waq9 form Used Furniture 3eds, Dressers, Dining Room Suite, Kitchen Tables, Odd Chairs New Furniture 5-Piece Bedroom Suite $98.50 ELIO'S Furniture Exchange Hours Open 9 a.m. Close 5 p.m. Phone Green !)1G William Stone sailed Sunday night on the Catala for a business .trip to Stewart and Premier. H. J. Zumkehr PIONEER CHIMNEY SWEEP 15 Years in Trince Rupert Fully Authorized and Licensed Expert Hoofing and Roof t Repair Phone 101 Prince Rupert, B.C. By Westover WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. James Watt, arrived in port at 8:15 Cils morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands land will be here until 10 o'clock Friday night when she will sail on her return south over the same route. C.N.R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived in port at 10:30 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sails at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. Thoro u-prp lit naecpnmirc nhnnrri 'the steamer Princess Louise which was in port yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. Twelve disembarked from the vessel here while, four boarded her here for the south. The princess Louise will be here next Sunday morning on her next northbound voyage. A total of 196,900 pounds of halibut was sold by nine boats at Seattle yesterday as follows: Pacific, 40,-000 pounds, 10c and 9c; Kodiak, 39,-00Q, Whiz, llc. and 9c; Venture, 35,000, Washington, 1QV'2C and 9c; North. 36,000, Booth, llc and 93Ac Western, 39,000, San Juan, 9c; Banner, 6500, New England, 10 VBc and 9c; Reliance, 400, 15c; Lane, 2000, 1 12c and 10c; Greta, 500, 11c and 10c. The halibut catches of the Reliance, I Lane and Greta were incidental to black cod fishing. Having in tow the halibut boat Yaquina, which had become disabled off Cape Spencer with a broken tallshaft, the United States coastguard vessel Halda, arrived at Jun-eau during the night, .according to radio advices. Peter Sunderland of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station staff is on a trip East with the experimental refrigerator car which left here last week. Mr. Sunderland, while away, will visit New York and Philadelphia, meeting at Philadelphia a brother who is captain of a Norwegian steamer and whom he has not seen for years. Basil E. Bailey of the scientific staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station will leave on Friday evening's, train for Madison, Wisconsin, to resume his postgraduate- studies-at"' the University 61 Wisconsin after having spent the summer at the station here. i The Dally New lias an audited circulation. Flay safe! HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying, CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert rOU'KE A1CMDE2FUL"TD HELP HE VlTV4 hv fertnV "Til t IE lfA t-vr r-r1 l 1 1 ... f V. . fz TBM DAH.T HJWI lay. September,, ! - USED School Books Elementary, and High We Buy, Sell, Allowance in Exchange The Book of Knowledge The Children's Encyclopaedia Used Tools, Stoves, Ranges, Rifles, Shot Guns, Musical Instruments TERRACE Labor Day was -celebrated quietly in Terrace. There was a baseball game between Usk and Terrace. It was an evenly contested game which was won.by the home team 15 to 12. The baseball fans staged a dance in he Orange Hall. Gavins' Orchestra supplied the necessary music, which everybody said was better than ever. There was a good dancing crowd. An alarm was circulated about 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon when Mrs. Blssonette's two-year-old baby was lost. She had been out playing with some little friends and these had apparently run away to heir homes leaving the little tot far from the Blssonette place. As dusk came on and no sign of the child search parties scoured the surrounding brush and the search was continued by lantern and flashlight into and right through the night. Jack Sparkes and Wilfred Dumas found her at 6:15 In the morning, whimpering faintly among the debris along the river's edge, cold and frightened but with good prospects of getting, over It alright. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Michiel re-urned to Terrace last Thursday vening from a motoring holiday. They will take up residence ct he Colthurst place west of town. Mis3 Lorraine Kenney went to Prince Rupert last Thursday to "nler St. Joseph's Convent where she will take up a business ourse. Miss Norma Kenney went with her sister to attend the wedding of Stanley Brooks and Mies Lillian Christy. Miss Marjorie Kenney of Terrace has received the appointment as teacher at Fraser Lake. George Little and his son. Gor, don. and W. Fulton, landed at Kwinitsa on Wednesday afler an iueiuurous nununj? trip by anoe uown stream from Terrace- 'deal camping weather prevailed luring the three days journey. ur. L.iuie ana sdn returned here Hotel Arrivals Trince Rupert Mr, and Mrs. J. Rukln and M. Rukln, Georgetown; D. L. Coulter, J. M. Grey, J. R. Drysdale and C. B. Elliott, Premier; Harry Towne, Blllmor; J. 8. Patch and son, George O. Castle, W. H. Trotter, Miss Mary Lawrence. Harold Lan-nlng. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rolston, Charles F. P. Faulkner, W. C, Stevens, C. R. Marpole, F. W. Guernsey and A. R. Billings, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. William Pall, Shames; II. Mackay, Prince Rupert; S. Tretlak, Klsplox; Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Anderson Jr. and R, G. Anderson, Aberdeen, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lawrence, Los Angles; K, Matheson, Prince George; A. Berner, Telkwa; Col. W. J. H. Holmes, Victoria; H. Judson, New York; C. H. Bennett, Bralorne; Mrs. M. J. Williams, Skidegate Mission. Knox Charles Johnson, Seattle; J Johnson, Trail; Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Edwards, Usk; W. L. DeMary, E. A. Plamonden, S. H. Mills and A. Schucrdfeger, Ottawa; J, S. Patch and son, J Oalbralth and D. W. Mc Nabb, Vancouver; B. A. Ericksen Skeena River; James Hassan, Mas- sett. and Mr. Fulton proceeded to Prince Rupert. Mrs. IL Mist and her daughter, Thelma, returned to Terrace last Wednesday after spending sever al months in the souttw Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and their son, Norman, left last Fi i day with car and trailer .for an l. i i! ' rrl - . cAitnueu motoring irip. iney pect'to end their journey at Win nipeg. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Andersen left on Friday last with their car for a motoring holiday in the south. Mrs. Kofed was on the train !ast Wednesday from Trince Uu pert with her little daughter Tohanne, who has been receiving treatment for some months at the hospital. CHAN FILM AT CAPITOL Wamr Oland Here In His Fifteenth ricture of This Role 'Warner! Oland plays the part of Charlie Chan for the fifteenth con secutive time In "Charlie Chan at the Olympics" which Is the midweek feature offering on the screen of th Capitol Theatre here. The yam Is one of murder and inter national spies and, as usual, is ably leplcted by this popular actor. The ;py ring Is neatly fooled when the wily Oriental sleuth substitutes a adio direction-indicator for a sec ret airplane radio control device which the criminals are seeking to obtain, As a result, they fall into he hands of the police and a baff ilng mystery Is solved. The sup oortlng cast Includes Katherlne De Mllle, Pauline Moore, Allan Lane, Keye Luke and C. Henry Gordon The other end of the mid-week double bill is a speedy comedy ro mance, "Fifty Roads to Town" with Don Amache and Ann Sothern heading the cast. The story Is built around the adventures of two snow bound strangers who are marooned In a mountain cabin by a blizzard. Mistaken identity plays an Important part in the zestful escapade. The supporting cast includes Slim Summervllle, Jane Darwell, John Qualen, Douglas Fowley, Allan Lane, Alan Dinehart and Stepln Fetchlt. Dr. R. O. Large and Dr. J. P. Cade will sail tomorrow night on the Prince George for Vancouver where they will attend a medical post graduate clinic. From Vancouver they will motor through the Carl-boo district and the central inter. lor to Hazelton and thence back here. A communication read at last night's meeting of the Junior Sec Hon of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce outlined' the program of the annual convention of British Columbia Junior Chambers of Commerce which Is now in progress at Vancouver with O. L. Rorte, pres ident of the local chamber, in attendance as a delegate. FIND ELEPHANT'S WEIGHT AND SEE PICTURE! I- 4 W4 'Mm This elephant Is made up entirely of numerals from one to nine-all have you to do Is find out how much he weighs by adding up the figures. The first twenty-five persons submltL LTtT a free pass - - wsss Use this coupon and send it to the Dally News office. Mark "ELEPHANT HOY" NAME The Elephant's Weight is ; ..... (Employees of the Dally News or the Capitol Theatre or their relatives arc not eligible) vunii oiorieg to Date! Warner Oland ., . "Wl 111 . , , "Charlie Chan at the Olympics" As the champions of tl" nniinn .f rl.,.. . ..v.u.. ovuvc uir giory Chan stalks a ruthless kmtf with Kathcrine De M (At 8:21 Only) PLUS Imagine their predicament! Maroonedin that mountain cabin for days ond doyj and doyi . . with rht mow up to dent JL Jj tltthtt ... . ibm tut titsl, Jtligbl. ful, Ibrilli! ftuag ltnl 9 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZarelK Proprl'to' "A HOME AWAf FROM HOME" ti nn no Cdd . V 50 Rooms Hot & . u..irt n.c. JANfc (At 7;00 and TONIGHT and TMRS. Last Complfte Show it - 1 1 1 i Phone 18 and 8 J tOMH Free Gift Tota We are still Mn ,urfir Gift Tokens which entitkP-to a wide ranje of Tnd Come In and LookThwO MUSS ALLEN'S ECONOMY STORE m... nt' P.O. B "LI Try a Dally Newt 130V W' W 'Jl JMn "SILVETZ SHAFTS II "1 T n ! 4 rtM . want-Hi "TILLIE THE TOILER