mJi four Margarets SPRING SUITS Latest in Style and Color 303 West Third Ave. Phone Red 810 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EUSON ALItKUTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY ' PHONE: 58 and 558 FOR SALE Modern hotel, Hyder, B.C. Good opening for building up fine business at small cost. HOTEL FRAZER Hyder, B.C. Trappers and Buyers I have to fill my orders YOU CAN GET 20 More From Mc I . am strong on everything. Make your .shipment. As soon as I receive It I will send your money. GOLDBLOOM NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll ProprMor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot ti Cold Water Prince 'upcrt, B.C. Plione 281 P.O. Box 196 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. PONS IS STARRED Popular French Prima Donna Heads Cast in "That Oirl From Paris" Starring Lily Pons, the vivacious little French prima donna I and with Gene Raymond, Jack! Onkie, Herman Binjr, Mischa Auerj and other well known screen pe ' sortalitie in supporting roles, "That Girl From Paris" comes as the feature offering to the Capi tol Theatre at the first of this week. "That Girl From Paris" is the story of a famed French opera star who rebels at a marriajre of convenience, jilting her wealthy! impresario an'd hilch . hiking' across the ocean to the United States in pursuit of a handson American jazz band leader who has ignited a spark of romailce i in her soul, Th viccissitudes ofi the charming little singer who finds herself a fugitive from the immigration authorities and entangled in an almost hopeless romance are at the fame tim& heartrending and highly humorous. The picture gives Miss Pons full scope for her versatile voice. There are many colorful backgrounds and elaborate wardrobes On tAe same program as "That Girl From Paris" is an added stage attraction of local interest, featuring a dance. revue by Mrs Nona Hodgson and her pupi!. 'with a party of some twenty performers in the show. The repertoire includes some clever tap j dancing routines including mili-jtnry and musical comedy numbeis 'as well as a novelty "The Spide"! and Miss Muffett." The colorful numbers are embellished with smart costumes WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. P. R. steamer Princess No-rch, Capt. William Palmer, which was in port from 8 to 9 o'clock yesterday morning bound from Vancouver to Skagway, had a capacity list of passengers on board. The large majority wen Yukoners going in for the summer including another batch of White Pass & Yukon Itoute employees. Four passengers disem barked here from the Princes Xorah while seven went aboard here for the north. . The power tug Pachena and an outfit of the Armour Salvage Co., which has been at Jap Inlet, Porcher Island, for the past three weeks putting in a new float there for the federal department of public works, returned to port Saturday night. Capt. lleg Green was in charge of the work and returned with the outfit. A total of 1)08.000 pounds of halibut was landed at Seattle last week. On Saturday eight boats sold catches totalling 107,800 pounds at th0 Puget Sound port as follows: Foremost, 33,000 pounds, Sebastian. 8"np and rw' Angel us. 18.000. Chasi- Sr- nH Gc; Spray, 15,000, IJooth, 8c and Gc; Harding, 9,500, Washington, J'4C anu oc; G0ny, 7,000, New Kngland, 9c and Gc;.llene J., 10,. 000, Whiz, 9c and Gc; T.ertha, 5,300, Washington,. 9V4c and Gc: lllanco, 10,000, San Juari, 9c an Gc. ! Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Find lay. arrived!,, port at (7:20 last evening from the south and .sailed at 9 p.m. for port Simpson, Arrandale, Stewart and other northern points whence she Is clue back here about 7 o'clock Tuesday morning southbound. The .vessel called at Inverness before coming in here last evening. Try a Dally News want-ad. is 1 hi: m i'hkmi: ronrr or iikitim. . COM Mill ix ritoiiATi: In llir Mutter of tli- IMatr of 1'lrrrr ; OlalziiU. lr niv-il Nollrr to Trdltir and KHMor. ! Take notice that tol Letters Probate dated the h day of January, 1937 I appointed executor of the estate of Pierre Olalswla. deceased, late oi Prince rtupert. British Columbia. an1 aU parties having claims against Ui sold estate are hereby required to furnish the lame properly verified to m on or before the 30uh of April 1937. ard all parties Indebted to the said estate are required to pay tlie amount of thf.r indebtedness to nie Xorthwtth. Dated the 11th day of March. 1937 THEO COLLART, Prince Rupert, B, O. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS THE VIRGIN VACATIONLAND (Continued noin Paste 1 head and the Dolly Varden grow to immense size In the coast waters and test even the strongest tackle In the hands of master fishermen. The numerous small rivers and lakes are well stocked with sport and food fish. Salmon and cutthroat trout are the most numerous varieties. The islands are not rich in furi bearing animals, only marten, otter, weasel and beaver being found. The numerous small Islands should prove attractive for fur farming, plenty of food being easily procurable, dogfish, etc. Beaver, mink and muskrat should likely do well if Introduced. It is Interesting to note that there are no wolves, coyotes, cougars or snakes on the Islands. Agriculture In limited areas on the east coast, also around Massett Inlet, at Tow Hill, and on the nortn end of Moresby Island, sandy loam soils are encountered which are very productive. While the total acreage under cultivation on the Queen Charlotte Islands Is still quite limited, sufficient work, both experimental and practical, has been done to demonstrate the possibilities of future production. In the Massett district, wheat, oats and barley grow well. All garden vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, parsnips, turnips, peas, beans, tomatoes, sugar beets and sweet corn are grown with splendid results, which cranberries, strawberries, raspberries and gooseberries, produce well. Cherries, apples, plums, as well as chestnuts are grown. From a perusal of departmental reports covering surveys of the Islands, It is evident that on Graham Island livestock raising can be successfully carried on. The fact that a herd of cattle, allowed to run wild, has Increased from a comparatively few head to close to 500 head and, without any care at all, did not deteriorate but maintained both size and quality, is an indication of the ultimate value of Graham Island for beef and dairy mlmal production. The northeasterly and easterly portions of Graham Island appar ently present the best opportunities for the agriculturist. While the clearing or draining of:, the lands may be an obstacle for the small man or average' pre-eraptor.. capi ta properly employed, would pave the way for Intensive agripulture. Scenic Beauty Queen Charlotte Islands with their 1500 miles of coastline, their innumerable virgin little lakes and streams, their untouched forests of gigantic trees, are a source of unfailing delight to those who seek the unusual and picturesque. Truly It has been said that Norway has no fjords more Impressive and I Italy no waters more limpid than' the coast of British Columbia and1 Queen Charlotte Islands. Auto tourists will delight in the beautiful scenery along the east coast of Graham Island. Leaving Queen Charlotte City over the Marine Highway to Tlell, passing through Skldegate Indian Village. "The- Home of the Haldas," one follows a coast line of 30 miles of wonderous beauty-broken here and there by tiny harbors and Inlets, each bordered by scenes to inspire an artist, with turbulent mountain streams rushing from secluded mountain fastnesses to sea In Hecate Strait. "The Dunes'' at Tlell Is undoubtedly one of the beauty spots of the Islands, commanding, as It does, an unrivalled view of the .waters of. Hecate Strait! The house Is located between the beach and Tlell River. A few minutes' walk towards the beach takes one through a veritable bit of England a miniature park with smooth green grass and spruce trees of beautiful ' shape. From there one will see the sand dunes, some fifty to seventy feet high. Beyond these Is the beach 30 miles of clean white sand. A clay tennis court Is located on the banks of the Tlell River and to the fisherman the Tlell River offers fishing at its best. Sea trout, cut-throat and Dolly Varden abound. The highway from Tlell to Port Clements, a distance of 12 i miles, Is a unique plank road over the muskegs. This highway, under the supervision of A. R. Mallory, Is open the year round. Indian Population There are two Indian villages on the Islands Old Massett with ai population of 480 and Skldegate' with 340. The Haldas are modern j and progressive In their ldtus aiid methods. Their villages aie equip-! ped with water syittiu, dearie' TE1 DAILT; NSWS Monday, Match , I lights and fine homes. These villages are under the capable management of Indian Agent Bert Phillips. The main industry of Queen Charlotte Islands is fishing. A very considerable number of spring and cohoe salmon are taken In the open sea off .the coast of Queen Charlotte Islands by means of trolling with lines and spinning baits from power-propelled boats operated by two or more fishermen, whose catch Is sold to buyers who follow the fleet and pay cash for fish purchased". With few exceptions, the fishermen engaged In the salmon fisheries of British Columbia have been profitably employed, those fishermen most experienced and most familiar with the waters of the district in which they arc engaged reaping the richest harvest. Few fishermen engaged In waters elsewhere have been better rewarded. There are three salmon canneries located on the islands. The halibut fisheries are next in Importance' to the salmon. The shell fisheries of the islands produce oysters, razor clams, mussek and crabs In sufficient abundance to supply local demands. There is a modern clam cannery located at Tow Hill. The North Island Trailers Co-operative Association, lr charge of Harry Hanson, has a large membership among the fish ermen and has done much in the way of helping the fishermen se cure a better cash price for their fish. Mining The geological formation of tht islands, consisting of older vol canoes and sediments, intruded by batholithic and other granite rocks, contemporaneous with the Coast Range, and the erosion ol the whole, affords favorable areai for mineral prospecting. Some ol the known areas already prospected and partly developed Include: southeastern part of Moresby Islandcopper and gold; northeast ern part of Moresby Island quartz gold; northeastern Graham Island -placer gold; centre of Graham island coal and lignite. Other occurrences, such as oil seepages, native" arsenic, iron and slate, indl cate the varied mineralization on the Islands. The Skldegate Gold Mnes Ltd., located near Skidegaie; has done cirlslddrable develop-; ment worK on the nilne and expects to build aj 50rton mill In the neat :' ' 1 future;. V'l : All the. t,owns an .situated oi navigable waters ''and' 'each formj u uuov Jt sujj)jura iur a large arex The Canadian- National Steami ships serve the towns with a pas-i senger and freight service from Prince Rupert and Vancouver. The principal towns are Queen Charlotte City. Skldegate, Port Clements and New Massett. Queen Charlotte City, overlooking Skldegate Inlet, has a population of 250 an excellent public school, a well equipped hospital In charge of Dr O. A. Charter. The religious life of the town and district is looked after by the United Church in .charge of Rev. W. J. Selder. Law and order Is maintained by Provincial Constable L. I. Olson. The Business .People For desirable and satisfactory accommodation while in Queen .JIM NOTM i; lhirvlnii anil INTAKE NOTICE that the Grant' Trunk Pacific Railway Co. who addr;1. Is c-o Division Engtusr. Caivadl&n Nt t'onel Rallwiya Prince Rupert, a.r. vrtll apply for a licence to take wl aie 25000 gallons of vnalcr out of Nr nam creek, which Hows southerly ana drains Into Skfena River about loor feet Eat of Ea6t switch of siding a Tyee Station. The water will be diverted from tr-""cam at a point, about 650 feet u.. stream from point where ft ream dral -. Into Skeena River, tutd will be used fn Industrial railway purpow; upon tl. land described as Lot 27. Const DWrlo This notice was posted on the grouut on tlie 1M day of March. 1037. A copy of this notice and an apni: ration pursuaiit thereto and to tlv Water Act" u-ili .iv fii . oi the Water Recorder at Prince Ru-pert, B.C. ,?JtcUalU! 10 Ule application may b-r"o 'ltl the ald Water Recorder or with the Compurcaier of Water Rl2ht Parliament Bulldtnes. Victoria. B C within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice 111 a local news paper. The GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.. M. A. Burbtink. Dlvlxkm Engineer The date of the first publication c this notice is March 8th. 19?7. Piano Theory Voice Production Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examinations. Mrs. Hcrnard Lundahl a. t. c. w. I Waldrun ApaiiintiiU Phone trttn t Charlotte City, the premier Hotel owned and managed by R. G. Mc-Kenzle can " be recommended. "Where Guest Is King" Is no empty description as applied to tho Premier Hotel, well known as one of the town's most serviceable business units which does Its full share In meeting the requirements of the visitors to this centre. In connection Is an excellent dining room service. Mr. Mackenzie also operates a general hardware store and taxi business. Gordon H. Jolliffe conducts a general store. Mr. Jolliffe was formerly In charge of the Thomas Crosby Mission boat. G. D. Beattle Is the postmaster and proprietor of a well stocked drug store. The Imperial Oil Company Limited have a distributing plant located here in charge of Robert Trltchler. Excellent home cooked meals are served at Amund Hanson's restaurant. R. R. Beaven conducts -a general store. Robert Scharffe, one of the Islands' early pioneers, conducts a large general store In Skldegate,. a busy little fishing village three miles from Queen Charlotte City. Skldegate Mission, another fishing village Is taken care of by Matthew Williams' general store. Port Clements, the terminus of the Marine Highway, Is beautifully situated on the Massett Inlet. The harbor Is open the year round arid me town has a population of 200 with excellent educational advantages. Thev Port Clements Hotel, owned and managed by J. Pyper, looks after the travelling public Frank Pearce and Horatio Ross are proprietors of a general mercantile business. Mah Wing conducts the B. C. Cafe. New Massett Is a live, go-ahead ipmza smmrnxu sa vu ran i a t a 1937 DELUXE pi I ii o u K s i: it v i c K little town of 250, most of whom are directly or Indirectly supported by the fishing Industry. The town has an uD-to-date public school 35 TAXI and a well organized Community Club which looks after the social life of the community. For the tourist and the person who loves ; the great out-of-doors New Mas-j sett is a veritable paradise, for no- j where else are there greater quan-, 1 titles of game and fish than where this town Is located. North Beach,! which Is twelve miles from Newj Massett, over an excellent plank, road Is an Ideal summer resort.! The beach is known for Its safety and has a stretch of over twenty-1 five miles of clean, hard, wrute sand. Swimming, boating, badmiri-1 ton, softball and other sports may be enjoyed the year round. Church services are held regularly by the Anglican Church In charge of Rev. Abraham. The commercial life of the town Is carried on by James Martin Co. Ltd., who conduct a large general store and Klrmls it Lindner, another large mercantile business, which Is also proprietor of the Karlscourt Hotel. Dr. J. C. S. Dunn is the medical doctor and local mining recorder. Constable Stewart is in charge of the British Co lumbia police detachment here.j The Robertson and Simpson sawmill supplies all the local needs for lumber and shingles. A. Robertson Is manager. There has been no sale of halibut at Vancouver .since last Thursday. Five boats had arrived it tho southern port up to Saturday night and it was expected would go on the board there to-dav. ci sa ciia it an i ata :a ta mtwrn " HEATED CARS 31 " II () U It s i: u v i c luivai iioiri ai i ron. K - f :.:! V." fill Ml Wi !? :i l3 New KOOK Reliable In Performance With Oil "Our Motto" Prompt and Courteous Service 1!....-.- T - L .. I r ti .... - . '. .uatci uuiiuMie a 9 - a; B S KW.fl i; US Ml Ui m I! The KLEEN Oil Burning Range Distinguished In Appearance ,,,,, j j ' Cook Modernize Your Kitchen With a "KLEEN-KOOK" Oil Ihirning Range No soot, no dirt, no ashes. Complete freedom from coal or wood fire worries. No shortage of fuel. Heat your kitchen, have an abundant supply of hot water at all times with a KLEEN-KOOK RANGE, equip-ped with Special Silent Glow Burner. See this range on display at stop at the Frazer hotel visiting Stewart or Iiyder steam heated hotel in p Canal district (Hi hti j bin TONIGHT and TL'ESDaT vAjmpreie show, 9;05 The Vest , Pocket frlmi Donna of the Mttropolit,,, Opera in a mad-cap mtod drama . . . and easily her best picture! ft) W6 mill, HERMAN BINO MISCHA AUER LUCILLE BALL FRANK JINKS Hmar thm $wtg '7 fiua Danube' end 1 rt ftwkit ton Q$ tti h i't Jtnn. ttit: It,. Irnti k Uii Kim (At 7:19 & 9:39) On the Stage DanceRevue By Mrs. NONA IIOD0S0N And Her Pupils Ftaturin; Military And Musical-Comedy Tap-Dancing also Acrobatic Ant Novelty Number The Spider and Miss .Muffett At 9:05 once only NEWS and CAKTOO.V Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken with two Vegetables Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 50c KNOX HOTEL -Banquets a Specialty" TRAPPERS! Attention! ' Rring Your Heaver lo Frank Lockwood I'lione Blue 729 I'.O. Box 2" THE SEAL f QUALITY 111 HP GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the' only sulnio" canning company with an " the year round payroll 1" Prince, Rupert