 139 1? 861 721 785 C. N. R. A. No. 2 21 9 21 Kupert Motors 17 10 17 Printers 16 11 is uyro ciud 14 10 14 I C.N.R.A. No. 1 ll 16 11 Electrical Workers 9 15 f, uioiogicai Station 9 18 9 North Star 8 16 8 Twenty -Fiye Years Ago Npvember 191? The ratepayers of Prince Rupert are at the polls today to vote on a bylaw to authorize the floating of debentures for a trunk sewer project. There Is consider able .difference of opinion as to iiiy inciiuj ui uie Benefit-. An aplication of G. R. T. Sawle of this city for foreshore rights at Granby Bay Is Jto be made the subject of a test case between Dominion and provincial gp.verrtrnenis. I A bill will be introduced at the resent, sejlon of Parliament at Ottawa to provide for the strength-" Wng ql Canada's defences,. Iti.ls antoince(f ih Ihe Speech , from; 'thfl rd, during a test of the craft r for motorboats. It eclipsed e world's automobile speed d he will be master of speed. Steve Donoghue Quitting Track Great English Jockey Announces Retirement To Become Trainer MANCHESTER, Nov. 30: Steve Donoghue, famous veteran English Jockey, Saturday announced his definite retirement as a rider. Next year he will become a trainer. Donoghue made announcement of his retirement after riding third ln one of the races on the day's program of which the Manchester November Handicap was the principal event. SPORT CHAT A young ' English cricket club cricketer, described as the "Brad-man of English Club Cricket," has arrived in Australia where he wilj 135': make his home. He is Norman W 115 (Cutler who' scored more thar i3Q 3,000 runs in club cricket eacii lCIjof the years 1934, 1935 and 1936 -j His total for 1935, in fact, wa 728 3,701 from 40 innings for an av- jerage of 115,65. His best averagr however, was in 1936 with 154.23 J.n his last .match in England Cutler is said to have made a century against Mltcham ln 48 min rjtes. Since 1931 he has made V centuries. Cutler Is being Introduced tc Sydney cricket circles by W. A "Mdfleld, Australia's veteran wicke :eeper. He has Joined Gordor Cricket Club. One thing that al vays puzzled him, Cutler said o' arrival ln Sydney, was why me like Don Bradman and J. II vlnsleton could go on the field ii jljib , games 'arid repeatedly mak' yji?reiy double figures whereas, lr 'nternatlonal play, they did prac Really what they; liked withahe Amateur Detective Ry Anne may ullman) (Qucsnel) We'll call him Linn, because that Isn't his rea name. He's the Or', ental owner of a placer mine ano be Is the whitest Chinaman I evei met. Said one '.ol- his miners: "Plaj-fair with him and he'll do any thing for you. Cross him Just oner and you might as well leave thr country. Chjna., wpuldp't ' bet too, far away to get." Some time back Linn suspected one pi the rrten-of stealing nuggets but Ke cQiildn't be sure. He walks around1 overseeing things when he's there and ht notices rnore than one would think he does. Unknown to any one Linn went away from camp and climbed a nearby moimtaln. From that vantage point h'o watched the miners through Iecl gtassesiaridtsawione of them pickj up'a smilj ottUot and KjtareteWtciV dr,qp tUli hkjlan . V. 4 ienheo: Borsalino The Finest High Grade , Hat in the World nd the boys had gone over to the unk-house when Linn unexpect-dly strojled In. CasuaUy he gr.ee-d them and asked how things ere going. Quite often in the evening he had come over to talk to he men. Now he produced a package ol Igarettes which he passed around. Linn came at last to the thief nd offered him a cigarette which' ras readily accepted. Then he tooki ne for himself. Going through! '.is pockets, he apparently failed to nd a match. Still smiling, an un-crutable expression on his face, ie asked: "Oot a lighter?" and the ther handed him the lighter. Linn took the top off the light-r and shook a nugget out onto he palm of his left hand. Ilf poke rapidly: "Where you get his?" Hotel Arrivals Knox P. S.! Kennedy, Inverness; A 'riutsen and Mr. and Mrs. Sig .tflstard Port Edwardi Adlge Nlc- Central S. Orodln, E. Olson, P. Hudson. 0. Brozat and Stanley Marshall Mty; William Nelson, Blllmor; 'Villiam Ferguson, Pr'nce Albert: T. c. ,Carpenter and P.' J. Rolls, C. V. R. France Rupert R. O, Hoimes, Seattle. Royal Mrs. Vfc pfaht Balmoral;; K Qsland,' Vanderhoof;; A. Bour-Tepls, ,C. N. ,R.;. Jajck. Mclsaac, city; oh'n Sandange'r, Surf Inlet; .C icPeaic, bawson. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurfced Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONL C57 REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of ExchangA Block , riJONE 658 iifi After several years, we once again present to you genuine KOU 2AL1XM!U 11 A lb. I'here is an eyer increasinj; trend to better merchandise. Coin-riding with this trend, comes the most distinctive and representative shipments of these world famous hats it has been our privilege to .distribuic to the trade. Here is a selection for CHRISTMAS and WINTER wear that supplies dozens of reasons for the constant popularity of H0R. S A LINO the wprld over. 1 1 and fashioned models, every one-mellow luxurious finishes that literally breathe quality and rich-ness new compelling shades smart authorativc styles and above all, the correct and impeccable taste that has made H0K-SALINO the style and quality standard throughput the world. . ? 4 For Christmas Wear "A Gift 0 Quality" Presented Exclusively By BRYANT COMPANY LIMITED PHONE 297 Established 1911 217-21? SUUJWfi See the New and ImproY Redox Rolling Razt The latest shaving sensation. The .only hand opera razor with the true scientific cutting action. One hundred per cent perfect in every detail oM -J .1 - L 1 sign anu construction. AN ENTIRELY BRITISH PRODUCT Prices OQ and O-i OO with IM A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGEST! C UT EX Remember Her with Cutcx! A gift that any man will annreciate.. . See the Christmass 1937c,tfutcx Sets-Thc W f-rnhgthcy'havc ever produced Prices from 3'ijp to 13.50 Ormes Ltd. "Jite Pioneer Drm&tet The llexU Store Phones: 1 11 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 18 noon till t Pffl 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Sit A' r Canadian ffl Pad Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans To Vancouver via flrran Val and War I'OlU g Princess Adelaide every Friday, (o P.m. . E TO VANCOUVER UlItECTPHINCESS NORAM Oct. 29th, Nov. 8lh, 18th, 29th 5 WINTER EXCUIISION TO VANCOUVER $3100 Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1937 to Feb. 28h. 1938 i nnai Retufn wmlt Mrcn nn, , ) S, Connection at Vancouver;' wih Canadian Pacific 6er P .... , Tickets and:'Reenratlons from. r.i nv"-.M w. h. COATES, General Aent! rrlnce "Ince