iThursday, July'B.-W? For Lovers 0 Fine mi An ip vAlinlln 1 Anona Thc Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Canadian Smmm Ormes "Jiie. Pioneer Druggists 802 Socips As Purchased by H. M. The Queen ANONA 1937 Coronation Toilet Soap Imprinted i. riiioVi will nnt w.islvnff and remains vis- ible throughout the life of the soap. Super Fatted, Triple Milled. Per box of 3 cakes ANONA Dob Series Imprinted in color, per box of 3 cakes ANONA Cat Series Imprinted in color, perbx of 3 cakes ANONA Nursery Series Imprinted in color. Per box of 3 cakes 75c 50c 50c 50c Produced by Disabled Rx-Service Men at Preston Hall Industries, British Legion Village Nil Maidstone, Kent, England Phones: 81 & 82 ThetllHill Store Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Restful Vacation May He Spent At "The Dunes' TlelU Queen Charlotte Islands VjTI --- I i f 1 1 1 i ii in i it. fr- 3r -a -EM the tired businessman can become reluvenated, The place where to cook having where his wife can enjoy good meals without larm them, where the children will have all the pleasure of and home and a wonderful sea beach. Visitors to The Dunes return again & again. Write or Wire For Information j i. mi:, uajaut Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Mil I m) rac,lic Transatlantic nvnnarnntlncntal Trans-Pacific Falls and Way Ports Ocean To Vancouver via Friday, 10 pa. Princess Adelaide every To Vancouver Direct Princess -Alice 'Princess o"'seRlh. 31st 28th. July w 10th. 21st, July 3rd, 14th, 24th; July 7th, 7th, Smlce3 Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Tickets and Reservations nfj Kupcrti .c. Misses Mary and Clara Pierce-returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from -a trip to Ketchikan. Mrs. T. Marsh. Mrs. A. W. Lonie, who has' been payintf a visit here with her soni 1 in-law and daughter, Mr. ancj Mr. Ed. Martin, Fourth Avenue, West, left by the Princess Louise, yesterday afternoon on ner re turn to her home at Merritt. J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, will sail on the Prince; Ruwert tomorrow afternoon for a trip to Stewart on official duties,! accompanied by Hugh McDonald, road superintendent there, who recently returned from a trip to the Atlln country. Interesting incidents at the re cent convention of the Canadian Electrical Association In Banff which he attended were described by J. J. Little, general manager of the Northern British Columbia Power Co., who was the speaker todav at the regular weekly lun cheon of the Prince Rupert Koiary rinh In the Commodore Cafe. Pre iHPtit w. R. McAfee was In the chair. Sea Cadets Are fall. Enjoying Camp nocnit. uvatlier Conditions, Out ing at Dodge island is Proving Happy One Although the rainy weather has been hampering outside activities inrt keenlne the boys indoors more nthprwixp would have been ihP rase some twenty members of thp inml Sea Cadets Corps, In two weeks camp at Dodge Island, are vprv haDDV time wuh hipf Ppttv Officer instructor j Onslow In charge. The newly ob-. nlnrd ouarters In the old quaran-M in vmsnttal are nrovlng very com-1 fortable and the boys themselves ire making a number of improvements. Regular camp routine is aelng carried on. Rising time Is 7 .m. with lights out at 9:ju p.m. are SDent In work ana if ternoons and evenings in recrea tional activities. There are regular tihps for various duties. Members of the Navy League oi r.mada. narents of the boys and others-will pay a visit to the camp on Sunday, boats waving at noon. Screen Actress Falls Downstairs Alice Faye Taken to Hospital Hut Is Found to Have Nofueen Seriously Hurt tint i.vwnon Julv 8: Alice HOTEL ARRIVALS Royal C. Gould, Vancouver; E. Lawler, T. Ellertson, Nick Hyde, ram u. 1.. Jensen. Seattle: Liniwiu Clarke, city. Prince Rupert 1.. n. cook. Vancouver, Mrs. Meyerhoff and Mrs. Ruttan, Pen-tlcton; William Powers, Seattle. CLEAN FALSE TEETH-GET RID OF STAINS New Etiy Wy-No Bruihlnr Str-KIn. anwilnf new aiicovery, tt-tnovM blckt lUlnt. UrnUh. Urt.r lIk. mglo. iu.t put falw tt4h or brldgw In BlIS of ttittr nd add Sttr.Kln pod(r. ' No mwi bruihini. RommtnJd by dn- 1 1 norovt'd by Good llouicktrplni. At ill dTuggUti. Uoi.y Uck If not d.llghud.' THE CMC? NfiWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Margaret's Mid-summer ance sale now on. Clear- Trades and Labor Council meet-1157) Ing postponed till July i5. U57) Cecil Batt-salled .yesterday afternoon on the Princess Louise for a trip to -Vancouver. i Navy League picnic members 'iThe 'Mayfalr" nas a ; and narpnts nf fipn Hartals are In- line 6f ladles' shoes. vlted to attend their camp July 11. !Tea and coffee orovlded. Boats will noi. J. W. Nlcholls, manager of leave Cold Storage 12 noon, Ar- the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage , mour's 12:30. ,co.. returned to the city on the: ! Princess Louise yesterday after-Harold Singleton, H. Q. Wilcox no0n from a business trip to L. B. Cook, all of Vancouver, 1 chlkan. He w&? accompanied by were guests at yesterday's regular , his son, John Nlcholls. weekly luncheon of the Prince. Rupert Gyro Club. Mrs. James Farquh&r left on last evening's train for Terrace wliura cVin wilt artatirl flpvprhl weeks visiting with her mothei,; Udy Jack'Hllditch. who Is' engaged in fur trading at Frances Lake, Yukon Territory, was a passenger aboard th2 Princess. Louise yester afternoon south spend the summer In Vancouver. He plana to return north In the Mr. and Mrs. lW. 1 Armour and daughter, June, who left for tre south recently, are making a mo- tm- trin tn Portland and ban Francisco and will return by way Edinburgh, of Boise, Idaho, and Drumheller, Alberta. They expect to be away for three or four weeks longer. T. H. Johnson, former manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Stor age Co. here, and Mrs. Johnson, who are now residing in Victoria, will be arriving In Prince Rupert on Saturday by train to spend one week. Since leaving here a year and a half ago, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have been on a trip to England. Hareld L. Campbell, B. A. of the Provincial Normal school sat VtrtnriA and formerly -superin- toHHPTif of the Prince Rupert Hchools is this year director oi fU Ptviiripial Riimmpr 5?chool at I IB Week-En8 Specials SELWS ited Plums R. C. 2 tins peaches and Apricots ner tin . i i. - o Faye, screen tictress, was lanen w Tomawcs-r- Heii 'VP.tirciav iouowins ui ner un a i.uoji.v". j - I . fall down a flight of stairs. It was Royal City Corn announced that she naa susiamea 2 tins no serious Injuries. Peas Brentwood 2 tins Puffed Rlce-and Wheat 2 for ' Christie's Pretzels per pkg Jelly Powder 6 for Braid's Best Coffee u ner lb Soup Vegetable or Tomato 25C 3 for Borden's Malted Milk 39C ner dkk Quaker Corn Meal per pkg Swift's Picnic Hams per lb lMione - in ii i i i ii i Mini i mii iifi v lt- It v It V . . . ATMAT TO EAT I jynH SHREDDED WHEAT I '(VVY P dtfflHSES "THERE'S Nothing more delicious " i XV V HSk5S! '' than Shredded Wheat and 'itraw- SMLjeiKi'i. 'fR u Uw.rr Uvei hnt wMthpr meal complete' jt- SM jn If self.-light.-wbolesome, digestible. 1 :M "aK.XWWi foWm the Canadian shddd whkat ! I Ja$S mSSSi I COMPANY, LTD. SHREDDED Writ At MADE IN CANADA - Sir John and Lady 'Jeffrey of Scotland, who have been on a trip to Alaska, were pas sengers going .south aboard the Princess Louise yesterday. They boarded the vessel at Juneau. Dr. Leonard O. d'Easum, physi cian and surgeon of Atlln, was a nassenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through for a trip to Vancouver. On his return north, he will be accompanied by Mrs. d'Easum and family who have been spending some time In the south. I Announcements ; 25c 16c 11c 25c 25c 25c 19c 28c 36c 15c 22c FREE DELIVERY , 765 303 3rd Ave. CatiioUc Ladies' Tea, Mrs. Bus- Vitrtrin wViiph is attended by aisanich, July 15 number of Prince Rupert teach- 'vn iiiv...iM I along the line laidldowB -in -the new course" of " studies will be featured at the school this year ClflSS !Fi E 0 FOR SALE FOR RENT 1 1 FOR SALE Trolling boat. Phone Red 322. ;(18D FOR SALE Small gasboat. Cheap. Phone Green 186. (157) FOR SALE Speed boat, 13 knots. Seal Cove Post Office. (tf) COAL Nanalmo-Welllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootless, (or the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery. Phone 116 or 117. (tt) FOR SALE Furniture, 3 chests of drawers, 2 easy chairs, kitchen stove, heater, single bed with mattress, typewriter table, library table, set o f dishes, Beatty vacuum cleaner, etc. Phone mornings or evenings Black 328, Dlngwell, 1239 Water St. (158) HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon Apartments, Phone Red 421. (tf) VACANCY JULY 15 Angus Apart ments, front three and four room suites. FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected nnrch. with electric range, fur- nnpp. eood eard'en. one of finest harbor views In city. Apply to Pnllen. Dailv News. (tf) CLEANING & PRESSING SPECIAL: Price reduced 25 on dry cleaning and pressing ladles wear. Pioneer-Canadian Laundries. Phones 8 and 118. (tf) l T1IK SITUKMK COl'KT OP 1JKITISII rOLl'MKIA iv i.lrmilTR III tlir matter of the "AdmlnlKtratlon Art" in,i In the Matter of the Estate of Wlllam MDhald. Ierea!.ei. take NOTICE ihat toy order of Bit I Honor. W E. Flher. the y 5 I V,,.L A n 1B37. I waa appointed Ad- BlblJald. decaed. mkI ell partje. hay. mg claim, ttat. hereby miuirm . "'" r-r day of July A. D. 1937, aild .11 .. j-i-.-j . ,ha tit re re ijiuouw v - name. of M their In- . Uieaurit quired to jwy NORMAN A. WATT, O racial AdmlnWra.tor, Prlnne Bupert, B. C. DivW the atdh day of June, A. V, 1937, OF CANADIAN WHEAT . . - lELIO'S Furniture Exchange ' THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Gilchrist Logging Jack No. 2 Gilchrist can be worked in any position. Height closed 24 inches, weignt ou ins. Folding Camp Cot This cot is especially adapted for camping ' Roll-Up Mattress To fit above cot DUNNAGE BAGS We Ho not need to detail the many uses to w.hiclvthe dunnage bag may bcpiit PackSacks Prospectors' Wedge Tents These tents are made specially for prospectors' 'use and easy 10 carry Grey Wool Blankets The finest camp blankets on the market We also carry Wall Tents, Camp Cook Stoves, Etc. d. el 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 916, P. O. Bo 50, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.8. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJW. Due Vancouver, Thursday pm. T.SJS. CARDENA FRIDAY, JO ill Ml. Du Vancourer, Monday am. If convenient please purchase tickets at offlc. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Atent, Third Ave. Phone 661 t 4? i 1.1 V t 'i I I 1 1 i