June 22, 1937 The Latest Styles in 1037 The new medicated greaseless skin cream A guaranteed preparation Per jar, 75 cents OrmeslM. Pioneer Drueigists The Kemll Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. .Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till t p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.nu D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 A large assortment to choose from Prices from 10 cents to 75 cents Relieve with WE BUY, SELL, OR D. EXCHANGE The Following Items Furniture, Stoves, Ranges,.Etc. Mechanics' Tools Lumbering and Logging Tools Wire Rope, Etc. Garden Tools Builders' and Shelf; Hardware Paint and Paint Brushes Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware Guns, Rifles, Ammunition and Sporting Goods WE BUY FOR SPOT CASH GALL GREEN 916 ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building,-. Ground Floor; Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. If you lose anything try a classified ad. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. R. J. D. Smith's, tomorrow. (144) Sister St. Dorothy of the Sisters of St. Joseph here left on last eve ning's train for Toronto. Walter. Nylund, for drunkenness, was fined $10, with option of seven days' imprisonment, in city police court this morning. The fine was paid. George Hartle", United States customs officer here, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from a brief trip to Ketchikan. J. W. Nlcholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Stor age Co., sailed on the Prince George Saturday evening for a trip to Vancouver. Little Miss Pattie Lou Clark and Master Ruggles Clark of Keremeos arrived In the city yesterday- from the south to. spend the summer with, their uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Neal Carter. Mrs. Andrew Grant and Mrs. Kldd, left by last eve ning's train on their return to Vancouver via Jasper Park and Kamloops. They had been called here on account of the. death of Mrs. Grant's brother, the late S. D. Macdonald. BLACKHEADS Blackheads go (luirkly by a simple method that Jut dluolvn them. Get two ounces of penlne. powder from your drUKg-Ut, rub this with a hot,, wet cloth gently over the blackheads- -and you will wonder where thry have gone. Have a Hollywood complexion. The fire department had a call at 9 o'clock last night to First Ave nue and Ninth Street where William Stuart was. smoking fish In a barrel which took fire. No damage was done. Rev. E. J. North, pastor of. the local Pentecostal Assembly, who has been transferred souths sailed this afternoon on the Catalar for Vancouver, accompanied by Mrs, North and child. Harold Macdonald, who was call ed home last week on account of the death of his father, the late S Macdonald, left by the Prince George Saturday evening on his return to Vernon. Douglas Lay, resident mining . . it i enKineer lor the nonneastern mineral survey district, left by last eveninjr's train on his return o Hazeltoi, after a visit here in connection with the establishment of the. local ore testing plant E. B. Baker and son, George, and daughter Jolt,, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to Jasper Park and Vancouver. They had left recently with Mrs. Baker and another son William, and two daughters, Kath leen and Mary, who are making a trip to England. I Announcements Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. R.J. D. Smith's, June 23. Anglican Tea. Mrs. C. V. Evitfs June 24. Tea and Home Cooking.by Boys' Hand Parents Association,. June 20, at Mrs. J. Joy's, Third Avenue, to C Tea cup reading.- , Excursion to Terrace, July First. C.N.R.A. Gyro Glub Flag Day, July 2. 1 Planning for a snappy time? Of course you are. Attend Esslngton's Dominion Day Celebration on July 3. Canadian Legion picnic, July 4. Have YiOU a PIANO? A piano, to be kept in good condition so that it will please ho musician and rio lustlce I to the student, requires the attention 01 a piano tuner at least twice a year. For good tuning, call George G. Walker Member- Piano Tuners and-Technicians Association of British Columbia Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. TTTiP nATT.Y NfWfr " " " " 1 1 VfrK V 1VTI77C MYTEC I ; J-iVJW-VJU IIJLiYY nWULtU P, Meuse, was a passenger leaving on the Catala this afternoon for Vancouver Students' Recital: Miss Way's and: Miss Olafson's. Friday, 8 p.m. United Church. Everyooay welcome. ' C144.46) Mrs. P. LeRoss. and- daughter, of Pacific arrived in the city on yes terday afternoon's train for a brief Visit, to town. Capt. W. P. Armour,-manager of the Armour Salvage Co., sailed yesterday afternoon on ithe Prjnc; ltnnert for a business trip to Vancouver. Dr. P. T. Richardson, Vancou ver dentisl, who has been travel Unit throuith this district, saileo yesterday afternoon on the Princ. Rupert for Vancouver. Mrs. R. V. Ellis and son, Vinton Ellis, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning from Ketchikan. Mrs. Ellis will return to Ketchikan on the Prince George Wednesday afternoon, having come here to see off her son who left on last evening's train for Interlaken, Chicago. Kenneth Powell, a familiar na tive figure In police court, was, up before Magistrate McClymont this morning for drunkenness. lie was fined $10, with seven days' option for Intoxication and an additional $10, or seven days' option, for refusing to disclose where he ob tained the liquor. He Is doing th? 14 days. Local People At Surf Pfe Dance r Enjoyable Affair Hfld'vSaturday Night at Porcher Island Mining Community Some sixty local yoilng people made a , trip over the weekend to Surf Point:, where?:-an-.enjoyable dance was held Saturday night In the Community Hall with music by the visiting Four Aces Orchestra. The local people went out on the power boats Vera S. Frye, C. R: C, Sllene. Doramor and Harla. George Walsh was master of ceremonies and Mrs. William Rand was in charge of refreshments. Overwaitea Ltd; Cash or C.O.D. Phone 843 Hutter First- grade 3 lbs. Paper Serviettes 80's per pkg Wax Paper per roll,- 100 feet- Brooms 5 string each 89c i IK & G Laundry Soap, 9 i 6 bars .. - Bulk Soap Flakes 2 lbs Sunlight Soap 3 large bars Blinding Headaches Made: Her Helpless Fprmlito Lie -Down For Hours-At ' ATjme Other sufferers from headaches toll lbe Interested to read, this let ter: 12c 21c 35c 23c 19c Crown Olive Toilet; Soap Op per cake Full Flavor Salad Dressing Quart IQa Pint QQn Jar Ready- Cut-Macaroni-3 lbs Kraft Cheese- lrlb. pkg. .... Assorted Soups per tin Green Cabbage per lb Lettuce per lb. . 23 c 29 c 8c Swedish Hard Tack Of7r AM 2-lb. pkg King Kong Toffee per lb Pure Orange Marmalade 4-lb. tin '. Lynn Valley Peaches per tin 22c 45c 15c 5c "Until last summer I was subject to very., bad headaches, While they lasted, I seemed to lose my. sight and, all power in my hands, and Was, forced to lie down for hours at.atime. My aunt (who has taken Kruschen Salts for 12 years with beneficial results) suggested my trying, them. I did so, and I've not had any, return of those headaches for months. In fact I feel quite bet ter, I shall always, take Kruschen regularly In future." (Mrs.) M.W. Headaches can frequently be traced to a disordered stomach md to , the un$uspected retention in the system of stagnating, waste ', material which poisons the blood. The numerous salts In Kruschen assist In the complete elimination of waste matter, resulting in a purer blood-stream, and thus helping to .bring relief from headaches. 5c . n.lt - rA AH I rrre ieuvrry un uiucu .uv And Over nOTEL ARRIVALS Royal George. Nllan, Surf Point. Prince Rupert Clara Wasvik and Margaret Anderson, Petersburg, Central Albert Douver, Dawson; O Phillips and Peder Jensen, city, W J. Carrigan, C.N.R.; Omei 1-imbert, Edmonton; Jack Caron, Nelson. Knox II. M, Wilne and C. P. Lyshpl, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. R. Burke Brandon: II. Foroy. J. Wilson and F. MacDonald, city; W. Njv, lind, Surf Point; C. Rice, T Fenille and Reimo Finnila, Surf Point. KAMI ACT Form No. 13 FORM OP NOTICE Capiat. Ijuid Ilstrlctr-I)lKtrlct of At'lo TAKE NOTICE Mm Fred Aekle anc li&rltg Oberlandfr of Ml In, b; C, oc- :upaUon Miners, Intend to apply, lor oarmUslon to purchase the. lollowln; described lands: Coromfindog al a post, located--twe mjle south of Golden Qate on ..Tag!.)) Luke. North West Corner Post. Ground runs. 20, chains from- this post In a southern direction then 20 chains .east then. 20 chains north, then 20 chain? veet, to , legal post of beginning FRED N. ACKLE3 CHARLES OBERLANDER. DatM- April fith. 1937 W, RHadcock E.xperti Piano Tuner Phono Green 420 Representative of Lewis Piano House 737 East 23 rd Ave., Vancouver Phone. Fair, 1960L The, Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Fhone 51 For; Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh. Local Raw And Pasteurized! Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL nULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND, COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 land 558 NEW- ROYAL HOTEL 3, Zarelli. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 PAGE. TORES Try Salada Orange Pekoe Blend FM A A t A3! BAIifUlft Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands TEA Restful Mnv lie Sneni At w "The Dunes" etc Vacation The place where the tired businessman can become rejuvenated, where his wife can enjoy good meals without having to cook them, where the children will have all the pleasures of farm . and home and a wonderful sea beach. -j" --- .J'' 7 Visitors to The Dunes, return again & again. Write or Wire For Information MME. RAJAUT DELUXE ICE CREAM The cream supreme, manufactured by Commodore Cafe fresh daily Ice. Cream is Brain Food It also has all the nutritive values Why not treat your family and your friends to a gallon? Only $1.45 Cheaper still in five gallon lots. We pack it in Ice and deliver it to your door, all day up to 6 p.m., You can use It at your convenience. Use It for your bridge party or any social event. Don't forgetr-only $1.45 per gallon Quart cylinders 60c Quart bricks .75c Pint cylinders 30c Pint bricks 10c Surprise the folks today, call and take some homo COMMODORE CAFE Phone 17 1 Don't forget our Special Sunday Chicken Dinner, with all the trimmings, 50c only. Treat your wife and family to a Sunday dinner these hot days. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE MEAT SAFES They are fly proof 350 Deck Chairs CO ft A from .... Deck Stools at Phone 775 65c HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and, D Boiled: Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 ii i 1 If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city. ' .. , .. . . i! 0 (! ii-it ii If Is i IS II m ')l :1 I