i I PAOE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, jane 22 1331 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The Japanese training ship Kaiwo Maru, visit of which Is being looked forward to with keen interest not only by the local Japanese community but by the public generally, Is due to arrive on Friday of this week but there is understood to be a possibility that the vessel may be in on Thursday. Her visit will eitend until July 3 and there will be a considerable exchange of hospitality and courtesies. Officers of the wardroom mess of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve entertained officers of the visiting United States destroyers Fox and Brooks Saturday afternoon. The compliment was returned aboard the two American warcraft Sunday afternoon. The well known American halibut schooner Superior left Seattle on Saturday for Port San Juan, Alaska, where she will engage In herring fishing until November for the-San Juan Fishing & Packing Co. Four halibut vessels sold catches totalling 92,500 pounds at Seattle yesterday as follows: Ilene, 35,000, 8Tic and 8c; Coolidge, 28,000, Whiz, 9!ic and 8c; Oony, 12,000, Booth, 10c and 8c; Ionic, 17,500, Washington,' 10c and 8c. Two halibut boats Kamchatka and Antler sold catches at Vancouver yesterday, prices ranging from 7c to 7.7c. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Flndlay, arrived in port at 2:15 tills afternoon from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points and sailed at 2:45 p.m. for Vancouver and waypoints. Tonight's tram, due from the cast at 10:45, was reported this morning to be on time. THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. RECITAL IS HELD Junior Pupils of Miss Margaret McCaffery Heard Last Night First and second year piano pu pils of Miss Margaret McCaffery were in annual recital at the Catholic School and showed a year of progress in their musical studies, reflecting credit both upon themselves and their teacher. The pro gram was a versatile one as "On a Quiet Evening," Mary Dybhavn. "Long Long Ago," Agnes Collins. "A Little Waltz," David Jones. "Little Study," Viola May Pren-dergast. "Olive's Waltz," Bruce Carter. "Cappricio," Forbes Lee. "Song of the Drum," Pat Carson. "Allegretto," Gwendy Jenncr. "Lilac Fairy," Ruth Walton. "Minuet," Kenneth Brocklesby. "Cat and the Fiddle," Audrey Hunter. "Romance In F," Patricia Brocklesby. "Jolly Boys," George-Hanklnson. "Merry Peasant," Margaret Mar-tlnusen. "Lady Catherina," Margaret Carr. "Schottische," Patricia Love: "Soldier's Chorus," Rosemarie Kllpatrick. "Curious Story," Lawrence Han- kinson. "Intranta," Dorothy Kergin. "Cradle Song." Margaret Lamb. "Little Fairy March," Gordon Adams. "Marche Militalre," Gordon Dell. "The Sparrow," Margaret Morln. "Sea Song," Eddie Ciccone. "Water Lilies," Jean Smith. "Fisherman's Daughter," Norma Currie. "March in C," Robert Bartlett. "Minuet in F." Peggy Large. "Pinks," Hemsby King. "Chasing Squirrels," Audrey Ha-worth, "The Clock," Jean McAfee. About midway through the program of piano, solos, there was a selection by a novelty rhythm band conducted by Bruce Carter and with Pat Brocklesby, Kenneth Brocklesby, Mary Dybhavn, Viola May" Prendergast and Forbes Lee as the players. The program opened with "O Canada" and closed with "God Save the King." Miss Annie B. Peterson was Marketing Appeal Hearing Thursday VICTORIA, June 22: (CP) The British Columbia government yes- teraay announced that June 25 had been set as the date for the closing of the poll of halibut fish ermen to determine the fate of a scheme to regulate the marketing of halibut under the provincial Natural Products Marketing Act. The poll had been postponed from June 15 to await the outcome of the government's appeal from the ruling of Mr. Justice A. M. Manson in Supreme Court that the Marketing Act was ultra vires. The appeal is to be heard June 24. Phone 18 and 84 I'. o. Box 575 MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Quality Groceries Low Prices Courteous Service Prompt Delivery Boat and out of town orders receive careful attention MAKE LIFE WORTHWHILE Lady Flouel Speaker at Women's Canadian Club Luncheon "There Is in each of us the desire to make something worthwhile of our lives; to get the best out of life," said Lady Floud, wife of Sir Francis Floud, C.B., K.C.B., British High Commissioner to Canada, in addressing the Women's Canadian Club at a tea on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. C. Mills, Margaret Place on the very Interesting topic of "Art and the Art of Living." "But some of us, as life goes on, wonder what we have missed and, in order to escape the discontent that possesses us, dash from one thing to another trying to find that elusive .something that always escapes us. Some, conscious' of this urge for the better things of life, first set out to make themselves financially comfortable only to find themselves at last old and rich and lonely with no real Interest in life." To illustrate Lady Floud spoke of one such who complained that he had five grand houses and no home. It was essential to know early In life what was worthwhile and what would bring true happiness. Lady Floud said she thought the truest saying in the Bible was, "Knock and It shall be opened unto you. Seek and ye shall find." She spoke of the experience of the artist, Frederick Varley with a class of tired business men who came to him during the depression, seeking release from their worries men who had never attempted to draw in their lives and or the astonishing results therefrom. Lady Floud urged women whose children needed them no more and who were beginning to wonder what they were here for, to look for their latent abilities and hidden talents and so escape the doctor or the bridge table. Lady Floud would like children to have more opportunity to study art. Not that it was desirable that everyone should become an artist but that more should have the advantage of the education that the study of art cave. It ripvrinnoH tua imagination, trained the eye to see oeauty where ugliness existed before; taught one to be humble and to make quick decisions, and developed the power of self-expression. All these developed character. The development of character made for better work, and bpttpr work made for ereater dpvpinn. ment of character and a fuller and richer life was the result. Expressine the wish flourishing art club when next she visited Prince Rupert. Ladv Fionrf closed her address with the follow ing quotation from Dame Laura Knight's "Oil Paint and Grease Paint:" "It is the artist'.!? linpnns. clous mission to make of the world a richer place, that others through his gifts may share his vision. The world Is full of undiscovered beauty no petty scene but can be glorified In the eyes of him who can see It truly. Above all T wish that my eyes may be opened and mat I may learn to see." The hostess was assists! ceiving the guests by the presi- aent, Mrs. r . N. Good, who lntrn- duced the guest speaker. The lace covered tea tahlp mi centred with a lovely bowl of violas, poppies and Pride of London vr D. McD. Hunter and Mre t r Fraser poured. Serving the guests were Miss Lillian Hnlllwpit lure v & . A. MacCallum. Mrs. Lionel Holtby, mrs. w. u. vance, Mrs. C. II. Elkins and Mrs. A. E. Parlow. Reach the most neoDle in citv and district with an advertisement in the Dally News. I Official Count Of Election Is Now Proceeding In the presence of W. O. Fulton, representing Premier T. D. Pat-tullo, the Liberal candidate; D. C. Stuart, representing C. V. Evltt, Conservative, and Mrs. James S. Black, representing the C. C. F., J the official count following the recent provincial election was commenced this morning by W. D. Vance, returning officer, assisted by C. E. Cullln, his deputy. Absentee ballots are the first to be checked over. It will be tomorrow at the earliest before the count is completed, it is expected. Federal Architect Is Coming Friday C. F. Dawson Due on Friday In Connection Witii Naval Reserve and Post Office Building C. F. Dawson, Dominion architect, Is due to arrive in the city on Friday in. connection with the completion of the New Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve headquarters and to take up matters preliminary to construction of the new post office building. Weather Forecast General Synopsis Pressure is high off the north coast and low off Vancouver Island. The weather has been showery off British Columbia and in the interior. Prince .Rupert District and Queen Charlotte Islands Modfi ate northerly winds, fair and co 1 at night. West Coast of -Vancouver Islan'; Moderate winds mostly easterly, part cloudy with a few light showers. Wallie's Name Removed Froiri Sqpial Register: NEW YORK, June 22 The name of Mrs. Wallls Warfield, who had her own listing in the social re gister for years, appeared this way today in the summer edition: "Windsor, II.R.H. Duke of . . . mar ried at Monts. France, June 3rd." "Warfield, Mrs. Wallis (Spencer-Simpson-Wallls-Warfield l ." Many observers missed the name on first glance because they assumed It would have its own space. New Laundry Cor. Fifth Ave. & McBride St. DAMP WASH 10 lbs, 50c THRIFTY Wearing Apparel Damp Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. 75c Over 10 lbs. 6c per lb. ROUGH DRY Wearing Apparel Dry Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. $1.00 Over 10 lbs. 8c per lb. Finished Shirts, 15c ea. 746 Phones 858 "TILLIE THE TOILER" WAS NOTED AS JURIST Humphrey' Mellish Was Legend ary and Likeable Judiciary Figure HALIFAX, June 22: (CP) Known firat n :i lirilliant 1:iwvm and later as a judge whose legal i vision was seasoned with sparkling humor and a generous meas-uri of humanity. Humnhii'V Mel- lish, who died here at the weekend, during his lifetime becanu almost a legendary figure in circles having any 'connection with jurisprudence in Nov;. Scotia. I He was called to the Supreme ICourt bench of the province in j 11)18, after nearly SO years of general practice with various partnership combinations, all tf them, after 1003, in the firm of which Hector Mclnnes, K.U., who also died Saturday, became ths head. His duty it was to lock jlftpr flu. InllU' ftf flirt u-mi.1- ie I ....1 1 .U .1.. :. j . vuuuai-i m we various round, while Mr. Mclnnes took care of legal affairs of corporations and olher largo business concerns Despite his activity, Mel lish half humorously described himself as a member of the firm "Me Innes and Mclnnes and Mclnnes.' These years of arduous practice proved of great value in equipping him for the duties hi was later to take up on the bench, but neither work nor the shin-shattering vigor of earh- ruilit 'football, when he starred wilh Dalhousie, could dull the edge of his humor. j Apart from his own determination and ability, Mellish had little in the way of material resources when he set out, to learn the law;' He was a Princb Edward Islander with the will to learn. After achieving his arls degree, ' he taught as head master of I'ictQi. Academy, centre ofj school frig1 1i' a county which boasts rnotv col lege presidents, and jeSiders 1h: the church and kbusii.es world. ; FOR sale! FOR SALE-Slnger Sewing .Ma-chine. Phone' tlrcen DOO". (146)- FOR SALE Trolling boat, Rita. 31 ft., 10 h.p. Palmer. Apply Ed. Wahl, j)lgby Island. (147) COAL Nanaimo-Welllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootless, for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tr) FOR RENT j HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon j Apartments, Phone Red 421. Of) TO RENT Furnished by month or season cabin on beach. Lake Kathlyn'. Sleeping porch. Apply Box 157, Smlthcrs. (144) FOR RENT-Scven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, furnace, good garden, one of finest harbor views in city. Apply to Pullen, Daily News. (tf) LOST LOST-Bluc check jacket, please phone Red 700. (145) Such is the Life of a Private Secretary SO "TrOU'EE A U JBK NO aJSE- I IVMEME SOT TO HAVE I PRIVATE SECRETARY. ir CCACKS COT PAfcTV TO CELEB PATE MAYBE ITS SUCH r VOU," TsH - rfeWgRL I'LL- CTAL.V- b0R 3 ' A GOOD TOB f'TVYr VFACE J $5lr& Lr ' ' - you voowt vM 777 rW&Vx "X fTV-7 oh,svmeu WANTT TO ' J jyj than any bther in Nova Scotia. jg Dally News want-ads bring re. W ... . i On ' manv occasions his reauj i wit lightened the tense atmoa 1 phere of the courtroom. At one time he was presiding over ue flal nf unman rharired with k . 1 1. I V 1 , ..V... , murder. Just as a hushed silence grew after a particularly ominous niece of evidence, a specta tor blew his nose stentoriously "Any more applause of that na hire," said Ihe learned judge, "will not be tolerated by thij court." Judge Mellish was born In Oiinr.ll f'minlv P K. I.. M.-1V U 1802. Mellish entered the firm of Drvsilalo iind Mclnnps in 100:5. and was created K.C. in the fol lowing year. Though pressed with work mi all sides, he nevel failed to fulfil the demands made upon him. He was president nl the Nova Scolla Hamsters' So cicty for a year, and served foi some years as president of the Overseas Club. Relaxation he found in the peace of a country home on the St. Margaret s l?a LAST TIMES TO.v7fV.7r Last jtompletshoy, 8:20 Wallace Beery "OLD HUTCH" (At 7:00 & 9:59) plus CICELY -EVERYBODY COUKIKEIDCE In DAXfp (At 8:48 once onlvi WORLD NEWS IAt 8:20 only, ON OUR STAGE " Color Swinp Band "1 ACES FROM Dixit" Swing Melody and Songsi (At 8:33 once only) Coming Wednesday , HUMPHREY BOGAKT In "THE BLACK LEGI0V uoiiu, some miies irom iiaiuax, wnen Hie pressure of wnit . ...!..... ., 4.... ...... 41 ..t. 1 ! . .... , .. Url ' !-- u " tfuc.uji urn iiuuuKn in came too Kreai. He married, t property, and where he went 18D8, Mabel White. YOUR LAST CHANCE Only a few days now before we move into our new premises. Meanwhile this is your opportunity to save money HOUSEHOLD SUNDRIES- Fancy Napkins, 5c doz., 100 for 2oc Picture Frames Sealing Wax, stick Stafford's Ink, bottle . Pencils, doz. . j Change Purses, each . . Snapshot Albums, each . ii:inixn:n:E! 25c, 50c and $1.00 . Ui . 1 oc 5c 10c 10c 2t)c ' "' TOYS " ; i , ' : Buy now, buV toy tallle contains some real bargains Dolls, at Half-price Or less ; i P.op, Pop .Boats- (candle power, fctcamboat), 10c 1 Pull Toy$, valubs to $1.00 25c Bizzy- Andy . .! '.....v.; 15c ' ' ; , Half Price Sale of Bridge Novelties, Fancy Goods, Smokers' Accessories, Leather Goods, Etc. Limited quantity only. First come gets the pick of the bar- gains. C. CM. Bicycles (let Your C. C. M. Bicycle at GORDON'S HARDWARE We carry a complete stock of Bicycles, Tires and Tubes, and repair parts. i:;:mu:;i By Wstover DID SCMBONg -SAV PAXXXY7 UIF.LL I krun r., . I THAT'S MV PRate cg6TAgy MS:. 3-ONESTHE32EtS WOP To EC DOJB TbNwd I M v