v - - THE DAILY NEWS Ml III V l.V7tl Mirii- i.il i u tr 1 nr. I irmis. t I ril- bunches Red and n if nu AH T naM PEAS ( Popular beyond all others because of their garden-fresh flavor. A summer-time treat tthe year 'round. M N VI H MB ItA HUM i. p n n SOUI'- Vegetable and Tomato. IAYLMEK Pei- tin 19c nson's Glo-Coat- )9C 10c 19c 11c 3c 23c 12c 19c We'll Do The Rest Attractive Easy Terms fnd Liberal Allowance I on Old Machines I'M I)oWn and $3.00 a Month Will Civc You a New Singer The Central Hotel KOOMss and CAFE Phone i rr Best Household Coal M,W. C. E. BLACK Phone 84.3 Van's Assorted Fancy Fruit Cakes Eagle Brand Milk. Per tin Kellojg's All Bran Per pkh. Dried Prunes Exlra large. Per lb. Libby's Hipe Olives Per tin I.B.C. Sodas Salted and plain. Lb. pkg. Purex Toilet Paper 3 large rolls 7c 21c 19c 19c 15c 10c 19c 19c POTATO ES O ood "I Q r cookers. 10 lbs. Wealthy Apples- 25C 6 lbs Free Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over SINGER SAVINGS l i ri nil i.h.iii .-fa-i -. 'V VI I lLJl llll llZJ u . ne dini'or r hn tnr . nmpstic onomy is pleasant, practical au profitable. Koine Sewing with a Singer en-jUes you to be well and fashionably dressed at minimun cost. Let Us Present'The Singer Plan" for You Shows How Singer rays tor nseii if ome in or Phone 6 Fresh Local Haw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 057 ij up in.i.. t . iu I'nnnii nn i.n v r .1 . wv tn ' 1 1 ir i j 1 1 ri. i w. - - . . 11. Aw. . a . TTl . .1 . L. ,"i'iicr Association, ot tne uanauiun i - v.- "uieau ot Uircu atlons. It is tne um.y i -... n una. JUST ARRIVED 1 New ship ment of short velvet dresses, "Mayfair." t.f. Oscar Fulton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fulton, is sailing this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. Mrs. J. S. Wilson is sailing this afternoon by the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. morning at Booth Memorial School. He was taken to the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he was reported this afternoon lo be doing well. Dr. L. I. Pugsley of the scien tlfic staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station left on last evening's train foi Toronto enroute to Keady, On tario, where he will be married I October 1G to Dr. E. Bliss Mc Cambrai Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, was responsible for anoUier delightful social affair last Friday night ln the cabaret dance which attracted a crowd of upwards of one hundred and fifty persons to the Moose Hall. In addition to a fine evening of dancing for which excellent music was provided by Mrs. DeCarlo's Orchestra there were other special features such as a floor show and refreshments served In a different way. The hall was attractively dec orated with balloons as the feature. The program Included vocal solos by Mrs. J. H. McLeod, Miss Betty Ellison and Miss Betty Wood, acrobatic dancing by Miss Marie Norton and a Spanish tango by Miss Gud-rum Welle and Edward Antonelll. Mrs. J. A. Barry was general convener and Miss Creddle Morgan was cashier. The committees were as follows: Refreshments Mrs. O. C. Young and Mrs. W. M. Watts I Decorations Mrs. G. P. Tinker, j Program Miss Maxine Heilbror . er and Miss Helen McLeod. Reduced Fares FOR Thanksgiving Day Oct, 11th between all stations in Canada SINGLE FARE AND ONE-QUARTER for ROUND TRIP Minimum F 21 ON SALE 1 1 2 noon Fridy. Oct. 8th (U h.t. bo tt.in -r-ic. Fridty. P.ni-. tiektt. oW lot FtWiy.- m-'";. until 2 p.m. Mon., Oct. 1 1 Returning I Lenve de8tintion up to 12 midnight. Tueidty. Oct. 12th. FulHrtformatlonfrom anyAttnt LOCAL NEWS NOTES SEND FISH TO PRAIRIE Nova Scotia to Co-Operate in Helping to Relieve Drought-Stricken Farmers HALIFAX, Oct. 5: (CP) The N'ova Scotia fishing industry has organized to co-operate with the federal Deparlment of Agriculture In sending . fisheries products to the drought areas of Saskatchewan and Alberta. Smok-?d fish and other products will be sent. 7. 14. 15. Announcements Catholic Bazaar October 6 and Anglican tea, Mrs. C. C. Mills, October 12. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. R. AV. Cameron, Federal Block, October United Anniversary Supper, Oct, W. A. Canadian Legion Bridge October 15. Anglican Girls Tea, Mrs. Gib son's, October 21. Parent Teachers tele'phone bridge, Friday, October 22. C. C. F. Bazaar, October 23. Toe H. Tea, Thursday, Oct. 23, 3 to C. Hill 00 Tea October 20. Gyro Hallowe'en Masquer a d e Dance, October 29. Baptist Tea, November 3. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4, St. Peter's W. A. Bazaar, No ember 18. . - , Sonja S. 0. N. Bazaar, Novem ber 10. Cathtdral Bazaar November 30. Salvation Army Harvest Sale Is iMoose Meeting Wed. 8 p.m. Social V PtV SllPPAQQl 111 9 p.m. Moose Ladles and former c J lVCOOiUI members Invited. (232) I . Quarrie. Following their mar .Mrs. S. V. Cox. to make residence, it being the plan of the bride to take up the practice of medicine here. Cambrai Chapter Scores Sunccess Cabaret Dance Last Friday Night in Moose Hall was Delightful Affair briefly on the work of hospital auxiliaries and the need for one in Prince Rupert. Other members of the hospital board present were F. S. Walton and W. M. Brown. Mr. Brown also addressed the meeting. Nominations for chairman of the meeing were called for and Mrs. H. L. La n drey was chosen with Mrs. J. D. Fraser as secretary. After some discussion It was decided td form an auxiliary .and Ihe election of officers waspro- Jceeded mith as follows; ,f President, Mrs. J. R. Morison. Vice-President, Mrs. F. S. Wal ton. Secretary, Mrs. J. D. Fraser. Treasurer, Mrs. P. M. Rayner. hxecutive Mrs. 1L S. Mea lows, Mrs. George J., Dawes and An open meeting of the women of the city is to be called on the third Friday of this month. when the by-laws will be present od. The annual Harvest Thanks- Wanted to buy, $3,000 Prince ,,vinir sale i donated roods and Rupert Amusement Co. Bonds, produce at the Salvation Armv Give price. Box 20, Daily News. Citadel last night was a .complete '232) success. A good-sized crowd was There was acting last night in. &"f Janc'e ,and bddi? wff ""ted of Tfo a Iarf . ?d?-Guild of the Anglican Cathdral Chancel J' Dawe acted as at the home of Mrs. J. B.IT. a1uti?"- rr.!.An. i . cjirvQnn nn ;rrn Ave. pspvprni npv . loniKnus train, aue trom met " . 7 7 " , i song and prayer. East at 11 o'clock, reports ; members were received and plans; L this to be time. WCIC mauc lul wlc n morning on i .1 1 n connection with the harvest thank- j jDirindaV 'IaflV Miss NnrPPn nihsnn- riancrVitPr nf'sgivlng services next Sunday. i J ' ' J Dean J. B. Gibson, Is sailing by the I . - . -.-- Catala this afternoon for Vancou- ! A I Y 1 1 AIY ver. rV-XiU-JT-Ai The Cunningham collection has-been removed from- the museum1 IS FORMED building to a vault in the City Mrs. J. R. Morison Leads New Body Hall for safe keeping during the to Assist Hospital winter months. j ,, A meeting of the women of the Catholic Bazaar! Wednesday and city was heId ln the councll Thursday. Oct. 6 and 7. Social Wed., chamber of the City HalMast 9:30 p.m. Mrs. De Carlo's Orches- evening for the purpose of forra-tra. Thursday evening drawing of ing a Ladies. Auxiliary to the Big Prizes. 232jprjnce Rupert General Hospital. The meeting was called to or- Dr. A. L. Pritchard of Nanaimo 'der bv G. P. Tinker, president ol Biological Station, who has been ihe hosnital board, who snoke carrying out special salmon investigations at Babine in the Interior, sails this afternoon by the Catala on his return south. Harold Nordon, 12-year-old son of J. H. Nordon, manual training supervisor of the local .schools, had the misfortune to break his leg while at play during recess this Held Monday Mr. and Mrs. AU Hodgkinson Hater-tain for Little Daughter Yesterday afternoon a delightful birthday party was held at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Alfred Hodgkinson, 838 Summit Avenue, in honor of their daughter, Hilda on the occasion of her twelfth birthday. j During the afternoon the child-; ren played games and at 6 o'clock refreshments were served. j Those present were Misses Hilda and Dois Hodgkinson, Joyce Hawthorne, Molly Frew, Pat Mc-Clymont, Ethel Steinberg, Kay Shrubsall, Betty Payne, Mrs.. Frank Hodgkinson and baby, Al-' fred and Mrs. A. Hodgkinson. AUTHORS Edmonton Police Continuing Search for Those Responsible for Libellous Leaflets EDMONTON, Oct. 5: (CP) ! The Edmonton police were con tinuing their efforts to determine the persons responsible lor publi cation of allegedly libellous leaflets, one thousand of which were found in a raid of the offices of the AlGerta Social "CrediT League, j No arresls had been made orl Try Salada Orange Pekoe Blend "SALADA charges made up to last night. Uh- copy of the leaflet on his desk. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lawson, Sun-1 nyside; M. H. McLean, Port Ed-;, j ward; Harry McCavour, J F. Ellis lr. and W. C. Bell. Claxton. " I Central j A, Rasmussen, J. Johannessen, G. j Stova and A. McDonald, city. Knox J. Kjendahl, M. Guardman and BOYS CLUB STARTS With twenty-two boys enrolled, the .Boys' .club got under way in the Mclntyre Hall last night for another winter season's activities. The services of six supervisors have been secured. W. C Warren, construction en gineer or the Department .of In dian Affairs, who has been at Port Simpson in connection with the starting of construction of a I new school building there, sailed by the Catala this afternoon on his return to Vancouver. ;B;Ei2Bti3n:D:n;icKoa:ciaB MAKE GOOD On all our Coats We guarantee every coat we sell because we know furs and know that the quality is there it we say so. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Call and see the stork. It costs nothing to look them over. G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE Ttmwmmmmmmmmmm Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A.T.C.M. VOICE PRODUCTION Piano and Theory 431 Fourth Avenue West Phone Green 994 TEA Oil With Winter Approaching Puretest MALT and COD LIVER OIL A pleasant ta'sting vitamin Food medicine. Rich in natural A-B-D-G Vitamins so necessary for the v health of children and adults. 1-Lb. jar .... 60c 2-lb. jar .... $1.00 : Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Per Vial of 50 Capsules Canadian George Constable, city; Earl Ring.' ' " "" " """ sby, Stewart. 85c Sr"00 $1.50 Ormes Ltd. "Jiitt Ptoneer Druggists The IteiMl Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 1 c m. till 9 p.m. The leaflets were mentioned in 5 - the Legislature last Wednesdnv when Conservative Leader Dug-5 gan charged thatt hey contained ! J libel. Duggan said he had founal; I BAIL WAV I I STEAMSHIP . I I COMMUNICATION I MOTCLS I Pacific j I Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS NORAH PRINCESS LOUISE Oct. 29th. Oct. Gth nth. Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Aent Prince Rupert, B.C., HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. , 9:00 pjn. Due Vancouver, Thurs. pjn. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticket From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 Daily News Want Ads Bring Results