ft Eft 5P J, $ r r PAQI TOUR KNOX -KNOX WHO'S THERE? Teople Who Want The -BEST FOR LESS-GOOD .MEALS and CLEAN COMFORTABLE ROOMS DAILY WEEKLY or MONTHLY RATES KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell X. M. Brasell COAL TO TLEASK t:Vi:KVIH)l)V Satisfaction Guaranty Famous Eilson Albrrta C'oul Itulklr) Vall.v Coal Vani'ouvrr Island Coal Prince Rupert Feed Coin pa nT PHONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM nOME" Rate $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Huport, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 191 THE SEAL of QUALITY IT Kii.ciT-1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone. 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving ' Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. LANK .UT Notltt or liilrntlon to Apolv ( land In VrUmo niVixsrt Land UcordUi2 District of British Columbia, ana ltut U oil WlUte Sand Ma, Take notice .that Frank Watmwui of rrtoqe Jlwrt, qecxipatlon miner, In-(ends UJ HRply for a leae of the fol-lowing .described lands: Cummicaclnir a.t n irvt. nu.., we of the hlgli clltf. on White Baud jwnu Haw uenw? ouo icet irom the 8 c. oditot or wnile Band Island, and oil its ut eld, itheixe 600 Icet 8. W thence 800 feet N. W.; thcaice 600 Xee't N. E4 thence 800 feet S. E. and containing 12 acres, more or Is. FRANK WATERMAN DaUxl August 28, 1837. OUTLET TO RUPERT IS OPPOSED Sir Edward Beatty Docs Not Favor Tort and Would Build to Vancouver In an interview with the repre-. sentative of the l'caoe River Record Sir Edward Iteatty, president of -the Canadian Pacific Railway, is reported as saying: "The development of the nor'n has reached a point where more complete transportation facilities are required and. if the board of managers of the Northern Alber ta Railways approves of nlans now bemir prepared, work on the survey will be under way in the spnnjr. "Your people have bpen waft. injr many years for the realization of an outlet to the coast. Let me say this, that for several years now financial conditions have made impossible anv new rip. velopments. Governments aa w-oli as railways, have not found it possible to balance their buckets. Cut conditions are now imnrnv. in?, and we trust that U'Wltt-mjf be long now until financial r-nn. ditions will be such as td permit of tnis undertaking I tannnt aav that I agree with representation nai nave been made from Peact "Nter that such a coast outlet houid be constructed to Prine Rupert. But I do sav that, vnnr ountry here does need an n'utUi o the coast, and that it ahoul ? to an established port. has alreariv bn atau. 'ished and is rapidly growing in o one of the most imnnrlani norts on the entirp Parifio Pno.t vancouve- considers the peace .'ver country as her own hinter-'and. and wants tn trarfo ;!, Miis area. We recognize the need na I believe it will not lnno mlil your hones in fhu rotm ve realized. They will be juSt'as "n now as improvement in financial conditions permit. Even were we not to build it. th ne essiiv is such that if we did not nnvone else would outlet." Speaking on the zreat ilovolnn. ment that is taking place in the normern mining areas. Sir Edward was eauallr nnilminti. - yarding pending developments Present demand traffic for the north cannot bt handled bv air servi nii.. ind even water transudation this year has -apparently not fui- ly met all reuuirempnta TUr north WllJ soon refiuiro rati portation, and when it is under- taken it will probably be jointlv by the C.P.R. and thp vnini: Huring the next few years there will be a lot of joint construction." he added. Japanese Prince And Princess On Their Way Home VICTORIA, Oct. A: (CP)-On their way home after attending 'he Coronation of King George VI 'n London, the Prince and Princess Chichibu of Japan sailel from Victoria on the Yokohama on the liner Hikawa Maru Satur-day night. Prince Rupert Electric Steam Massage Treatment For Rheumatism, Tuberculosis Lumbago and Dyspepsia Phone 281 K. Hayakawa New Royal Hotel Room 12 CFPR Programs MONDAY AM. 11:00 Mary Kitchen's Time Savers 11:15 Message Period. 11:30 Weather Forecast. 12:20 Stock Report. 12:30 Dally News Broadcast.. 12:40 Monitor Views the News. 12:45-Eb and Zeb. F.M. 6:15 Request Program. 6:30 Daily News Broadcast. 6:45 Hawaiian Melodies. 7:00 Paper Moon. 7:15 Cecil and Sally. TUESDAY AM. 11:15 Message" Period. 11:30 Weather Forecast. 12:20 Stock Report 12:30 Daily News Broadcast. 12:40 Monitor Vrews the News. 12:45 Eb and Zeb. P.M. 6:15 Request Program. .6:30 Dally News Broadcast. "6:45 Hoosler Hot Shots. ,7:00r-Do You Believe In Ghosts? 7:15 Cecil and Sally. WEDNESDAY A.M. 10:00 Betty Brown. 10:15 Housewives' Requests. 11:00 Hits in Review. 11:15 Message Period. 11:30 Weather Forecast. 12:20 Stock Report. 12:30 Dally News Broadcast. 12:40 Monitor Views the News. 12:45 Ei and Zeb. F-M. 6:00Hl-Hllarities. 6:15 Request Program. 6:30 Daily News; Broadcast. 6:45 Moods Musical. 7:00 Modern Home Hour. 7:15-Cedl and Sally. THURSDAY AM. H :15 Message-Periodf 11:30 Weather Forecast. 12:20 Stock Report. 12:30 Dally News Broadcast. 12:40 Monitor Views the News. 12:45 Eb and Zeb. P-M. 6:15 Request Program. 6:30 Dally News Broadcast. 6:45 Hits in Review. 7:00 Aristocrats. 7:15 Cecil and Sally. FRIDAY AM. 11:15 Message Period. 11:30 Weather Forecast. i2:20-sock Report. 12:30-Dally News Broadcast. 12:40 Monitor Views the News. 12:45 Eb and Zeb. Orange Tea And Sale Is Success Manx Attended Pretty Affair in Oddfellows' Hall Saturday ' Afternoon A very successful tea and sale was held by the Ladies' Orange Lodge In the Metropole Hall Saturday afternoon. The hall was tastefully decorated for the occas ion with autumn flowers. Many guests were received bv Mrs. Alex Macfonald, the worthy mistress. The tea room was in charge of Mrs. R. T, Anderson who was general convenor. Mrs. D. Davidson and Mrs L, Wide poured and serving were Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse and Mrs. A. Quyan. Mrs M M Lamb and Mrs. William Oeddes had charge of the home cooking table. Mrs. Hugh Klllln was cashier. Mrs. Oscar Smith was winner In the raffle of a chicken with No. 77. There was piano music during the afternoon by Mrs. J. a Black. "TILLIE THE TOILER" co Me om, MacJ BIG H&WD - Hfe THE DAILY NEWS Monday nv Because an ancient law says that Americans the Indians who were on this continent long before the Pilgrim Fathers can cross the border between Canada and the United States in perpetuum, Gi-Ere-Kete otherwise known as Mrs. Pete Ga row, is sueing the United States government which claps a 50 percent tax against her products. Mrs. Garrow who lives on the Re-vis Reservation in Quebec, weaves baskets and sells them in the U. S. A. The United States government, however, taxes them and for that reason she is sueing to have the lax removed. Sues U.S. Government site! 'EXPLAINING THINGS "Can you fix thw fender o my husband won't tnmv hn,t- - i i v t at o bent?" "Xo lady, I can't. But I'll tell you what I can do. I can fix it up so that in a few days you can ask your husband how he bent it." W.ITEK mjtici; I'm ami Morugr TAKE NOTir-E Tr.i,. T..I-, : raceme ra. ijm u.hrc . c-o P. O. Bsx 1094. Prince Rupert B v 1 o iHnun wj rose flnj. of a stream (name unknown), which hwb weweriy ana drains into Osbcri"." Cove Prlrof Rupert Harbour, ft bout 3 miles northerly from Prince Rupert The water will 4 riivrrti frrv, iv stream at a point about 1800 foct eat- i'imu ra raou&n, on trie south tide. urrj uvrr um rio. ivkI will be used for miscellaneous Industrial (c) DUrnOHe UQTM1 t ha V.tlH I r uiwiunj hot "C" part of Lot 444. Range S, Coast District. Map No. 1598. The fctorege dam wUl be located t points of dierton. The'capaclty of the reservoir to be created is about 50 M. llons, and It will flood nil acres of lojid. This notice was ported on the grounO on the 30th day of August, 1937. A ccpy of this notice and an appll-caUoa pursuant thereto and to the "Water Aof will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prti' Ruwrt. B. c. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with too CcirsjtrolOr of Wair Rights, Parl'amrrt BulVdlngs, Victoria. B. C within tolrty days after the first app?arajjoe of this notice !r a I iocri ncwqper. TUCKS INLET PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED. Applicant. By Tlios. Anderson, Agent. The date of the first publication of this ftotloe is BejJtember 20, 1937, tor-renr-m r. . r vi-tv. 7 "NEW FACES" ONSCREEN Glittering Array of Entertainment I Talent at Capitol for First of Week I A musical extravaganza featur ing a great array of stage and radio talent comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the first of this week in "New Faces of 11)37," the first of a series of annual film-usicals which will present new and pro mising talent from all fields of entertainment in elaborate musi cal comedy shows. Featured roles in this picture ate played by Joe Penner, Milton Berle, Parkyakarkus, Harriett Milliard, Thelma Hill, Thelma Ieds. Jerome Cowan ami Wil liam Brady. Most of them are quite new to the screen although thty have made names for them- selves a3 entertainers In other fields. Five spectacular ensembles, eight song hits and a good story are among the features of "New Faces." DISCRETION Two motorists met at a bridire itoo narrow for two cars to pass. I never back up for any d n fool!" shouted one driver. "That's all right," replied the other quietly as he shifted into everse, "I always do." CIASSIFIED I FOR SALE FOR SALE A few large bundles of old newspapers, 2 for 25c. FURNITURE, including radio, electric washer and Knrvi'limi.iliu Britannica. Clarke, Tatlow St. SEWING UTILITY SEWING CLASSEKMrs Thomasson, Wallace Elcck. Phone Blue 637. (t.f.) i nvniriij iu iiCAUti WOULD Exchange Calgarj- revenue bearing houses fur ten eral or hardware business or will manage business .with privilege of buvini. Annlv Itnti 50, Spiritwood, Saskatchewan MALE HELP WANTED DETAIL MEN in British Columbia by well-known Food man-j facturer to contact restaurant hotels, grocers and meat markets for jobbers. Full or part time. Write Personnel Manager, 52 Huron St., Toronto. 0"t. (231) TREATMENTS ELECTRIC Steam massage, es-pJJally good for lung and stomach I ouble, nervousness, constipation, blood pressure, rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis and female troubles. Also for children's and other diseases. Mrs. Oammnn. A97 r.th A .......... ! East.. Phone 967. (235) LOST LOST Near Post Office, sum of money by Indian. Season's earnings. Finder please communicate with Police Station or Indian Of-f'ce- 232 - !. MAC, CM 50IUS &ACK -CTAGt v 1 rSf(4 QOEH-VOO at, pair WIlOll TIiJb Cl,n. TI!i ....... .... uun jiiis 1 on YOU'LL SEE STAHSl Stars of radio, stage and screen . . . stars nf . , spots . . . the gay spots of the world "A for one big laugh-and-rhythm circus'' ' g ere(1 l (At 7:33 and 9:46) ADDED P I KO Colored Cartoon "Cold King Cole" Sporlllght "Winjtd r,teaalrf. 1 1 Mil Monday and Tuesday Specials Grey Wool Blankets 10 pairs only. 100 per cent pure wool, . 1 1 .! 11 l ngnt grey with blue and gold border Used Diningroom Suite 8-pc. solid light oak Dining Room ouite. China cabinet, extension table and 6 chairs at Allowance for Your Old Furniture in Trade Phone (iREEN DIG WE BUY -Cameras, Guns, Musi-cal Instruments, Tools, Baggage, Etc., Etc. D. ELIO'S Furniture Exchange MOOSE lilMLDIW;, THIRD AVEM'K Prince Rupert, I). C. Hours, 9 a.m. to 5 p.- -By Westover AWO MVITH HIM TO GO DAMrvtNG