THE DAILY NEWS ————=== oe a — A te + | The ECONOMIC PAINT STORE a ic q [a The News” Classified Ads. —WE CATER TO THE TRADE— -GO TO : FREE no Orne int . ~ See SORE EE ETE eT EEE a Painting, Papering rae Paints Oils Varnishes E. COLE, Prop. 6th and Fraser St. PLA ALP IO LLP ALI LOL ALS | lf | } : ——— —| ~~(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== The Big Furniture Stor { ¢ @ fy e @ o The Jame Tisai A —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER— . FOR ROUND Nicely furnished rooms. Good table board BENE ere eres rs armarns mar rel pnnomaetiitetsipiiigaiilanemminstadiil ay Board $4.75 Room and Board $7.00 EE os ete ers se re QUALITY HIGH PRICES LOW . schiainaliiditishccachiitice a fy e & |e & ie o em: bo | nist cectatmnanctibetiiiansinat | a a ad Phone 150 COAL NOTICE th The Insurance People on wa ! sinnseonintsenesitiasininaiesssaihn aptiiinenstenaens sent | Fire | For Rent—Comfortable mod house 270-273 | 6, 270-278 VE NE wee he —~ ee a. BLANKETS and COMFORTER Ok ts ed Ye EE We have them in a great Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlott | Life Ave., near Hospital. Phone B Islands Marine For Rent—Nice clean, warn mfortable rooms. | from the cheapest to the | Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince | ; Saat al , 2_comfortab fm Accident ates 35e and up. King ( | | Rupert, saddler, intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Wor for a licence Plate Glass For Rent—Furnished Rooms—Buckley Block | to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum on and Employer’s Liability 2.50 week up. } under the following described lands on the West i ear Ug eee ntr ey : Coast of Graham Island: Contractors’ and Personal Bonds For Rent—Two roomed cabin, close to McBride, Commencing at a post planted three miles east |} Policies Prepared While You Wait. | freshly peered. ag clea nly $10 per month. | r . } H F. McRae & tf | lz He ie ie ie ie oie ice aie ie oe oie fle nie oie aie fe aie aie ae ke ae ob oe ae ae of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4469 thence [oe —— ha THE i 3 ee sok one ett thee Wo ehnins ant to von “| Mack Realty & Insurance fran | |e F. W. HAR We have just arranged with one AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator | eilibians Insurance | fa e ‘ T of our clients to place forty-two | ib. Aug. 1 ust Ist, 1911. P.S.—Houses and Rentals. ee ee ee 2nd Ave. and 6th St. Phone 62 lots on the market under exceptional | Skesns Land District — District et Queen Chariess | | =| OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just | bs papas oeretrt g sak te Bcalices Bainter of ince taper, Cb api | Bae Se. Insurance: ‘The Meck ite salty ad Ine arene Ca. | Do away with this. Patronize a white | EEKERKEKELCESE bebees Eke missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for | Sener rere laundry. White labor only at —_____|" 7 and 8. The prices are as low} coal and petroleum on and under dio acres of | ITEMS OF. as any on the market, and _ the | !and on Graham Isalnd described as follows: S Commencing at a post planted two miles po | Buen ay ae Sea See eES ESR ET ES Ea ES ESET a3: terms so easy—monthly—that any-| of C. B B Goal Lease G5, 18, marked N. w corner 01 Lease 0. thence south one can buy. Along with this | chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north | te emcee ee ees eat Pioneer Laundry. Phone exceptional offer, each lot admits | 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to place of com- Sere eee acco aa | Wanted at Once—Chambermald at the Central | = ; ; mencement. | Hotel. It ‘ the purchaser to a drawing for a Deted Sept. 32, 1911. 0. BAINTER, Locator A storm of protest hag been | staterni ; t Apel . . u pt. tite ‘ . | Maternity nurse open for engagement. " ply Ad FREE TRIP ROUND THE | htoupéid inn” Ménoio colpelan. byt, Bee ween vertise in : ‘ WORLD. If you hold the lucky chee Land Peon eer ir eoares Chariotte | ithe initiation of Jack Johnson | Wacted—Gervent We ds general housework Othe r i i i ‘ ake notice that thirty days from date, 4 =. | maid kept rs. -’atmore. ticket the trip is yours; or you Bainter of Prince Rupert, by occupation} into the Forfarshire and Kin- | Wanted — Girl i - \° 3 a for general housework. App ad re sepaqag re — hen 2 As ireaenne de intend to api 10 he Saat te | cardinshire lodge of Free Ma- | . Mrs, Laney, 1208 2nd Ave. 265-267 | sideration. e chances are ZOOG— | coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres oy sons. Wanted. — Dresemaking, cleaning and press- one in forty-two. Come in and |!and on Graham Island described as follows: ing, repairing for men and women Mrs Charles We have clients for property on investigate. FA ryote f ‘ bP. dont Lease No.4, marked LE OES Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone 2% Red. tf N. E. corner C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 8, thence | Welch will referee the Wol- Wa have peleaniedt twhetiidne fer ene or hie he "aa ; ” anew Second, Third, south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence | ,,, -We ight I Angeles lady representatives in each city and township north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of | gast “W elsh ligt at aCe eer in Western Canada. We can offer very attract- commencement. on November 380 for the light-| ive terms to those who qualify and are willing | Dated Sept. 11, 1911, C. E, BAINTER, Locator | ‘ight he I f the to devote four to six hours daily to our work. ’ CARTAGE and | Pub. Sept. 23. weigh championship o Tt Clergyinea, ethool teachers and those having | STORAGE | i world, large personal acquaintance who can devote | . | Dis D Chral spare time will be amply repaid for their ser- | | Skeena Land District—District ef Queen Chralotte Caen vices. Address, immediately, Box 851, Winni- | | e e Take notice that thirty days from date, I. C E. . tenia tg ti peg. | G. T. P. Transfer Agents Courdareli, the giant Turk, | Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation | bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- AND COMPANY] missioner of Lands for a licence to prospec. for | ceiauiete . : | coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of | Who has arrived from his na- OFFICE~H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 6h land on Graham Island described as follows: Lost and Found Commencing at a post planted two miles north | l/Ve land with an offer to throw STYLES FOR CHILDAEN ‘ee poe leg Pana thease Soutit Be any man in the world, failed to Lease } 1 — ogee cee east = coum a ne aren 80} make good at his first appear-| pouND-2 Small Keys. Inquire at News Office e t t . | "295 al , 'e" It Is More Difficult to Get Them | mencement. “ ™ “° Place Of com) ance in Montreal last week. He 225-tf MADE AND ‘SI 10eS.. Fourth and Fifth Aves., close in. } Submit your listings CRO EA ONTINENTAL RUST | . ; > tooted as a coming world beater, A tr ss rs rs Orders promptiy filled, Prices reasonable. | ee ee Ee —— Ss Fe] ° ‘J Continental Trust Co, § Dated Sept, 11,1911, C, E, BAINTER ,Locator) was hbilled to throw Raymond | Found—Ladies’ opal set brooch. Owner rend REPAIRED ! SEESIESTESEESIETSESIESE Right Than for Grown-Ups. [Fe Sept. 23 Geecsiption t BJM, Daily Nowe.” 280- &33 - —- Caseaux four times within an + Bo ee a * | Martie Avenue Jt ss rs pr oem In the thoughts of dress andl | Skgepa Land Ditriet Duar of Queen ees eka cE ag elt’ { { JOHN CURRIE & ° Te etiatietieiaiaiaia aaa rn styles we must not forget the | Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation; fall from the Frenchman. Phe Real Estate dumbobins semen : PRINCE RUPERT e338 3343383 SESE PESTS weeiee i bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- | +p l ioha ¢ 2 children, and never were hats for | missioner of Lands for a hernia to prospect for lurk weighed in at 300 pounds | . , as A coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of | haying nearly 75 pounds the ad- the little ones more charming | land on Graham Island described as follows: Le I Lot for Sale in Section 5, Block 2 ot 15 than this year, For the most| Commencing at a post planted two miles north) Vantage of the Frenchman, but Ave. Apply Mike Ruzich, Box te . : ; of C. E. B. Coa! Lease No. 3, stake S. W. corner tl rh he ; { { f | part they are close fitting, Quaint | Coal Lease No. 7, thence north 80 chains, thence ough he was on top Most oO Will buy lots in Prince Rupert at bargain pri , ) > sh¢ > ew wan east 80 chains, thence south 80 os thence} the time he could ot 1 the >D > 860 “ <6 little bonnet shapes of fur are weal BO cbaina barclote Me abribenoament ( ne, ie could not pir non Ser Apply P. Box stating aie ati 1 being shown, and Tam O'Shanter. | Dated Sept. 11, 1911. C. E. BAINTER, Locator| lighter man’s shoulders to the 3 The crown of one seen in Vie~| rae ;mat, Courdareli seemed to be Se ae ot “FROM HOME TO HOME. | near a oria last week was of pearl gray | Stems Land Desuiee Distt of Queee Chastetie| in poor condition, and was much Stenographer Re Toy, tapers ee HOTEL ELYSIUM beaver, while the head band was | Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation distressed toward the end. Phe for Brass. Copper sad, mrded with lace frill | _ | bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com-| ren wrestled at Graeco-Roman, | Po re for Brass, Copper, Lea ‘ corded with lace frills and a 1r0-) missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for nm ’ Eastern stenographer of wide experience wants Rubber Boots Solder | Sid. Sykes, Manager selte of lace. Another was a | coal cis aut ios ieee of | which the rurk's Manager) position, Address “Stenographer,”’ 662 Cor- : , te i : i turban of white fox with a fr itl of || Commencing at a post ‘planted two miles north| Claimed was a handicap, as his| 4°v@St.. Vancouver, B.C. t-f Dross and Bottles The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-dats fur on one side. This - B. Coal Lease No. 4, marked 8. E. corner) 49 is a catch-as-catch-can ete eee ae Excellent Cafe. Mod with a neck piece of the same fur p23 ‘west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, | artist. j Pri R t Ca h St | , thence east 80 chains to place of commencement. D | @ o Vancouver, B.C. finished with frills of fur at the | Dated Sept. 11,1911. C. E, BAINTER, Locator merece ies For Sale i rine U e 5 ore | 1142 Pender Street West q bottom of the neck piece. An¢ qd] eae Tommy Dunderdale, Wintii- | dermermsemermsrmsommsrmecrmsrmsrtmsrmsomdh 735 THIRD AVE | Phone 8500. ASPLSALP AS ISS what would be even more sweet | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen Charlotte) peg’s star hockeyist, may follow] For Sale—Wardrobe trank in first class ceonditi Dn Apply Room 25, 533 &th Ave. West. 270-2 i : » . ; Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. E. | he and pretty fer the kiddie would | Bainter of Prince Rupert, B.C C., by occupation |b! bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- up with one of the Patrick teams crowd to the coast and line For Sale — Complete cabin furnishings, includ- be a coat and muff to match. | giasones cf Lands for a tinence te prospect for ing cook stove, tables, chairs, tableware, ‘cook- = What little pink-cheeked tot| coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of} inn Vancouver or Victoria. Tom ing utensils, bed, with, coal and provisions $25 would not look altogether kigae'l “testes petenee tie ce north} My has received a long letter r - . | Ea aa, ee ne able in such a costume? a et ean ate uae north 60 from Frank Patrick offering him | MULVANY chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80/ $1,000 for the season, which is B O Y S 1 BEIRNES & o | chains, Spence cast 80 chains to place of com- | menceme indeed a very flattering offe: Don't Buy Coal | Dated Sept: 11, 1912 C. E. BAINTER, Locator | However, Tommy has decided to | 7 Wait! 1 3 reok j Y give the Quebec team first chance g The first week in De Skeena Land Distslet— District of Queen Charlotte and-if the will come through ands cember the Westholme Lumber | ne Skeena Mail and Express START IN BUSINESS Leave all express packages for interior | Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince] with the same salary he will hike Sell the Daily News { t i l ! ea eo earnan ae aomRa SONATA aM ) ; imi 7) j Rupert, ti ddler, intends ly e Yor. Frase’ d 5th. thoice Wines and Cigar ry ar C 807 Thire e., and insu Company t Limited, will begin the Chief Cornmiasioner tan aad Wake toned for the ancient capital. eee ane ean 74 It’s the easiest and quick- 08 fos, YT Sted Ave, end ; selling Ladysmith Coal for $8,50 | licence to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum on sti RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT est way of earning money All accounts and correspond ? jand under the follownig described lands on the of your own Apply at per ton, delivered. | West Coast of Graham Island: Ottawa, Noy. 26,—Jack Wil " in SO J elton, B.C Commencing at a post planted three miles east | P.O. Box 806 Hazelton of the southeast corner of C. L. No. 4470 thence| Jiams, the peerless center half | THE NEWS OFFICE i Vi BOE | BEIRNES & Social on Tuesday —__| Rath {0 cininn, thence nat 0 Shaina themes | oCitawa football club, has | Bee ciate ots oe cece . | commencement, f oO 20 i » WE ‘ave i : Cookie Social and Musica! En-| AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator announced that he would leave) @RADES IN SECTION 2 Bre ve . ° : | ¢ ‘ ar Pop 1 tertainment will be held in the| ny ust Ist, 1911 about January 1 for Regina, Where he has accepted a position | Before the auction of lots in section 2, | _ McIntyre Hall on Tuesday even-| } e = or ing the 28th, given d th |Skeuna Land District—District of Queen Chariotte | in the real estate business with|intending purchasers should carefully le VO CFE) CRD CELE eB ES i £ under e | I Take nave that thirty Ga Arama Gate, Te C.E.| Morgan O'Brien. It is also said Stud the Lot G d | WA ce auspices of the Young Ladies | bookicseper, nee Se ee tae’ nel one that Charlie Disney and Stuart y races i y Class of the Baptist Sunday | pes wi | ot Laer * seenee $e eee, ee Robertson of the Ottawas will ac- You | can only do this satisfactorily by @ } cate poe land on Graham Island described as follows: j}company him, though they have | obtaining a copy of the large map (3 ft | gy Rn School. An enjoy able eyening re meneinS at a post planted two miles north | 4 "ge ae | 9° hough ms ‘ 6 in, by 2 ft.) complied from official re- | ri 4 ) s $ e o v “Tose . ay , will be spent by all those who GE. B. Con Lease No. 29, thenes south 80 chains, OS ee cords 2 — feng C.E. This iN i in Or thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chain - are acne gives u detalis o contours, opo a) attend. Tickets, 25c. 270-2 | thence east 60 chains tu point of Gcaniautacnant: graphical features, street grade 8 pe p 66 ¥ i se nett aerate tere | Sareirae O48 oscen more orlet. g. patner| ¢ 5e© Howe & McNulty for the | jot elevations. IK Toric lenses for comfort.—Cameron’s ' pub: Get. 7. cae“ famous Kootenay Ranges. PRICE—TWO DOLLARS | asl or { ——_— : —————————___—— . For Bale at the Office of 2 , } C. B. SCHREIBER & CO. - Prince Rupert {S) 99 613 Third Ave. ’, O. Box 91¢ Phone 85 ah ! EWS x ~ Your Home! N . Intending Purchasers wai 4) It gives you all the news of your own city and district as well as the | of Section 2 Lots AS) in all parts of the world. The news is well edited, its news columns ar a B) } i i 98 PI § SBS EON ENED SHITE VLD CS MS) RUS DBA WAY OF FINDING We P . Sa —— le some, It is a paper you need in your home. The advertising colum) ! iene . : } Nov. 29th is the date set for || , ij . - . than & atti a . ; * mone 5 We Loaned ; ae ‘4k We Loaned Gaasiny Ee ancien” al cer iS you in touch with opportunities for getting the full value for your m a % S on Be M in Section 2, If you wish to —_———— | get a lot send us your instruc : 35 oney | tions to buy, together with the iy . ab | cash for the amount you care '@ awn? | to put in, 4] sores pers este somes A Sah aeemernerertr™ { & TERMS OF SALE—One quarter | |} 7 ' In (Commercial Printing 7 ] y | cash and balance in 1, 2 and 3 || / we have a large stock of ) years at 6 per cent. : DDaagg ab ! / — | SINS Bi gaa / Bill Heads , Birachscs 3 | Lett: 1 Price Lists > j Stock Certificates | A | ay | ° 4 f n ; G R. NADEN COMPANY IF Memorandum Forms 1 Articles of 4 tall ) br eens Sa ea 7 ¥ shle ts 4 ae ae Limited, j'ai : : We handle Blank Ledger 1 SHlustrated Pamp Per Cent. to Ro ; Per'‘Cent. to & | imitec Commercial Cards moss he Tact j x , Be a ; re ne | 3econd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C, NM faid Bostean ] + \ : . t 1 lily’ a _ 4 Build This h = ae Build This ff it eaten titvaniivitinitripiin jee f : 4 iN Ny! Aj Bw _ : . . . 7 it { al 4 House Chimney Sweeping and Furnace Cleaning ¢ For society printing, we ensure correctness of style and taste In Visitins oat Invitations and Dance Programmes. For any kind of printing from the ! Y a z : | Prepare for winter by getting your fnr- a — eo gre nes. ny et i) Let us loan you the moazy to buy or baild a hous? or pay off a mortgage. naces and flues put in order by A to the highest grades of multi-color printing consult the ‘‘ News Job 3 iI ne | CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. | ©. H. CUTTING —_|& ° McIntyre Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. See aaa te i Third ve fn "HONE NT . Head Office: Pacific Building, Vancouver, B, C. | li ally ews ul - 98 | : NE 5 i | TRY THE “NEWS” WANT AD. | apy aes | ee ge