NEWS —_—,. THE DAILY ee | COAL NOTICE y P - GREENER’s | er tas Pane ote aa ys fon Seto } “British Empire” GUN She ec PRINCE RUPERT INN beokkeeper, intnd to apply ‘to the Chief Com- | missioner of Lands for a licence dee tanad at for coal and petroleum on and under land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted one mile aa | AND of C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 9, marked N. W. corner C. E. B. No. 10, thence south 80 ont | thence west 80 chaina, thence north 80 chains, A NNEX best gun--a Gre« er Hammerless at a price wit! the reach of a sportsmen; its got all the fe atures, har hitting, far shoot thence east 80 chains a BAINTER. Loestor ing, lasting wear | Dated Sept. 11, 1911. there’s no- ( j Pub. Sept. 23. thing bet- Catalog P6 The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES-—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Datry, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly ee Bees te at Ol caneaneeee | — of Lands for a licence to HEAD OFFICE | petroleum on and under Graham Island described as follows: Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. | ot Ee Cael Laake Noe marked NE corner BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES —National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. {Contract rates Queen C Take notice that thirty days fronm date, I, C. E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation book. ki Owned and oper Greener Grand Trunk Pacif the American and F Excellently furnis steam heat, electric Th C Best modern conveniences, | z abso- ter; lutely first-class in « Procurab le. The appointments a —« | are equal to any hote! on th ; De oe eR eee ‘ " FREE W. W. GREENER 63-65 Beaver Hall Hill | of C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 11, thence south 80) | chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80) | chains, ones east 80 chains to place of com- ) Menceme! | Dated Sept 1 _ 1911. C, E. BAINTER, Locator Pub. Sept. 2: Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation | | bookkeeper, intend to apply “to the Chief Com- | missioner of Land for a licence to prospect for | coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of | land on Graham Island described as follows: | Ceenenting = at a post planted two miles north jof C. EB. Lease No. 7, marked C. E. B. Coal ioe No ote thence south 80 chains, thence b- = a thence north 80 —. thence WEDNESDAY, oe 29 | pe | Dated Sept i, ‘th ce BAINTER Skeena Land District—Distriet of price New York SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | Square. SuBSCRIBERS will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. DAILY EDITION. apa Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. €. EB. BAINTER, Lecator | se | Pub. Sept. 23. | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Chartotte | THE INSPIRATION OF A MAN | nies Cpe ss ome ey General Me erchandse |Brothmerer, nen fo apy to the’ Chie Com The value of the supreme man at the supreme moment cannot | 24 aah percent ot ee ee be calculated. He can change a losing cause into a triumphant) 4 ee ee ee ae Wc | victory by the inspiration of his presence. States B, Coal Lanes, No. 18, eS ee Sl mene — A month ago the Liberal party in Ontario seemed dead. The chains, thence west S80 chains to place of eom- 1836 1911 Conservative sweep in the Federal elections had apparently affect- Dated Sep Sept, 1 Bee ee ise tt eee ed the very atmosphere of provincial politics. And in the hour of) g..ena Land Distriet—Diatrct of Queen Charlotte The Bank of darkness, when the hopes of the Ontario Liberals were dimmest,| axe notice that Austia M. Brown of Prince | ‘ | the supreme man came forward. Tae ximiaover of Lands 00d | Br itish North America Newton Wesley Rowell is his name, a man much loved and 75 Years tn Basiness, honored by all who knew him. For years he has been one of the Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 | leaders at the Ontario bar. Quiet refinement of bearing and cul-|% pa a ture, such as his are so, infrequent on the hustings, that politics and N. W. Rowell were not often coupled together in the popular Letters of Credit imagination. For our customers’ convenience His exceptional gifts for organization, for oratory of the bet- we issue Letters of Credit payable | ter kind and his high character, won for him the offer of the paid in Pounds Sterling for use in | secretaryship of the Layman’s Missionary Movement in Canada. (reat Britain and all parts of the The salary offered, $15,000 a year, was an indication of the value) world, and payable in Dollars for that was placed on his services in a cause where high salaries are use_in Canada, United States, not customary. Mexico, Bermuda, Bahamas, Cuba With the acceptance of the Liberal leadership by Mr. Rowell, | chains west, thence 80 chains south to point of | and the West Indies. the Liberal party in Ontario has undergone a resurrection. | | Date of Location, Stat July MM. BROWN, Locator! We buy and sell Drafts on Thousands of good men who had previously kept out of politics | Pub. Aus. France, Germaay, South Africa, have followed him into the fray with enthusiasm. The financial} aa acetal gee ae re Australia, New Zealand, India, sacrifice demanded of him is greater than the financial sacrifice | ET IG... RO ERY Prines China and the West Indies. demanded by the offer of the Layman’s Missionary secretaryship. | | Rupert, occupation saddiet, intends to apply to But it is with such ferver and zeal and inspiring deyotion that has) llemnes te prospect for eoel, oll and petroleum on sed | under the followin Seer lands on the West made missionary enterprise 2 force in the civilizing of the world, | Coast of Grabam ASA RT that Newton Wesley Rowell has embarked upon the great task of| ot Commencing at a post BC. L. No. 4472 thenes | leading the Liberal party in Ontario. Some cheap critics have al- ys hades Sager op ebnyre phe ory pom ready sneered at his programme of social reforms as a ‘‘goody- poe AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator ted aut Ist, 1911. goody’’ programme. Ontario has the reputation of being peopled Land District— District of Queen Charlotte G. A. Sweet, Manager. UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF 8.6, Li The new steel Passeng “Camosun” leave 5 Prince Rupert e ry Sunday at 9 a.m. for Vancouver, arriving Monday afternoon, For Stewart Cit from atl night. Northbound, leav: ver Wednesdays Steerage Fare The Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. Nd x— SAMUEL HARRISON Vv. F. G, GAMBLE (NOTARY PUBLIC) Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED Ne 4478 thence 80 chains south, theske 80 ania east, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west to point uu commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Date of oe gi Sist July, 1911. Pub. Aug. 1 Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charictte Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of zeae | Rupert, occupation saddier, intends to wey fe the Chief Commissioner of Lands and orks for a licence to prospect for coal and oil and petro- leum on and under the following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted three miles east ef the southwest corner of C. L. No. 4477 thence | 80 chains east, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 Prince Rupert Stewart **Camosun ”’ on the run having heads and dout suring safety of of collision or wr J. H. Rogers, The Economy Paint Store Prince Rupert Branch — . F. S. LONG, Manager. —: WE CATER TO THE TRADE :— PAINTING PAPERING KALSOMINING PAINTS OILS VARNISHES TAKE THE BEST |} —————— sade E. COLE, Prop. PhoneBlue336 6th and Fraser St. TABLOID EDITORIALS. of commencement. to p Dated re es 1911 C. E. BAINTER, Locator Pub. Sept Mr. H. S, Clements, in a recent speech at Victoria, an- nounced that he would press for a more adequate fishery pro- tection service, saying that ‘‘millions of dollars had been lost| to the assets of Canada” through insufficient protection. Mr. Clements is mistaken. The “millions and millions of as 0 Cor rere as to « Skeena Land District— District of Queen Charlotie Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. £ TICKETS TO THE OLD COUNTRY Bainter of Prince Rupert, J. by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply “to the Chief Com- | missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for 0. M. Helgerson, Ltd. Real Estate and Rentals . Non-Resi ent Already it looks as if the impossible is to be accomplished—as | Balater ‘of Prince Hupert, 1. C., by oceupation and on and under 640 acres of From Vancouver or Seattle Prince R al again. of Coal Lease No, 4467, marked C. E. B. Coal ! | and petroleum op and under 640 acres o/ | | | | of Coal Lease No. 4467, marked C. E. B. N. W. | | | Offices: H Mr. Loca Pub. Aug. 1 with ‘‘goody-goody’’ people. Skeena Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. =: % Baister of Prince tupert. :*sceupation || THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Writ it so often has been accomplished by the supreme man at the su-| mmioner of intend to apply to. the eesnier te | : we preme moment—and that on December 11th Ontario will go Liber- | pa) and_ petroleum on and under 640 acre Commencing at a post planted rene east N. E. corner, thence west 80 ebains, ty, We t ice east 50 chains, oe FOR ALL POINTS EAST OR SOUTH et , FIRST: “CATCH YOUR PRINTER” 5333330 | DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING A HARE: | FIRST:—“‘CATCH YOUR HARE” | land on Graham Island described as follows: 3 4 nm nner apnea henner dollars” have been lost owing to the Canadian fishermen hav- |_,Commencing at a post planted ‘five miles east Through Tickets and all informa- corner No. 2, thence south 80 chains, thence east tion about your trip To produce good printing you must ‘‘first catch your good printer. .. You can’t get good printing from a poor printer, even if he work with never so good an equipment. If he lacke the ‘‘knack,’’ the trained | taste, the single-minded fondness for his work which | real printers have, he will do poor printing for you. | If he has all of these, and in addition to them ade- quate modern equipment, your printing will have | distinction, salesmanship, the lure of type-beauty. | ing no adequate market for his fish. 80 chains, thence north 80 eaten, thence west | on 80 chains to place of commencemen An excellent suggestion is made by the Omineca Herald Pub. Sept. 23." Tot. C"EBAINTER, Locator for reform in the mining law to allow the prospector one clear | year from the first of January followiig his date of staking in which to do his first year’s assessment work. The present system works a hards ship on theprospector who stakes in unfre- quented localities in the midsummer months, and has either to come back quickly after recording or make an early visit in | the following spring. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by cecupation | bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com . Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid Lumber Mouldings A large sto ing lumber o! lumber a speciait made at short Roger's Steamship Agency 2nd Ave. Head of Centre St. Phone 116 Windsor Hotel | FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted five mae east of Coal Leane No. 4476, marked C. E. B. Ww. corner of Coal Jease No. 3, thence east 80 eaten thence north 80 ery thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to place of commencement. Dated poe Beet au 1911. C. re BAINTER, Locator | | Pub. Sept. 2 As this office produces good printing you may “infer the presence of a good printer—who is ‘‘catchable.’ FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF AL’ L KINDS” SEE a 2 THE ‘'NEWS JOB"’ Daily News Building Third Avenue tes rer cemseme somes mere srmesrmesrmes a i oa atu oe PHONE 98 Skeena Land District—-District of Queen Charlotte ‘Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. E. ., by occupation Commencing at a post planted five miles east A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING % of Coal Lease No. A676, marked C, E. B. 8. E ROOM IN CONNECTION sree SRSESEEDSESEESSES ESSERE SES RES ESD EES EB ES ESS ESHESE ENE BES “4 Birks’ Catalogue thence north 80 Pol thence east 80 chains, It is the most practical and interesting book of its kind in circula- Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder ! RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TO GUESTS Take notice that thirty days from date, I, A. T. G4 H. Wright, Prop PS. GOK 37 Broderick of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation J | bank manager, intend to apply to ‘the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted two miles north of C. E. B. Cowl Lease No, 21, corner of A. T. B. Coal Lease No. 27, thence lace ol commencement. BAINTER, Locator thence south 80 chains to p' Dated Sept. 11,1911. C. E. Pub. Sept. 23. Skeena Land District —District of Queen Charlott Our prices are Call on us befor OFFIC! Cor Centre St. and Firs! LAND PURCHASE NOTICE marked 8, E Ave. them a business training. © aA ee Cees, It is the nearest business college to Prince Rupert. It’s fees are within reach of everyone. Its tuition is personal, and develops the individuality of the pupil. Room and board is cheap in Nanaimo. The pupils are away from the distrac- tions of the larger cities CaM 3 COLES, To fit your son or daughter for a business career you The best place to send them to is the : must give Nanaimo Business College CEM te LAME Our shorthand course includes tuition in The Ben Pitman System of Shorthand Business English and Let- ter writing Commercial Arithmetic Office Routine Spelling Typewriting Penmanship OES BAC It May Mean all the Difference Between Success and Failure to You CE. Perry, Principal Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to write shorthand THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE Nanaimo, B.C. Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- ° missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for t S e raine or oman coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island deseribed as follows: amr! west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence }east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to place | of OOTRONORED Ke. . T. BRODERICK, Locator | | Dated Sept, 3 j2, 191 C. E. Bainter, Agent. | fee . Sept. | | &keena Land District—District of Queen Chenets |_ Take notice that thirty ene from date, I, Bainter of Prince Ru by oo ae bookheeper, intend to vam, s a ‘the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petrolenm on and under 640 acres of | land on Graham Island described as follows: Commensing + 6 3 at @ post planted at the southwest | corner of Lease No. 4468 marked C, E, B, Coal Lease No. 28, thence north 80 chains, thence | west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence | east 80 chains to point of commencement ‘covering ee jecemore 19 tai Point, ted Sept. 1 911, C, E. BAINTER |Pubret | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Take Bowe that thirty days from date, 1, A. T | Broderick of Prince Rupert, B, C., by occupation bank manne intend to apply to the Chief Com- wiesoner Lands for a licence $0 prosper’ for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island Geseribed as follows; Commencing at at a post 5 Dost Bie janted two miles north of C. 0. 17, marked 8, W. corner A. T. B. Cost La Lease No. 25, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to place of com- mencement, T. BRONEBION Locator Poted Ser Sept 2, Aon. . Bainter, Agent Skeena Land District-——District of Queen Charlotte ake 0 potas that thirty ave wie date, I, A. T. of Prince Rupert, B. , by occupation intend to a ly & “the Chief Com- i ana for a licence to prospect for 4, Deron on and under 640 cares of Fred on oa ticahaen Island described as follows: Co cme boat @ post moat, two 8 miles north Lease 8. E, of © corner A, Rs . Coal ease No bot thence pore 7; Be coal Tans ina, thence sou 50 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of com- mencement, A. T. BRODERICK, Locate Rotet tert, 12, 1911. t Halaters Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 ‘lake notice that Herbert J, Mackie of Pem- | broke, Ont., occupation lumberman, intends to | apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the left bank of the Symons or Zim-a-got-itz River, at south- west corner of Lot 1706, thence northerly, following the westerly boundary of Lot 1706, 80 chains | more or less, to the northwest corner of «aid Lot 1706, thence westerly and southerly, following the left bank of said river, 80 chains more or less to point of commencement containing 160 acres more or | | Located ug ust 1911. Dated Aves 1 bth. HERBERT J, MACKIE Pub, Aug. 26, Frederick 8. Clements, Agent | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 | Take ee that I, Thomas McClymont of Prince Rupe B, ic, occupation real estate | broker, intend t tos the followin, Commen Ls at a psot planted at the S. W. corner of pre-emption record 412, thence erst 80 ehains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 80 chains to shore of lake, thence following shore | of ious 3 3 8 northerly direction to point of com- ts ponteiene, $20 acres, more or less, Dated Se Sept. 8 » 1911, ‘THOMAS MeCLY MONT Pub. Sept. Erenest Cole, Agent Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 5 | Take notice that R. F. Miller of Tipton, Eng- | land, occupation farmer, aged to Sey for | to p u ds: Commencing at s post planted about 60 chains west from the N. W. Corner of Lot 4406, thence | north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains to the | point of commencement containing eighty acres more or less, Dated August 19 1911. R. F. MILLER Pub, Aug. 26, P. M. Miller, Agent Skeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Coast Ran Take notice that Frank 8. Miller of Range 6 Eng, occupation civil engineer, intends to apply | for * perm n to purchase the oy tellowlea described lonely Commencing at a post planted at the N. z. | Corner of Lot 28, thence north 20 chains, a west 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, thence | east 20 chains to pant, a commencement, eon: | fainting 40 acres more or less. FRANK 8. aaa August 1%, 1911, Pub. Aug, 26, P. M, Miller, Agent t mission to hi | i soply bor er on purchase | ‘ SD tion in British Columbia. To study it is like a visit to our big store in Vancouver. You can sit down with our catalogue, and quietly prepare your list of Yuletide remembrances, and estimate the total cost there and then. Then forward your list to our Mail Order Department, and your Christmas shopping is done. If you have not received a Birks’ catalégue, advise us at once. A card with your name and address will bring it to you free of charge. Do not fail to send your order for Christmas goods at an early date, ee DAVIS FM. DAVIS #\' She General Mac hine s | Carpentering. 50 af | banks-Morse an : | Engines. Gasoline >I cessories carried ins Launches and Boats for Hire yoo 0: Aer Birks & Sons, Ltd. Jewellers and Silversmiths HASTINGS & GRANVILLE STS. - VANCOUVER N.E. « { Wharf — © Ceccrecvocccesc cscs r erste ent rs ey Sree meres ™=E Royal Hotel | and Sixih St ep ccoesee > »o ees Cor. Third Avenue ae The Finest R The best equil and steam hea Hot and cold t Dining m restaurar And Pabedan taddadatads te tytn tp aad a bute a puuvuwqr ute SO APPAPAPPPLRAAS Abrtdadnte Aubatutatadatadntate An fatten Susi OPP PP PGP GPF GPP II PII PDIP AS When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the CARLTON HOTEL Finest Cafe in B.C. European Plan, Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. Hot and Cold Water in each room. CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS Vancouver, B.C, Corley & Burgess, Pons | wn Lo ee ss seemsteemapmnpeemmnarmnceansr—nsr ol en Beant be tp te tn tt 1) PURCHASE INSERT YOUR LAND PU! 1A 4 NOTICES IN THI ; NEWS 60444000646 a PALE PRAIA PPP PAPP PAA baba a a aaa tata te tata baat NPP PPP PPP PEEP F PEPE IIIS ASA