Today's Weather (S AJV1.) Tomorrow's Tides rrlnce Rupert Clear, calm; barometer, 29.72; sea moderate. V01. XXVI., No. 144. Ik '., f .ho -,,.. winrf-iicree in the effort to hold up the " . . .... -v --... sor and Mrs. warns wariieia. in Ignoring the ban placed upon the wedding' by church and state, the Rev. Jardlne drew the fire of Anglican high, churchmen. In THREE DEAD IDENTIFIED Horrified Farmers Found Bodies Of Victims of Ontario Crash Yesterday ST. MARY'S, Ont., June 22: (CP) Victims or an airplane crash In field here yesterday wheat near ..... ... ,o.,o Konn irirntifinci as Artnur LcamlSi pilot and c0-owner of the , 'machine, and Charles Sockett ana i a t noHpn nasspneers. Tlie nlane ,..'fi vino- from Toronto to Wind-! TVUtu " J "O . .... . i i i In- sor. Apparcnuy naving utvu stnntlv killed, the bodies of the' found bv horrified : farmers. Leavens and his brother operated a "taxi" plane service out of Toronto. NO TALK ON WAR DEBTS i, Subject Will Not be Associated With Trade Agreement, Says Exchequer Chancellor LONDON, June 22: (CP) Sir John Simon. Chancellor of Uie Exchequer, announced to the House of Commons today that Great Britain does not intend to re-open ... .. I ...II U tTnltAi4 i wnr debt discussions wiwi wmnw connection with pending nroDosals for an Anelo-Amerlcan trade agreement. IIAR SILVLR NEW YORK (CP)-Bar sliver was unchanged at 4454c per ounce on tlie New York metal market today. fender of social and economic or in all demo der such as flourishes nmrips" de la Casa said. He ad dressed a national meeting of the national labor defence council. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE Gafboat Tragedy Near Ocean ARE BRAVfc? Basque Army, Little More Than Kemnant, Endeavors to Stay Advance of Insurgents Four Power Break Germany Claims Ships Are Still Being Attacked Russia Critical of Committee CASTRO URDI ALES, Spain, June 22: (CP) EXposeo. MJ ceaaercaa shelling from sea and bombing' Irom the air. tattered remnants of the Basque army have entrencnea themselves In the Galdames Mountains for a fight to save Santan-der from the- fate of Bilbao, their lost capital, from which they were driven by the Insurgents on Saturday Santander Is forty-five miles west of Bilbao. Meantime the ln-turgents are launching a drive on Santander from near which place I the Bilbao water supply comes. As thousands of lnsurcent sol diers paraded the streets of Bilbao, the loyalists sought revenge by a counter-bombing of the city from the air Insurgent planes engaged them In combat and it was estimated that half a dozen machines were brought down In flames. I Last night several Insurgent soldiers were killed when loyalist sappers, digging under Bilbao, exploded a huge mine. With 300,000 civilians said to be Tlrtually starving, martial law. baa I teen declared in Bilbao. German Ships Attacked . . BERLIN, June 22: CP Oer-' many has postponed the Impending full to London of "Baron Kona-stantln von Ncurath. Foreign Mln-; b1:r, because It was announced the Nation created by repeated Spanish attacks on German war-ihlps" required his presence In Berlin. A Havas News Agency dis patch declared last night that Oer-J many Intended to avenge the alleged attack by a Spanish govern-, ment submarine on the cruiser Leipzig off the coast of Algeria aj week ago with even more drastic military action than when the cruiser Deutschland was recently ;n attacked. The Spanish loyalists have dc- nlcd attacking the Leipzig. Russia's Warning LONDON, June 22: The Soviet government warned the International non-intervention committee on Spain that the four-power discussions In London "have created a precedent which If repeated could Jeopardize the very existence of the committee." Great Britain today turned down the Oerman sought plan for a four-power warning of naval might to the Spanish Government and coun- totd with an urgent proposal that ( Europe begin the immediate recall, of foreign fighters from Spain. A break In four-power negotiations followed the rejecting by Britain of the German demand for the display of naval strength in retaliation against the alleged attempt of the Spanish government to torpedo the cruiser Leipzig. Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden told the House pf Commons that Great Britain had no intention of Joining ang Germany Germany, Italy Itay and ana France In a mass warship demonstration off the Spanish government capi tal of Valencia. AiUbassador's Views Washington, June 22: Spanish Embassy Charge d'Affalrs Enrique Carlos de la Casa said the Invasion of Basque provinces dls-Pfoved claims of Spanish nationalist supporters that they are combatting communism. He claimed that the entire Basque territory contains "neither communism or other so-called radical elements." Is deeply religious, Catholic, capitalist, democratic aud a de 'POOR MAN'S PARSON ' The Rev. Anderson Jardlne, pastor of Darlington, England, pictured as he arrived at Monts, PranfP In nprfnrm thp mnrriflfrp 4 Is Grateful Cliff Willard To Baldwin I X U JLU1U TT 111 4. LONDON, June 22: (CP) An anonymous donor has given 250,000 to the Empire as a tribute to the way In which Former Premier Stan- ley Baldwin handled the abdl- cation crisis last December, It was disclosed in House of Commons lobbies yesterday. CHAUTEMPS IS ( y- A a j I I.KI) tit-, Making Effort to Form Another search for Wreckage. Radical Socialist Government -In France Internal ' Situation Critical PARIS. June 22: (CP) Former 'Premier Camllle Chautemps was (last night continuing his efforts to form a new cabinet to lead France i out of her governmental crisis. The j Coola Beli In Cousins Tom Christiansen, Second Man, Escapes Police Officers Leave Ocean Falls to Check up on Tragedy I District headquarters of the provincial police here were advised today of the burning of the gasboat C. W. at the mouth of Cousins Inlet off Pusher Channel near the trance of Dean Channel. Cliff Willard is believed to have .been burned with the boat. Tom Christiansen escaped. tPL i .,,li,l u D11 r"i tj .... ine tvvu men arc uimei&wuu iu ue iiuiu ucuu juvm. i iu- vincial 'Constables' Victor Bond and Lance Potterton of Radical Socialist leader, it is ex-! Intercollegiate rowing meet Is being pected, will endeavor to use the! held here today, f University of same elements as Premier Leon (Washington Is glven;a good chance Blum had in his government which J resigned at 2:30 yesterday morning after one year and fifteen days In office following refusal of the Senate to approve a bill which would have given It powers to rule by de train of (ho franc nnH rinl with ---- ---- tne iinanciai crisis, unui a new government Is formed Blum is carrying on at the request of President Albert Lebrun. Meantime the Internal situation France Is regarded as quite serious and elaborate precautions arc being taken to guard against pos- ilhlp outbreaks of violence. TroonsierlnK today In hospital. Mrs. R denloved In front of the Senate Chamber yesterday to prevent any ! demonstration against that body following its overthrow of Blum. Halibut Sales Summary American 15,500 pounds, 8.8c .. n - i n .1 n r anu ti.uc in ;c anu u.ih;. Canadian 42,000 pounds, 7.r.c anu o.fe to c anu American Hare! II., 17,00. 8.0c and C.5e, Cold Storage. P-i'tty, 14.000, 8.8c and C.5c. Uooth. Hi Gill, 14.500, 'Jc and C.Pc Iloyal. . Canadian (lony, 14,00, 8c and C.5c, l'a- cific. liorKUiul, 115,000, 7.8c.. and 5.5c Uooth. May W'ttft 13,000, 7.8c am! 5.5c. Atlin. Arctic, 0,500, 7.5c and. 5.5c !old Slorajje. POPE TO PROTEST Will Resist' Move to Close Catholic Schools in Germany VATICAN CITY, June 22: (CP) Prelates of the Roman Catholic Church here said yesterday that. Pope Plus, would oppose with all his power the move In Germany to dissolve all Catholic parochial! schools and make them secular In- ; ucean rails nave icii. wikii wie Late Telegraphs ROWING MEET ON SYRACUSE, N.Y. The annual reta.n the tim wun Navy re garded as the most serious contender. California and Cornell are lark horses and syracuse may surprise. Columbia and Wisconsin, the other two entrants, are not regarded verjr, seriously. DOUBLE ASPHYXIATION VANCOUVER Joan Brewer and Cathleen Boyce, both three years )ld, were asphyxiated by cyanide Jumlgatlng gas when they entered an apartment suite unnoticed latt yesterday. Kathleen's younger sister, two-year old Eileen, Is recov- Bicwcr, mother of Joan, rushec1 into the buildln when she mlsscc her daughter but arrived too late to save the child. IIEAUHAIINOIS WINS TORONTO -Beauharnois Light, i Heat & Power Co.'s contract to .supply power to the Ontario Hydro-Electnc Commission was declared valid today by the Ontario Appeal Court-which held the Commission must pay $609,000 to the company. Beauharnols claimed the Ontario Legislature's bill declaring the power contract ultra vires and Its contracts with Hydro valid. FLIERS AT OAKLAND OAKLAND The Russian North Polar fliers landed here at 6:45 Wash., In completion of their Mos- cow-Oakland flight. They Intimated that their next enterprise would be a non-stop flight from Moscow to New York. KILLLI) IN MINE PRINCETON Nick Preza, formerly of Anyox, was killed In a slide of rock at Copper Mountain mine of the Granby Co. yesterday. PAUL CGGERT DIES ATLIN Paul Eggerf, Jeweler in Atlin since 1899, died on Sunday of heart trouble. He was a brother of Dr. C. A. Eggert, focmerly of Prince Rupert and now of Vancouver. Charlton Wins Over Manitoba WINNIPEG, June 22:--Charlton stltutlons. Athletic, touring English First Di- Meantlrao authorities In Oer-1 vision football team, continued Its many Insist that they are closing victorious swing across Canada at the Catholic schools In Bavaria the week-end with a 9 to 1 victory with the parents! consent. 'over Manitoba All Stars here. The Twenty-six priests arc under ar- team will play Its next game to-rest. morrow In Toronto. 22, 1937 of Bella I I levea Lost Inlet Fire punte uuai x . iu. u. v lu TODAY'S STOCKS ourttoy S. L). Joniiaion (Jo.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .21. L,ig Missouri, .42. ciiuioine, i.iu. ki. H. Con., .03. Aztec, .0. oariooo Quartz, 1.50. Ucnonia, .12 Dunwcll, .02.-uolconda, .05. Mmto. .1312. Meridian, .022. Falrview Amalg .003,i. Nohle Five. .05. - Pend Orciirer3.30. Pioneer, 3.70. ', Porter Idaho,,' Premier, 2.00.1-') , Reeves McDonald, .74. Reno, .76. Relief Arlington, .17. Reward, .10. Salmon Gold, .09. Taylor Bridge, .04 Vi. Hedley Amalg., .04. Premier Border. .01', 4. SUbak Premier, 2.00. Congress. .03 'A. Home Gold, .02. Grandview, .15V2. Indian, .02. Quatsino Copper, .03?4. Qucsncl Quartz, .08. Oils A. P. Con.. .45. Calmont, .85. C. it E.. 3.25. Freehold, .14. McDougal Segur, .3G. Mercury, .40. Okalta, 2.45. Pacalta. .21. United, .34. Weymarn, .10. Toronto battle. 1.15. Central Patricia, 2.45. God's Lake, .45. Lee Gold, .03. Little Long Lac, 5.05. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.10. Pickle Crow, 5.60. Red Lake Gold Shore, .32. San Antonio, 1.33. Sherrltt Gordon. 2.25. Smelter Gold, .03 McLeod Cockshutt, 1.86. -Oklcnd, .11. Mosher, '.23. OUbcc. .01 V2. Madscn Red Lake, .62. Stadacona, 1.25. Frontier Red Lake, .15. Francoeur, .65V2. Manitoba & Eastern, .022. Moneta Porcupine, 1.25. . Rubec, .03. Thompson Cadillac, .52. Bailor, .02. Bankfleld, .75. East Malartlc, .70. Preston East Dome, .57. Hutchison Lake, .11. Dawson White, .11. Rajah Red Lake, .19. Aldermac, .85. Kerr Addison, 2.20. Uchl Gold, .60. Martin Bird, .t6. High Low FIGHT EYES ON CHICAGO Joe Louis Gels His Big Chance Tonight and Opinion is He, Will Lift the Crown CHICAGO, June 22: (CI) Joe' Louis, sleepy-eyed son of an Alabama cotton picker, gels his greatest opportunity tonight when he battles against James Braddock, untested world heavyweight boxing champion, for the title. Estimates place, the crowd which will watch the fight at from 60,000 to 75,000 and the gate receipts at $750,000 to $800,-000. Seats are selling at $6 to $27. Louis weighed in this afternoon at 197 '4 and Braddock at 197. Louis is the favorite at upwards of three to one. It is the first time a negro has had the opportunity of winning the world's heavyweight title since Jack Johnson battered the once great James Jeffries into helnlcssness at Reno in 1910. Many experts, in spite of conflicting reports, are inclined to believe that history will repeat itself tonight. The fight will be broadcast over a National Broadcasting Corporation national , hook-up about 6:30 p.m. and will also be i carried by the Canadian Broad - i casting Commission. FISHING TO - STOP SOON Closing of Area No. 2 This Yeai I Will be Before August 10, It Is Forecast I VICTORIA. June 22: (CP) The i International Fisheries Commis-islon yesterday issued notice to fisherman that the halibut fishing season In Area No. 2 would probably close earlier this season than last due to Increased catch. The ' reaching a peaceful settlement, season closed last year on August , Gov. George Earle declared mar-10- I tlal law for Johnstown, Pa., order- The total catch for Area No. 2 1 mg a force 0f state police to the :up to May 31 was 11,084,720 pounds , as compared with 10,091,700 pounds last year. I Today's Weather Uiovertuneul Telegraph i Terrace Cloudy, culm, 51. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm 5. Stewart Part Cloudy, calm, BS Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 50. Smithers Cloudy, calm, coo' Burns Lakt Showery, calm, 50. Victoria Southwest wind, II r per hour; ba ome er, J1.7, miles per hour; barometer, 29.70. Prince Georg; Clear, caln ; barometer, 20.72. Vancouver Clear, calm, barometer, 20.72. Alert Hay Itain, calm, se' smooth; -barometer, 20.78; tem perature, 40. Hull Harbor Overcast, calm, sea smooth; barometer. 20.(5G; temperature, 50. Triple Island Cloudy, soutl-- west wind, 4 miles per houi; calm; Mea smooth. Lanjrara Island Pari coludy. calm; barometer, 20.C5; tempera ture, 50; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Overeat', calm; barometer, 20.G0; tempera ture, 52; sea xmooth. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Mrs. As-trld Jerstad will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 from the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers. VANCOUVER. June 22: (CP) Wheat was trading at $1.22Vi on the Vancouver market yesterday. 0:27" a.m. 20.3 ft. 13:29 p.m. 18.0 ft. 7:19 aani. 3.2ftv 19: ft3 p.m. 8.0 It. PRICE: 5 CENTS Falls STRIVE FOR SETTLEMENT Some Steel Plant Operators Insist On Re-opening While Others Are More Tractable Roosevelt Steps In Martial Law is Declared in Pennsylvania and. Ohio CLEVELAND, June 22: (CP) Frank Purnell, president . of. the ; Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co., announced yesterday that he would attempt to re-open three, strike-bound sheet and tube plants ,n the embroiled Youngstown area today. At the same time the Republic Steel Co. announced It would attempt to re-open one of its mills the same mill at which two .were killed and 26 Injured Satur day night in a battle between strikers and city police, bringing the total of dead as a result of strike disorders to date to 27. Last night President Franklin D. Roosevelt urged both Youngstown Sheet and Tube and Republic Steel not to endeavor to re-open today and, as a result oi tne government in tervention, officials of the two companies announced postponement of the action with a view to re-openlng. Both companies, however. Issued sharp statement of dissent against the request from state and federal leadersjthat they deTa'cVpnBghcljirEli dott, president of Republic, had twice previously refused to mejet ihe governor's request, not to re-apen. Meantime strike leaders entered . :onference wltli federal mediators here in an effort to find a peaceful solution of the Great Lakes -steel i strike. The object of the federal mediation board was to bring representatives of the unions and the companies together at a round table conference with a view to eliminating further disorders and city instructed to maintain order, disarm vigilantes and close down operations of the struck Bethle hem Steel Cambria plant. Action was taken after Eugene G. Grace, president of the Bethlehem Steel, declined to close the plant at Earle's request, later, however, agreeing to turn the plant "over to federal forces which promptly closed It. Tlie State of Ohio sent five thousand soldiers today Into the strike- seething Mahoning Valley on or-r i ...... , ......... ... ,th ap.proyal Qf presldent velt. TO CROSS ATLANTIC Imperial Airways Flying Boat To Make Experimental Hop From Ireland to Newfoundland On July 5 OTTAWA, June 22: (CP)The westward flight of an Imperial Airways flying boat from Foyncs, Ireland, to Botwood, Newfoundland, as a preliminary to the Inauguration of trans-Atlantic commercial air service has been definitely announced for July 5 by the Department of External Affairs. Only one flight will be made that day. The Pan American Airways experimental flight In an eastward direction will not be made on that day and the date upon which this will be attempted has not yet teen established. ' i