.dnesday, Mwch3, 'Kirch 11. 1937 TZZ DAILY 'HTf73 5f AOK rSCftS ,. . u-slldf in the bwr Woodward arrived in the i , r J rrinr- Qeonre this .... ftrt ULC A" r- ne irum ' . . . horo .as assfiver. Announcements , pioneers' Banquet, March 10, I. .1 (J. U. r TP H3 1. Baptist supper. March 11, Anglican Tea. Mrs. W. H. Tobe?.- Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Little's, St. Patrick's Tea and Entertain -..t M.irch 17. Catholic Hall. - - - nctim University extension lectures, . iff 10 nnA lO rfr IIOll tilt Rbfkah Fashion Show, March Cathedral Spring Sale, April 1. JUIUUI Chamber Dance, Friday. II TO HELP PREVENT If MANY COLDS I 5 VICKS I 1 f r- . LOCAL NEWS NOTES Jr. Moose dance, Friday, Mar. 5.1 George Phllllbson of Osland C. C 6. F. Bridge postponed to March (52) . J. J. Payne returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a business trip to Potatoes, 100 lb. sack, $2.69. Apples, box, $1.59, real value. Copeland's Fruit Market, Phone 872. Free delivery. (52) R. E. Hardcastle, agent for the uanacuan National Railways at Ketchikan, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday af temoon going through on a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Louis H. Metzgar, manager of the Alaska-Juneau mine at Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a trip Francisco. J. L. Roaf, manager of the northern division of Home Oil Distributors Ltd., leaves on this evening's train for a trip to Vander-hoof and Intermediate interior points on company business. TO HELP END A COLD QUICKER XICKS VapoRub Just rub on throit,cfist and back full dctoils in och Vickj pockojej DELUXE WALL TINT The bright and cheerful colors of DeLuxe will fill your rooms with sunshine Easy to mix easy to appjy will not rub fif uii luato juu icoaj uiu, Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. lacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 250 Window Blinds, 36x72-Inch Colors firccn and Cream. While they -tost, each 90c 100 Pairs Window Curtains From $1.00 up SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT every Thursday, 10..10 p.m. Canadian National Steamships V-12-37 ftefis, which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Radian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE. RUPERT, B.C. paying a visit to the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Rochester who have been on a trip to Winnipeg, returned home on last night's train. The fire department had a call at 11:1.5 this morning to a chimney fire at the residence of J Happala, 933 Eleventh Avenue East. No damage was done. Jr. Moose dance, Friday, Mar. 5. Capt. Louis H. Jennings, mana ger of the Ketchikan Salvage Co., was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle on Mrs. Bernard Lundhal arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, beln? to San I here to Join her husband. Dr, Lundahl, who has taken over the dental practice of Dr. H. L. M. M White, who is in charge of Consolidated Mining & Smelti-ing Co.'s mining operations in the Atlln district, was here aboard th3 Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. A. E. Parlow, district forester. J A, W. Newii'tn reported for the returned to the city on the Prince Pi:e River outlet commlttf? fit George this morning, from a brlel . last night's meeting of the Junior trip trip "to Vancouver- and Victoria. Section Section of of A local advertisement appeared In this paper yesterday offering Copeland's potatoes at $2.95 a sack. This was a typographical error. The price should have been $2.69 a sack, the price at which they are being sold today. Stanley H. Alton, former private secretary to the general managei ol the Premier Gold Mining Co and now engaged in the lnsur ance business, arrived In the cltj on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver. Miss E. M. Earl, who has been on a brief business trip to Vancouver returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning The fire department had a call at 1:40 this morning to the Canadian National docks. It was a false alarm. S. J. Jabour will act as delegate of the Prince Rupert Junloi Chamber of Commerce at the annual meeting of the Junior Chambers, of Commerce to be held in Victoria, it was intimated at the monthly meeting of the local Junior Chamber last night. George Waugh, who had the misfortune to break both his ankles two weeks ago In a fall.ln the hold of the steamer Prince Oeorep is Capt. Larry Thompson who came makint? n ennrt nrncrrp e Mn hp north as pilot of the Imperial Oil! expected at the Prince Rupert v. m, fuueiiuui. wiucn was: General Hospital -although It will In port at the first of the week, j be some time before he is able to "7 UV e . woran yes be around again, terday afternoon on his return to . Vancouver. I ..... , . I 111 XUlUtC, A) ill. . . . , Deen away for several months "'"": oiuei, prtiueni, oi me (in th Mm ,mv, Pacific American Fisheries, who:,rm tho r.nt i .v t ;frvw4-v4tii, 44 MltU lil lt it. . . . ' U fx C haan viclHnv 4 - .n or 117. vi uie cum.pa.ny in!mrnir.r fmm v,.v ,-,, ,in was a passenger aooara me proceed to the interior on Friday .nivti iiuii jrtw;iuuy Ulter-; pvpnln.e train We rtnno-htpr noon returning to Belllngham, ac- arrived Mlas Edith Little, from Uu 7""!"""- VJ 4 J144V4, CLASSIFIED FOR SALE sootless, for the kitchen range FOR RENT (tf)I SNAP FOR CASH 12 h p. car en- glne. marine conversion with, new pistons, generator, Ignition,' marine clutch and thoroughly ( reconditioned, $50; 14 h.p. truck. engine, marine conversion with Palmer clutch, in good mechanical order, $50; 30-foot cabin launch;, hull and engine oughly' reconditioned, suitable for logging, pleasure or patrol work. Bytown Machine Works. (58) FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-piece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-plece loose pillow arm groups -,$72.50;, io-piece bedroom spites your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. I Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 8th floor Beklns Building. Vancouver, (tf) FIVE Roomed cottage. 9th Ave. E., $15 per month. Phone 74, tf WANTKP WANTED 32 or 33-ft. troller must be snap for cash. Mr. Good Central Hotel. (53) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies highest grade 15 for $1. Pacllln Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver MEN Get vigor at once. New Os trex Tonic Tablets contain raft oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not delighted, aker refunds few cents paid wall or write. Ormes Limited, tf 473 VACANCIES IN THE POSTAL SERVICE to be filled by April 5th. FmII Information and booklet "How. to get into the Canadian Civil Service" free from The M. C. C. Civil Service School' Ltd, Winnipeg the oldest hi Canada. (52) I Interior on last : meet him here. night's train to The Junior Section of the Prlnct Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at its regular monthly meeting last night, decided to take ,po action Ir connection with a request for support of the married relief workers' strike wheih Is now In progress here. Reinstatement of A. Domln- COAL Nanalmq-Welllngton for'ato as foreman Is particularly re-furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-! quested. The Junior Chamber felt i that this was a matter which was Albert & McCaffery, Phone 11 . hardly within Its scope. D. C. Sharpstone, superintendent of the Whitewater mine in th? Tu!teequah district which Is under ictlve development, and Mrs Sharptf one were passengers aboirc the Prinitss Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. Also going south was B. TX Nicking, an official of the operating company, who has been on n visit to the property. The outside publicity committee of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce as authorized last night to proceed with the production, when funds became available, of a tour ist guide card for the benefit of visitor Jo; the;ty this summer. Orr&ne ilHe of the card will beva i. .j i I;.- " . . . map Miuwjng ; ,wie . points.-oi in terest in the city ana, on the other, a table of distances, times required etc. There will be 10,000 cards printed at an estimated cost of $50. The city commissioner has agreed to pay half the cost. Dally News want-ads bring re sults. A LENTEN SUGGESTION 0 Gold Seal Salmon Fancy Red Sockeye Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll jn Prince Rupert. the Prince. Rupert Chamber of Commerce. There had been a meeting of the Joint committee of the senior and Junior boards at which considerable correspondence had been dealt with and data in connection with the campaign prepared. There has been a deficit of $30 on the two series of University ex tension lectures so far here this spring under the auspices of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, it was reported at last night's meeting of the Junior Chamber by G. P. Lyons. The March and April lec tures, It was reported, would be held In the city council chamber Instead of at First Presbyterian Church. The committee on the new hos pital project here had nothing to report at last night's meeting of' the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Importance of as many as possible joining the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association as members so as to vote on any questions which might arise in connection with the project was urged by Steve Prudhomme. Ross Ingram and Cliff Bartlett, at last night's meeting of the Ju nior Chamber of Commerce, re ported arrangements well In hand for the spring dance to be held on April 2 to raise funds to assist in Junior Section projects. Details of arrangements were discussed, It has been decided to eliminate the fashion show which had been at first projected and concentrate on a large and lively dance. The Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at last night's meeting, paid standing tribute to the memory of the late Foster Wlllan, one of Its prominent members, who passed away sud denly in Vancouver at the end of last week. A letter of condolence I was ordered written to the widow and flowers are being sent to the funeral. President George L. Rone made suitable and fitting '44 Jusi. Arnvcd 1937 Easter Novelties ... and now on display Easter Eggs, Rabbits, Chickens and the latest designs in Easter Novelties Come in and see this grand assortment We will-hold any article till Easter Place your order NOW Items from 5c to $1.00 OrmesLtd. "Jim Pioneer DrtMigists The Kexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD, 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PAl Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJtt. Due Vancouver, Monday am. It convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone. 568 -'.v. ' .spsgs-tf . ; ssmm& AKF'Any Day a Fish Day". Canadian Fish L in always in season. ..always tasty ...its firm, delicate and easily digested meat will Ik: a source of countless delicious recipes. Serve Canadian Fish and Shellfish more often nyout home. Fresh water Fish . . . seafood . . . in fresh, frozen, canned,, smoked, dried or pickled form ... you can get your favourite in prime condition ... a heajthful, sustaining food that gives you full nourishment value Jor tvtty cent spent. DEPARTMENT of FISHERIES, OTTAWA M "a enon "3m M' Wrte for free booklet ANY DAV A r I I Dapartmcnl ol Flihrlt, OtUwfk 3'J Plrur tend m your tr 52-paie'BbolIt, "iUA J Dty i Fish Dav", conUinini 100 delightful Ml . " J rconomlcil Fish Ri. j JVtnt... AdJriU.. , SD I H P A Vr