rfday, September 10, 1937; LOCAL. NEWS NOTES ee we - fin tall. shgeA W mifrid J. Hicks, win sail tonigni fthe Cardena for a holiday, trip ancouver. Ars, M, A. Oreift returned to, her me In Terrace on Wednesday Inlng's train after a weed's, visit re as the guest of Rev, and, Mrs. Blrchall at Seal. Cove.. Appointment of a. new, pastor to nulpit of First, uappisi unurcn ie is expected to be, made, shortly, fantime, services, are bainij con ked Sunday evenings, with P. II, hdzey in charge. . . A i V- . . (1l1...nl.l,n jr ana Mrs. tu wuf onvwiiucs i sailing tonight, on the Cardena ; a (.rip mj victvMiv "yy, wm u. feompanled by theft daughter,; ss Honora Sllversldes, who will; te up studies In the south. Connery left, yesterday on. his urn to Mill, Bay after having fcnt the last two weeks, at rjls ne here. Mrs. Connery win leave brtly to spend, the winter with husband at Mill Bay. LAC K H E AD S u-khruli Imnlr dissolve and JUtrpeir r ihll on Imp!, f nnd iur method. two ouncef or inroxin powow irom . niff atrir.' nrlnkt' It off i hot. ret Kb, rub th ' gnll vr l)lfkh4, 1 U gon. JUvta lllljrwooil compiixwo. Stv j a, iiugnes oi Victoria, erintendent of Pentecostal As- bblies for British Columbia, Is Etinulng his mission here. There fe enthusiastic meetings Sunday I Tuesday evenings and another , be held tonight. While in the rlct, Mr. Hughes plans to visit Iwrace and Klncglith. , a result of the meetings and factions made by Mrs. Beckle on Denan oi me rnenas oi MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion ipiin the sum of $232.90 was i After deducting hall rent advertising the sum of $199.33 nude available to the commit-JTiis. sum .wilL, bewjlorwarded e national committee in Tor- to provide comforts for the adian boys, in Spain. Clearing all lines of men's shoes, regardless of cost at fashion footwear's removal sale. (t.f.) parents wishing, to register, child, ren In first and second year music; classes with Miss Margaret McCaf-! rery may do so at Booth School on 6o MORE CI'PS PR LB. OPDIIWrTW 240 XT"CUP5 00 Mrs. Alex McLeod, who, has been paying a visit here with her mother. In-law, Mrs. D. McLeod, leaves by this evening's train on her return to, Lopdop, Ontario. Announcements Beagles' Bridge Series, begins Sept. 15. 16. 29 United Fashion Show, September Presbyterian Tea at, Mrs. Brem-ner's September2l. . St. PeterX VjfcA. Tea,; ParLl. Hall, September 23. Presbyterian Choir Tea, October 1. Catholic Bazaar October C and 7. C. C. F. Bazaar, October 23. Gyro Hallowe'en Dance, October Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4. St. PptW V. A. Bazaar. N Mrs. J. T. Harvey and child sailed; last night on the Prince George for, v tnp.to. Vancouver, and. Victoria. Mrs. Sid Elkins and her brother, Bruce Wilson, sailed "last night on the Prince George for a trip to Van. couver. W; R. McAfee sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver ver. Dr. A. L. Prltchard of the Nan-almo Biological Station leaves on this evening's train for Topley en-route to Bablne Lake on investigation work in connection with salmon. Corp. M. F. Foster R.C.M.P. sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to "Regina. He will be away three months and Constable A. G. Hamford is here from Hazelton to relieve, during his absence. J. F. Phillip, for years city., ticket agent for the Canadian National Railways at Edmonton, and Mrs. Philip, arrived, la the, qltx QP, last night's train from the East and sailed on the Prince Geqrgg. for Vancouver. Mr. Philip Is on a trip to the coast on sick leayq. Mr. apd Mrs. W. L. Coates are sailing toplght on the Princess. Ade- dalde. for Vancouver enroute. to Montreal and New York on a six weeks vacation trip. David Scott, well knpwn, purser of, Canadian Pa-ilfiq steamships, arrived In. the, city on the Princess Adelaide ,this af-tjernopn, from Vancouver to relieve, is general agent for the Canadian 'aplflc Railway here during Mr. Coates' absence. Mrs. S. P. Woodside Is making atlsfa$tory progress following an operation at the first of the week ?muer IB. .itnl Mr Wnnrfislrip rpturned at Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar. November 25. the end of last week from a. trip, to Victoria. "Xrlghlmun enry ut. ITe tell them to use St. Charlet Milk for their babie; tool" CHARLES. MILK is. ST. nourithing, so lafe, it is, small woniler that babies all over Uie country are thriving on its goodness. Turest of rich country milk evaporated just a few hours after milking time, St. Charles is always extra frtnh . . . and extra gonl liecau.ie it is irraliated by the best niethinl known to science for an added supply of the imrjortant Sunshine ViUmin U which' encourages sturdy, growth. Ak your doctor alout St. Charles for your baby. He knows its purity anil high quality. You'll Joy it's delieloutt Taste St. diaries as it comes from the can. You would never have lwlieved that evaporated milk could be so much like, pure, fresh cream. Use it daily in your cooking and in tea or coffee. A BRITISH COLUMBIA PRODUCT Look or B.C. La 11 'ftonfotvi ST, CHARLES (VI THE BETTER I It RADIATE I) EVAPORATED MILK WILSONS FOft SALE 1927 Fordor Sedan Phone Red 528. (211) FOR SALE Twenty-eight foot boat, 4 h.p. Easthope engine (new). For quick sale, $200i Phone Green 429. (216) FOR SALE All household fur-: niture. Apply Mrs. Morris, : Leeds, Apartments, Phone Black 925." (213, ABOUT THESE REPAIRS For ' lumber, shingles, cement, plaster, Quiet Weeing i At Seal Cove Miss Bertha, Waiter of ytcjtorla Be. comes Bride of M. II. Lawrence of Bilimor Thp mnrrlflirp fnok nlnrp rmlptJv REALLY KILL l?ni Mqnday at 3:3Q and. at Border, SUere he will attend a Rotary Club So" 3 3 'SSftZZ J Mls School on Tuesday n at 4 district meeting. packet. No spraying, no stUlneS, Bertha. Waltes, daughter, of, Mr. and, ' J ' no'. ' Lad. odor.' - '1.1,- Auk. .. Drurrn.i. n' r.. XKre Mrs. rSonroo Georee. lTranlr Frank Woltoo Waltes. nf of VI.. rour Vic-' Frank Warne of the Fisheries of- Crer' rj0,:-S' Si ; to MorJey Hernan, Lawrence, flee Is on a trip to Meziaden Lake: CWKP- PACKS:f T : son ot lIr. and, Mrs, John Har,v.ex northof Stewart oh official duties.! WHY PAY MORE?' .Lawrence of Sprucedale. Ontario. Mrs. Warne sailed last night on the 1 thb wilson fiy pad co.. H.miii0;.'ont. Only immediate, friends ol tne. con- Prince George for a trip to Vancou tractlng. couple were irj attendance. at the ceremony. The, .bridesmaid. i the sypn? orni, ot, qmijm was Miss Mary Slevert and, the In th$ Mattfjr bf, En. Ohorn', Dfxeaffi groomsman Lea B, Hansen. Mrs. J-.! i .. . An I. . . . :e Blrchall. presided at the organ. Xrr 'and played the Wedding March. TAKE- NOTICB that by order, ot H r '. Followlne: the ceremony a wed X viWilUns breakfast was served, at the;. Aonunwiiawc ot um. esute. oi eji nome oi Mr. ana Mrs. trie. wart. ObapK!, Dgcose. an4 all partlwhav- Rpv T r Rlrrhall nrnnospd the herabjfreouired. to furnish same, pro- toast to the bride to which the. HKff-dg-S'-Vwop. a. TNnS groom responded. The groomsman all Indebted, to the estate are ' oroposed a toast to the ladies.. fKri. to J01 01 itiflTl Mr. and, Mrs, Lawrence, have tak. - en up residence, at Bilimor. The ToAinTstr. 8room ha hen ated In thls.dls-Prince Rupert, b. c trlct for several years. The bride Da.ted. the 17th, day of August, a. D arrived from Vlqtoria Immediately; ' 1 prior to the marriage. Classified Ads, FOR REiJT CLEAN, well furnished, modern CHRISTMAS Card agents make apartment. Phone Red 444. (211) HO.USE fully furnished, with oil burner. From October 1st., owner leaving town. Phoi.ej Blue 890. tf. FOR SALE more money selling, the Premier Art Guild line of personal Christmas cards, and bojr,ed, assortments. We, pay you 50 percent commission on nersonal cards priced qver one. 4f))fflr per dozen, practically 40 per cent on our Dpllar-a-dozen series. Agents- should not be satisfied w,ith le& Premier lint is the smartest, largest and most up, to. date, and ready for you to begin making money with,, at onee. No experience necessary ; no charge, for sample book. Prices are lower and commis; sions higher at Premier Ar! Guild, 576 Seymour St., Van- couver. Apply today. Agents in smaJJer towns should write. WANTED, i awV TtJrTgvuZ WANTEDr .Male Scotch. Terrier v - - - pup. Phone Green 335 116. tf. FOR SALE 12 foot rowboat wjth , pair of Spruce. Spoon Qars, HELP WANTED MUSJC Dlverj-lon ami I'se (215) Us.ed one season, also Johnson VIOLIN TUITION, theory and O.ulbpard motor 3.3 h.p, y)"7.t mony. Miss N. Lawrence. Phone raooej, used uiree weens, rcice oeu, uiasses " start Sept. 1 for the lot $125,Q0. Apply P. . O. Box 1G98. tC' WATER NOTICE (212) TAKE NOTICE THAT Tile Depart- - - - - hienjt ot Public Works. Canada, whose GIRL wanted for housework tern- utidress Best, Office. Building, New poratily. Apply Mrs. EulJer, Westminster. B.C. will apply for a 1207 Water Street Waees S5 a " Uke "t u so Imp. oals "Ptt' ,r vxx ren Creek, whjch, IlGva ej:uth;rjy and rtratos Into Skldegute Inlet about 900 ii,Ar. j i-i WANTED - G.ood strong : girl for ft alwis Hlgh Watcr general nousewvrK on iunur uuc. Mark from th Opvrrnment " Wharf mile from village. Apply stating queen charlotte city. i age. Roy Doll, Kltwanga, B.C. 1 wt "i be dverte,d. at a (215) PF1111 '9t '5Q . upstream fipm .he ' bridge cm the Oovernmfnt Queen Char- STENOGRAPHER MALE : AND ST?kS i r r.Al ALh) WA.N.lltiU in 1 rinro Vvnf, ourppse. ucoa the foreshow re Jtupert by me dominion ivn fyrvj desfli;ii. as, lot, 2870 Queen Service. Applications for ex- ' Chntjoti iianu Dtrict, B.C. amination to reach Ottawa by J r, . , .o.l ut i i i grcuna on the 27tn day of August, 1937. September 18th. We have help-. A CTpy ot 'nrJe and appll. ed hundreds to obtain Civil, caitlcn pursuant thereto, end to tiie Servirp nositfona and can heio "Water Act" will bVtlled In the of- Proof' this at WrPj you. of statement . and. full information about Ihi bJt;tl-,7, thv. applicatio may be examination, etc., free. M. C. iipd with ?.'d waw. Begprder or G. Cvili Ser.viqe.ac,ho9ls, fauir ' Ccjiccroiie V?'trTfr wnus per. Oldest in Canada. (211; i'Wf -an X'c- B-c-t .r, -,lWa. tWjty, days ajir, yt ap. - - .ctiiMnse :I UjvS.initl5e, to a, local news- MALEJIELIMVANTED rT : -' J.'. -2 h-r ; DSPARTilflTiJJ. pP PUBLIC MEN WITII GOOD personality for wortKa,' ;ajnad Applicant. , "permanent employment to. work "By J- P. FcrdV,, District iv, ...r nit'v. m''B.. Engineer, Aeent. , .'" . - . . , . ' Th. i W iSKt publication of "T"'w ' this nofce U eptauib;r. lotn, i37. 4.p,m;, to John Sawlqkl, Room 24, ' VVtholm.e Rooms, Prlrct!,RJipert. - (211), Bg. wlsi. Rparl tn want ads. UNIQN STEAMSHIPS im Steamer, leave. Prince Rupert fflfr ajcojicr:, ins y werto. Ms.w -a If, gnxijalfti) pase. putcbsf. UckeU At, office. further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ate. Phone SKI C.N.R. Trains For the East Mondays, Todays, Wednesdays, and frljjays; 6 p.m. HERE'S a wholesome, easily digested snack for hungry youngsters. Crisp, delicious Kel-logg's Corn Flakes are wholesome and satisfy ing, at any time, of the day. Always, oven-fresh and flavor-pcrfer t, ready to eat. One of the higgest values your grocer sells. Made.hy Kellogg in Lorw don, Ontario. PqTHRKt From the EasU. -.., Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays .: 11 p.m, The Daily N.ws. lias, an auditerl ;lrculatlon. Play safe! HUNG JwmF Make your New Dresses look SMARTER NuBack Tel escopic Will not ride up Cqrsetry's. Greatest Forward Step in decades At Wallace's Third and Fulton SKYWRITER Pen and Pencil Sets Produced by Watcrmans. 11-kt. Cold Pens Excellent for School The Pen The Pencil The Set $1.25 75c 1.85 HAIR QIL FREE With your purchasQof Fitch's Dandruff Remover Shampop 55c Ormes Ltd. TTJia hone 'er Druqpiats The Ilej.U ?tore Phones i 81 ti Z Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.ni 7 p ro. till 9 p.m.