a ee THE WEATHER four hours ending 5 a,m., NEXT MAILS FoR soUTH Prince Rupert....Friday, 8 a.m. Camosun......... Sunday, 9 a.m. Twenty ' we TeMP, BAR, fN, RAIN wae 0 13.0 29.670 .26 D cena Oe ‘ x ‘ gant? u —_— = = ye lI, NO 273 PRINCE RupErT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, Novausen 29, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS —— TERRIBLE DISASTER DURING LAST NIGHT’S GALE ——— Press Despatch.) LPP EEEECESEEECECCKSRKS ESE SS Se S made al vel- 0 Hanyang hes | by the Imperiai \ Hang has lation and it is| ronment is din that part of} BOTH SIDES SCORING BY VICTORIES IN CHINA | Hup h province where a few wecks ago the rebels seemed to be iu supreme control, Nanking, Nov, 29.—At an early liour this morning the rebel forces entered by the feur gates of the city BLAMES SPARKS FOR THE FIRE General Meeting of Members and | PRESEYTERIANS ASSEMBLE. | Adherents Called for Tonight This evening al eight o'cock a eneral meeting of all members fr. McMullin Makes Investiga- | end adherents of the First Pres- tion for Report—City Council | ‘rian church will be held in Enquired Into Matter Last re church hall, Fourth avenue. Night and Are Considering | fatters of general interest in con me with church and congre Evidence | gation will be discussed, and a Agent MecMullin| large attendance is ¢ xpected « that beyond | il investigation | COUNCIL LOVE BIRDS. lances Of the | Alderman Hilditch Tenderly Hints | on which he| That Ald. Newton Tells Fibs. eport, there will] Mr, Mayor, I rise to a point of essary. Mr. |} order Alderman Newton either | making ex-| has a bad n y or the] f all concerned] truth is in hin _ rupted the conelusion] ald lilditeh at nday’ i not have orig-| ( ir ieeting when heating appar-| Newton had described hour before the} ehambs proceedings is only a very Alderman Newton I g sur furnace, rhis pardon You have t eg me ‘his| he janitor. a numbs of times now, at Vn CONVICLION| Presbyterian Church hall st have drifted] ejsewhere. but vou have g from the piles proved it the cleared Alderman Hilditch I did. | ots to wind-|proved it at the Presbyterian | rth street. A} Chureh hal Phat proves it still | f the burning | further ted hand col- The Mayor Order, order! Studio today] Address the chair, please gration to be And the love-birds subsided. ther forward } m Scientific eye examination at Camer- held an en- | 055. h ma 1 e “ Not ” intended. the serious ry ri Po rae ae : hos { a lecision ‘was |" the Gov ee M lay the evi- & considered rh : € the sea a h Mel Ha rh lay nigh | Thursday, at} under the a 8 the 5 i Andrew's 8 The § Prince Rupert will] Now is the time to get Xmas eave at ilar time on Fri-| cards for friends oversea. Your ia It|every wish can be supplied at y McRae Bros. ome? Many things @ k them so they go Saved Judge’s Books. . Valuable legal b cs, the proy t Savoy erty of Judge Young were saved : from the ¢ th se while it was ! THE NICHT O’ NICHTS catching fire Monday aftern evel Tomorrow Night Is St. Andrew’s WON'T PASS RAILWAY PLANS Judge Mabee This Morning Refused to Sanction G.T.P. Plans for Construction of Line to Mile 3 Westerly MEANS LOSS OF $400,000 SUBSIDY Chairman of Railway Conwniteion Says that the " Constiustton of the Line is in Contravention of the Railway Act—Case Was Heard in Prince Rupert— Judgment May Mean the Saving of the Bays Ottawa, Nov. 29—Judge Mabee of the Railway Commission this morning refused Mr. D'Arcy Tate's application that the Railway Commission approve the company’s plans for the construction of the line from Mile 0 at Prince Rupert, to Mile 3 westerly. The appli- cation was made at Prince Rupert during the sitting of the commission, and judgment was given today. In his judgment Judge Mabee says that all that portion of the line constructed be- fore January Ist, 1910, while the Commission had jurisdiction to approve of any line built there, is a contravention of the Railway Act. Mr. Tate wanted the approval of the Railway Commission in order to secure from the Government a subsidy of $400,000 that had been promised. FRED JAMES ~ STEAMER TEES FEARED LOST never rt rack a Rock in Kyoquot Sound Early This Morning, During the Gale, and Sends Urgent Message For Help SIGNALS FADED AWAY AT THREE O’CLOCK U. S. Revenue Cutter Tahoma is | Sosedinns to Her Assistance, But It Will be Ten O’clock Tonight Before She Will Reach the Scene of the Disaster—Feared That She Has Foundered in the Darkness—Was Well Known Craft (By Dominion Government Wireless System) At three o’clock this morning the wireless station at Tri- angle Island received an urgent message for help from the steamer Tees, of the C. P. R. fleet, which had struck a rock in Kyoquot Sound on the West coast of Vancouver Island, during the gale. No vessel was in sight and the wireless station was unable to pick up a vessel in the neighborhood. The United States Revenue Cutter Tahoma was communi- | cated with in the neighborhood of Cape Flattery, and she at once made all speed to reach the unfortunate vessel, but it will be ten o’clock tonight before she can be at the scene of | the disaster. While the wireless station was speaking, the signals from CAPT. OF SS. (Canadian Press Cenpasenct: Victoria, Nov. 29.— Captain Moorehouse and the Chief Officer have both been held responsible for the stranding of the steamer Venture in Seymour Narrows i September. The Marine ourt has suspended the certificate cf WATERWAYS COMMISSION Personell of Canadian Section Is Announced at Ottawa. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Ottawa, Nov. 29.—-Th persone!l of the Canadian section of the International Waterways Com- mission is announced as follows: Hon. L. Chase Casgrain, Mon- treal; H. A. Powell, oa eg aus| C. A. MeGrath, Lethbridge COSMOPOLITAN IN DICKENS DI 1KENS is Publishers over | still a don't} his new CHARLES best argue books carload ¢ and let has been one morning filled with searlet seller.” pro and they just order a of paper, oil the them speed on. over forty since when the yard was geraniums and con presses, And it years the breath of syringa was heavy in the air the great author fol- lowed little Nell. Now that the eutenary of his birth (February 7th, 1812) approaches, everybody is thinking of Dickens. We have secured several articles which will tell many things about him that have hitherto been unknown, In the January Cosmopolitan his son, Alfred Tennyson Dickens, will tell you some of his own per- sonal recollections o fthe great novelist. Later, probably in Feb- ruary, Mary Angela Dickens, his |granddaughter, will give an in- timate view of Dickens as she re- members him, In fact, in these anc other articles on Dickens which will follow—fully illus- trated, of —we shall aim you a more vivid picture course- to give than has yet been published of the human—the home—side of the great master, written by those who knew him best. Read the articles—they wlll surely arouse a new interest in the “best beloved” author in your library. Subscriptions to Cosmopolitan wilt be aceepted until December {vith at the special low rate to Canada of $1.50. Cosmopolitan Agency, bo x 8514, Winnipeg. Best room in town—Savoy. TUG ON FIRE Howard D. is Burned to Water’s Edge in Victoria Harbor. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Victoria, Nov. The 29. tug VENTURE HAS LOST CERTIFICATE the former for six months and that of the latter for four months as a punishment for their negli- gence in handling the vessel, an enjoyable Andrew's ball Come and have evening at the St. on Thursday night. "CASES ARE SET FOR HEARING Mr. Justice Clement Will Hear the First of the Contractors’ Suits on Friday—Many Cases on Supreme Court List. This morning at the temporary court in the MeIntyre Hall, Mr. |Justice Clement heard motions land arranged cases for the Su- |preme Court hearings, A motion by Mr. C. V. Bennett andants in the Heilbroner v. Hacker case to allow the evi- dence of the defendants to be taken by commission at Medicine Hat was refused with costs after being opposed by Mr. A. M. Man- son for the plaintiffs. Permission was granted Mr. W. E. Williams to amend the statement of claim in the suit of Frank Kelly and 8. H. Watson against the City of Prince Rupert. Mr. Kelly claims $575 for deduc- tions for delays made from his Bighth avenue grading contract. 8S. H. Watson & Co. claim $13,000 for deductions extras and dam- ages over their Second avenue contract. The list of trials was arranged as follows: Thursday — Kelly vy. Lindsay, trial by jury. This case is one where the plaintiff claims dam- ages for aleged breach of an agreement, whereby Lindsay agreed not to carry on a cartage for def business in the city for twelve months after the dissolution of their partnership. Ilriday—Kelly vy. the City, non jury trial. Monday Miller vy. Bostrom, jury trial. Plaintiff, a laborer, sues defendant, a contractor, for damages for loss of an eye in an accident at Bostrom’s tunnel at Mile 152, Other cases are: Hacker, Heilbroner v a bill of sale on the ground of alleged fraudu- lent misrepresentations, Beaton y. Christiansen and Brandt, suit for commission for the of 4,143 acres of land m fo set aside saie Lakelse valley. A second action between these parties was set- tled by consent judgmnet, the de- Ball. Furniture. am : Sd pp cli me ee ore ss ri mnenee " ; é th 7 3 | Howard D, and a scow belonging fe adnnte paying a sum of $483.65 rowir 1a . ] . . : } . lp anc costs ‘ hrowing cht to H. S: Garfield of Por s-|° . the trem-| window to save them from the distressed vessel faded away, before it was possible to | \ '!. s arseld of Port Towns |e ee i. and Manson dance gae'd f . is . x were bs ar for Pos makes work for th . ene h h d | mi arf las : “Se ,| appear for the plaintiffs in every 10 SANE RO eee ee never was made} Obtain her exact position. Nothing as been heard of her a» wharf tast night, For @ time] 4PPear for the plaintifis in every flan one -oflL ; } the wharf threatened to burn and a ‘ . adap yen. Monday at the Gov ent Du hi nm hrat Pear ig as ee, eters wi represe nt the city in W's far-famed| ing blaze since three o'clock t is : morning. tie GEA wae. tam AOR LL coteneoe olla ¢ dankatann a cut adrift. It presented a spec- eee ee svt a | ; Rae te tacular sight, j Phat quotation is INCREASE OF PAY eee Rts Suggestive oa Gifts in Selid Gold lomorro z Special Wireless The Wrecked Vessel. time has been on the dangerous, Sterli Siby : i , See ee Ald. Clayton Wants to Increase De Tara rh) raat HKGae So 8 | Hospital Board to Meet and Sterling Silver. Display in Wark’s Society dance . a y Solivitor’s Salary Lated The tug William Jol- Pho: ‘Taon ie Hun of the bidkal es aon run, A meeting of the hospital north window. yromiae ty Solic , c at Cape arried Passengers. oar salled for Friday after It promises y Poe n with a ane | and’ moat reliable ofthe: O, Por, a ns roe ae board is called for Friday after- rolls peneier ernest baibaadiiasi ind festive assem- “Notice is hereby given that] ( forty miles away from Ky some times oF the year her) noon at 3.30 p.m. in the police| MeRae Bros. are dhalaunie some : nd t § i at 10 o’elock this| fleet, She is smaller than the} passenger accommodation was - at next Council meeting T intend) uqu ound @ ' a se ; a a i court room, Xmas cards that are particularly inter- i ea i thos thal the salaty ef Mi oe and instructed to go at|Amur, being 165. feet in lengt 1} packed to the limit, but it is not —_—_——__—__ - esting. The cover is beautifully em- ®8 Aboukir Purchase. Peters, the Gity Solicitor, be in-]onece with all speed in rescue of} with a gross tonnage of 679. She expected that she will have many Toric lenses aie Rhine fort: "raga bossed in gold showing the B.C. Coat , , Daily News.) creased to $250 per month, to/the Tees Nothing further has|was built at Stockton-on-Tees | passengers on board at the pres- - $$ of Arms. Inside is a local view and a j oO Just pafore |commentve October ist, {O11 | be heard since, eighteen years ago, and for a long ent time, Scandinavians Met. local verse—both are up to the min- last night Hon. W. B, CLAYTON ——————— —= The Scandinavian Society met] ¥te—the most unique Xmas card ever ed the reports The apove eat 1s a sli ere SHIPMENT OF DEER them, The absence of wolve s| aoop FISHING “sim” ie oe in soa eee. BA produced ment he . the City a Nolice OAC 0 and the al dé ‘e of tine graz and discussed general matters o { el ASaarns a = No seconder is mentioned.| another Herd for Queen Char- Poe eas aha ee ya ideal | Rupert's Popular Shrimper importance to the lodge A Steamboat Merger. ag : lotes by Princess Mary. pot for deer and the impor- of on a Long Prospect. be SaaS tae ee (Canadian Press Despatch.) coos ; ae » 208 oer : »ed— ies’ rain c 3 Vancouver, Noy, 29.—The Un- ees Woman Fined $50. Several shipme nts of deer have | tation promises to be a success With the good ship Amy load- Guaranteed our ladies rain coats , wey vee Bi ll Bargain; bt Ws s fined $50} | return if not satisfactory. Wallace’s, |!!! "*caumsniy company 1as \ ns in Ladies Suits Gladys Raymond wa lheen made from Porcher Island : = ed down with coal, and provi taken over the Vancouver Steam Nort ! ‘ | ‘ ——_— _ , ? . Weg ‘wa Celebrated’’—delayed and costs last night fo having to the islands of the Queen Char- OFF WITH THEIR HEADS sioned for a long prospecting ship Line, £55 suite hand, Must be sold, | Siven liquor to an Indian at ws lot group by instruction of the} yp jackson of Leeds Is Notified| !"ip Mr. Burgess Jim), the| A shipment, just received, of the oo r aca bo, $32 suits for $21, sumkalum., The case was ee vernment, Which pays” the of a Change of Government. shrimper and an old timer of the | newest things in Ladie’s Hand Bags Presents for abroad—many things third off. Wallace’s. 1t! vestigated by Magistrate Garss, hunters securing suitable live | 7d northwest coast sailed tis | Wark's 3. easily sent by mail. Wallace's tf \ | de On her next trip the Prin-| (Canadian Press Despatch.) morning northwest bound, He is|-s — _ —— a Wi) cess Mary will take a herd of five. | : ity a oe on a guest for new shrimp beds | L BURY JOHN CRA W FORD Phere would have been six, but} § tlawa, Noy. Ym Phe Dernrhs for he has just been asked by a} 0 ENY FRANCHISE ne was mauled to death by dogs | ment of ee oe MO PATOAND ant large Vancouver fishery firm to | OU UNDS whi re it was penned on the G, T | recalled J. B, Jac kaon, er ane C.0.D, all classes of ROPER | TO SIXTEEN CATHOLIC MONKS wharf the other night. | trade commissioner at aeee’) water shrimps and as many as] Phe deer are caught by driv- Kngland, His successor has not possibe at that. | oiamaemiannneelonmmmmsdiemmad Cee * i ‘hem with déme into a lake been named yet. Montreal, Noy, 29. Because | precludes them from exercising On Was Continued|ing put into his room bo ! ikacl they 1 k ae ; the franchise. according to 1 allon do stairs| where they can be secured by] 5 o'clock tea cups and saucers,|'’°Y Have taken the vow of poy-| tt Bnoniae RCOOPT Ie vane death of John}up, He had fallen aow ” ‘ut in|boat. Poreher Isand has plenty St. Andrew's Ball. | special re ie ie an half dozen, |°!')> 88 application is being made | iw defense claims they should tday atternoon,|at the Grand before aren ; ea to spare, but, cw ious] Don't miss the St. Andrew's | Big canes, -bandiial daseiaiinal finest before the court to disenfran-| be entitled to vote, owing to their #iven fully sub-|his room, and then hat het roten kash Banks and Dundas ‘isl-| ball on Thursday night at the | English China, Watlanata rs chise sixteen members of he education and fitness, fact that deceased} ly. The body will be interres lands have no deer, though there} MeIntyre Hall. Gray's full or- pone eee eee Catholic College at. Rigaud, the ‘ rere 1 . expense, 5) as : i - is ce | . He and left ia Hayner Bros, al Sl - ‘ ire no wolves there to worry jchestra in attendance. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4,| Claim being made that the vow |, Special ists in fitting glances, —Cam- served after be- ce no relatives can be tré AE te | wer —¢ PR errr se a” wow woo ® ft 4 ij sara we - OR a. -24 vs a mil