Growing Girls' School Special Black and Erown Calf Oxfords Lor fafe with r wkhmit Seotdt tongues. .Specially priced $2.85 Growing Girls' "CHUMS" Brown and Black Calf Oxfords-Guarajitttd soKd throughout, welt soles ar.d snappy lats, sizes 3 to S in widths Specialty priced $3.45 Family shoe store ltD. The Heme of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. fKI.VC KL'PEET - EBII1SH COLUMBIA Pstlated Every Aftersccs, Zztej Esnday, by Print Bopert Dally Kras. L.'rr.iled, Third Avnc H. P FULZJOi lar ri? - Ivil Vr scESCBirnox kates Cay Osvery, bj carrier, yearly perlac. paid in ziizzzt rvs MKf person, 5414 in Unset, per vtt'c By iaaa to a2 parU ct SrSHh Ccisz&lz. the Bzidh Zrp& and &iia, yeair pence, paii a: adi&nee . By ea!J to a3 cttstr ewrntrta, per year AUVEKTLSLNC EA115 OastTed adrerKiist. per TMd, pr inamHc . Lfal ia4etx. str toe, pr teirJ: . r . AtitnhAut x4 CtttadaUva ttWfrx n Xtrr Oeartoeat Tiphn MenWr f AaJt Saxeaa t OrelaUn Tuesday. A3s& 31. 1T7 ARE YOU JEALOCS? Jesdotuy is one of the Wgget factors interfering with t : ngnt to th Tl 1 T T"a TNTTmn tttv ATn t rrt ti rnrvT i T T T'ftT r71T?m ITTTrn? - fAKK rU15 UP bKfcAl UiifLAl I lnl Willi LO isaeksm aver 3. mat Pax lj roand. Eamd By Ew Fim Farr atznc as, mafe. a ft the TrNwed villi bods -,, Lews eodftag cfezr. Farr tried Sefts s the bsdy. Leir -,caeitd Fur face, ibex. BJutd Loots ii t rxrr -Bub ja rt ran-sun. ttiHBKiKht . Loaasaeeaedta jte Jeokfcag lor as vTfcg. Fan- gave Loaat z jfear: raj cas the- face anc ansae a art asrasg.. Loot ease fee tggreaur. Fair tried leiu tct eocid soc acraectXaafeaaaved trtee vfch Jefts. Fair places! kits and ngfau ob Loss body bat they dtd not i-ss So bather ft Bkt. Fair prtaKd Lasts agate the rspes and. m ttra. vac backed ap Ms-Siil Then :h Bntoc nt Xvo Jiritf kfsa to Lasts' face a. oaaek sacces-Jan. Lamm, shot a fi to FaxTa tody. The roand looked ever.. Lows -szs anrzirifd asd Fair jra anhsrt. Second Pa: backed cp as Loss -d Tb Sseober vaa lookJag tor at ojening. Fair lajicd ijhi psnehes so the body and received tvo JtiU from Loait on fzce. Low aiavtd aad Firr tapped Mi Ja. Fair aUppd aad tat Lat in lie face and on the- body, then aaaL Lam ent a kit to Fair' (7 and Xkuj exdaansd kfu to tfee Xaee and bead. Lnrttvaatert-te ttur paee aod baead Fair sp Fair goC a aiee kit hoot cc Lcii' tcdy. Lesfe iaadtd a hard rtjht jw a tfe btB -Bt Losis had an edit te tMs rosad. Setthw had t ut aay esacees. ! TUtrd Levis backed Fan op asd Jrced w t&e ik pace M7 bat uuv i Fair ii landed lanceo of ier,:. L.-:. r.u! v. bc-,xi; L Bi.f.w r-s -..p r.bei :o-day. aagr, . rgiti abc-t edges a the;, stay be Ai the end of fr.y-fm miaatcs of nutnt rirhtlng reJerw and svo jadfe we onaiumoas m iheir decuion in favor of the nearo put tbe T2J rr.a'IPl'T nf 37 AM fan. Wwl tlu - i n r u ... . atratz) it ft to Farrt fa. Parr . . : ?: reodai then batted bead, the rond etutet rtth tfeJ lelt. ui Farr . " --Matter Pantteg a beaoUfnl JeH eye waa eccnneBein? hook s& to? dde of Loutr Iz&t. " , r ; ja and then raiaaed. Loais punch - STL? M,. ed Fair, face hard. Fan naeSl anr from tlv iVmWi kWw PtMrih f rfc ntfm.4 u Lmt tamA 111t nm tlx iow ...t ivillwiBtU M WVA " v WM MA Jflfl AIUJ action for a km ba; K fafled to raa. F2r" W not aeein to b- worry-Fan landed a atoct hard rijht to Lo!ris leading and land-the iyAj bat LosU waa rirjit back teS rarr ir" taking eterythtog;. ti t-, 4U, t 1 Vt V V , &, , V " aato. Losti eon- 'aiT eare ieu nooo to the body and 11 it U ie tne me ora braKe on tbe Wheel that hoklsttinaed to land ItlU to the face. then z of righta to the body. jiuitr. back uacn many many a a Wg Wg undertaking. UfUiertaKme. -- - - - ud itc mi u oniim. uur. BAS w i wn. i-u5 SI1ZJW9 I or lit nfbt aad Farr MBjNt. Jnelodta? tbe iart Jt rnai asd Iu to Lcnr ja-. Lcaii d and body Loses misaed Fan's1 ahovtog r.i iij i,ey Ttre wna a in iss mn ran 2XOfasdte5 to front of each otter in landed bard JefU and rizhu" on 8X0 tfc eesUe &f tfce rin. Fan landed . ' th t a Losfaf head. LoiH T j atarted to eeate a uft vj, , a awert feft lax. L6 T landed baek bat Parr , ly K3n looking fc for It It W W the the catl. catf?e nf of much rmthfFarr ; rarr cane in in Trfth alth a a right rirhl an,? and left ift Loid Lowte vent wrat after after Farr Fan and and drore rirW . cwBj ra rer wnitnt anu Otners Claim ; rouna was pretty even. coming more aggreasive but was ""' 7 that I t remier Aberhart 18 playing the game of political' Sbcth-Fan caught Louis with a only hitting Louis arms, later aend- rU1? ptrK patronage, ousting any Whom he may SUSpect Of being ' Ie't on the 8,dc ot the face. Louis Ing a nice left to Louis' head. Fan's tix'' against the government and promoting people who are'il .1 . efl ' . Dlea,ng ly Lou1' enthusiastic Social Crediters. He is carrying out a policy .S XZX. Z T" 11 LJ?1 Similar to that Of Stalin in Russia only he dare not go SO! more aggreasive, chopping at Louis' then mkied rights as he tried for far as the Russian dictator. Those of us who are sitting on the sirelines in this political struggle in Alberta watch the game much as we ... itoumii inai.tji. tre an iiavu uur inuiviuuai sym-i pathies and It is safe to say most of the people in British; Columbia are on the side of constitutional government as! opposed to freak legislation by a political fanatic. We have no . objection to political experiments .. but! 111. ,1,. 1!t.. 1L '1 t ' "c ut iiku tne idea oi naving Canadian institutions flouted, the constitution ignored and a prosperous province injured for political purposes. For that reason we hope there will be an end of the game soon. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE ATT a rm r a AUliUM il,fi f.PIFXE BEDROOM SUITES 4-0' and 4-6' size 6-PIECE DINETTE SUITES Modern Design SIX CHESTERFIELD SUITES Prom BUY THE BEST IT COSTS NO MOKE Phone 775 S71.50 $92.50 $90.00 1 V. n T l . I . ..... ... THE SEAL ' QUALITY Si GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon .canning company with an all at me year round payroll Prince Rupert in the Bomber body. He backed Louis M3 tne ropes as he worked on the champion'.', head. Louis started going after Farr again but backed up again as Fan delivered rights and Jeits. It was an even bieak for Farr In this round. Tenth Fan's eye was still bleeding badly Louis had developed a cut over his rltfht eve. LouU hm ! ot Fan's right and jumped away ine rouna ended with the negro working with lefts on Fan's head. Eleventh - Farr stabbed LouU With a left to th far nnt then I came in with a light. LouU replied with a left to the face and got more in kind In return to be forced to the ropes Farr, despite the . bad eye on which Louis continued to work, was standing right up Ui the champion and making a grand hie mui:me roim or uumH COM .'MIMA ii .rrn a If th fiiro.o ' il Z.: 7 '.I !bwS : ". Louis landed a hard ropes. Fan then came " ,u"" ow"'' L ,m ?7H,n 3, r". .i ha 01 0 ghU U,, H th,.Mr..tea .... vuiiniiHUiic, mt .jwjrti vicuit ireinier nw. seem to bother Fan much and ca ,eiu 10 tne head and backed- ik playing the cards in uch a manner as to try to show reP,ltd with a right to Louis' p but Louu was o.k. Fan wfcFa? i1yHrf that it i the big financial power of the country that is face follovlr'e by more righU and wa irking fine and chasing Louis XStLaL. D luJ Hpi,a against him and that Premier Mackenzie Kimr U t rvinrr t !eu'. . LouU menced to work around- rT JTSJt S: protect that " ' power. ' " " T,7Z cenverec T:l.l a rr "changed lefts to SJ . .v.....v. w limb lu Liir tif-jtn in inii.T2 ri-i r . n r i.' . w . .... . . - . ..vuu . 4 MO uc- 'HI WUM. to OL M n fvfar inaxm a:m. ouaw.. I wu '. r j Ja,lniirattir f the wUt nl:aw &MlHtui IMI.. are pro- of Ostaber. A. n IteM r.i tsdabXI to U mAt -r .HHMAS A. WATT. OfAdal AknlnVr.toT. Pr.nce Bucrt, B. C D- ttvr 17th day of Augiwt. A. D ' fen b lnctan hand. In tK- p.... AS! fx having UAlma gint th. Mtac. fn trttoj rtqulrrd to fur- September lefts to Fan', face and to his body, ivt"' TSa the Tb mcotmS Xtt oy of Dacicing him up. LouU tried a right . rr r '"W"! A their hook to Fan's body but there was no steam behind It. They countered and Louis started working again on Fan's bad eye. Farr backed LouU up with riitht h 1 face. LouU was beeomlnir rantlnnt 1 TKg V.KTTTH OP TH1 EOTATE O? TOT. LdTjC AHDfUW 8PALDINO CB-''KAHCtl. tM'M of tin. port Frtnr a TvJi. Hrr.ia, jt by virtue of ui- W. E. COLLISON, Jndlui Agent. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Propritor "A HOME AWAY FItOM HOME" Kate fl.00 up 10 Rooms Hot ii Cold Water Prince Hupjrt. B.C Phone 21 p.o, rto, m tp. of Of t),. Ic- Msffl Tbe BctUah Fair won Ave ivanda They -sere exchaaetaz covered on. Ther exeh&ted lefts rhu and lefts to the face and to the head. Fan appeared to hare the beat of it Fifteenth With Levis otorioudy at this stage. ; beaded for a decision victory. Fan Tvelftb Fan again forced Lotas stepped right oat with left hooka to the ropes -nth left hooka. Then ad rights and lefts to the body. He they exchanged lefts to the head. farting a hard ftgat nor bat ran vae fresh except for hat eye ! utau repiyto vtth left hooks The nar AartMl tn mm. . ik. to face and he Parr landrrf krft fan eJaaaored for more Mtkn Parr aad iftcht oomcs to the taw. JoeifiL (t&H worked on Louis' hui nat over a Derfect rieht bat FaniPaaaas 1 oday s ISaseba! Xalima; Ltane O'rtiniH 2. in.--- Ha 4: B: : LMk S'. . ea j , P:atot:.-. : 1- Aawrina Lean,, Philad.,;. ; B'artf-- . ! WM Brr r City 1. lanaed two fine left panchea. kP right after him with rights) p(U ThirteeBth Fan vas f whtto Farr was tahl forcing' aa 7he A eleveriy. Both landed left none he.' Loate waa alao MeedtaK. LoaUi s' to the face. Parr va dm. them right and Wt jabs. Farr! Mrf tm,' lore r ae if looking for a bedy open- eon'tnaed to haauoer Mm on head Canal The inf. Louis right wu not very ae-; an! k1 hto against the Mike Haapa tire. Both sritaed lefts to the bstd ' rP Fan made a great final pounds , , Fan vas moving back, still evident. ; dnTe idnnr. , ,r an openinz. Farrai (i-(irt. nwtrc& fomWv Ufa iisnm I,-,:,,,... : to the SmH Ti h,. 4, .v.. hfsi into a earrtr vtth o Kfm..!attetjn left to the law wit I funis. Hons, causes the defeat of politicians and Is omhfn-,pat &th re Jcru to of n?ht and wu. Loub -ai,U) tbe1ro LoBl then caiMilatiJm. JLZ? g' TnrartU end wklnc "ely on Fan', head ltt to the face. of the that mat enters enira into into the tne calculation of r.f all I1 statesmen. nwa& UMit kIts and the Brithher. looking tTo,rr eame bk wtth righu to the deaiouftjr 115 een at It worst in VlJlage and small town ! and again and airoeared to leartntr was holding on. Fan then strateht-! This Loata' reand Jife Where people know each Other Well and are nrone tOfFarr doT- The fana had rUiom. entdapafain and got back into the 1 Fourteenth They exchanged ee the ordinary Hfe of the individual, disregarding the Kign of greatness. It is the habit of the small mind but akt) often afflicts the truly great. Jealotwv is the devil's most potent tool. of Louis brtnainz hii rfcht fntn ntre Hia face aras a maaa nf 1u the lace and head atfon for a kell but It failed to mi. Wood from the fierce barrage it wtlns FaiTa right terlaMze although the Bomber con- 1x1(1 been a bad couple of seconds ttoutd to force the pace and von ioT challenger. the round again fairly enough on E8hth They were cautious Louis The Bonber dcHvered a good long right to the head. Fan landed a right which drove Louie back. Loots Jabbed lefts to the face and had Fan "b.ui, " " ." .u iui yjki CACiiiuijjuig ugni leiU.. LOUiS hi a corner. Everrtime Everytirr.e that that Parr Fan - pu Uill a IlgiAfc M vnaiiu auu A vUilijy " " - ' the head. Then Lotus backed Fan "rat over a wild left hook to mlas threatened with his right Louis .The PHr Co-operat:-. jport yrfe: fr. - - I Mir .Mail Schedule ! Fr m Eait ' Frtda.T from tbe East Tneiday T . 1 Fr TaiteT Moaday j j Tse4my ai J Friday n Sfttardav 4 '. . Atsst 16 tl From Vaneoam andaT i fTMIAT f From Stevart and .Ujn-For An j si and Strixrt- Sanday '3 Fridav 3 The Winning Bowl The lost bo I . . . ihe lost end . . . ell even. Si b'mp lo you, bkip. ton you make this port? Ah! Well laid! Smooth end even! Looks abort the right weight, loo. Down it rolls the lost bo A moment's suspense . , . ond it snuggles up aga:ast the Kitty! The game is over. They were oil congratulating you,Skip... pounding you on the back Remember? 'And all the time you were busy trying to fill your pipe from a package of Old Chum. Will you ever forget the f?c- fragrant Virginia aroma and how 0!d 0i'- satisfying taste added lo your pleasure in tfct moment of Victory! That't the oreat thina about nu a... . r ... . rt. w.v u.uni ii aiwayi rasres aooa. cjecause - .1 -i : . . i.. . i. a omer tobacco just like UJd Uiuml - 1 ' t. 1 t inei? cm-. , m Ml M Vi 1 rar-