PAQ1 two NOW is the time to select your SLIPPERS New arrivals by Paris Maid and other. leading, maizes in the most fascinating styles and designs in boudoir and comfort slippers. Priced to Suit Your Purse Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRLSCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avinue H. F PULLEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advar.ce Paid in advance, per week ' Paid in advance, per month By mail to all parts bt British ColbfiAiih'fina United States, yearly period, paid In advance , By mall id all other countries, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone . - - g News Department Telephoc: -, g6 Membtr of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION TALKIXfi OVER PRfrfif .tiMct $5.C0 .12 io J Wednesday, December i, 1937. 1 THE VOICE OF VICTORIA Victoria has spoken and the decree of British Columbia s capital city is that it likes the proposed policy of friendliness with the United States and that it will not listen to the voice nf ttnn. R R Rnnriaff ii.Mrfl, een4- mi The - policy initiated . .,, , : ; by Great ' Britain Z . , of V . trying " to talk presage a re-opening at Anyox ' on K'vnl.1nn nvpr mutual i ...UvU. iiuuicni nun aiiecteu powers seems to De an excellent one. Many differences would disappear if we could oftener get together and talk things over in a reasonable way, The spetatular method of making daring speeches to large multitudes of then own people is for the purpose of inspiring those people with confidence and has a political significance. The policy Of Britain in this case should be one that will appeal to Catfadiahs. ELECtlON THURSDAY Another important by election is to take place tomorrow in Alberta when, in Lfethbridge riding, there will be a test of the strength of the Aberhart Government. There are but two candidates, one a Social Credit supporter and the other one who is opposed to Social Credit. The result will be an indication whether the government is holding its own in that province or whether it is losing ground. We should hear the result late tomorrow night. Wi?seco4J tvtose SA1?3 oArs 1 tmwJff. a;. T i THB-DaHjY NEWS - Wednesday Dnemb mi BRITISH "DOUGOrT DIPLOMACY IX NANKING ho deposit "rttiuirfd. look it over; Steel-helmeted, R. G. Howe, British charge d'affaires in Nanking. Is pictured seeking safety in the dugout of lhe embassy grounds after the siren had warned of approaching Japanese aircraft. Owing to the poor aim of aerial bombers on botlj sides of the Sino-Japanese war. every foreign legation have beeYi equipped with ane: of these - funk hole-.." Strickland Wins jOver Al Delaney In London Bout I LONDON. Dec 1: CPt Al De Parliament In Session I CANBERRA. Dec. 1: ICPI ! Australian Parliament yesterdar opened .its first session following 3-9 'cisiori to Morris Strickland of New tne recent general election. The 901' Zealand in the main event of a Speech from the Throne referred i boxing card here Monday night to trade agreements. NEWS OFTHE MINES ert McDonald, who is in charge ofbrjefati&ns on hy- Sixty Men at Present Employed by Smelters At Any ox DoKcies PP Madteiiae King j The ground has been closely drilled and iested with shafts Mr' ct n... . .1'"' lifting. Mr. McDonald took in a. steam shovel to wuc cicvuuii issue, oeiure mime a a iai larriei jjci trie me trrminr uunu hut uui owint? nwinrrrn io chnMnh r .i ti 4 - f ,7 . ' "'"& vvr i ivi, H as nut auie meeting, , with . , loud voice and emphatic gestures, he urged to get a into production t0 ob- snc ui.c iui iuurveivie as a protest against tracle l iy possiDie recurrence of olHarirtoo urifV, U tTii-J Oi.i.-i ! I Water water shnrtaoo shortaee. Xfr Mr mnu Mpnnnnirf v.-. hnc The camnaira was a strenuous nn u-ltl, nn,w f:teen usl.ns steam sh' ' "8 prominent speakers taking part on either side. nSTJStSSrSi outstanding of these was Former Pi'emier" Behriet but, onnet season, he win be in a posi-the other side, Defense Minister Ian McKeiizie led the j t,on to feed two six-inch monitors government forces and stressed the policy of improving0 work e hdraullc p. The Canadian defenses on this coast. Evidentlv that nolitv Jf also vets acceptable to the elector who helped tb pile up eyZ go into pro trie splendid plurality of close tb eighteen hundred. . auction oucuon as as soon soon as as water water is is avail Any idea that the Mackenzie King government is able able net next season- season. The The operation oneration. Weakenincr in the West was spr nf rest in tho V,Vfo,.,'o Judelng preliminary Indlca tion " "w ' .Uons, should be exceedingly profitable when production of placer gold ' ! ' gets under way. WILL ACT IN UNISON A satisfactory ahriouncehient was made yesterdnv in Nat Porter who has working London to the effect that France and Great Britain would cretllntTJ T.lTT ngfits in the East-hghts which haVe been threatened by has arrived in prince George from Japan since the taking of Shanghai. Another interesting tne camP- statement was that, before Germany's demand for colon- . les could be considered, Chancillor Hitler must eeasfe "rati- fl,Ac,cord,ns t0 4,he latst word from ing the sabi'e." It seems tb haV& been a hiost satisf actbry X discussion of u-urld affair that took place between Prem- now SE faJout it? mmAS ler Chatitemps of France and Prime Minister Chamber- a& Anyox. They are to a large, ex-lam of Great Britain in London. tent employed in exploratory work on tne extensive copper holdings there. It Is understood that the activities activities 01 of the tne crew crew now now there there a producing scale. Meantime, the company is jsllent as to its future plans. Some men who went to Anyone recently in tearch of Work were turned awayT GIFT BOXES Of the finest chocolates made at avail-' prices to suit every purse. Your rimiri m v - ...m. Phot 1 1 4 .i nihil Come in and MUSSALLEM' S Confectionery Store OS Different poses to choose from Lowest prices See our window and be your own judge. SUNDERWOOD'S STUDIO Foothills coal will suit your stove, Bulkley ( Valley your Voes, Nanalmo-Wellington Is tne thing, ... . For Stove, Range, Heater or anything. Purchase Your Coal Frbln will warm Just PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Phones 6S1 652 METLAKATLA ANNIVERSARY .Monument Dedicated to rioneer Natltes Who Moved front Xear llere Fifty Vears Aco Principal feature of the celebration at New Metlakatla, nf thp fniinrflnv nf tVia vllloho sanr celebration festivities which lasted from Thursday of last Week until Monday of this week. There were nearly a thousand Ylsltors from Ketchiton at New ..tetlakatla on Sunday to attend the proceedings of that day. One of the honored guests for the anniversary celebration 11 New Metlakatla was William Leask of Old Leask wecnt went rat north north with with Father Duncan's originals but la fifty years ago was the dedlca-ter returned to the village of his tion of a monument in comment- blrth where he, is how, postmaster. oration or the pioneer natives who left the village of Metlakatla, neat Prince Rupert, with the late Father Duncan to seek religious and other liberties. Trie dedication of thlJ mounmeht took place on Sunday In the course of anniver- JOHANNESBURO. Dec. 1: (CP) At the first share-pushing trial In South Africa, Fred Asner, 40, was sentenced to three years' hard labor here. Asner Is appealing, ball being fixed at 7,DS7 ($39,785). The Letter Box UNEMPLOYED MEETINq Editor, Daily News: I would, like through the nwdi Metlakatla. Mr! tZri' .J lhe u MS' T - "ccuiib on mursdav December 2. 8 p.m. in the c.ffi lull V. LEHTO. Vancouvtr Wheat VANCOUVER. Dec 1 icfi Wheat was trading it $1.26'; on th", Vancouver market today, BANK OF MONTREA Established 1817 t-A presentation In easily understandable form, of the "Bank's ANNUAL STATEMENT 30th October 1937 LIABILITIES LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC DeI'ts . . . . . . . PajMt on JtmaxJ and aM notltt. Soe of the Bank in Circulation . . . . , .. Payable vn JtmiuJ. Bills Payable , . . Time drift) iisuti and cttiuniifg. Acceptancts and Letters of Credit OutJtinding . "'; Fhantial tnfidkulSlitiii ktiittikik en IrbJf of (KiloAirt (stt off-lttllig umoWt Jk "kriciircti"). Other Liabilities to the Public . . . Ittbis u bith dd kit drill ttiJit ihi Icrttoinl teaJ'utt. Total L!Abi!iti to the Public LIABILITIES TO TIlE SHAREHOLDERS Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits and Reserves for Dividends . ... Tbh amount uprtienli ibt ibanUUtrt inltrtsl in th Hani, otr u-bfrh lubililit to tbt fkblic lAt rtcidtnn. Total Liabilities . . . , . . ., RESOURCES To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Bank has Cash in its Vaults arid Money oh benosit with : ' ' Bank of Canada . . Notts of and Cheques on Other Banks . '. . Pajablt in cash on prtirntalion. . . i v Money on Deposit th Other Banks . J 4 ' Available on dimiud or U short nttici. - Government and Other Bonds, add Debentures . i Not exceeding marlif tatne. Th viSb fortion Hntitt, gilt-edge teenrrttes rihtxh matsirt at tarlj dtth. Stocks tudnitrial and etber slocks. Soli xcltJing maW-tUtue. Call Loans outside t)f Cahatla ' Secured by bonds. slocU ind oilh nlgo'lialii' ' Ucnrhes grealtr value Iban tbe Utnr and Presenting nontj, hiiciH apatlaH u,lb 6 dntnrbing Iftci ot conditions in ffi v-u i-uans in uanaaa i , , Payable on drrnini ind shared i greater t ilue than the loam. account. 1 bond. and Hot tt of Bankers' Acceptances . 4 . 4. Prime drafts accepted by other tikts. TOTAL 01" QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES ( eqtul to 79.W aU UaUliiUs to the Pahlit) Other Loans . . . . . To manufacture,,., fatmttt mirt&nfi and otbert, on col'ditioni conststenl uilb sound battling. fouainont Bank Premises . . . ( . " , - . , Tuo Properties onh aie tirrifd in lbi' narih o 'hiidiiv '! bondt of tbein companies are il- lirely owned by tb, H.,n, id appear Pn M iooh at it 00 '.'Jit M I'r of th' B"i1'' the tahe',1 uhtcb largely exed, 113.700.000, appear under this beading. Real Bank. Estate, and Mortgages on Rel Estate Sold by the x c&, up'::: e "" Bi"1'' w"" w Customers' Liability under Acceptances and Letters of Credit . ' , Credit th.'V!JmV issued anil tcsth oi.htte,t,i urajis actetiea ty He Hani lit ihl. Other Assets nbt included Id the Foregoing . k Making Total Assets of . . . ' to meet payment of Liabilhiet Jo tbe Public of hating nt txcen of Atts tUt Udbllitlt, tbt Public of PROhT and LOSS ACCOUNT fil 17,799,105.99 'Vf24,2"8,89V00 213,945.47 '7,759,145.50 2,535.661.73 J $752,736,753.71 76.897,197.27 $629,633,950.98 $-86,226,720.23 27,718,431.85 20,665,157.41 437,38 1,S2 5.0 1 28635.30 19,878,944.34 6,857,700.39 36,138.52 $599,051,1 53". 25 ,204,760,812.11 4 iJ,7oo, ,192,681,35 7,759,145.50 3jl70.158.77 $829,633,950.98 7 32.736,7 33.71 I 76.897-197.27 Profit, for the rm ended 30th October. 1937, tfter miking .pr-ror.ri.Hcm, to ConanKen, Reserve Fund, out of which Fund full provision for Bid and Doubtful Debt, h been, .nd deducting D.rninion .nd Provmo.l Government T.xe, .mounting to $942,957.54 . . . $3,408.328 80 Dmdend,raidorp.v.t,IHoSh.reholdeM . . . . $2.88d,fKkjbO - Appropriation for Bank Premise, A 400,000 W - BI.nct or Profit nd Los, Account, 3tM Octobet, 1936 Bilince of Profit ind Un arritd forw.rd CHAkLES B. GORDO.V. Pteitdenl 1.033)4.71 . . . ...... $i,i64.M5 JACKSON DODDS.' G. W. SPINNEVt Joint General Managers The strength bf a batik is Jtttrmktd by Hi history, Us holicy, its management and the Men) bi lls resources. For 126 years the Bank of Montreal has been in the forefront of Canadian finance.