L ."0 Dozen LOCAL NEWS NOTES For Better Pay With Slazengers SUZBNGEKS Finest Quality Racquets E 4 m rWIIM TWIVTII A Tit en nn .1.1! ... I'eriorniance l .:en : ll', XT.,.lwi. ftnn CMiuHLi IIUJin.ll a " . inpof o ri Blue Cose Shuttle fc.a.i) ; Dozen . i i ,.i...,ntin icnrf net i ifshua Lach . faterpronl l-overs b ;u't) .... SSc 35c $1.00 . .. 2Sg $3.00 75c 45c ' f-P out old recquet with us for Highest Grade KESTKINGINfi Expert work- ffO AA a.im;hfp. From, up Iritiih Columbia has produced minerals of an aggregate value 1 51,515,728,149.00. betross value of the industry for the first six months of 1937 ielimated to be $36,383,540.00. This is an increase of 53.4 ct the value for the corresponding period in 1936. itfations are that this year's production will exceed that of nyjrmous year in value, which is a splendid commentary upon It stability of the mining industry In this province. New prop. frtiKir hpinir hrniipht into nroduction. and with the reooen- r - n bf of old properties, mill capacity will be considerably increased iff last year: me WW Authoritative Information Regarding the Mining Industry Apply to The Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. TIIK CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL HIUTISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia. Superphosphates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals yo'd, Silver, " Electrolytic Ud, ' Zinc. Cadmium, wsmmn. a -.i W1 ... .......... mm Canadian ES Pacific Ilgns-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 pm. Tn Vancouver Direct PRINCESS NORAH PRINCESS LOUISE ... iri f,th 17th. ii wi. z'Jin. . umnD.( An -i - iiu nnnan un f.icikiiz ociwico il - - . , Mv , .. t : n. . . .Inn. rrnm Till' IK'KeiS ana l.escruu" ,,... up ' K coati-b n i Prince Rupert, B.C The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI fr Best Household Coal MR8. C. K. BLACK - Fresh Local Haw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE G57 JUST ARRIVED I New ship-, Oscar Sather returned to the city ment nf short velvet dresses. I on the Catala last night from a trip "Mayfair." it. ! to Vancouver, W. F. Stone 'sailed last night aboard the Catala for a business trip to Stewart and Premier. Mrs. G. M. Beirnes of Hazelton is a visitor in the city, having arrived from the interior on Saturday right's train. Catholic Bazaarl Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 6 and 7. Social Wed., 9:30 p.m. Mrs. De Carlo's Orchestra. Thursday evening drawing of Dig Prizes. 232 I Decree absolute was granted fl t t Vi g Vti n 'nvnn rsii4- A kalian i n C. N. RTrains For the East- Mondays. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pm. From the East- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 pm. "Build B.C. Payrolls'' Making Cake ,tVP0RTED 6 We have several letters from 'vomen who make cake with Pacific Milk. They write enthusiastically. One of the features of Pacific is its extra richness. It Is this and the skill of the women that makes the good cake. Half milk and half water. That's the way to mix it. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE J. C. K. Sealy arrived in the city oh Saturday night's train from Smithers, being here on business. Dr. Hugh Morrison; inspector of schools, sailed ' last night on the Catala for a trip to Stewart on official duties. . There will be no regular .luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club on Wednesday of this week, but, instead, a dinner dance, an. I theatre party will be held on Friday evening. , Mr- and M. George Sel.g, who the divorce case of Joseph Paulis) ..a t?,.i.. T,.itB .i.. u'were married recently, returned tauiis. VunLUiiy ui tin- t , (, i,it Children was awarded to the p tBe y 0 , . ' T Petitioner whose couhsel was W. aiie a "T" " V ' ., O Fulton ' 'Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. The bride was formerly Mr. Justice and Mrs. A. M. Manson will leave on this evening's train for Prince George after having spent the past few days in town as Ihe guests of Mr. and M s. A. R. Nichols, Fifth Avenue East. Mr. Justice Manson has been invited to address a luncheon of the Prince George Hoard of Trade on Wednesday. He and Mrs. Manson will return to Vancouver from Prince George. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver- Tuesday Catala i:$0 pm. Thurs. ss. Pr. George ll:15p.m Friday ss. P. Adelalde....l0 pjn. S"s. Cardena ..10:30 pm. October 6 and 17 Ss. Pr. Louise 5:30 p.m. Oct. 29 SS. P. Norah .... 5:30 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday s. Catala 4 p.m. Wed. ss.Pr. George .... 10:30 a.m. Friday SS. Pr. Adelaide .... 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena p m. Oct. 13 SS. Prln. Louise .... a.m. Oct. 25 SS. Prin. Norah am. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm Wed-ss.Pr. George 4 pm. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 am Thurs. ss. Pr. George .... 8 p.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 am. For Ocean Falls Thurs. ss.Pr. George 11:15 p.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 30 pm From Ocean Falls Wed. ss. Pr. George .10:30 am. Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide .... 4 pm. Ss. Cardena - pm For Queen Charlotte Islands Oct. 2 & 22 P. Charles 10:30 pm. From Queen Charlotte Islands Oct. 8 & 22 P. Charles 10:30 pm. For Alaska Oct. 13 SS. Princess Louise am. rvt. 2!SS. Princess Louise a.m. From Alaska rvt fi nnd 17 SS Pr. Louise pm. rvot 90 PrlnpA NnHlh D.mj " . - - . From Skeena River- Friday ss. Cardena .... pm Miss Minerva (Bud, Brand. They are taking up Residence on Se eolid Avenue. Caught a Cold? Help end It quicker rub v tJ throat, chest and back with ly Af VICKS VAPORUB Peter Lakie, C. N. R. divisional folnVi on1 nocconaer napnt. 1P- I turned to the city on the Catala I last evening from a trip to Vancou ver and prairie points. He went as far as Winnipeg and was through the drought areas of Southern Sas-kaechewan and southeastern Alberta where he reports the need Is Indeed great. In Manitoba there has been the largest crop lnf fifteen years. Stock is being shipped by the hundreds of carloads out of the drought area to Manitoba and On tarlo. j Prince George Couple Wedded Miss. Helen MargaretHprnsby , Becomes Bride of Sydney Harry Perry VICTORIA, Oct. 4: (CP, The mfiiriage look place in Victoria m Saturday of Miss Helen Margaret Hornsby, daughter of W. L. Hornsby, former manager of he Roval Bank of Canada at Prince George, and Sydney Harry Perry, elder son of H. G. Perry, M. L. A. for Prince George and foimer Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. Mrs. James T. Harvey of Prince Rupert, sister of the bride, helped receive the guests at a reception which followed the ceremony. Announcements Harvest Festival Auction Sa'e. Salvation Army, Monday, October 4, 8 p.m. Orange Tea October 2. 7. Catholic Bazaar October 6 and Anglican tea, Mrs. C. C. Mills, October 12. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. R. W. Cameron, Federal Block, October 14. United Anniversary Supper, Oct, 15. W. A. Canadian Legion Bridge October 15. Anglican Girls Tea,. Mrs.. Gib son's, October 21. Parent Teachers telephone bridge, Friday, October 22. C. C. F. Bazaar, October 23. Hill GO Tea October 29. Gyro Hallowe'en Masquer a d e Dance, October 29. Baptist Tea, November 3. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4 St. Peter's W. A. Bazaar, Nov ember 18. Sonja S. O. N. Bazaar, Novem ber 19. Cathedral Bazaar November 30. KEEP THAT BREATHLESS CHARM! There is no glamor when your brea th loses sweetness. But Wrlgley's after every meal cools and refreshes your mouth . . , sweetens your breath. Get a package of Wrigley's now. Keep one always with you. Enjoy Its cool, long-lasting flavor! Guard your breathless charm! RESIGNING ASPAST0R Rev. W. D. Grant Rolling worth, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Makes Announcement Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth,'. pastor of First Presbyterian Church, announced to his congregation at services yesterday that he had decided to resign the local pastorate, effective not later than January 1. If arrangements could be made to release him sooner he would be glad, he said. Mr. Hollingsworth, who returned to his pulpit yesterday after an absence of almost a year on special extension survey work in this pro vince for the Presbyterian Church in Canada, stated that he had not made definite plans for the future Hotel Arrivals Savoy C. Newitt. Haney; Mr. and Mrs A. Alexander, Vancouver; Gus El-strom, city; A. Gregory, Smithers; Charles Bugg. Hazelton, Royal George L. Lam, A. Anderson, A. Setso and K. Hayakawa, city; B. F. Daggett, Hyder; Mrs. Warner, Wal-cott. Knox J. Kjendahl, city; earl Kingsley; J Stewart; M. Goodman, city. Central C. W. Thomas, William Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Baum and Child, Bert Ferguson arid Forest Ferguson, Blllmor; P. Olsen, R. Nelson, Ben Quickstad and Charles Johnson, city; Frank Crawford and Thomas A. Perry, McDames Creek; David Bennett and Hans Johansen, Stew-art; S. Schenker, Surf Point. Prince Rupert H. J. Veal. Shel Wettach, W. Hunter Wells, K. E. Hall and Eric Yorston, Vancouver; H. E. Goul-bourn, G. S. Andrews and W. R. Stone. Victoria; J. M. Siegfried, Terrace; Mrs A. MacMlllanand Miss Jean MacMillan, Prince George; J. C. K. Sealy, Smithers; Mrs. G. M. Beirnes, Hazelton Miss Marguerite Durant re turned tn the citv on the Catala last evening from a trip to Van couver iar.ix;i:iaxKnii::iX!Ka:ii!ix:i;a MAKE GOOD On all our Coats We guarantee every coat we sell because we know furs and know that the quality is there if we say so. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Call and see the stock. H costs nothing to look them over. G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE 'maiaaiiiBiiaisfliiiiii Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A.T.C.M. VOICE PRODUCTION Piano and Theory 431 Fourth Avenue West Phone Green 994 With Winter Approaching Puretest MALT and COD LIVER OIL A pleasant tasting vitamin Food medicine. Rich in natural A-B-D-G Vitamins so necessary for the health of children and adults. 1-Lb. jar ... . 60c 2-lb. jar .... $1.00 Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Ormes Ltd. TTiift Pioneer DrtiQpt'sts The ItejU Stvre Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 cm. till 9 p.m. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver! T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnljht If convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Afent, Third Ave. Thone SG Daily News Want Ads Bring Results