Friday. July 16, 1637 Fresh from the Qardens "SALAM T E As SOB WALLACES Mid-Month Specials FRIDAY and SATURDAY Dresses In lacy weave In pastel shades. Sizes 14 to Q-f A A 20. Values to $1.75. Each ?A.VV Girls' Cullottes In navy or brown llnene, button trim. V Qj QQ Per pair Ladies' straw hats. Balance of stock to be cleared at HALF PRICE Silk knit panties and bloomers. White and tea- 25C rose. Pair Children's ankle sox. Assorted styles. SI 00 7 pairs - Balled knitting wool In ten shades. f An XUU Ball Mercury quality pure silk hose. Values to $1.50. Dls- f?P Utlx continued shade's and some small sizes. Pair Blouses. Lace weave in pastel shades In white, fi'lf UtJV yellow and blue. Each Suede talfeta waists. A shipment of new styles. fl- A A Assorted colors, Each - All Suits and Coats Arc Being Sold at Cost Anona Soaps As Purchased by H. M. The Queen ANONA 1937 Coronation Toilet Soap Imprinted in color which will not wash off and remains visible throughout the life of the soap. Super Fatted, Triple Milled. 75C Per box of 3 cakes ANONA Dog Series Imprinted in color. 5Q( per box of 3 cakes ANONA Cat Series Imprinted in color. Qq per bx of 3 cakes ANONA Nursery Scries Imprinted in 50C color. Per box of 3 cakes Produced by Disabled Ex-Service Men at Preston Hall Industries, British Legion Village NR Maidstone, Kent, England Ormes Ltd. Z7iif. Ptontcr DruQpt'sts The Ker-01 Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Bteamers leave Prince Kupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATAI.A KVKKY TUKSUAY, 1:S0 VM Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CAHDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 ML Due Vancouver, Monday am. It convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Kupert Ajent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 4 Pieces Bed Room Suite-Oriental Walnut Bed Stead, Chiffonier, Vanity Dresser g9.00 and Upholstered Bench; price .. v 3 Pieces Bed Room Suite Walnut Bed Stead, Vanity Dresser and Upholstered S 5 7.00 Bench; price Phone 775 LOCAL NEWS Just arrived, a complete line of "whisper" and "Mystery hose at the Mayfair. (tf) Mrs. A. M. Beattie is .spending a holiday at Squadaree visiting with Mr. and Mrs. noy Chenoskl. Miss Shirley and Master Ed mund Lipsin arrived in the city on the Prince George this morn ing from Vancouver to pay a visit with their father, W. Lipsin. Now is your chance to make that knitted suit or sweater. The Kegal Shop are having a sale Sat urday and Monday. See. our win dows for prices. (165) Itching " TORTURE In A MiWt For Quick relief from tke llchitf of Ktemt, bloU&M, piuplu. tlbleu't loot, Ktlet, rutin toil attar lUi mptiooL pptj Dr. Demii.' pur. MoHnt. uHB-tu, liquid EV O. D. PRESCRIPTION. 1 testli oCla uelb tfc Imte4 (fa. Clemr. nntlm 4 itl-Iw-dnM (ut. Bum tit mot ioteoM Itthlnf la-Uotly. A lit trial bottle, it Arut itorr. print It V moot, Uci. JUk lor D. 0. D. PRESCRIPTION. 21 Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Johnson, who have been spending the past week in the city, will sail by the Prince George Saturday evening on their return to Victoria. Serueant J. II. McClintnn. provincial police, returned to the city on the Prince George this mornine from A tvtn weeks tnr) to the Itivers inlet district on of ficial business. H. H. Brown, rerjresentatlve of Nestles Milk Co., who arrived In the city yesterday Is leaving today for Stewart and will return to the city next Tuesday. Prof. G. G. Moe of the University of British Columbia and his bride, the former Mrs. Olive Dawson, arrived In the city on last night's train from Vanderhoof. Prof. Moe has been speaking before farmers' meetings at Smlthers, Telkwa and Vanderhoof. They will sail tomor row evening on the Prince George for Vancouver. Timely Recipes GOLDEN r.LOW SALAD Oue package lemon jelly powd er, l'i cups Douing water, i tablespoons vinegar, 1 cup urated raw carrot, J2 teaspoon salt, 1 cup cucumber, diced and drained, 2 teaspoon minced onion. Dissolve jelly in boiling water. Add vinegar and salt. Chill. When slightly thickened, add vegetables. Inrn intn mnulfl. Chill until firm. Unmould on crisp lettuce.! (Serves 6). THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657 The Central Hotel ROOMS' and CAFE y Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK THE DAILY NEWS. PAOC TERtl Catholic Tea AndSaleHeld Successful and Enjoyable Affair Yesterday' Afternoon at Home Of Mrs. T. Hussanlch Attended by many, ladies, the tea and sale of home cooKing held yesterday afternoon by the Indies' Aid of Annunciation Church at the home of Mrs. T. Piussanich, 531 Sixth Avenue West, was both a successful and enjoyable affair. The rooms were tastefully decorated fo'r the occasion with summer .flowers. Mrs ISussanich was assisted in receiving the guests by Mrs. M. P. McCaffery. ine tea room was in cnare i. Mrs. A. Dominato, Mrs. Sylvester and Miss Jessie Wilis. Mrs, K. Pettenuzo and Mrs. A. Murray poured and serviteurs were Mrs. J. L. Illain, Mrs. Henry Doiron and Mrs. R. E.. Moore. Mrs. C. P. Ralagno was cashier. Mrs. Louis Amadio and Mrs. Joseph Oaron had charge of home cooking. In raffles Mrs. McCaffery won a purse and Mrs. F. Sf. Amour s box of candy. Terrace Veteran Laid At Rest TERRACE. Julv 1C: The fu' neral of the Iate E. T. Cole took nlace Tuesday afternoon, inter ment was made in the beautiful hnrial ornnnrl on the hill over looking kitsumkalum. Rev. Adam Crisp was In charge, assisted by Rev. C. A. Hinchliffe. Then' was a large number of friends present. Sam Kirkaldy sounded the "Last Post" withi-his bugle. HOW CAN YOU VANCE EVERY DANCE AND NOT GET TIRED? SAT TO FEU FIT Feed your energy. Nourish your body with Kellogg's Bran Flakes. Here's the wholesome goodness of whole wheat. Full of the elements for energy and strength. Plus enough extra bran to le mildly laxative. Kellogg's Bran Flakes are sold by all grocers. Ready to eat. Made by Kellogg in Lomlon, Ontario. BRAN FLAKES In th Ooldan Tallow Pockaga 60 PHONE 60. KAIEN TRANSFER Wood, Coal, Baggage, Messenger, Kindling, Furniture Moving Prop. KLI) GILLIS NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor 'A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 np 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Pbone 281 P.O . Box 196 2 JfJ , I HI W Frank Morris, manager of the A B. C. Undertakers, returned o the city on last night's trafn from Terrace where he hf.d charge of the funeral on Wednes day of fhe late Mrs. H. L. BLACKHEADS Blrkhd go quicklj by a imtI method that just disnolvM them. Get two ounce of peroxlns powder from your druKKint. rub thli with a hot, wet cloth ttently over the blackhead and yo will wonder where thry have gone. Have a Hollywood complexion. QlifEll HELP WANTED GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSE! work Must be. able to cook. Apply 309 2nd Ave., afternoons, (tf) FOR SALE FOR SALE Speed boat, 13 knots. Seal Cove Post Office. ttt) FOR SALE Westlnghouse Electric range. A bargain on easy terms. D. G. StewarW Phone Green 89. (16S) FOR SALE Purebred Golden Cockerel Staniel pups. 5 weeks old. Apply 106 8th Ave. E. (1G5) FOR SALE A bargain, Victor ra dio, leaving the city. Phone 973 or call at 653 7th West. W. B. Cornish. U65) FOR SALE Trolling boat. 33 ft. 10 h.p. engine. Ready for fishing. Snap for cash. Apply Daily News. UC6) COAL Nanalmo-Wellington for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootleas, for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone llfl or 117. (tf) FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon Apartments, Phone Red 421. (tf) VACANCY JULY 15 Angus Apart ments, front three ana four room suites. Itf) FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected oorch. with electric range, fur nace, good garden, one of finest harbor views In city. Apply to Pullen. Dally News. (tf) FOUND FOUND Small sum of money. Annlv Daily News. Ur.J; PERSONAL GENTLEMAN With some means wishes to correspond vfiui re fined lady 30 to 35 years who, knows something about chicken ranch. Object matrimony. No ob-, jection to nationality. Apply Box1 17, Dally News. uoa) .mTM NOW WHILE YOU CAN AppUcaUons will be accepted for rho ram v uenenciary oucieiy ...V . J - . for new members up to 55 years.l For Information without obliga-, tlon apply J. Mitchell, New Royal j Hotel. I will be glad to call on present members. CLEANING & PRESSING 4 rr "v y K jT I 1 V S" AA 11 If Tl ELICVS Furniture Exchange THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Used Furniture Dining Room Suites, Beds, Springs. Dressers, Odd Chairs, Tables, Etc. Used Rifles Ross 303, 32 Winchester Special, 30 U.S.A. Army, German Mauser Rifle, Single Barrel Shot Gun, 12-guagc Double Barrel a Phnne Green 916 Used Instruments Orpheum No. 1 Tenor Banjo, Student Violin, Organ Trade Mark Btll Used Washing Machine Thor Electric Machine, Water Power and Hand Washing Machine Hand Sewing Machine Drop Head Singer, and Hand Machine Singer Protexit Treated Wall Tents These tents arc guaranteed to be absolutely waterproof under all weather conditions. D. E L I O FURNITURE EXCHANGE WE BUY, WE SELL, OR EXCHANGE Canadian Trans-Atlantic Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. I COMMUNICATIONS I Transcontinental Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean, Kails and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct Princess Alice Princess Louise Princess Charlotte July 3rd, 14th, 24th; July 7th, 17th, 28th; July 10th. 21st, 31st ConnecUon at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Aient Prince Rupert, RC. SPECIAL: Price reduced 25 on,,,,,, dry cleaning ana pressing mmcs wear. Pioneer-Canadian Laundries. Phonea 8 and 118. (tf) Trans-Pacific If you lose anything, advertise for it. - X r