h Ok r pecws m Fancy Stationery to clear: Kepilar Ketail1 1'rke $1125, lo Clear at 85c Kejrtilar Retail' Price- (50c,. lo Clear at lT)c lU jriilar Ilelail Trice $l.fTo; to Clear at $1,011 Uvular Retail Trice $1U( to C Fen r at" 70c Uvular Retail Price I()c, to Clear at- IOc Ormes Ltd. itf. Pioneer Drvtqgists Tlif Krxali: Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open' Ilally" From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 1 p.m., Mil comfii;.. 7 p.m, till U p.m. mi ki n vw i i ii r. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Krv. J. W. Stevenson, M.A., H.D., Ph.D. Minister in Charge Organist: .Mrs. E. J. Smith SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A.M., Subject: "WHY WORRY?" 12:15; Sunday School s . 'JO P.M. Subject: "THE" RA'CEIs'NOT TO THE SWIFT'-Dr. Stevenson will preach A hearty welcome to-all FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. W, Dafoe. D.D., Minister W. Vaughan Davies; Organist , Morning Worship at 11 A.M. Sermon Subjects' "THE LIFE THAT FAILED" Sunday School at 12:15 Evening Service at 7:30, Sermon Subject: "THE FOURSQUARE GOSPEL" k'-T J, Hind M. A. of Vancouver, will preach at both services bright inspiring song service Is enjoyed by all who come at 7:15 Services wll lcontlnue during the week to Thursday, the 15th. We welcome you at all services " 'VII Li fin 1 1 IWHIK.TlflVV baXanr-.A .lfw III iW mi ii I 1 FURNITURE Spring Renewal Needs -V4i V'LIILcLlII llllllfS. IlllW Krhr.r, TV? . - 1 f-1 friiLiD.i - in i iiir.il nijc. ' Fertilizers Vigoro, per lb...... Rone Meal, per lb. ;ih.k;:ki! For Your Garden We carry a complete stock of Rardcninff supplies MV.J1 AfVWlCl VJC.ll " Watering Cans - Fertilizers - Garden Fencinp; fic 5c (Cheaper In large' quantities) GARDEN LIME 75c per 50-lb. sack GORnflN'S HARnWARE '"one .111 M,.Rrii1fl St Mm. iti-.r. shock. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Silversides Bron; Sprinjr Sale of j wallpapers, paints, varnishes, efcvj J. O. after a Wilson and three weeks' tf. t Tonight's train, due- from the Canadian Letrfoii R-. E. S. L. Hxceut1v and monthly meeting 'pemtponed till next week. (8J I Ken Matheson of the Canadian National Railways investigation department returned by- last eve fmnjf train' tn Prince' (ieoYjre' af-.ter a brief visit here on" official llMlxiliCBH. W. 11. Lindsay, former Kenenil superintendent for the Granby Co. at Ariyox, arrived in the city on the, Princess Adelaide' yester day afternoon from Vancouver (and jnui-ri-iifd m- me interior- y- train. son, visit return to their home in Prince George. Don't forget when visiting Port- Hand Canal that the Frazer Hotel Is the best place to stop. (tf) Ernest Santerbane, who ?uf. fered severe concussion earlier in the week in an accident with 3 motorcycle, is gradually recovei- ing at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. He has fully regained consciousness but has not recov ered as yet from the effects cf Rev. A. Abraham, Anglican Church rector at-Massett, arrived in the city on the Prince John Thursday night from the Islands and left by last evening's train for the East enroute to Belfast Ireland for a visit. He will sai for Montreal on the Duchess of York April 23. Returning he will be accompanied bv his wife and infant daughter. Suggestions from F. W. Chand ler, who has had practical experi ence as a builder, in regard possible fire escape improvement at the hospital were transmitted to the hospital board at its regular monthly meeting last night through F. A. MacCallum. Mr Chandler's idea is to have wide glass exit doors with commodious platforms and wide switch-back ramps, eliminating stairs and lad ders. Appreciation of the suggestion was expressed by the board but it was felt that nothing should be done in the meantime until some final decision had been made in regard to hospital exten sion plans. The fire, marshal's de partment was fully cognizant of the present situation in this re gard. Reach the most people In city and district with an advertisement in the Dally News. Announcements Circus First United Church, Ap ril 9-10. April 10, A. Y. dral Hall. P. A. Tea, Cathe- H. M. S. Pinafore; April' 14, Ap ril 15, Capitol Theatre. C. N. Ri A. annual dance, Moose Hali; April 16. Presbyterian Spring 22. i Sale, Cash for old gold. Bulger's (tf) Frazer Hotel, steam' heated rooms, Hyder, B.C., near the Stewart dock. (tf) east at 10:20, was reported this morning- to hff on time-. I' Doiurlas Frizzell; who has been April Missionary Tea, Baptist Manse; May 1. St. Peter's Sale; May 0. Oyro Club Coronation Moose Hall, May 12. Dance. Piano Theory Voice Production pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examinations. Mrs.- Bernard Lundahl a. t. c. M. 4 Waldron Apartments IMione Grrrn 991 nndinir the nasi few month in- Vancouver, returned to the" city on the Cardena this morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Robertson; ,Mary and Ina. were also amonj? those- who sent I lowers to- me funeral of the late Oeorjre Kane Mr. and Mrs. J. Moran milled last nipht on- the Princess Adelaide for Victoria. Mr. Monui was formerly liphthouse keep?)' lit Given Island. Hedley Uowntree appeared' in city police court this morning on' a charge of supplying liquor to Indians and Was remanded until Monday mornliiK. Mrs. J. Lome. McLaren and here with Mr. Wilson's sister- daughter, Miss Lorna McLaren, in-law, Mrs. II. G. Kennedy, left by last evenings train on- their sailed last night on the-1 Tint-ess Adelaide for a vacation trip to Vancouver: Earl Walker of the staff of Digby Island wireless station left on me' rnnee jonn nisi nigm for Dead Tree Point to relieve C. A. Moses, the- operator in charge there; who- has been taken ill. Paul Johnson, logger from T. . Kelley Logging Co.'s- camp at Atli Inlet, arrived in the city on the Prince John Thursday night from the Islands to receive medical treatment. Robert Boy, sv Borden Street School Grade VII pupil,, suggests the name "Coronation Pool" for the Morse Creek swimming rtnd Skill ing resort which: is being de veloped by the Rotary and Gyro Clubs. Miss Man Browning of South Huzelton suggests "Row enna Pool." Mr. and Mrs. Edison Norton of Waterton, Mussachussetts, ar rived in the city on Thursday night's train from the East and will be the guests .hew. for couple of weeks of Mrs. Norton'; parents, Sheriff and Mrs. h. A Nickerson, Graham Avenue, West? view. Dr. A. L. Pritchard of the scientific staff of the Departure Baj Vancouver Island, biological staliori, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon and sailed last night on the Prince John for Massett Inlet in connection with salmon research work which has been conducted there for some years. The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Bupert General Hospital was held' last night. Those present were G. P. Tinker, president, W. M. Brown, F. A. MacCallum, G. V. Wilkinson and Frank Dibb, directors; II. V. Birch, manag ing secretary, and Miss Jean Har rison R.N., lady superintendent. Mr. and-Mrs'. T. H. JoHnson, who left the city a little over a year ago and- have since been on a visit to England, are at present in Vancouver and next week will be proceeding lo Victoriar where they will take up residence on Newport Avenue in the Oak Bay district. Early in the summer they are expected in Prince Rupert for a' visit. j Skeena Crossing In Brotherhood Native Organization- is Steadily Growing in' Strength, President Atlams States Skeena Crossing Is the latest In this district to become erf- rolled In the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia organization whose membershp Is steadily Increasing In strength. This was an nounced yesterday by Alfred Adams' of Massett; president of the Bro therhood, who was a visitor m the-city- prior to1 sailing lastnlght on the Prince John for hlshome on the Queen Charlotte Islands. c. n: It. TRAINS For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and' Fridays u 8 p.m! From the F.ast Tuesdays; Thursdays arid' Saturdays . 10:20 p.m. HOTEL ARRIVALS Royal U. Yoshimoto and D. McLeod, Porcher Island; W. L. Baum, Vancouver. Prince Rupert A. E. Lawson, Sunnyside Cannery; W. G. Metcalf, Vancouver. Central John Finnie, city. ST. CHARLES' MILK 1 Knox Paul Johnson, Queen Charlotte. At last night's meeting of the hospital board there was a com munication from the provincial secretary's department drawing attention to the new Residence and Responsibility Act which had come into force April 1 under which, in per diem hospital charges to outside municipalities covering their patients, it would be necessary to show where such patients' had resided during tha previous year. A board of arbi tration has been appointed to deal with disputes arising under the new Act. the copy of which wan tabled for perusal of mem bers of the board. JV TIIK XITKEME- COI'HT OF IIUITISII (Ol.l'.MIIIA IX IMItlllATR In the liittr- of tlifr "ArtmiiiiktratKin , Art" And In' thf Mntter of tlif Etntp or Mnr.T Ann- Harrison, lcinsi-(l TRke naUce that by virtue of an order of his Honor W. E. FUher mart? the 5th day of February; 19J7. Letters Probate of the will of the above-namrl Mary Ann Harrison, deceased, lasuel out of' the High Court of Justice, Lor-don. England, an the 28th day of May, 1936. were resettled In the Suprera.' Court of Brttteh' Columbia-, Prince Rupert Registry, end all persoa KaVln? claims ajalngt the said' estate are here by required to furnish the same prop erly verified to the undersigned on or ,beXore the 7th day of May, AX). 1937i tuid all parties- Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to tha undersigned forthwith. PATMORE & FULTON Solicitors, Prince Rupert. B.C. Attorneys for the Executors. Dated the 5th day of April, AX). 193 r. IX THE Sl'l'liEME COI HT OF ItUITISH roi.r.MiiiA In the Matter of the "AdmlnUtrntlon Art" And In the Matter ..of -the Estate nf Mike Snnilul ' ri(M-en.ed, Intestate Take notice that by order of Ms Hon or, W. E. rwner, tne isi any oi uun.ii A.D. 1937, I wfcs appointed Administrator of the estate of Mike Sanduli dfi ceased, aiud all ipartles having claims nsalnet the said estate are hereby re quired to xurmisn same, properiy verified, to me on or before the 2nd diy of Mav. A.D. 1937. and all parties in deb ted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me lortnwitn. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C Dated this 2nd day of AprU. A.D. 1037. THAPPERS Will guarantee top market prices for Beaver and Muskrat. Other furs at value. FIUNK- LOCKWOOD Phone Blue 729 V'.O) Box 200 jmmmmMmmmmmmmxm 203 Third Ave: Phone Blue 916 KIMIE'S DRESSMAKING SHOP Dressmaking Remodelling Pressing Alterations Miss Kimle Uyede, Prop. siiiasiaiiiinaiiitiatjaiiiinviKii Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALE5NTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 D. Eli o Furniture Exchane MOOSE boilding; THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 To the Housewife: Have you started Spring Cleaning 7 You may have Furniture, Utensils, Crockery, Euggage, Blankets, Suits, Cl'otlies, Hats, Shoes, Etc, you want to sell. Callifirccn 910. We Buy or Exchange D. EL IO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.8; CATALA1 EVERT TUESDAY, 1:30 PJVt-Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.SiS. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:31 rJMi Due' Vancouver, Monday ajn. If convenient p!eas purchase tickets at office; Further information regarding reservations and tickets-from' A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Aeent, Tlilrrt'Ave: Phnne'SOS