THE DAILY NEWS {ASE NOTICES LAND LEASE NOTICE Cebit —— , eemteneeeig eee ae eestor = = —=— - ‘ thee ie ee s ss trict of Coast Range 5 | Bella Coola Land District District of “| { IT EMS a G. T. P. Weekly Service "nen : » many Jistric: istrict of Coas' 6:6: 6 : | H sede | Gah elie vs 1 Cor od racaer n || OF. Architect I t a 4 notice that i M. Cliff o dade we the following | land, an, fr at ee |} >) = Second avenue and Third street perm } to apply a 7 about 8 1-2 miles |“ Commenci th scribed lac de: / S.S. Prince Rupert Over Westenhaver Bros,’ Office. theast corne: ne N . a ” 8 ~ - . " nema » ‘ fatelet, {hones ar akatee, : 16. 8) Shetede morth | Orr ecrncrmnsrnrertnsetnsrns | DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN ¥ hence west &( ~~ ree oo 60 chains, thence east bounc ‘a 4 at ) ‘ch aing more or leas to _ | nee south following . "boundary coun * thense following rh ( , for “At \ For H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey { commencement; con- ae uth 40 chains more or 0 le an- bd ~~ ‘OY ¥. GRANT cl ing sald shore ! le fortheoming| Wancouver | ae : : ; MUNRO & LAILEY tainine y ROY ¥. GRANT commencement; 0 ‘nasés, fame oz | bo ¢ Wed 4 This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted va b L verson, J ene, “ , more o i i ,08 2 : Dated August 31, 1911 = | to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert Architects, Pub. § » 1911 H. M. CLIFT tised in a novel 0 Stork ild - » tCennadend ub. Sept. 80 William MeNair, Agent | Wa | ft AND | are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- tork Building, Second Avenue. cTaviah of Vancouver, : f the trip | gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The t 1 ly | Bella Coola I De | lerable and ’ poe a agente to apply oola Land District—District of Coast Range | dor tha . n OF Seattle Cosy Corner” will fill a social need. it F ta take notice that H. M. Clif of Dundally 1 , very best talent j i. STUART & STEWART . d at the north-| land, ove aa » ne entered in the | | 3 ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS snd 20 ebains no for perm mee the foe, %. Spply ‘ | | a ad ow nd ecvey's Survey | lends: e following described in entry fee of $410 Fridays, at 8 a.m. SHE MARRIES AGAIN | iS CALLED SNOW ORANGE Law-Butler Building | Phone No. 280 6 20 chains south, | Commencing st planted at the } ) i from each per nike Mel Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 Con ; 60 chains north, | Corner of Lot oh an eae n each person | A& Table Delicacy Any Clever Cook ne € we 60 chains south, | West 40 chai 3 vains, thence a pa pate i e tr | post of eoramencement | less to shor Shaina more or | si hich wala th a §.S. PRINCE JOHN Can Easily Make. r loss east 40 cha nore tine | ‘ VILLE V : 2 J Softe smal! package . of lent, seen ibin meet cn of commmenc SA sit ata eee * For Port Simpson om and Stewart, | Soften a small package of geia-|qLrReED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. Dated Fred W. Bohbler, Agent pases August 31, 1911 ye M. OLIFS tae 1S a nueleus of the Wednesdays at 1 P. tine in a half cup of cold water at Bim Coben of B.O.. Ow i _ =D, Sept. 50. William MeNair, Agent fund. lo this Unele j}and pour over it acup anda fad 7 Bei é bert 3s Bare. , f arbor ever: ot ot Cada Seadina ir, Ag Joe” Morrie will add & aaeeeie For Masset and iion “staat r every | , ms are Mulville of Clare, | potty Coola Land | ; ! lla a personal alternate Thursday at 10 P. M | of boiling water to dissolve it CARSS & BENNETT ntends to apply cols 1 District—District of Coast Ran onation of $100, ar ) 6 A oS eae i Ad > MA 0 “ kanend e 1 following desribed a : tRang | we At in depboted 3 a in : Ho commencing November 9th. | a os op pf fi oe erorees prementiye ene ee . { ; s ea one of D , Ire-| LO raise ¢ “|For Skidegate, Jewday, ete. | ; se 1 aside uatil 1 yegins 1, | Office— Exchange block, corner avenue wai ed one chains north | (6p erin lemnan, intends apply | ther $100, The sum total of 8500 eg ta Ay, ete vee thicken and étirinte ithe whitee Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. 8 Lot Bi thenee north ions : f @ deveribed | will be divided amot tt , alternate Thursday at 10 P. M. tt f ht « sins, thenee south Cossmnencing at , : | : Hmyided among 1@ men C ‘ November 2 Or ree e@gs which have heen ¢ uns to point of com iB Bt a post planted at the N. W.| joupn ' / Sommencing November 2nd. | ; ba. ae. mate OF lens rages iS the 40 chains, thence Los Angeles, giving » as | beaten to a stiff froth. Sweeter WM. S. HALL, L.D.8., bv. D.S. me i MAI Y MULVILLE mene, one ) ¢ s more or| lO @Cach S100, a si ciene ! le 4 ae . ia NTI De jobn C. atulviiie, Agent lene to shore ‘tin d mere of . “ . te iency to in-| Railway service to Venetidihs mised jand set aside to co. . It may he “ “a ee eau iia 7 . ) c om sure Neasar I 80 s | eerve , ; . . 1 | meneement; i more er lon at ied so eee uth, AS} trains from Prince Rupert Wednes- | served with or w:'.1out whipped All dental poration silly tre ced, Gea and Bela Din ket. Oy E CLIFF | | centive to the best! days and Saturdays 1 P. M., returning | Pa sce egslenot sooth winter Er fhe puny wx v am McNair, Agen | boOWlers in the city to e . a . } Sn ream E i. ¢ of Deadall, Ire | ie raha 2 ; , _ : of Thursdays and Sundays 4 P. M. | DO YOU KNOW? | Helxerson Block. Prince Rupert. i+ is ; ends to spply | Bella Coola Land District—Distriet of |. ot Prizes of @ considerable Beets ing described istrict of Coast Range | | eee lot pe y intrinsic value e awarde Oo * aos ted on the shore |, T#Ke notice that H. M. Clif of Dundrik, Ire | {) a Will be awarded to] On your Christmas visit East travel | Little Gems of Domestic Wisdom | Alex.M.Manson 8.a., W.E.Williams,B.A., LL.D a 10 chains west land, over gentle intends to appl 1@ members having the highest ig G d t | f ¢ ence west 60 chains for permissic to jease the following described ivera tl hig ve Oe Cee nallway System) ar Prince Rupert Housewives, WILLIAMS & MANSON ‘ jeciectwoonnay Siver, | 2nde aes le highest individual] from Chicago. The finest and best | wt ESRF Barristers, Solicitors, ete. x : 4 ommencing post anted, at the N score ane e ighest average re : , 2 SKil sé. ti : o, Jom So: eeanael | enter of on 256, tence covtn WO ciate teary thiree cemoe Ge eee nee oe Mevice over Double Track Route.) PReafrescdiocdt rrr geretesig ss Pus! Box 285 Beli . 60 chains, north forty He Me CHE, ee of lease 2 Jo. 1 applied | ree games in a single night. In] Connections with all roads East and| | vse less soap and mere good cult Prince Rupert, B.C po la fee chains, thence north 40 chains, thenes | ldition the Vancouver Bowling] West. Atlantic Steamship bookings| Tae gontaining 4 ? +r yep | West 20 chains to point of commencemen con- | Clul ill donate gole ‘dals ) . 7 ; ; ee Soa Vaan Hiei, CHEK | ing siete beste acemmevemnent: cor} club will donate gold medals to} arranged... Fall information and It a child's stvitinch te aois,|®30.0m m PRINCE RUPERT ” Pub Bate ce 28,1911, He M. CLIFF | ' ie Leam winning the gonfalon] — tickets obtained from the office of | lame water sho..'1 he added to th ». Sept. 30. illiam Me , Agen ' @ race nie i ‘ ’ .' 4 B © i of Const Range 8 am MeNair, Agent} in the race though the individual A. E. McMASTER |Sarah Barnhard, at 67, Is to! silk. JOHN E. DAVEY = a Soe i, ee | Bella Coola Land Distriet District of Coast Range need oe ake Cee OF od ae ee Marry an Actor of 26. . ini TEACHER OF SINGING to a purchase the following | ‘Take notic H. M. Clif of Di ..| Setected for the trip to the Bowl- FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT ao aTER SCARY Sponges are grevt germ collec land, oceup. sotleman,. intends te act, | ing Congress. The engagement of Sarah|tors. They st ibe f atte ee ee nee lanted 65 chains south | (oF permission to lease the’ following desctiied rs. rey shoud be frequently od lot 0 Potions lense the following described me Bernhardt, the actress, to Lou} scalded Te ieee i) Shaina | gg ammencing at a post planted st the S. i When Frank Schulte was 17 ‘Vellegen, a Flemish actor, who] GEORGE LEEK & CO. , thence ¢ wins | corner of Lot thence south 49 ch wore} VOars of age ‘ Yr ‘re ; : 4 ith to point ot com- Be ee a aos eee south 40 chains mor rea f age his faher offered him bas been playing minor parts In To take the soveness out of a MERCANTILE AGENCY IN RUSSEL RICK | Sphied for ye a mel 1,000 to burn his baseball uni- f a | her company, is announced froa| soft, panful cera, tiy bindiws COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS bes thenes west £0 chains’ nema; orm and give up the game. ais Paris, according to cable advyiecs | up each night wwe baking soda Fire, Life and Accident Insurances Pb, Nov containing 80 , mere or lees. Schulte shanga F ; » 5 . bir : r Dated August 28, 1911, H. M. CLIFF|* hulte Sr. has changed his mind Eee received at New York. Mu12,| moistened witn a liftie water. 618 3rd Avenue Phone 203 and Green 252 riet of ¢ sssiar | Pub. Sept. 30 William McNair, Agent} @bOut the game since ‘Wildfire’ PACIFIC | Bernhardt is 67 years old, while} —_ PRINCE RUPERT Tab es cKenzie o becar one « @ grente . ’ ly on m z Vs keeper, invednns | mer I f its greatest ex- lala e | Tellegen is only 26. The fam» 13 | A simple way to separate eces we ase the following I nents lactress already ie ereat-gr ir ig 74 breg k the lv i - doc COAL NOTICE a Meee » BEVOY Pte o break them gently into a A. M. BROWN *G ; i at the con-| " ' : : | mother. | small funne! ‘Lhe whites wili fe wi 6 Sivas, About rhe New York Giants, second] B.C. Coast service Famous Princess diane I pa theouiite snd the ¥ 1k a HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER . a Soy * t baseball team in the world Line WOMEN soe Sark ». JOMES” Pre he ‘5 a J W. Corner, , IN TURKEY. | me Repairing a Specialty. thes ce chains east d on Monday their trip to} ee j Main. Co , ce 80 chains wes i mplete Stock Carried. ot sonsadatinr Gan “bases where a series of twelve| Princess Mary | They Lead Lazy, Pamperd and_| ‘ ‘cnn hae aie Outude Orders Promptly Filled. e ‘% i es with tk est team , | Unha Lives. ror afternoon tea toast seems MES McKENZIE ith the best teams in the Saturday, December 2nd, at 9 a.m. ppy lto be better liked I i 2nd Ave. between 10th and 1lith Sts De d. The team wil) return be- —_—— etter liked than almost P the holidays The trip is For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle In that future day whey Turkey | ®Mything else. It is thin and cut | if a. . » de ‘ c eae eine “Ban shall take her rightful place}! round or daimond shaped pat- HE IRO UOIS A Melennan of Van Sie watt | J. G. McNab - General Agent| .inong the enlightened nations, | terns. ] ws ave the following uyers. |by the side of the brave, loyal} a eae POOL we ; ot men you shall find intelligent, | Rig Did Good Work. te " loving and high-minded Turkish| Just passing the Government English and American Billiards Te NOTICE TO CREDITORS women, | buildings at the start of the fire |7 > | : 5 ¢ Sté welve Tables SECOND AVE. ve IN THE MATTER So wries Hester Donaldson { was the grocery delivery rig of e the Province af Brtick¢ we SS Jenkins in her very interesting] Messrs Stalker & Wells. t was ieee cel ee . he ince of British C« | “ std ; re ‘ie ys ba ae oes ‘ | beok, “Behind Turkish Lattices.’| instantly commandeered by the hi OTICE is here P in which we get a gl 3 ! ‘escuer , é bang any lum rince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F._ get a glimpse of the | rescuers of valuable property and Pent Ave. b Coal Lease No. 1 et J who died « p g 9 eee?! Turkish woman from babyhe ij carried the biggest and os Hotel Central SS tu Seest Suse 2 of Const Range | cat 60 chal eet oe © December, 1910, at I NO. 63 | 6 ; | a most } ou pber James Graham | rast B0 chains to piace of commencement. nd by post > mt ito deliver j} to old age. 7 he same shadow that} valuable loads is ever hauled be- European and American plan, steam ation lovomotive Dalied Se , AIN A igne herein fo dolfo > 7 > | hang ; pias ie . ; r a rutentopurcenifu sets. INTER, Loce sirator sar abd niloanene Meets in the Helgerson Block hangs over her cradle and makes} fore. So heavy was the burden WHanwre as wee | nee particulars in writing of their claims and . lithe father disappointed at ncijof record ‘books, etc., that the ; Q ‘ ed at the south-| Skeena Land District s of their accounts, amd the nature of Eve Tuesday Evenin ; . i Ss ” a 1€ f A = of Lake | ‘Take notice tha by thers cy. y 8 having a son follows her through] drivers feared the springs would Peter Black Proprietor iw Sea | pemeee WE ince | B that after the 10th day) al) members of the order in the city) siclhood and wifehond, till in od] break. sins, thence south | bookkeeper, intend t 1 Adolfo Azzali will y | ® » north 80 | mimsioner of Lands for « asets of the said deceased are requested to visit the lodge. | ¢ q g thaics ent containing | coal and petroleum on and u ereto, having regard | = EE = : aa : oh ear me hesares : FEED STORE ‘ LAH AN abl rs . Mo Azzali will no . re PIP TIO Dated se Aiinoees FD lot Go Ce e No. for the said assets ar part thereof ou Fee ae G. | corner C, E. B. Coal Lease N persons of whose claim he is not then in J. G » pec, | Ww thi the feed line, also gar- c | aioe | PREPARE FOR THE WINTER gen oe teow 80 chains, thence weat 80 chains, . ‘ 7 eee t the lowest market prices, at Collart's 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of com- ce Rupert, B. C., the 2nd day of . eer? olg Feed Store, Market Place : ; 191 a = ° nence “ — = Mal 7 a . uted Se i BAINTER, Locator Sp ATMORE, | ny le Pub: Boot " r the said Great assortment of PONY EXPRESS ia seen Charlotte oe ? “O- 920-0 ee eee ° Prompt Delivery Phones 41 or 301 ed 40 chains south | ° t e sins east from . > : | FRED ORK |] te . ? =E, EBY @& Co.== : " 3|SILVERSIDES BROS. |} — ~General Hardware = ARD STEWART ] - { for men, women, women and children REAL ESTATE Pa Fullerton, Agen ? ; ; 7 cetbemen ae its 1} ; SIGN PAINTERS $ Builders’ Hardware ] Kiteumkalam Land For Sale Shue . os ’ . KITSUMKALUM - R, CG oast Range Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves } ot ’ . ot Me i}§ es MJUITS an vercoats ror DOYS... §;————________ ‘ ends to apply a ” T Graniteware Tinware «| pedi following described ? aa in many styles and fabrics that will please the little fellows and stand Ss. O. E. B. Ss. ves anted at the south ° 9 the wear and tear The Prin te and 20 chains north | eiieiemeaeliearis thie ieeoeeteaetan at aca ce Rupert Lodge, No, 318, Sons of = 6, Harvey's Survey pat Pap er angers 4 SECOND - AVENUE | SEgand. rests, the Arse —_ ied Tuesdays in the ce 40 chains east : Chief ( 4 R ° Ave. at 8 p.m. e Sons of England Hall, 819 2nd we ce 40 chains west, | midoner of prospect. for —o-+- 0-4 — & 6-6-6 6-6 ¢| aincoats , tee of commencement | (04) and petr 640 acres of ? . i % ¥ 6 Obes s Dated Ser or lems iodine Cisal . : | in all sizes, and many kinds for men, women and children 59 7 O. Box 812, Prince Rupert Pb. Se HAROLD B. ore ae INTERIOR DECORATORS | ; ae i s : ERNEST A. WOODS, President, Box 23 ; ADB SMITE | | Come | ’s D a of Ce ast Range 6 cosner P.O. BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN | | Gir Ss resses MISS ELSIE FROUD r a ¢ smmerson Oo} | * : be atio j | . | We have just received a large assortment th ye will sell i o pation real estate B j é : ge assortment that we will sell at special a thas permigsion to pur- pt Second Avenue, near McBride SMITH & MALLETT | prices. Your dollars will go a Jong way at A.L.C.M. 3 fs | 5g, | Pubs Sep 23 waTR Dean So Sia Teacher of. Piano, Violin and ila planted about 2 8 ; : oi | Voice Culture. tara ee oe et $keena Land Distriet—D Charl Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and J} | is ~ os eaaee eae | Take notic y days a ia , : ‘ Tors | 2nd Av ‘ be ¢ west to river r ~~ Be Sheet Metal Work ne rey . : o> bank to point | Sere: iz apy “* O fice: 8rd Ave, Workshop ‘ | Between 7th & 8th Sts. Prinoe Faaaee hs a Ee tecan el Teale patch : - er Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and Sth Sts 825 Third Avenue “THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES” Phen 243 Black >| ? N C, EMMERSON | [08 ne eam eee i* ~ T of Coast Rang of ¢ v t E enee f ; | Fiat in Rand Block, corner Sixth Avenue <== a) =| la f Cons e 5] corner C. EB, . - : } ’ Re y_MeTovieh | vl | 80 chains, theace : uth 8 and Fulton Street. age, fat, lazy and overdressed, Xmas presents—time to send them E. L. FISHER 4; sarrister, intends | chains, thence wes c place of com sk ¥ | tem chase the following | tenement re i Also stores in same block. her only interest is in-food and|to the Old Country—lots of them eas- Funeral Director and Embalmer } od Sept. 11,1911. C BAINTI ¢ 1 sottages corier See Ave : j i ile , + en a eee | Dated Sept. 11, 19 yo cottages corer Second Avenue and | I ew cothes and gossip. What other ily mailed. Wallace’s tf CHARGES REASONABLE d ains north from | Ninth Street. | THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. be y's Survey Coast | syeona Land District—District tte results could come from such a} °* = = —— 4 4 . ye chains ease is RY 4 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 1 -. at, thenor 60 Piceee oaiice See Rup ye B.C i rn FOR : saul. beginning? De happies) in) zzz neement containing | bookkeeper, intend api Lots in all parts of the city. nox ct a q@irl’s life 's her childb pod: | \ . | missioner of L: ance tc ra 5 pec s s 4 \M ROY MeTAVISH | , { FIRE INSURANCE she has freedom to run about | —----->-->—_ ed W, Bohler, Age } roal and petroleu on @ yi ‘ { ah " f et, OR | on Graham Island de aa ni th| We represent some ol the largest Com- she goes to school with other rite or our , : lof C. E. B. Coal Le ked W vanies doing business in the City. | girls and boys, life is ful! of t Vistriet of Cassiar | corner C. E. B. Coal enc rt panie ’ 0 e a i YS, 3 Vane William Ham of . | Shenae want 80 | ‘ i —- ‘te Idish pleasures, until one day ata Oo ue! HAYNER BROS. tos foes honda | OU chains, thence west RN Fh aes ch pres , 1e Any, te purchase the tabatng | Simiase,tueee cast 80 cbsine to pines © Cc. D. RAND when eho lassiilt @ onic eee Se ae ! a cae ( | ycement, j : N'TER, Locat« } s ane as i ‘uneral Di te tu planted at the eon- | raced Sept}, a oS BM : : y , 112 BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors| de to put on the cloak or char- t S free! 8rd Ave. os Se oa i 1 with the Naas river pe anys re Second Ave. Phone The N K Hotel is runon the European vhaf which impedes hor move- a enn ates the sixth Dominion | sxeena Land District — District 2 Charlot he New nox ote run 0 e Europe: t : ‘ a, ‘ thirty d e, I, ( i i Naess First-class service. All the Latest Modern | ments, al » ve ’ 8 fa h, Uienee ah hate Take notice that thirty foatie pee ee aed BEDS se UP| (Ue? and the veil which dims Our new Catalogue, con- m hence’ Bo, shaes | Daunte, of, Fines, Raver fiat her sight, and she must never |I taining 124 pages, illustrat- ' : “| bookkeeper, intend to apply 7 ° ws oer containing 640 | minsioner of Lands for # licencs 0 prospect for | iio. p.o, nox 804| FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT] speak to @ man again until she ing Diamonds, Jewelry, . I |eoal and petroleum on 1 ke here ‘| And hat ! sie Chi Leath Cc Dae WILLIAM HAM | {and on Graham. . as { marries, And what a marriage! verware na, Leather hy | land on Graham Island described . 5 ’ ( ginmencing, at, © post Bante, S wo | “PONY EXPRESS | —___— lhe husband is chosen by the Goods, ete., will be mailed | pes ee aon. ree MA MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE parents, and though in a few en- free to any address upon |GENERAL HARDWARE __ Skee 80 chains, thence west 5U ¢ hair i, Caen = , rr ve and Forwarding Agents. For ig ne ¥ 1g _y r ~ request. District of Camsiar | ehaina, thence east @ ehains to place of com>) Bas Motor Car day or night owoocooooresennnoamxxnxg | |e! lened families (he young peo a; brings ourstoreto your #™| Stoves and Ship Arthur White of Van-|meneements 4.) 6p BAINTER, Locator ee pie: are ‘allowed: b>: MiRMsaaen door all you meed t0 40 is fa R ente , | Dated Sept 911. oC. B. N a F eventh Ave. and Fulto »hone 30: a ' : 4 r ) carpent i iat th Ave. and Fulton Prevention of Eye other during the period of en- to make your selection in ANZES phonesse Chandlery tre planted at the eon. | Sseens Land District—Distz ict of Queen Cb bot Trouble gagement, in most cases the bride your own home, mail it to us, \ on r . 1 y Gays °, "I > > a wie Naas rie about Bainter ma" Prince Rupert, B oecupa : The Daily N | meets her husband only after a and we will do the pest, I oaks v hb | hookkeeve end to apply hiel Co r 2 £ ws arriage The avril 2 LATA. -t \ W 5. Compan: thames book keep t intend to Ply { Read The Dai y ews Prevention is better than cure. marriage. I he curious cere without any worry or Gr d H ton cing west, thence 8 coal and petroleum, on, and i —|% It is cheaper. It is possible monies still in vogue all point to expense on your part. ee an oO e e Dy 5 640 sores inode oe tame mand on Cram pene | th when cure is impossible, Eye a single and degrading concep- We prepay all the postal + Pitt Sey 1AS ARTHUR WHITE | of C. EB. B. Goal Lease mar oh COAL NOTICE trouble may be avoided by t tion of womanhood. After the or express charges, guaran- Workingman’s Home corner C. E, B. Coal Lease th ean aD timely use of glasses, averting warriage the husband lifts. his tee that it will be safely Free Labor Bureau in Connection suffering and per- E delivered to you, and refund Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St 80 chains, thence west 60 chair 80 chains & BAINTER, chains, thence east place mencement. Dated Sept, 12, 1911 Cc. E rict of Coast Range vi ; M. Tallman of Cedar lawyer, intends to | gkeena Land District-—District of Ques Purchase the following | ‘fake notice that thirty days from « | Bainter of Prince Rupert, Bb ; ted on the southerly | boo! Nearer intend t the right bank | said Inlet just east ‘th 20 chains, thence * to the shore line of missioner of Lands for a licence coal and petroleum on and ul land on Graham Island described « Commencing at a post planted » TALLMAN | Dated Sept, 12, 1911. C. E | Pub, Sept, 24. erly and easterly fol- { « y fol-| of C, K, B, Coal Lease