Beautiful to Look at and Wonderful to Wear Priced $6.00 and $6.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PK1NCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert .Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCKIITION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advar.ce Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION JUNIOR CHAMBER ACTIVITIES The Junior Chamber of Cnnrmprpp bns $5.00 Thursday, October-14, 1937. an active year. During that time it has dealt with a number of public questions and, judging from the personnel of its' officers, it bids fair to cany on with even greater activity than during the year just closed. rj There is a splendid field for the junior chamber in this pity. The young men have plenty of enthusiasm and they should prove effective in helping to place Prince Rupert on the map as a city of great opportunities! BALANCED BUDGET i It seems evident that Canada is about to pay her way as a nfltinn. Tt is nnw n Inner Hmo oinnu tViio lino LAMPS LAMPS xiBinBiavKin We are now showing our new fall stock of lamps of all varieties, in the latest and most mod- ern styles, at exceptionally low prices. Drop in and see the new lamps. You'li be -agreeably surprized at their- style and price. TRILITK FLOOR LAMPS BRIDGE LAMPS TABLE LAMPS HOUDOIR LAMPS BED LAMPS Lamp. Shades of all Descriptions GORDON'S HARDWARE -'one 311 McBrldc St. i MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 75 Only-PAISLEY HUGS. 27x51 and 21x18. While They Last. Priced at $1.00 and $1.25 I'lIONE 775 2m:iii;::!;iBi.w,j: r.itBiu;BK'B::3 i:m3l3!'iMiia;M:aB:K;iL15li!i;c.irfl Harvard in 1907, Mills soon was in case demand as a corporation trial lawyer but, only a year after be he was annolntpH nH "Sh publicist. r t - J. of the treasury. In February, 1932 . was marrled aSaln In Sep-when-Andrew Mellon retired. Mills . mber 1924' to Dorothy Ran- was named to succeed him in the p, ,Fe"' daughter of Philip S. P Hoover cabinet, serving until the Inauguration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 4, 1933. Mills was an uncompromising foe ot me xxew ueai, seeing it as "an attempt to turn "'""V" mwi uut our individualistic UlulViauailSllC r w ""'v ouivi. vjjio liar, uajJJCHCU. Year after year there have been deficits resembling some-,soclety lnt0 a collective one." He what the deficits in manv nrivate hiisinessp. Thp omm. kept up the flht through both trv has had tn borrow in nnv tnOCO ,la,.tu n,l 1, terms ot the Roosevelt admlnlstra Randolph, of Philadelphia. He had no children. U-M .VCT .Notice, ot IntonUon to. .pply to If as Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dlatrlct or BnltUh Columbta, and, situ-, ate on White Band Wand. Take notice that Frank Waterman ot Prtooe Rupert, occupation miner, in-tend ot th to!- ... . rvtJ "'v. nit iiuci wot , tlon " and "la ln X5Mb was WaS mentioned ,y,0,H j to m apply appiy for lor a a lea lease nn iha. kv.,,Vr ii. : a-hi' . as , lowlmr desilirt w.w viBo u uiaue it iiiweasmgiy tlllliquil 10 ; a potential candidate for the Re- Ccg at Import planted on balance future budgets. J publican presidential nomination, i ?SLd telh clW on wmte 8,111(1 '. The dispatch published yesterday from Ottawa show-' MIIls came of colonial stock. His i E- corn,r Pf White" d 'isundand ing that for the first time in years the country has paid father wa gden Mills, a banker, :ttwNNSrtMS its way for six months with every likelihood that it will philanthropist and turfman. and iT con" qontmue to do so for the rest of the year is very encourag- h,s mother was Ruth t. Livingston A.ueM waterman ing news. We must pay our way or eventually we "hilll1 ' ' mm uurseives in (llllicuities. PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Thursday October u BORN WITH Man in the Moon Ladies' Music (Julia Arthur) GOLD SPOON Club Resumes "IN MY JOB ONE CAN'T SHOES .1 - v.'fc Are H ere First Shipment Just Arrived r NEW YORK, Oct. 14: (CP) Al- I t . , , 77-7 ,..,.' a gold spoon in his mouth-and had 0f a possible pulp niUl or an. el- Mrs. Bernard Lundahl. Fourth little inducement except the tra- uslve otficV But Vn time the Avenue West, with a good attend-dltions of ancestors to carve out excitement exc,tement wears wea"- off lance- The ProSram- ie.Mn the' life and works of Ethelbert a career, his life was well-rounded. , An able financier, skilled ward when Peter asked one of theNevIn' was in th& hands ot Ut ?' ' A McWaters who read a splendid Dolitician a nkasant and araceful- ioto ,r,i,i. . v,., v, h ant -1 I vv maa.w ut v rw Bwv socialite, socialite, a a leadinz leadinz tax tax extiert. expert, a a t.hprp. there. tfi lnermir. n. wns PaPel"- promulgator of social welfare leg- j islation, a successful corporation counsel, a soldier of considerable J distinction, a congressman and cab- I (nat nfflnor f VnrA rt'aya cr-r Q i- t V f "Flu." First Lawyer.: down cheat!" Second Lawyer: " ; Ulb V41iLClUlCCC VYtAC WkilM Ul tilC things Mills succeeded in being for mitigated liar!" no better reason than that he Judee "rapping) J wanted to be them. After D-pt.tfnp his. law riptrrpp frnm The Drogram was as follows: i j Vocal solo, "O That We Two Were You re a low Maying," Mrs. J. H. Carson. j Piano solo, "Mon peslre," Mrs. 'You're an un- j H. O, Johnsen. 1 Piano solo, "Rusignuolo," Mrs. "Now that the' Bernard Lundahl. attorneys have identified each Vocal duet, "The Rosary," Mrs. other we shall proceed with the R G. Large and Mrs. H. N. Brock- lesby, violin obligato by Miss Nellie - 1 T ni'rono . Teacher: "What is the feminine Plan0 soios Gohdoliers-and omiHo,! mo... v,i, ho, v "" ' "Buona Nocte." Mrs. E. J. Smith. SacttV 01 baChel01; Vocal solo, "Mighty Lak a Rose" In 1914 he was elected to the state y-i-wuung , Mrs j H McLeod. senate and began to reflect a lively They had been married only a Accompanists were Mrs. E. J. interest In social welfare. Also he month, and he had left for a few Smith and Mrs- w L- stamfo"d-had a flair for quickly grasping fin- minutes while - she prepared a Delicious refreshments were serv-ancial problems and his advice soon salad in the kitchen. , ed by hostess, was sought by fellow legislators on Suddenly a piercing scream ranp - 1 tax questions. out and, he rushed to the kitchen He resigned In 1917 to accept a prepared to face he knew not commission as captain in the Un- what. ited States army. He served with "Whatever is the matter, dar-the A.E.F. in France. ling?" he panted. Mills was elected to congress, and "tt's a a caterpillar!" she said, In his first year In the national wih an effort. "Oh, Herbert, what house, was appointed to the influ- nad been m tne house alone!" entlal committee on ways, and me'ans. He served three terms in . of an old New York famUy- mils congress piling up substantial ma- joritles in a New York district that wasMborn Au?ust 23, 1884, at the was closely divided. He gave up his g11 ummer home In Newport. - . R.I. seat to run for governor of New York in the 1926 election but was I defeated by Al Smith whose huee 'New York city vote overcame the majorities which Mills won Drafted By Treasury. In September. 1911, he married Miss Margaret Stuyvesant Rutherford, daughter of Mrs. W; K. Van-derbllt. Sr.. by the latter's second marriage to Lewis Morris Rutherford. This union ended in a Paris divorce ln in, ,1820, 1920, the the ex-Mrs. exMrs" Mills MnLs Shortly before the expiration of , his third term in congress in 1927 marrying Sir Paul Dukes, Eng- SUFFERED 40 YEARS FROM CONSTIPATION "For 40 years, I had been praying for a lasting remedy for constipation and. its evils. Finally, I tried Kellogg's Aia-Bran. Sine that time (nearly 10 years ago) I have hot taken any medicine, Ila.v been well and entirely free from constipation." Mrs. I. H. Kendig (address on request). Don't let common constipation ruin your life. You can end it safely, without using drugs that soon lose their effectiveness. Just eat two tablespoonfula ot Kellogg's All-Bran every day with every meal in severe cases. Serve as a cereal with milk or fruits, or cook into appetizing recipes. AUy Bran absorbs more than twice its weight in water and gently clears away the wastes that cause headaches, tiredness and serious illness. The vitamin B In All-Bran helps tone up the entire intestinal tract. Buy Aix-Bran from your grocer. Guaranteed by Kellogg in London. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY IKOM. HOME" Kate JL0 Up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince K'Jpvirt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Hat IN BRITISH C0LUMBI,A LEADERS ter, 1 Kiw- mV'Wl ', "" " "' ''r,'"r hrcame Premier of HrUhh Columbia in Soremher, 1902. lie uxu nrlerled la continue the govern' ment formerly headed hy the lion. Jamet l)unimuir,JoUauint the latter' resignation. AJevo month later, ehar get brought ogdi nut the Premier in the lloute, in connection uith the prerioui "uwrilutg of contract to a firm of trhirh 11 alleged the lion. Air. Prior wa$ financially interested. He gar, Hem of uJwtlter the charge juttlfied it or not, the. Premier tliortly resigned, lie tra iirre,; by the lion. Hlchard Mcllride. Hetween July, 1S9S, and June, J90J, the trotinee had five different MintHrle. Although GoYcrnmcntB rise ami full in public favour. Silver Spring Lager Bfcr linn alwuys eujoyed widespread popularity and an etoiuble reputation for high quality and distinctive flavour which has been consistently maintained for. more than two decades. SILVER SPRING No. 14 Coronation Brew Lager TI'iS "-SteT1 Pul'lU,'e,l or diltye,l by the Liquor Control Board or by y i-t-i. 'he Government of llntuh Columbia? " KvirtentJv Hnn Tan Is. on the lob. RISK OFFENDING , But Ogden Mills. Former U. s Did Not so far as the defense scheme is Med at Horne, of Mrt'. Lundahl SO I ALWAYS CHEW Treasury Secretary concerned. If: he keeps up his ac-. Ywlerda wlth Mrs. McWater . I Waste His Life tlvlty we shall soon be In a position in Charge WRIGLEY'S 10 ueiena ourselves. : SWEETENS THE BREATH!"- UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAT, DAY, 1:30 pjn. 9:00 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs, p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5CS Folding Metal Bridge Set BUILT TO LAST Extremely strong construction, advanced design, handsomely enamelled in a varietv of color schemes, iui i i.: 1 . '1.1. ..i-i.i i:,i,. dimensions height 27 inches, top 30x30, Chairs fold with single movement. Chair backs form fitting, curved for correct posture. VjIS fl l Price, fivp-nieep set QLOtVV - - - - -. Table and chairs sold separately if desired. Allowance for Your Old Furniture in Trade Phone GREEN 91 fi Used Goods Piano. Made by Mason and Risch Organ. Made by W. Bell Co. 8-Tube Radio. Made by Bosh National Encyclopedia 1 Set Books of Knowlege Vanguard Waltham. 23 Jewels ELIO' Furniture Exchange Buys Everything Sells Everything Phone f.reen 91G Hours .9 a.m. to 5 p.m- I . --aBB-a Frlnco Rupert Electric Steam Massage Treatment For Rlieumatlsm, Tuberculosis Lumbago and Dyspepsia; Phone 281 K. Hayakawa New Royal Hotel Room 12 I I ft HEX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Echanl