PAGE TWO LADIES' White Shoe Special Every; Pair a Formidable Bargain 34 Pairs Women's White Pump.s, Ties and Straps. These lines are real good quality shoes. Up-to-the-minute in style and- dependability, Values to $1.50. While they last;. DAILY EDITION $2 .65 Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. WUNCE ltUPERT. - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert. Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid, ... $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week. ...fW .10 By mall all other countries, per yean... , , 9.D0 Tuesday, June 22, 1937 THE GREAT RUSSIAN FLIGHT Proof 1 that the Russian people are capable of great things besides governing is shown in the flight completed Sunday from Moscow by way of the North Bote to, Vancouver,- Wash., without a stop. They had; set out for San Francisco but were forced down before they quite com pleted their flight. As it was, the flight was a magnificent example of skilL mechanical ability and-endurance. The Russian people will be particularly proud of their. fliers and Canadians will be pleased to think that, their neighbors, the Russians, have shown themselves capable of such an achievement. Anything is possible to a people that can successfully carry out such a flight.. CARRIED OUT PROMISE When. the promise was made by Premier Pattullo that an ore sampling plant would be erected in Prince Rupert, some people suggested it was just an election promise, made to be broken, The elections are only three weeks away, in fact they have not yet been completed, but work is starting today on the ore crushing and sampling -plant Comment is unnecessarv. PREFERS THE JUGGLE, A, lady, whose husband died in the jungles of East Africa, and who came to. see her relatives in the United States, is returning home to the jungle because she is frightened by the tragedy of the modern civilized world. The newspapers yesterday told of the strike troubles in Pennsylvania-where two men were killed and many injured; of the troubles in Paris, of the loyalist defeat in Spain, of three men being killed in Toronto in an airplane crash, of religious difficulties in Germany, In the United States they have their regular chapter of accidents from highway transportation, from race and economic strife. It is scarcely to be wondered' at that a lady from the quiet of the African jungle fearful of living in a civilization, where life is held so cheap and every day brings its. new thrilling excitement. The jungle is kind compared' with civilization as she sees it. BABRIE IS GONE Sir. James Barrie, one of the great writers of a prolific age, is gone. His sketches of Scottish life' are well known but of late years he was best known from his plays, many of which are dramatized versions of his earlier books. Possibly the best known are "Peter Pan," "Quality Street" ami "The. Little Minister." He understnnd nnrl nnrrvnvnrl childhood, especially childhood in Scotland, as no other wmer ever win. UNION STEAMSHIPS. LTD. Steamers leave. Prince Rupertjforf Vancouver: T,8 A:,OATALAt EVERY 'TUESDAY, l:30,.PJr Due. Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T&J&i CAItDENA', FRIDAY, 10 :30, T Due .Vancouver, Monday a jn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 1 NEW YORK, June. 22: (CP) Yesterday was an open data In the Major Baseball Leagues with no games scheduled or played. New series are being opened today and, with standings-close In each .circuit, the, season's activities, are. being followed, with possibly more than usual Interest. National League teams are now playing In the west and American League teams In the east. The New York Yankees, who have a one and a half game lead over the Detroit Tigers In the- American League, open today at the Yankee Stadium against the St Louis Browns who, as a result of week-end play, are now tied for seventh position with the Phila delphia Athletics who dropped week-end games to the Tigers. The Detrpiters, putting up a great fight despite the absence of Mana ger Mickey Cochrane and other casualties, start today at Boston against the Red Sox who entered the first division at the end of the. week, the Cleveland Indians dropping into fifth place. In the National League, at Chi cago a crucial series starts today between the Cubs and New York Giants who are separated by one full game for the league supremacy, the Cubs being ahead through having lost two less games while the clubs are even as far as wins are concerned. Mathematically, however, the St. Louis Cardinals, who won three week-end games from the Boston Bees, are In second place. The Cards are now at home to the Brooklyn Dodgers and are looking forward to this series to take them into the lead. The Boston Bees are now tied for sixth place with the Cincinnati Reds with the Phillies In the cellar. TODAY'S SCORES American League, Detroit-Boston, postponed, Chicago 2, Philadelphia, 0.. St. Louis 5, New York 8. National .League Boston 1, Pittsburg 4. New York 0, Chicago 5. Philadelphia 0, Cincinnati 6 National League. W. L hicago 33 St. Louis 32- New York 33 Pittsburg 29. Brooklyn 23 Boston 20 Cincinnati 20 Philadelphia 2L American 1 League New York 33 19 Detroit - 33 22 Chicago 29 Boston 25 Cleveland 26 Washington 23 Philadelphia 18 St. Louis. 18 20. 21: 22' 24 27 32 32 33. 24. 22 24 30 32 32 rain. Baseball Standings (Including yesterday's games) Pet; .623 .604 .600 .547 .460 .385 .385 .370 .635 .600 .547 .532 .520 .434,' .36tt .360 Visiting Gobs Defeat Locals In Basketball A basketball team representing the visiting United States destroyers Fox and. Brooks took on, a local team on Sunday afternoon and won by a score of 58 to 45. The visiting sailors proved themselves; to oe real adepts at the game. The match was played In the Armory. The Prince Rupert players were, waiter Johnson, Herble. Morgan, Angus MacPhee. Ernie; Ratchford Jack Lindsay, Sonny Beynon and Severlno Dominate FOOTBALL TONIGHT, 6:15 Vandlnks vs. it C. N. V. It. THE DAILY NEWS TuesdayJune 22, 1937 PLAY IS Interesting Situations in Major Baseball Leagues, Particularly National Last Night's Bunny Austin Tennis Play Is Chief Hope Prince Rupert Club's Tournament Great Britain Looks to Dels Continuing fend All England Tennis Championship Title, The Prince Rupert Tennis Club tournament continued last night WJMBLEDON, En& June 22 ,witl results asifololws: (CP,) II. W. ("Bunny") Austin, Men'ss Singles iQreat Britain's chief hope In the. : Crulckshank beat Brocklesby.! 1937, All England tennis champlon-7-5, 6-2. ships following the turning pro- Ladies' Singles ' fessionai of .Fred. Perryv opened yes- Miss C. Mitchell-beat Mrs, Alex terday- wlth a four-set-victory over Mitchell 6-4; 6-3. jG. Lyttleton Rogers, Irish Davis Mlss I. Mitchell beat Miss E, vis 8t6. 6t3. Da- Men's noubles Woods and Mcintosh beat Ha- worth and Willett 6-1, 6-3. Bedford and Davis beat Crulck shank and Brocklesby 6-3, 2-6, 6-3. Young and W. Stamford beat O'Neil land G. Stamford 6-2, 6-2. Mixed Doubles Mr. and, Mrs: Young teat Mr. and Mrs. Willett 9-7, 6-4. Tonight's Draw Draw for tonight: 6 p.m. Men's singles, Norrlngton vs. Mcintosh; Davis vs. Young; mixed doubles, Norrls and Miss Ellison vs. Stamford and Mrs. A. Mitchell. 7 p.m. Men's singles. Woods vs. Bedford; ladies' singles, Mrs. Tinker vs. Miss Thomson. 7;30 p.m. Men's singles, Stamr ford vs. Crulckshank; men's doubles, Norrlngton and Comadina Cup player. The. British aca wore down his opponent after- dropping j the first set 3-6, taking the nexU three. 8-6, 6-1, 6-2. I Austin's principal opponent fori the British title Is expected to be I Don Budge, of the United States; SCHEDULE OF BOWLS June 23 No. S. vs. No. " June 25 No. 2 vs. No. 6. June 28 No i vs. No. 8. USE THEIR BANK IN MANY WAYS Employees, as well as employers, find many good uses for their bank. Men and women whose sole or principal income is from salary or wages con stitute the large majority of the customers of the Bank of Montreal. They use a wide variety of the Bank's, services as, for example: Personal chequing accounts; savings accounts; personal loans; banking by mail; safekeeping, of valuables such as bonds, stock certificates, deeds, insurance policies and jewellery; letters of credit-to supply funds as needed when travelling; money orders, and travellers, cheques. RANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISH JJJ 1M7 HEAD OFFICII MONXtlAL, MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE . . . tht euttemt- ef 119 ytari' iuictuful tptrstita V' Pr(nce Rupeit Branch; F. A. MacCALLUM, Manager Stewart Branch:. H..V. LITTLER, Manager Museum Centre Of Attendance Many Tourists Called ami Were Entertained by Rev. W. II. Pierce let keeps every paper fresh.. f2 In port. Rev. W. H. Pierce explained the meaning of a number of the exhibits, and sang some of the war songs for the entertainment of the visitors. Albert Douver, 32-year ola Daw-son prospector, arrived in the city on the-Prince Rupert yesterday from the north and left nn ti, evening train for Prince George There were 160 visitors to the: After spending the past- twenty Northern British Columbia Murj years In the Yukon, he plan'; to seum here yesterday when the J work- thy creeks of the Cariboo three boats Prince Rupert, Prince.,. where the winters are a little eas-Robert and Princess Louise were ier. Hlill.IU.MniW DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET on Mora convenient to carry, and more convenientto use, the doublautomaticbool- PISS' j & NONE FINER MADE 7 vs. No. 10; No. j ' ' 1 vs. No. 5; No. J 7..nJ flnrirfm 1 3v.vno. wim liife. -- m ,rii w.i MMiiia, uuno : vs. Lundahl and Norrls; ladies' flK' 11 Styled! For Comfort; With; Smartness. Miss. Davis. Ill ' "" " . MEN'S SW.IiM TRUNKS-Colors, Black, Blue, - T Jj v 1 vy:Brown. . $2.95 & $3.95 l-rifr GW-'v- SUMMER; WKIfJHT SOCKSr-Silk and Cftn ; VC.'.; . Rayon, Silk and Lisle, pair jJfcXC' ShtEh' 1S"8'r)iece t0P' unline(1 00 Iff' iJLSKmS?! Il0YS' SWEAT SHIRTS Heavy weight with Polo I IPiyKSlt UfV V collar, Zipper neck. Colors Blue and C-fl C II 2l9iiy White, all sizes JJL.JLD if WATTS & NiCKERSON tlJBMnhM' Men's & Boys' Clothiers 1hne Thir(1 AVC' Tfj i Qffif THE perfect Okn? ,N " wmks Tennis Shoe u'9 I Ql LIFE' 1 I l IT I i fc The I "Puixeir "THE PURGEIJj" combines comfort features, long wear and healthful support for active feet in a way unequalled in any other Canvas Shoo on tho market. Ladies Men's $3'25 KAIEN HARDWIRE GO. Telephone 3 "Rain or Shine" "Day or Nijjht" I I PHONE C' TAXI I Ross. tf- tf- AI French I Prompt and Courteous Service I Stand opposite Koyal Hotel, Third Avenue