LAND .tCT -....... ww.. . '-crv II ICC VUWIT J-JUIIU IWVU1UUIF of Brltlth Column La, end lUi- MMinAtir.n minr ir. upiy tor n cwmj ui mac ivi na at & post pinid on M White Sana lsino. ina iJind cf RrHUh rvdiimhll. and ttt1i Ztrca Uland on the N. W. point a of Zavtus on a reef on ncia that Frank Waterman of Riert B. C occupftt'.on Miner, T3 ln".l fnr & knsa nf LTi 101 dc-iisd inula: -all of the ree BKia iniuv TwniM. ihi ui tvuuaa ' Tf,T 9 1DAA 1800 feet Boutlvwent! then.' e or irsa PRANK WATERAfAN Ch the mrvT iunn In rlt 'allv New . . - Holla. Bella with Rev. Peter Kellj as missionary in charge. Nephew Of Lord Strathcona Was In City Monday An interesting passenger goinp scuth yesterday afternoon aboard ihc steamer Princess Norah wa Alexander Smith, world traveller adventurer and newphew of the late Lord Strathcona, who hay been of late interested In mining In the Atlln district and who is now going to Vancouver to ob tain machinery to be used in the development of ground there "Sandy,, Smith, as ho is familiar ly known, is getting along in years now but he is still very active. He Is well known in the north and can spin many an interesting yarn of experiences there as wel as elsewhere in the frontier dls trlcts of Canada and the world. Weather forecast (Furnished through the courtesy oi tl, Dominion M-tcrololcat Bureau 1 Victoria and Prlice luipcrl. ThU 'fte- Ail is compiled from oDversaiions '.a tn at 8 a.m. today and covers the 3d hour period ending & pia. vomorrowi. General synopsis rne Daro-meter la falling on the north coast and rain is reported In Prince Rupert district. Light frosts have occured over the Interior of British Columbia. BW III , ,hdnM Hm TT ITIIli: n.UllL'1 L UUtA.ll yllUl 12 icret, more or lew. FHANK WATERMAN August 28. 1037. I.AM) ACT of Intent ln tn Apply to'.LuM lotte Islands Fresh to stronp, southeast winds, cloudy and mild with rain Wednesday, continued unsettled. West Coast of Vancouver Island Modtrat? to fresh eas'er'y wind shifting to southeast. Mostly "fait and little change in temperature Alex Strachan s : Funeral To Be t i i w n .1 Held m aoutii VANCOUVER, Nov. 30: CP) Arrangements have been made for the funeral to take place in Vancouver of Alex Strachan, former Prince Rupert laundry manager, who died suddenly on Sunday after a brief Illness. Strachan !s TODAY'S STOCKS iCJourtey B. P. .JohiiMOB'Ot),) Vancouver; i,. B. C. Nickel. JD. 'X 'ip-'- Big Missouri, .37. .,.yV .. Bralorrie, 7.90. Aztec, .08. . Cariboo Quartz, 1.65.-': T;1' ' "pentonla,, fid. -I. Golconda. ..t5. t - Minto, .03: ; ' Falrvlew Amalg.-, .04. 1 Noole Five, .03J'2 Pend Oreille,,- LBQ Pioneer, 3.15 . Porter Idahd,. !03. Premier, 2.t)i. -: ' : it. , ' ' . l . i-i'? Reeves McDonald, ,3b..H".n Reno. .65. ' l'i Relief Arlington, '.10 Reward, ,05 Vi Salmon Gold, j07. t it 1 n O Premier Border, .Olji-: Silbak Premier, 1.85. Congress, .01. ' '.;'; Home Gold, .01 . . "'. Grandview, .07li. ; Indian, j012. -i- . U Quatsino Copper, ,03' Quesnelle Quartz, Oils A, P. Con.. .31. , Calmont, .43.. C. it E., 2.20. . '.0014. t r reenoia, .uo',2. 1 ' . Hargal, .202.- McOougal Segur,' .22. .,. Mercury, .18. ' : Okalta, 1.20. Pacalta, .li3,i. f' :J; Home Oil, 1.10. , , ',' ' Toronto Beattie, 1.26. " ! ' Central Patricia', 2.48. ;v Gods Lake, .50. . " Little Long Lac, 4.75. ; McKenzie Red Lake, 1.01. Pickle Crow, 5.30. j' Rd Lake Gold Shore;- .17,: ; San Antonio, L37. -r Sherritt Gordon', UJ.'1- ( Smelters Gold, f McLeod Cockshut, :lnjiV: Oklend, .13. ; Mosher, .10. . . 'i; "'V,"'. Madsen Red Lake, ,3t :Jf Stadacona. ,46: .,' . Frontier Red 'Lf4kep5. Francoeur 35; V Moneta Porcupine, 1.85. Bouscadlllac, .11. ; Thompson Cadillac, .32 Jj. Bankfield. .01. East MalarUc, .87.-Preston East Dome, .1.03. Hutchison Lake, ,06V'2. Dawson White', .0 & I : Aldermac, ,49. ' -1 Kerr Addisoh, 1.58. .. Uchl G9ld, ,.90; ' . Martin. Bird,' .29. Int. Nickel. 42.25. ; ' Noranda, 48.00'."' , '.:'' Smelters, 52.50. ' "'.' Athoria; .12. Today 'f Weather 10oemmru "4r8.Hui l .Triple Island Fair, south south east wind, thirty miles per nour: ea moderately rough.- Langara Island Overcast, show ery, southwest wind, 25 miles per hour; barometer, 29.77 rising i. Sea moderatejy, rough, freshments were served. Citizens of McBride are conducting 'a campaign to build and equip a hospital under the Canadian Red Crosr. Association. Already they have been successful in collecting close to $4000 Harold Smith of the Manson and Germansen Creek district passed Dead Tree Point-Overcast, light thrmi(rh PrlnPp oeorce last week it i rt. P southwest wincj; -oaromeier. n..J.' i.... jO." HrrHt ciTioll BUU Harbors-Overcast, cairn, ba,rometer, 20.98;- temperature, 43, light swell. . . Alert Bay Clear, northerly wind: .barometer, 30.29; tempera! ,tje, 32: sea .n'jppth. I Estevan uiear, norineaai wmu fou rmiles Ier hour; barometer, 30.18. . Victoria Clear, notherly wind, 14 miles per hour; barometer, 30.20. Vancouver Cloudy, calm;; barometer, ' ' ' 30.22. I Prince George Cloudy, north west wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 30.18. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 32. Alyansh Foggy, calm, 32. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 28. Smlthercioudy, calm, 31. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 29. K. Tothlll, have been gelting the outdoor skating rink at' the corner pf Quebec Street and Fourth Avenue In readiness and, as soon as weather makes it possible, the skating and hockey season wiU com-A delightful concert was staged menci. in the Elks' Hall last Monday night under the direction, of Mrs. J, Travis with a' trucklcad of supplies from, and Mrs.'W. G. Fraser in aid of the Vancouver- for Omineca , points, ' Elks' .Christmas hamper fund. With J. O. Davidson, Mr. Smith is Those contributing to the program engaged in the freighting business included Mrs. J. Ross, Miss J. Sar-into the Omineca, uilng both "trucks gent, J. Quayle, Miss I. Fawcett, and pack horses. Mrs. Ken Matheson, Mr. and Mrs. - Evan Fullerton, W-. R. MunM, Miss A Parent-Teachers 'Association Gebrgina1 Mclnnis, Mrs. J. Travis, has been in the Tabor Creek Thomson, Ogg, Miss Valet'ta Alex- diitrlct with officers as follows: ander, Jack Clapperton, Mlts Ruth Honorary President, Miss M. Mai- Pidcock, Miss Claire Qllliland, Miss lqry; president, Mrs. Carpenter; Marion McMillan, Miss Nora Aber- vice-president, Mrs. Grinde; secre- nethy, Miss Marjorle Roberts and tary, Mrs. H. C. Thompson. Miss Inez Fawcett. Following the performance, refreshments were Harry Thacker, assisted by Hal served to the participants In the Rogers, Charles Izowsky and R. F. program. ARRIVED! A New Stock of FUR COATS Very Latest Styles Come in and inspect them. Prices are right. Your credit is good BIG DISCOUNT FOR CASH If :aii mber ?0, 1937. f8 OMX.T tUWS .FAG3.FIVE ilt It TO BUILD FOR RENT RENT -3 room apartment shed, The Angus. w r.i - - Avenue next Liquor Store. . .....mi- ,',1IIIT n' Itlt IT1SII hi ntii.'it. - . ( III. I 311)1.1 IV PKOHATB Matlrr r Hie "Artmlnlntratlon A( t" Ami - ti.A rtt.itu nf IVfrr . -- - --T- Mann ..ii. liri'Miu-il. Inlftatr NOTICE that by Order of Hit A II. 1.1.11. i IV IU. n.inMl.1 -a-it or vne gi rrwi deposed, and all parties hav- -i rwvmVior A Ti 1 117 ft Tin to cy vn amount 01 uie r NORMAN A, WATT, Official Adimlntstrotor, Prince Kiioer B.C. , tVI, ItfOISTItY ACT rurwn (13) and roun c nine ivi, iwn 01 ouew- . , iii.ju.uc7 ui nut anoucu 1 thU offlc. not.lce U hereby Giant n from the date of the id uum rimiT lwniA a Tiro cmuirale of Title' in ueu certUlcuAe, unlet lu the i!Tuinar. at lh Land HeeLstrr Office. 1837. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy RdMrar of Title.. I'liiled Church (u Replace Thoma Ciobby on This Coast With Modern 80-foot Vessel TORONTO, No. 30; (CP)-Pur chase of a new mission boat to b-named the Thomas Crosby whicl; will serve Isolated British Colum bla coast areas was announced yesterday by the secretary of the United Church Home Mission Board, The new boat will be 8C feet Jong and will replace the present Thomas Crosby. It will b. operated from Ocean Falls ant :'TUIE THE TOILER" r-CVME WAD piDN'T COMB-1 N 1Mb ABOUT IT' . Ctft fM, bnf Nmviw iiMxh.-lr H6M LET'S SET th ZS APPLE fit Hi mi ;V;V mmm 231 1 HADMT NC li-K? BDT TV1E ViHOi-E AP.QUT AM UN C.N.R. Trains :. ; . For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays .arid Fridays 6 p.rhl From the East . Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ....... ...j.sllpii"; survived by a sister, Mrs,;J.-son, In Scotland. '.' USUAL BUI2XJLAK HOMTy. THAT'S SVAlEUU t .VUCJHnM aHMY 2 LM M ttJTX mi mm wx Kir, oil l EI "ifli 4 II i ." w 1 w i rU I RII M II I'l'l fs'iK- LO II f I Kl I f 1 11.11 5: !i x "W M Til Ml Mi "1 lV'jq Bill US VV . i v T ;. ,v - mi FRINGE GEORGE -A. dbg poisoner has been active in'the western section of the city, tliie clty council has requested the pqlice to make a special investigation. : Weather has been milder here during the past week after having struck five above zero, the lowest thermometer reading so far this winter; The Order of the Eastern Star Auxrijary met last Friday afternoon at 'the home of Mrs. H. Gray. ISiii L. Armstrong and sorn AlaH. 'left last Thursday afternoon tyt " California and. will spend the winter ;at' San Diego! In the hope thM.'ttie change will' bring further j improvement Iri Alan's health. The Salvation Army Home Lf.agjjed i successful tea, sale of worlctind home cooking In the Army Hall on Saturday afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brewer of Fort St. James have been spending a few days in Prince George on their way home after a trip to Winnipeg and other prairie points. Hugh' Henry pampbell, who has beei; taking a course in aviation at Manchester, England, is visiting his mot'lier, Mrs. Louis Blair, in Prince George; ' Herbert Moore, Indian Agent at Vanderhoof; spent several days in town last week ' on departmental business. With a good turn-out of mem- . bers;, the Prince George Badminton cljib' 'had its opening tournament lof the' season on Thursday night ( last fn "the Princess Ballroom. Re- IT f ' si y MM HE" WA- Ax CAT tSWRGLATi-AMD V-ATST C JiiMC was TO CUM& FNf? Vis- C? TJLOB A.N A ?0 House tus-H A fiUOCt FlcOM OFPlCR CLAWCy WTIS. TO TAUk TO XxiTkuc N 'Jii. 4 All "IT'S AOUT THIS BURQLAVJ rnty oxuu thb catvjb TAjCb6 HIM To vour BAtd yAAD (NO 1MEN LI r - I'll Enjoy the Improvements on the New Models This year's radios are better than ever-better in tone, better in performance. Easier tuning methods, more accuracy in getting foreign stations all the -refinements that' radio and sound experts have added this year are available now. And the cabinets are real masterpieces of the designer's art. We have all sizes at prices to fit every budget. Leading makes to choose from. A small down payment connects one to your aerial. Balance on easy terms. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited 9 . VAtl-lAf CUl-tB TlVG TOPICS TO S,TUAt- 'A. CT A BUOCtv fpiOr-1 OUfi' tAC'JSB? DON'T BE lrfc(Vl r V I "-uvivi ... J X WAS RK3H.T HEfeE ALL EVEMlNaM a 1 T I rr i Imi rf- a . . a a W Ast I 4. ir-i. U TILLIE? i i 1. 1. ii I SAY, ASKED VoO 1 1 i rj i ii i i i ti i i wr- AM AH&l GOLDBLOOM'S TI1IC OLD UKLIAKLE Christmas Cards For The Old Country See our large assortment ..of local view photo Cristmas cards and calendars. " They are appreciated by relatives and friends. ,' -. , WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarell' Pruuritor "A HOiMli AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Ccld Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone. 281 P.O. Box 196 . jTrnBgTfKik7TITU"TTTrial Wedding Photos Treasured Possessions in Years to Conic. KENSON STUDIO 3rd Avenue THE SEAL QUALITY ItJOr MRP GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL; Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In - Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone 580. Furniture Movingi-and Storage i Transfer and JXeiitfcry Quick Servicij$i; i Jasper Coal 1 Bulklcy Valley Coal Lump, Egg, Nut, Slack , Cedar, IJirch, Juckpinc WOOD Card Tables and Chairs For Kent ' j 315 SECOND AyE,F iit- "St.!