r M PAGE TYTO Just Arrived! Wi?secc tvto se Mates foArs coy ecc : ll'u: . MAXINE Evening Sandals Tn the Lending Styles in fireens, Silver, Cold, Blues and Black Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FRLNCE RUPERT - BRJTISU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avtnue H. F PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion SUBSCRIPTION KATfcS City dllvery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advar.ee Paid In advance, per week .Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the Bruth Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year Adtertbing and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION 91 86 A WELCOME CHANGE In hi address to the Rotary CJub this week Colonel J. W. Nieholls told of the more friendJv spirit shown in me onuea atar.es towards Ureat Britain. This is a com- us wnicn seems to nave got oil to a good start. ART PHOTOGRAPHY Those who saw the wonderful pictures shown to the Canadian Club yesterday by Mr. Jaycock of the ' Toronto Saturday Night were given an insight into what may yet be done in the nhotocranhio li np. A niimro nf Prince Rupert people had already been taking moving pic-' iuica in cujur wim spienaia results and very soon thev Will hp nVilo tn tab-o "cfJUfc" ...1l an. .1 I mio cvjurtw vtKii. inete ueveiop- ments will make it easier for Prinre Rnnprt tn conrl abroad some idea of the beautiful things she is develop- ing within her boundaries. People with gardens can per-1 petuate the best of their work by means of colored pic- turps nnrl phpVi vaai u-ill fin A vnu ... . ...1-.. ; mg and in photography so that something really worth while may yet be done in this city in artistic Foothills coal will suit your stove, Bulkley Valley will warm your toes, VI Nanalmo-Wellington Is Just For Stove, Range, Heater or anything. Purchase Your Coal From PHILP01T EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phones C51 652 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONl 57 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Fhone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK It HOSPITAL .25 $5X0 . 3.00 - 9.00 Saturday, November 20, 1937. MEETING Board fit Sessiori tost' Xt New i, Btports Received j Apart from discussion .or. trie' new (hospital- building project and, the .presentation by the managing secretary, IL V. Birch of his report on ' .the recent annual convention of the- British Columbia Hospitals Association in. Victoria which he. attended iu'delegate buslnes? at j the regular monthly- meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert Genera! Hospital, was Jargeiy of a, routine nature last night. W. M. Blown, occupied- the' chair- In the absence oC the president,. O- P. Tinker, and the vice-president j P. s. Walton. Olhers present were F: A. Macrallum. Gi V. Wilkinson. ; Dr. J1. Hi Carson ana airs., it. i. T.nndrv. directors: II. W. Bircb. managing secretary, and Miss Jean Harrison; R. N.. lady superintend ent. Mrs. Landry Is the representa-jtive on the board of the newly organized Women's Auxiliary. Her .'credentials were presented. In a i communication from the Auxiliary and she' was welcomed, tp the meeting, by- the chairman. Mrs. '.Landry Informed the board that It was the intention of the- Auxiliary for the present to work for comforts for public ward patients. r The monthly report of the fire chief declared the fire alarm systems In good shape and the furnace rooms free of Inflammables. A communication from Valentin Dalrv enclosed a report or ut- it The report of the house commit tee, presented by G. V- Wilkinsor, stated that new storm windows l2 'had been placed on the Nurses' 50 1 Home. A bad leak had developed in the dormer roof on the ironc end of the hospital and had had to be repaired. Installation; had been made of a new iron coll in the furnace and other repairs han been carried out about the buildr lng. , Bowling Scores CITY TEN TIN C. N. R. A. Comadina Bulger ...... Handicap 1 .317 paratively new development and is all in the interests oiA : world peace. d u ll AV&VUAWXOIA W A despatch from Ottawa yesterday indicated that Morrison . this new spirit is having its effect in matters of trade and lrlvine commerce for negotiations are in progress with a view to HandicaP a trade agreement between Great Britain and the Unitedi Totai States. Possibly still closer trade relations between Can-1 gyro-T. ada and United States may follow. At any rate Canad- Borland'....!-.', ians, Americans and British can prove helpful to each Morart other if they continue to carry out that spirit of friendli- : LEAGUE ' . 210 I50' '..164 ...169 ...163 .131 '88 2 '230' 121 224 228 222' 50 .2 215 '145 138 212 170 88 1 Total 876 50 1142 1067 1090' 3 26? 217 the Daily kewb Wy November. Old Country Soccer MEDAL WAS MUSKETEERS I Engfeh' League-First Division Birmingham 2, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0. Charlton Athletic 0 Arsenal 3. Chelsea- 2; Manchester City 2. Grimsby Town V Brentford I.: Leeds United 1. Bolton' Wanderers 1. Liverpool 0, Huddersfleld Town 1. Middlesbrough 4, Lecelster Citj 2. ' Portsmouth .4, Derby County 0. Preston North End 2, Blackpool 0. Stoke City 0, Sunderland 0. West Bromwlch Albion 3. Ever-ton 1. Scottish' Leajue First Division Arbroath 2, Kilmarnock-. 1. Ayr United 1. Celtic L , Clycte-5, Queens. Park 0. Falkirk. 0, Hibernians 0. Hamilton Academicals 0, Aberdeen 1. Hearts 0, Queen of South1 0. Motherwell 1. Partick Thistle 1: Rangers 3, Morton 1., St. Jqhnstone 3, St. Mirrcn 0. Third Lanark 4, Dundee 3. Hockey Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE American' Divisien W D L F A Boston 3 0 0-10 5 Detroit ,1, 1 3 1 14 Chicago- .2 2 2 14 17 Rangers 2 0 2 7 6 International ' Toronto 2 tt -Rpriford on bacteriological test"?., Americans .2 of the milk supplied the hospital; ( Canadians 1 iThe oualitv of the milk from this Montreal 1 : ? . - i.' it . standpoint was louna uj o wr- 02; within the requirements. Klnsloc Handicap Total OLD- EMPRESS Ciccone .... .. ...... 155 Santerbane . 133 Smith - , 1?" Schriaberg ...... : 83 ' Low Score .1 968 1029 Total Division 3 ,0 24 17 0 3 9 9 2 2 14 15 0 3 5 7 Rose Bowl Seats Not Increased Prices at Annual Football Classic In Pasadena on New Year's Day to Remain" Same ..In. . .1-1 - 1 .209 198 .245 127 2 253 188 162 229 '..207 248 .50 50 16C 262 20 50 3 201 187 184 123 150 PRESENltU TAKE LEAD Festivities at Klncolith as Chief KUward Ciamftle Shakes 1 8corfd Decisive Victory in Bridge Honored : League Last Evening , KITKATLA, Nori 20r-On Tues- Prince Rupert Bridge League re-day an Interesting event took place suits last night were as follows: at the village of Kltkatla when Brackman Si Ker, 10491; Canad-Chief Edward Gamble Shakes o laa Legion, 8C90. : the Kitkatla people was lnv,estei ; prince Rupert Dairy, 9800; Can- wlth the King's Coronation, Medal, adian National Recreation Assoc!"- A special trip was made- by Indian Agent W: E. Collison on the' department launch Naskeena for the .occasion. He was accompanied by Right Rev. G. A. Rix, Bishop of Caledonia, and Constable Arthur VON CRAMM IS WINNER .1034' 1130 1023 Japanese Tennis Title Leaves Flow 1 -165. :173. .177 .190 127 2 179 179 198 223 162 ery Kingdom for the First Tlm TOKYO, Nov. 20: CP) The Japanese national sing-les tennis title went to a foreigner foe the first time when Baron- Gottfried von Cramm of Germany defeated the Japanese player Yamaglshl 7-9, 6-4. 6-4. Wslfr- ' :? ?sxhLm- i If tolli 10 fin (Kit mellow, wfiiying Ogdery'i flne-Cyt! ' If you pin for q cooter, imoothtr cigoetf iobocco try bgden'i !l tolls tlie cigaretfei that are ntxl btsl tp "iailot-mad!'. And don't forge! every, clgorerft vo roll will bo improved if you use "Chanleclef" or "Vogu.'-1. papers. 15c buys a bigger packag. of OgJcnt now? PS.Yomr Pipe Knowi Ogden't Cut Plug. ' .'- rmismW.,rssmmW wmkwr hb -' hi v . : 1 " il I if I V li 1 in ilUMttai atlon. 11471. - ; y V Sons of Norway. 8527; Ramblers, 8260. 1 Musketeers, 12888; Grotto 7579. T The league standing to date: Handford of the Royal Canadiaa1 Muskateers Mounted Police, jC.N.R.A A sumptuous banquet had been Ramblers.- prepared by Chiel" Gamble in thejB. it K.. village hall to which, the entire Sons ot Norway village was Invited. During the 'meal the silver band, under the 1 leadership of Heury Brown, played musical selections suitable fot the occasion. At the conclusion of the feast' the Indian Agent read In English and Tsimusean the King's Message and a letter ot. congratulations and, good wishes from Dr. Harold N McGill, Director of Indian Affairs Ottawa, after which the King's Medal was presented. This was fol lowed by the playing of "God Save the King." by the band. , Chief Gamble expressed both t Tctnmoann nnrl PntTiicVl nrt. Port Edward' nreciatlon of the honor he had n-iun' ceived. j Bishop Rix spoke of the Coronation of the King and its meaning j expressing the hope that the chief j would long De sparea 10 enjoy ins honor conferred on him. Speeches were also made by Rev; I O. Goodreid; John Nelson and Wll-j Ham Lewis, after which the hap-, py affair was brought to a closel by the singing of "He's a Jolly Good Fellow" and the National An I them. Chief Gamble's grandfather, Chief Shakes of Kitkatla. many years ago was the recipient of an autographed photograph; from her i late Majesty Queen Victoria and i PASADENA, Nov 20: A - pre- chief, . . . the preSent who had pres-! 1 - I. 1 r I uus icuun uwv . ucscvi, i or me .ki.n. j 1 ,u - - - niwru i liiici a Utilising niue , . , , KSi IW Vears" ay .tote George- also-received an i football game here would be ad- .. u.j . - ... J yanced to $5.5Q is .denjed by, officials. The top price will remain at $4.40. ;3 20? ' j PIONEERi LDYJr--j. j Houston- :ML..'.l 228 4UU" BraseU 183 26F. Late Majesty. These royal mem- ' en toes are the' prized possessions of the Kitkatla people who. al- i mm. though living in a somewhat Isola-! 3 ted village form one of the loya J50 communities of the Empire. 183 53084 38084 53084 49376, 45321 49376 46046 44929 4662S 46501' 41855. 46591 44644' 47186 44644 Pi. Rupert Dairy 43958. 47079 4395S Grotto 42141 51237 42141 Can. Legion 37737 66832-37737 Hotel Arrivals Royal . ' : Q. Day and B. Cammell, Vancouver. ' ' . Prince Rupert 4 . -i " O. M. Margach; C. Bighorn, 'J. S. Appenzellar. H. M J3tevensoi B. C. Johnston. J. Dermott, Mary Ol-sa and Joey OlserH Vancouver: Bob; Ellis, Ketchikan; M. H. Mc- Synopsis of Land Act rtu-iHrnortt Mmmii iwifftl Cms utoJttM irr it jitn H nr. tat kr llDf m 4wlrln( IdttDIIM ss txctta BrttUk iubU. eaadltlostJ (pott imi-tnct; ccvpi.tiaa n4-liapreimiBL Pull Uforiutlaa omuic P-oit tlou m rto u Bullttu . 1. Lo.l StriMk "H M Pr-tapt UtO f sir ! whlcb c Im sbtklonl trn at tbut k ddrciiiD( Um Dpjtanot ( tmuai. Vu-tan. SC.: Burtta t ProtUtcUt tnfornt. Uoa. Vletarlt. tr or OoTtrnnnal Aut. RacariU' wUI, k irtoitad cawitf enly Und iBlttsl tor t(rlealtuil piu-poi uhln rtuoctblr 4Uii.o of toU. Ktovl id mttketlat ttCllltlM t.B4 wtfch m iol llmbf-rlant. trrjla( tiw t NI kctrd Itft prt cr n attht Co it Rtnif o loco fttt pr tcrt'vwt at if at JUnf. ' App)ktwo (or p'raBpuast art' a aa trcM4 y tht la4 Connluivatr f tH Land Rfcofdlnr Dt'Uloa l abldt Uit Itnd pplk tor b ttttittrd. 7 nrlnltd form 6Uliit4 Iraaj UM CatoBlMtcBar. Tt-tmptl0D4 Butt at acupla4 tar I1t ttri and InprtfnMDU aa4t tt Tarat at tt ptr.tcrc, tnctudlBf tirarlaf tad aulu tint at Ictit tlTt teraa, kafort a Crava Orint til at rtcrlrtd. rt.eniptloat ctrrtlnt part, tiux taadk-' llan ( acctpttlaa art alat Iranlad, rtkCaUSt OB LkAF Application! art rt'tirad tar pvaaaat at tttnt tad anraltrftd Oraaa laadj. not btlni tlmbtrltaC tar acrteajturW purpoitt. Ulrtmum prUt . at rtrit-tlaa arablri Usd I l pr acrait aa aacond-cla iri1ni Itad. 11 M ptr.'arr,-rnrthtr lafortnttloa, a (iTta ka Balwtia Ia. II. Land Srrl, "PtrrDaM and Lata at Pfovn ttDdJ. A a partial rati Branra. patartad land! utf tt tcduutd f purabaaa H trd Kliial UatalBtnU. -tit- UM ttrat- pttatnt utptDdrd ttr tva, ytart, . prtfldad- Utat art paid hn' dot and Wprttrrot.al- madt durtor t tint. t tf r o( au KM than 11 at tht appralatd' alna., . MUl. taetaft a fci)trial' tHat-laia tUabar ltnd. not Moatdlat f Mraai.aur bt' purctaaMd ar Itaard. : tht aaodlttuaa iicli dint pay mtot: ar, attnpafai , .s Cmaitirn araaa. L, -aa.- 'rtaaaM ' rta) tcrrc.maj .aa Itaaad ' at- BaBttitau aaadl t!6nl tpon a dwallltt aHf aractat tht' tint r: nut taf attttua-al rartdtnea and lBprdxtnact ' tobdlttont" art tulflU'd, and land , baa, ,a;,aarftT.. Tor iritlat ai. "BdaiatBl. iwiiait artat 'ut. 'tattadtat;.; 4 . aara. .aw' aa katrd tat parioa tr a' aatapaai ' fctfotr tba' BraatM aVaV aW-Prataata!' dltldtd laid traaar . aMrtatt Bad .tttt rr.it adulnuttrtd andar. fraakaf ratrtta-uoni tatodrd Ir UB ta.uaaa Va taaat rarjUif aoBditwDa. ioteual pnai par-nltt art taaurd bad aa. atrtaJa aKBtbtr j ratat ptr btad at ttock. rrnl B araa-lof , )rfUft ta ftrta ka ratldattai Boat tactrt. etock-tVBtta, aMf tam tawilt liana tor rtart. BaaftBt. rraa ar trrt parB I la a t allataa Br tl Bl tB. aad brtTtllBa, Bl B Ba BBMX .partUUr ,11 I ,aaaari in ' , I.AM1ACT, Nntlrr-' of liilrnfloiv to ".talr ,l - rra ' Mnil,' . T umrKTi 01 ivntivt ooutmBBt, drr aitv-at. ;em of Prlno .Liot: 'Wand. In Hudson Bay PbAi. aontn ot ; Crunjlad high (marked oti 51uiH). - '.-'-, . TtJcjr? notleio that- rrarik Wtwrman of Print Rupert. B. C.'. ooctuxutlon- Mlnrr lnumcVt to ajply for a Wum of tha iol-lowlng dcribnl lana:--aU of a con aptcuoiw lUt roc 8J frH' hlgl and lt irroundlni (Rock marked on chart) . Commencing at a pout' planted on a gramj rock 200' feet 8. E of N. W Comer on Northeast aide tbence 000 feet Southeast,; thence 800 feet aouth west thence 800 feet NortuweirM thence 800 feet Northeaat arid mnLoJntno 1A acres. more or lean. FRANK WATERMAN, Datfrd October 4. 1937. MWTKK NOTICE lUvrralvn ajtil 'I'ae TAKE NOTTCE THAT Iravie Mat-thews who addrej Is AUln, B.C.. will apply for a- llceiioa to ,tane atul uw 3 cubic fe t of water out of Spruce' reek, which flowB East by West aud drains into Rlne Creek about three miles westward. The watex will be divested.' U, a point about Oeneral Wonhln creek claim and will be uwd tor MirUny purxe upon the Poker leant dencrlbtl oa Joker and Poker leom. This notice wai povted on tile ground on the 8 day cf November, 1037. A copy of this notkro and an- appl' cation imrnuant therrto, and to the "Water Act" will ba fUad ut, itha offlct of the Water Recordw at Atllrt, B. O. Objections to the iipploatloa nxay be Jlled with the said Water Raoorder or wiui .the Comiptruiier of Water Rightu, Parliament BilUdtagB. VJjtorlo, B. C, wttdun thirty days after Uie first ap-tjearance of this notloa in a local newspaper. IAAC iiArnUtWS. Applicant. PRINCE KuppJ DRY DQni AND SHIPYarJ aii.1 -i .. . and KojUb 'wzr m MtadM MtebiJ 4 T71 Bf Cat REX BOWLING ALLEY Bawment of Exchanj, bi. Christmas Card For The Old Countr, See our large rtment iut view pneto CrttitJ caraa ana calendar. They are appreciatej by re' lives, and lueat! WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zareli; Prt!Dr)tor "A HOME AWAY FK0M HOME" Rate JI M up i0 looms Hoi & Cold Wat Prince Kurwrt, BC. Thone 2111 r.o. Bw 11 Nobody Knocks The i ' KNOX The Food 1 Goo4 The Rooms Are Ota The House Is Warm The Service Rates Art Reason KNOX HOTEL It, Hratell X. M- COAD H I'lKAK KVKBVBnj'I SatUfacJua Ouarw.w liiiti.iuit r.don Alhrrlt Cw rtulklry Valley Coal Prince Rupert Feedl r(ll):INJ PHONE 13 and M Hyde Transfer Phone Furniture Moving m Storapc TrmiHfor unci IcliverJ Quick Service Jasper Coal Hiilklev Vntiey Coal lAimiK Egg, .NuSb Cedar, Birch, Jackpinc WQ01) Card Tables and Chairs For Kent aram 315 SECOND AVE.