AG" K Paling in credit. NEW ver w fine O V o Snubs Commission tided not to Submit Brief to fifrobe on Dominion-Provincial Relations s including the measure to "gag" t Alberta press and control bank- I within the province failed. rhe Ho adjourned early this iraing until today after defeating Opposition attempts to give a ; months' hoist to the bill am jariJying or correcting reports of l&vemment activity and could call disclosure of news sources If quested by the government. LAB0RITES HAH S1LVEK IThe Legislature decided against pbmlttlng a brief to the Royal iommlsslon on Domlnlon-provln- IS PAfD1: surcs to Curb Press and Banks Alberta co Through House ready to Prorogue Pal relations on the grounds that could not but be biassed. Replacing bills disallowed by the omlnion last August, a bill nendlng and consolidating the fredlt of Alberta Regulation Act g also passed, In the bill the rm "credit institution" was sub- rtituttd for "bank." The bill pro- fides for the establishment of eal directorates to supervise, dtr- ict and control the business of WOULD ACT lues British Government. With Co-Operation of Other Nations, To Put Pressure on Japan LONDON, Oct. 51 C1M Open- f"K its annual conference yester "y. Uie first lirtinn of hc Bri- ph Labor I'urty was to pa33 t 'solution calling unon the BrP Jish if ith the League of Nations and f"e United SUiitna imnnstr pionomic and financial nressutc pon Japan with a view to bring-I111!,' to an end the camnalirn of ag pssion fn China. Massachusetts Pastor Suicides ii i'V, arn M Toil. tl... frnm " j i y - Tenth Storey of Hotel In Los Angeles larold Taylor of Massachusetts to his death from a tenth "ey hotel wlnilnur In I.n Anel E - ..iw1I ( -W ----- Saturday. Us wife said lit " 'H'en suffering from a ncr -"s urcakuown. YORK: (CP) Bar fill- "s unchanged at M3Ac per Submarine Met Doom? GIBRALTAR, Oct. 5: SHIPS TO kin la ensure publication of l,ana' rank news and information" I 4 (CP) . The hunt for a pirate submar- lne which was reported to have attacked two British destroyers off the southern coast of Spain yesterday was reported to have ended last night with an ex- plosion and fire at sea, sug- zesting that the offending craft may have met her doom MONTON, Oct. 5; (CP)-Pav- .hlle flleht nosslblv from a the way for prorogation today , dcath cnarge the special session which has n in progress for the past ten ;JS, Uie muCJka ixtumtuic iwt ht gave third reacung 10 ana kUnan klllO QC UTAH OO HA!1I. ... - 9 1 .. 1 ! 1 I WIUI a score vi rc:uuuuiu) aiiu rtions. Mtempts to defer for six months rd reading of a number of meas-1 PALESTINE Four British Vessels Bushing Through Bed Sea Towards Holy Land ADEN, Oct. 5: (CP) Four British warships were rushing through the iiinz Uw Trades and Industry "uc" a" "1C T end on their way to the eastern licens- it, giving the government Mediterranean to be used In con-Ktolons. power over virtually all trades "tion with the new campaign terrorism In the Holy Arab fc'.o blocked an effort to hoist against fnitrirhich the government could' If 71 ft DV Md whatever space it rcquhedTlXi-ur til a newspaper to print statements. AVIATOR Gingef Coote Plays Part In Rescue ' of 'Lost Prespectors on West Coast of Vancouver Island 7.KBALLOS, Vancouver Island, OcL 5: (CP) Pilot Ginger uoote, well known commercial pilot, hap pened to be at this isolated mining settlement on the West Coast of Vancouver Island Sunday just after a youth staggered In from Ihe bush to tell how a prospect-fnir artv of which he was n member had become lost and his iw pnmnaninns had become too exhausted to stand. fnnfp immed atelv took three men within seven miles of where the urosuectors, feared to be uy- nor. are camped. The three start ed out to bring the lost youtns lo Zeballos wheie u mission boat wa waitinir lo rush them to the nearest hosnita lor treatment. They will recover from their ex penence. PREMIER IS IN OTTAWA Yukon Annexation Onc of Subjects to be Taken up at Utiawa Premier Pattullo . OTTAWA. Oct. 5: CP) I" ..J.IU1 in. i SCUSS1I1K lua-.icia 111 nnrnp before the forth coming Dominion-provincial rela. Hons commission sessions. Pre ...tor T I). TaltUllO Ol uriua. Columbia, who arrived in Ottawa -j.. aki un wiui vn eral government the proposal tha HriHali Columbia wikc uv - v..i,., Tprr lory. 11 was anuuuii ced Saturday that the Domin o to uiscuss u. prepared was now suujwv. t..ia r..., I'HlMlllll U1BO uimtw ,roin ...-,. , rj. over that via " - y." I mo i nton. It is comenuiu " -";: tmtirlrni : !Ui Vancouver route i i miles shorter. ' "" . ..11. .11.. mnl MnnkPtl, VICTORIA o Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 AM.) High ..... 2:06 a.m. 20.3 It. prince Rupert Clear, northeast 14:03 p.m. 21.7 ft. fm.r miles Der hour; barom- Jv Low 8:08 a.m. 5.5 ft. i eter 30.28; temperature, 47; slight 20:40 pjn. 3.0 ft. sea. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1937. PRICE: 5 CENTS 1 Of Legislature Is Arrested B. C. CHINESE AID NATIVE WAR CHEST Canadian headquarters of the "National Salvation Fund" being raised by Chinese throughout the Dominion presents a busy scene at Vancouver as contributions roll in from all principal Canadian cities. In the upper photograph of the above layout, a Chinese clerk is shown making changes in the reports' posted on the walls of the office. Below, clerks translate news dispatches from English to Chinese. It is expected that a half million dollars in Chinese funds will be raised. In gold this will amount lo about $175,000. 'ARALYSIS TH0RLAND INCREASES OFF HOME List of Cases in British Columbia Bottom Netting for Halibut Rc- Mounts to Six In Armstrong ported Unsuccessful and Salmon Arm LONDON, Oct. 5 The Norwegian VANCOUVER, Oct. 5: (CP) The steamer Thoriana, which has been list of known mianiiie paralysis operating in ureeniana ana ice- cases In British Columbia has land waters during the past sea- mounted to six with one reported son as a mother ship for deep sea In Salmon Arm and another in. fishing, is about to return to Eng- Armstrong. Five ,new cases nave land. Use of bottom nets lor nai- been reported in Medicine Hat, Al-1 ibut fishing which was experiment-berta. There have been over two cd with from the Thorland Is re- thousand In Ontario since the cp- ported to have been a failure. ldcmlc commenced. For the first The Thorland Is the vessel whlcn da v In a month and a half no new! was to have gone to the Pacific cases were reported In Winnipeg i Coast this year to engage In this Saturday. Trades Union Act Is Planned Victoria Trades and I.abdr Council Moves to Hold Conference in Capital City Next Week VICTORIA, Oct, 5. (CP, The Victoria District Trades and Labor Council is calling a conference of representatives of British Columbia trade unions hero on October 11 and 12 to consider the poflslbyitfes of a new trades union net for the province. State Health Board of I Vancouver from the , t,,.,Ip n brief pointing out me uiouiuuvv - vantages ol a uire '"" Vonrnnver lo me Being Talked SASKATOON, Oct. 5: (CI The Saskatchewan State Hospital ami Medical League. In conven- Tremor i - 7 Xo'll here, will discuss stale medl ounce on thfl New York met- ik Mn "nu " ..,.1 Mm bnsi.italiTiation service. market today, ' Cablmt today. type of fishing but which was dl I verted to other waters after rep- j rcsentatlons had been made against I her use by the Canadian and Brlt- lsh Columbia governments. CHOOSING SHED SITE Naval Tender Here and Directoi f Engineering Coming The naval tender Narsapur brhg-lng north a number of engineers from Esqulmalt under Major Stone is In port in connection with de- fense work. Colonel Schmcdlln is expected to iirrive on tonight's train and It Is understood that they will choose the site for the new drill shed which Is tq house the six-Inch gun that , Is to be mounted here. r The matter of site for the gun has been under consideration for some time and the final decision, It is understood, rests with Colonel Schmedlln who ts director of en gineering fervlces for the depart ment of national defense. LOYALISTS ! DEFECTING Spanish Rebels Are Aided By' Trouble Within Banks of Government Forces Italians Active orable. Mussolini .and Hitler MANCHESTER, Oct. 5: (CP) The Manchester Ouardlan charged that Premier Mussolini of Italy and Chancellor Hitler of Germany 'are preparing to assist a last big offensive by the Spanish Insurgents , against the capital city of Madrid. Weather Forecast (Purnish.d throuzh th courtesy of ih Dominion MHeoroloelcal Bureau at I Alberta Member Is Faced With Serious Charges In Complaint Duce's son Personally .Leading Counselling: Murder and Seditious Defamatory Libel Aerial Bombing Squadron for Insurgents ROME, Oct. 3: (CP) Fascist aviation circles disclosed toda.j that Bruno Mussolini, twenty-yearold son of Premier Benito Mussolini, accompanied by the flower of Italy's bombardment aviation, is in active service as a pilot for Spanish insurgents. Young Mussolini and twenty-three bombers, which accompanied him to Spain, are believed to have made the first air raid on Valencia. H END A YE, Franco-Spanish Frontier, Oct. 5: Defectloas in the loyalist forces are said to be aiding the Insurgents In their campaign against the government In Northern Spain. General Francls- Among Allegations made against Socred Bail t Eight Lives rn Franco Insurgent rnmmandpr- WRANGEL. Oct. 5'. in Sum of $5000 Allowed EDMONTON, Oct. 5: (CP)-Joseph H. Unwin, government whip In the Alberta Legislature, was arrested today on a charge of defamatory libel and reserved his plea when arraigned in police court on a charge of counselling murder, seditious libel and defamatory libel, knowing it to be false. The charges were laid on information and1 Feared Lost Off Alaska I (CP) CLAIM MADE FOR RECORD Russian Dirigible Said to Have Set New Mark for Sustained Flight Victoria and Prince Rupert. Thla foie-' MOSCOW, Oct. 5: (CP) Claim Is complain or senator w. A.uries-bach. Unwln was allowed ball In the sum of $5000. Using a warrant Issued by Magistrate Gibson," detectives took the Social Credit member for Edson into custody at his home. The charges were laid in connection with tne publication of allegedly libellous statements contained In an anonymous leaflet, copies of which were alleged to have been distributed in i.oV,if -,woH a now ar,H rio. The selnboat Linnett. with the Legislature last week. IT! The po termlned drive upon Gljon. last eight members of her crew, Is Uce confiscated 2400 copies of the loyalist stronghold on the northern feared lost outside of Baranoff same leaflet when they visited Al-coast, with a view to its capture be- Island. The coastguard cutter berta Social Credit League head-fore weather becomes more unfav- Cyane and other searching 1 quarters office Saturday. vessels have found wreckage. 1 - : -" ONMARCH Special Precautions Were Observed in London on Sunday During Mosley Demonstration LONDON. Oct. 5: (CP) The most severe sentence meted out In London police courts yesterday follow ing the Fascist demonstration on Sunday was that received by Rich ard Robblns who will serve live !. - . morio h ho Puss an alrshln DB or a i i ,,b tu,a. ken at s a m. uraay ana cover vne ou - munins lor iiav 1& mv hour period ending 5 p.m. tomorrow). new recorri f0r sustained flight for Blackslxlrts during their parade. . . .... jMniuu. Tha .fir ic pmimpn r.n Ceneral Synopsis A disturu-, "b"'- ..,7 . I fho Ouppn have been In continuous mgnt iox rv,orintP9 fmm thp west. Fog 120 hours. The previous record was ureviiiU on the southern coast, by the German dirigible Oraf Zep- Late frosts have occun-ed in thelPelinln 1935. interior. ' Prince Ru pert fresh east to southeast winds, fair today, i showery tonight with st'ongl 1 southerly winds i. on , Wednesday. tl'nf nnuriat Queen Charlotte Islands -4 Fresh to strong southeast wind, showers tonight and Wednesday. West Coast of Vancouver IslandLight to moderate winds, shifting to southeast. Fair today and becoming unsettled. President Now Returning East Todays Weather (Qovernmoiit "Iegraj;i) Terrace Cloudy, cahn, temper ature, 40. Alyahsh Coludy. calm, 40. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 42. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 42. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 40. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 34. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 31. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 33. All London police leaves were cancelled and 2500 bobbies were as signed to special duty on the streets during the march in East London. In fear of violence, some shopkeepers boarded up their windows and barricaded their doors. i Iliac wtuib wv-rf, , ... barometer. 30.28. crn flier, who was co-pilot with. i Vancouver Cloudy, calm; bar- Herbert Hollick-Kenyon in the ometer, 30.24. recent search expedition of Sir . . ....v..i t., r.pnriro Hubert Wi kins for the victoria weai, uuiwicnj mu, -- - ... lost Russian transPolar fliers m f, iipB iVr hnr- h.irometer. 1UU1 -i FV4 - I ' 30.24. -I Another Search I For Russ. Fliers Al Cheeseman of Tort Arthur on Way From New York to Arctic PORT ARTHUR, Oct. 5: (CP) -Al Cheeseman. veteran north- in the Arctic regions, is here on his Roosevelt Tasses Through Spokane Alert BayDcnse fog. calm; bar- way north to Institute another and Helena on His Way Back ometer 30,0. temperature. 39; sea aerial search. Cheeseman arrived to Washington snooth. " ' Bull Harbor Dense fog, calm; ' GRAND FORKS, N. D.. Oct. 5 barometer. 30.20; temperature, 40; ,i I.-. i. Wualilturtr.n sea Smooth. Sllow ng his P o the Pacific . Dead Tree Point-Overcast, calm; Northwest and British Columbia, barometer, 30.22; temperature. 56; President Franklyn D. Roosevelt sea smooth. n9p,l flirouirh here Monday, ungara i-iu-u. ,.. . .... l f-l 1.. n.ln4 i oiro nrnwtia irrppted tne cniri pvpfiitivp as his special train passed. The mayor of Winnipeg came here to meet tne rresiaent and present him with a key to the city. Mr. Roosevelt expressed the hope he would be able to vis it that part of Canaaa oeiore long. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Oct.5 (CP) Wheat was quoted at $l.34:4 on the Vancouver market yesterday. hree miles per hour; barometer, 30.10; temperature, 50; sea smooth. Triple Island Overcast, easterly wind, three miles per hour; sea ' ' smooth. Halibut Sales at Port Arthur irom fNew ior where he had been with Wilkins. RELIEF IS LOWER NOW Considerably Less Paid This Year In September In Comparison With Year Ago Direct relief paid out from the City Hall here this September tot alled $1998.60 as compared wiui $2651 In the same month last year. The city's share of this for the -nil JC r,.Un month, lust enaea was Western Fisher, 17,000, at 10c and against $473.19 a year ago, leaving 6c, Cold Storage. balances of $1644.15 and $217781 Oulvlk. 21.000 at 12.1c and 6c respectively taken care of by tha Atlln. governments.