PAOE TWO Extraordinary SHOE SPECIALS Youth's Storm Calf Boots-Heavy soles, sizes 11 to 134 Boys' Storm Calf Boots-Heavy soles, sizes 1 to 5i Missses' Calf Blucber Oxfords Leather or rubber soles, sizes 11 to 2, up from . Child's Calf Oxfords Good dependable shoes, sizes 8 to 104, up from . . . THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA $2.45 $2.75 $1.75 $1,45 Large New Shipment of "Jack & Jill" Shoes in Oxfords and Straps Just Arrived Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes PubUihed Erery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily Newa, Limited, Third ATnue H. P PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION' RAILS City dellTery, by carrier, yearly period, paid la adTar.ce Paid in adrance, per week Paid in adrance, per month By mail, to all parts of British Columbia, toe British Zmpirt and uneG biaies. yearly period, paid in adrsxte By mall to all other countries, per year AD VERmSlN G RATLS Classified advertising, per word, per mserbon ixcai readers, per line, per insertion Adverting and OrcnlatKm Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY kDITiO.N Member of Audit Bartau ot CircBlations U -lz .50 3IXJ 9J0U H2 5 Friday, SerXeni&er 10, 1237. FILL UP VACANT PLACES There is a growing feeling throughout Canada that me vacant iarm ianas near tne railways should be filled up a goou ciass oi settlers, it is pointed out that me years wnen Canada had the heaviest immigration cre me uay wnen me country was most prosperous. It is quite understandable'that labor should fear the influx of. too many people from other countries. There b no suggestion that the immigration bars should be taken down. Canada does not have to take any people who offer. What is needed is selected immigrants from countries friendly to the British Empire and men and women who will make good citizens. Chiefly the people who come to the country should be those wishing to go on the land. Speaking at the convention of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, ,Dr. W.. J. Black, director of collonizatior and agriculture for the Canadian National Railwavs, ur,g. ed the admission of farmers from the United States. He also would let down the bars for selected immigrants from a few European countries. POLITICS GETTING HOT Evidently political feeling is getting dangerously near to the boiling point in Alberta. It is riot often that, with a government in power little more than two years, there is a public mass meeting, thousand? strong, that calls on the Premier to resign. Another interesting question dealt with by the gathering was that of the right to broadcast political speeches on Sunday. They asked that this be not allowed, in future. The whole political question in, Alberta Ls becoming very complicated and before long it looks as if Mr. Aberhart will be forced out of office unless he does something constructive very soon, ACTIVITY AHEAD With September getting along it is being realized that summer is over, such as it was, and that fall activities are due. We find in. the advertising columns of this paper advertisements of bazaars and teas and other activities, winter sports are being organized and plans laid for indoor recreation. Days are shortening and very soon cooler weather will be expected. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Dominion Linoleums and Barry and Staines Linoleum triced as Follows FLOOR, QPVER.IHGS- JC nri rjc Rc 0j ODL Per square yard lUt, Utj INLAID LINOLEUM Square yard Phone" 775 $1.40 I W mg from Asthrr.i, HiyR 1 g Fever or BroschUl trocy.XI IT inhafethefssx of KaSogg'aV f AsthzaaRelielTca J will get easy rtlitX j'r!i jd For over 63 years j ?J thisfaraoc herbal I Jtutf ufl preparation ha iUatNU benefited thoua-aada of ssSerera. JpjJh HL ObtuuU tlm im dtxrtO fan. THREE GAME MARGIN NOW Sew York Giants Break Even With Brooklyn Dodgers While Chicago Cubs are Losing to St. Louis BROOKLYN. Sept 10: iCP New( York Giants and Brooklyn Dodger, ; shared honors in a double-header' BASEBALL SCORES Yesterday's Big League scores: National League New York. 1-S; Brooklyn, 5-2. Philadelphia, 3; Boston, 5. Cincinnati, 0; Pittsburg. 1, St Louis, 8; Chicago, 2. American League Bopton, 13; New Yorki 7. Washington, 13-12; Philadelphia, 6-10. CTeteland. 9: Detroit. 10. Chicago. 9: St. Louis. 8. Baseball Standings National League New York 78 Chicago 76 Pittsburgh 69 S(. Louis 63 Boton 64 Brooklyn 55 Philadelphia 53 Cinclninnati 50 American League New York 88 Detroit 76 Chicago 76 Boston . 68 Cleveland 67 Washington 62 Philadelphia 41 St Louis 39 100 49 53 60 61 66 73 76 75 42 53 56 60 61 67 86 90 WHOLE WHEAT ALL THE ENERGyi ALL THE PROJEINS: ALL THE MINERALSi ALL THE VITAMINS I ALL THE BRAN I q"AKCR OATS PRODUCT NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU, Proprietor "A HOME, AWAY FIIOM HOME" Kates ILOO up 50 Rooms Hot tt Celd Water Prince Hupjrt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Bos m .614 .539 .535 .5271 .492 j .430! .411! .400; ! .672 .539 .576 .531 i .523 .481? J23, 202i THE DAILY NEWS Miss Bud Brand Is Given Shower and Mss Bud Brand ifttr which a pretUy decorated ba .set containing numerous useful gif : ws pxsnl-ed to ihz gBfat of h;:r. Delicious refreshogntt vere itiiurad by a beautiful bride's eake Gueau iachaded A. S. Dickens sr Mra, Jean-Wiijhunan. Mrs. E. Alexander. Mrs. J Bend. Mrs. H. NeiEoa. Hi EL Oc Mrt Peier Byrn. M3i Gxtiafdr Tureon Siiss May Munay, Miat Tcna Btain. Miss Edna Die tens anc Mi Analf; Byrne. j Hotel Arrivals Saroy Mrs. J. M. Smiti and son. Port junj u. iiauie5ecoaa!Esatag4sn: a BHeoa. Premier: A j piace cmcago cuu losing to the :Anderson. vaneowe- A. H. Jones , St Louis Cardinals, the margin of and j. m. DalL Terce: W A. Seh- (O three full eames. Koyal t In the American League the lead-' c Albrecht, Stewart: O. Johnson ing New York Yankees droooed. a! 1,1(1 WalI' Bremaer city. Jo froJ haiT-hitUng decision to the Bos-j Prince Rupert , icnneuaox ana naa tceir margin! H. H. Brown, F. W Eccles. W J J of leadership cut from ten and a;SuTermari Md R McNaughton. naii games oxer toe Detroit Tigers 'v,,,,.,. n r- r.,i e..u who were winning a class victory ers; Mrs. Fred Nash and Miss Jessie . iHlllllll, lijC If 1k7AV T. . . . . T T Ti f- ,X ? fr P05800. Calgary; Mr.' and Mrs. F. Gale, of the leadership of the second di-IFrancois r.. . mmnm, an. V. ! 1 n.j . " uuu tiiwci Haling oeen uea ior fifth place with the Indians. K. G. Clark, Victoria: L. Wade and B. Bobold. Winnipeg: R. H. Gurd. Cassiar Cannery: Mr. and Mrs. J. Welsh, Toronto; Mr. Leo Llewellyn and Mrs. E. V. Glass, Terrace Central Mrs. J. Nltkalinic and J. NlkuL Woodcock; William Cromartie. Green Island; H. Shearing. S. Doll E. Linney, N. Smith and E. Cole Terrace; C-. Telchman, C St Denis. S. Martinson, W. Nicol, A. McLeod J. Bowman, IL Pettersen, C Syn-tuck, V. Brenon, A. Marks BUi Car son, and. Wallace Leighton, city .Lund, Digby Island; "W Hsrman Sunnyfide; L. Wood, Pacific: Gallon and P. Vick, Kwici'-ia Dtopkec P. J. Beamont. p j Rr as and F. Smith, C.N.R. J R Reyn olds. Surf Point Mine: Mr- S WJ- son, James McKay and A. Jone? Skidegate Mlsswn D Anderson and C. H. Andersen E:tker In;? W .. . - - ! 1 'TTinnihwp Keteh&aa; H; Rabf. John Bulger salted hut night on , Ttctaf Btftercon O. Bfggttmrn and the. Prince George for a trip to ! Jdr. IK sssm. 4- niuiCt tmwwiitt vjuttuum. j Land and Earl Land. Eatto; C. Praanell. Hayrocrt: Gas, Pel and Is. Joaanaon. atawottm: E. Wal- Af fair. Last, Nlghi. in Banac tee. cSy: Albert Goe. Temeec S Girl Who WEB. Sfetly jIt a. Iaes, R McKay and L. F Become Bride jSdinaXd. MaMCtt; V. Npgracd, 'Oiijen Charlotte Islands: J. Meln- Edward, A Magnossori. Mrs Ernest RatdU was iRat- tJ" e. at the name f Mri Thpjgn Shapa. Harvey las ssenfce u JHM VVi fui misceilanees :ein lM K. sUon. SttftgK & Ber Na, of Bad Bran ioar VfEcebpa: j. J Sdwsg.Steptjet; B. W tc George S;rte wtii tae lScJabb Vanconwr; Cnartea'Fta- me rooms were ?.-nuj , . ;:i.ei in maate -The erly pari of inspect playurg br. xje;s being iirc r.d white . evening as SJamei Hassam. the prite-;ersoB E. Ateaancir City Massett; OUf And- SOUTH! VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River, Steamer lea es prince Rupert Every, THURSDAY, 11:15 P.M.. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS - . . ,. m.i iltl YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT W. Goldbloom's TIIE OLD RELIABLE 1 i I hare just received a large stock of the latest styles in fur coats and neck pieces and as usual my prices are the lowest I would appreciate a visit from you and remember your credit is good with me. W, Goldbloom 1 THE OLD RELIABLE Prince Rupert, BX. Tederal Blk. .Mail Orders Promptly Attended To mmm THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub oa -pain gooc Get the new Urge ecoo oroy tut Alio vt3-tle ia KnaJer. regular : . oVor of WEE WILLIE W1HKIE" A 20h Cenforv Fox Picivrt n Trpe-seafed v to guard that right-fromthe-oven FRESHNESS THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD, SEAL Fancy Red PINK' SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by. the only salmon canning company with, an all, the year round payroll in Prince Rupert COAL lO I"LE.E :5FplJO!Y S'.:!ftcUop Ouarmoud lainon. Edtoa Aibf-rtj Coal BuJWlfj. tXWj rnal. Variri)irr. 1-Und Coat Prince Rupert Feed Tow (Stir PHONE 58 and 558 GET A BETTEI USED CAR THAT'S GUARANTEE ALL THE WAY! Omt J O, M,,.W Can- - f HMT1M lMtM(MlM' iW Tk. 1J L 'f Italic Ux S.E. Parker LH FORD DEALERS Third A, East REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exehisrt St FHO.NE CI A New Sa,r in, the. Sky OA OKV Only WATERMAN'S writer A real Pen and. Pencil by the world s i:-J2g manufacturer of Ideal, Wi,itin6 Sc'a $1.95 for the set New Streamline Shape Modern Stvlirg Brilliant in. Performance and Appearance, fn ire:,. Greea Brown or Jet. Put ut) in an Attractive Red and Gold Presentation Box There is a stvle and nnint tn suit vour ir.diviM taste in "SKYWRITER" Come in, and try this newest writing sensation for only $1.95 the set. eMflaeMw.M Ottawa, June 22, 1937 Council, oi Canadian Medjcal Association Endorses and Urggf Pasteurization of Milk and Cream We have pasteurized our products since 1923 (or your protection. Positive Past-teHi;b;atipirfor Safe Milk at no extra cost. VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657