Runners Specials Ladies' White, Blue and Fawn T-Straps, Cuban Heels, Rubber Soles Q4 Off Regular $1.95, at ?J..deJ Ladies' Brown Runners, Crepe and Rubber Soles , THE DAILY NEWS. fKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ATTITUDE OF OPPOSITION 95c Child's T-Strap Runners, White, Brown and Http Fawn Fawn f!nWs Colors, SiVps Sizes f. 5 tn to 101 10J ' MissesT-Strap Runners Highest Quality 85c Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avnue H. P. PULLEN Managlng-Edilor SUUSCKlf llON KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .li Friday, July 16, 193. ARE WE EASY MARKS? Prince Rupert is evidently getting me name of being an easy niarK ior auveriturers of any kind, reople irotn out of town can come in and sell almost anything to loca mercnants or citizens who will turn down a reai business project irom a local man. Take advertising as an example. The local newspapers sell advertising at a verv low rate compared witn otner places and yet when they are approached a good many local merchants refuse for various reasons or excuses. Then comes along some out side sharper with a "scheme" for advertising and they fall for it, almost clamor for it, and yet in most cases it has absolutely no advertising value. . There is no way in which merchants can get real re turns for money expended on advertising which com pares with the local newspapers. It goes before the people six days in the week and, if changed at reasonable intrevals. comnels nttentiort. Everv nerson in hnsinpss " --1 ---! . 1 1 should keep in touch with the public with a regular news paper advertisement. We do not often mention this but think it right to draw attention to the fact that this type of advertising is far better than that peddled by tran sients who collect the cash and get out of town. The same is true of other lines of business. A great many local people seem almost to take offense at the announcement that a pulp mill is likely to be es tablished in the city. Because a previous similar an nouncment was unfortunately not carried out is no rea son why the present should not become effective. It cer tamly looks like a genuine proposal. As one that would benefit the city tremendously it should be welcomed, one would think, by every citizen. If this second attemp fails, it is just to bad for us, as was the other attempt At any rate we can all welcome the interest taken in this i' t i -1 ---1- 1 1..1..A 1 11 A my oy ouisuiers, wno nave aosoiuteiy noining to ex-nect from citizens but their approval. We hope they wil succeed in their project and make a lot of money out of it If they do this they will also benefit the city. We shall be in tne line oi progress. Central Savoy PAOK TWO THE DAILY NEWS Friday, July IB, l837 KITWANGA Further Play In I ! MAN DIES Tenim Tourney Charles Sampare Passes Away at Several .... (James . Sn CN.U.A. Com- - n rrt t i Ilaiellon Village Mourns Loss petition Are nun wu .. 'ft j . "Some people think you're almost human" t "If I wtfe I'd be tmoking a Sweet Cap righr nowl SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "Tht putut form in hkh tobacco can bt imkti."JanCtt KITWANGA, July 16: On Wed- . , , 4 nesday there was laid to rest at The results of yesterday Kltwanga, Charlie Sampare, only matches in the C.N.I., lenn.s ..remaining son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sampare. The deceased, who had body ,was transferred to Kltwanga, the home of his parents, for interment. The deceased, who was about thirty years of age, was respected by all and will be greatly missed in the community. He was an accomplished musician, a faithful member of St. Paul's Church Choir" and an ardent and cheerful worker In any good cause. The funeral service was held in St. Paul's Church, Rev. B. Shearman conducting the rites, assisted by James Ryan, and also presiding at the organ. There was a large congregation of natives and whites. Those atending the service afterwards followed to the Indian graveyard, where the committal rites were read. Many tokens of sympathy and grateful remembrances were extended to the parents. A-mong those who sent beautiful floral tributes were the following. The parents, Auntie and Bobby, Rev. B. and Mrs. Shearman, Katherlne Cad. wallader. St. Paul'3 Choir, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford (Hazelton), Mr. and Mrs. Brakenburry and George, Sarah Fowler, "Mr. and Mrs. Tuck and family, Mrs. E. Cadwaller, Mr. and Mrs. P. Sutton, (Cedarvale), Mr, and Mrs. W. Elsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Burke and family, Mrs. E. Robinson, Mr. arid Mrs.' George Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. P. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dutton and family, Mrs, Wells, Mrs. Wilit- zer, Mrs. (Chief) Semldeeks and Marv Mrs. Johnson Miss Amplln I Tucker, Kathleen and Mary Wil-J son of Hazelton, Carl, Irene, Yvonne and Lauretta Washburn, nephew and nieces of deceased. HOTEL ARRIVALS O. Erickson, Fred Hanson and G. Gulbranson, Vancouver; Jim Kurn lok, Prince Rupert; J. J. Funnell, Burns Lake; P. J. Beamont and O Phillips, C.N.R.; Nick Poznuk and A. Stone, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. Simons, Victoria. Prince Rupert H. J. Hodglns, E. L. MacLeod and D. W'. Webster. Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Motherwell, A. L. Cuffe D. F. Spankie, W. C. Gordon, A Macdonald, D. Lindsay, R. B. Mains and Stan Waring, Vancouver; W, H. Manuel, Kamliops; Mr. and Mrs. Hallman, Edmonton; Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Evans and con, Galgary Mrs. M. Brown, Port Clements; L C. Elliott, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, M. Lancaster and Mr. and Mrs, Charles M. Gregory, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Moe, Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fels, Phlla Jelphla; William G. Moffatt, Blair more, Alta.; Mrs. A. Attree, Terrace R. C. Davidson, Smithers; Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson, Massett; J. Stan nard, Nanalmo. Royal D. Martin, I. Benlk. C. Duffuld and Allan East, Vancouver; Markles, city; John A. Post, Usk George Sharp, Smithers; C. S. Pace Toronto; G. E. Foster and F. Jack son, Vancouver. Mr. Husband, Queen Charlotte T. Patterson, Eddye Pass; Robson, North Island; J. C. Frlzell Massett; Charles Hastie, Queen Charlotte; J. R. Smith, Smithers Mrs. H. A. Swain and R. Lewis, Ter race. Nearly 250 entries have been re celved for the national swimming hamplonshlps now being held at Scarborough, England, compared with 315 last year. iviuo tournament were lows: R.. Morrison pltal for a few days, passed away h,e'' 6'', J in that institution on Sunday. The defeated A, Me- Miss Elsie Davis defeated Mrs. K. M. West, 6-4, 6-1. W. Witch and n. Lee defeated S. Jurmain and A. MePhce, fi-IS, 2-C, 7-5. i Don Hlake and Jn Scott de feated Sam Joy and F. M. Davis. 1,-6, C-3, 7-5. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison de feated Miss E. Davis and S. Jur main, G-2, C-3. Baseball Standings National League New York 47 29 Chisago 46 28 Pittsburgh 40 33 St. Louis 39 33 Boston 34 42 Brooklyn 31 41. Cincinnati 29 43 Philadelphia 29 46 American League New York 49 22 Boston 41 29 Chicago 44 32 Detroit 42 31 Cleveland 36 34 Washington 30 40 St. Louis 23 48 Philadelphia 21 50 SPORT CHAT .618 .622 .548 .542 .447 .431' .403 .387 ! .690 .586 .579 .575 .514 .429 .324 .296 Returning a record score of 71 on the Gleneagles King's course at Edinburgh, three strokes better han the mark set a few days be fore, Mrs. A. M. Holm, of Troon won the Glover Golf Cup. Hilda Prltchard" of the Australian women's touring cricket team became the first woman from "down under" to score a century in Eng land. She.scoied 144 not out against the North of England. The English. . Football Referees' Association, at Its annual meeting, passed a resolution expressing the opinion that establishment of a na tional examining board of referees is desirable. Sir Malcolm Campbell's new motor boat with which he intends to at tack the world's water speed record bird by Lady Campbell at Loch Lomond where It was tested. Managing the touring New Zea land team and making banquet speeches does not suit Tom Lowry, 39-year-old cricketer. The old Cambridge Blue played against Nottinghamshire, scoring 121 runs. Liverpool, major league English soccer club, has signed Edwin Hars- ton, Mansfield Town's snapshooting centre-forward who created a record for the northern section of the third division last season by scoring 55 goals. The transfer fee Was said to be $12,500. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Subscription canvasser for out of town work. . Apply Dally News. (tf) I Does the heat make you limp and s m I laggardly! Then you should get to know about Eno. A sparkling glass a m I of Eno cools you through and through ( V n "" M I restores your enterprise and energy ''' P I and removes the very cause of heat- r ffJ ' M m I distress by helping Nature to dismiss lj ft ft k M I I clogging waste within. Millions have U N I tf m I proved this so you try the famous Jt I II M t I Eno recipe for coofth. 4rV W SMITHERS The body of the late Thos. L. Stafford who died while enroute Qarros stadlum ,n parJs io omiinem io j?o 10 nusiuai, will be forwarded to Kent, Wash ington, for interment on this evening's train. Service in the United Church will be held before the arrival of the eastbound train. Haying is being carried on with tfreat viiror under ideal weather! held by Gar Wood, was named BlueH conditions in the Hulkley Valley and the crop is of first class variety and quantity. The weathei has now settled down fine and hot such as is required for harvesting and the farmers are working overtime to take advantage of the situation. IN TIIK NITUKMK ( Ol IU OI' UUITISII rni.I'MIIIA IN ritOBATK In the Matter of the "AilmliiMrnllcn Art" And In tlie Matter of the K.-tale of Tlinnn llulnes IliiMi, IXhtumtI TAKE NOTICE that toy order of HU Honour. W. E. Fishw, the 7th day of July, A.D. 1937, I wa appolnkxl Ai-nvintot rater of the estate of Thorns Haines Bubb, deewsed, and all rmrtlefl having claims against the said oHtate are hereby required to furnish same, properly vertllCTl, to me on or before the 8th day of September, AO. 107, and eill parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their uuMimeaive to me roruvwlth. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prif " Rupert, D. C. Dated the Ab day of July, A.D. 1937 Hans Nusslein, German profes- E. G. Sutherland, noted runr slonal, defeated Henri Cochet of who represented South Africa t France 6-2, 8-6, 6-3 in the final of the Olympic Games at Part t the. French open professional lawn 1924, was killed recently in an t:- temils championship at Roland cident at Palmerston North t 1 1 New Zealand. The Tougher They're Made the Longer They Wear Genuine Brotherhood BIB OVERALLS (Union Made) Made From Double Wear Mill Shrunk Denims Price $1 .85 x Per Garment Our Guarantee They Must Make Good Or We Will KROMKR CAPS IN ALL SIZKS WATTS & NICKERS0N Men's & Hoys' Clothiers Phone .115 500 Third Ave. $y0T FROM GUNfm Then triple-sealed 1 brinq that riqhtfrom the oven freshness T. ...till UK V