I 4 TBI DAILY Kr?TB 'a S f Apfcyieia' M I I fcrrrsi that bu A. I m bese&ed acserers tar M W trrtt 6) jwa Try it- YaoTl V ' b taore than plea- Kn ed with the ?adaae . Mm. 1Al Afthn .ed H.y i 1 Fever, preventing- ,a,EfjB oSe erisx. r 2fl Yoa ixpry sap.i M tie Wk3 Zi 1W um( JVv Smtt I saflBaflsssl V JJQH JlXCfrta.triJ km ISt M sw tw jMt .r mm - , nu fbone It and Si P O. Box 575 1 Ti r r. m i . I'll! I I Eeaen Ure meet people In city aid district with an adTerttBement Gi the J)aHy It'ewt Beautify NEWS OF THE MINES Premier Is Operating Historic Kin? Solomon 3Iine In Arabia Annual Report of Espcranza Digging From Glacier that reserves now arailabie -sill nrooertv his !vn takfaz nlar tsays the annual report of the Es-J peranza Uines Ltd. of Alice Ann. ?io. 4 tonnel has been connected with So. 2 in a simitar manner, making in all a TerUeal distance of approximately one hundred feet. This work has grren much needed Yentilation and pro Tided means for drainage. As this work has progressed, ia has opened up a cocsid- j erable body of fresh ore which has been sent to the mill for concentration. No. 5 tcnneL beknr ICo. 4, has been dmen a distance of 1W feet towards Ho. 4 and the mine manager. L. H. Wenerstom, figsres it will be necessary to go abost another fortr fet to mntart a at 2 this point Daring the year it was demonstrated that the ttAr cosld produce, with one shift cf miners, enoogn ore to keep the mill operating. To increase the output another shift cf miners cocli be put to work, tans allowing for derelopment as well as the prodneuso of ort from the mill The report announ ees the resignation of the manager. U H. Wenerstrom, to reotn the ser. rlee of the Granbj Co. at ACenby. The concentration ralB. say the report, has been enmnj what ran be turned out by the mine in the making of concent's ce it has an aTerage capacity of eighteen tons of ore per day of twenty-four hours, making approximately one ton of concentrates during that peroad. These concentrates rary in Yaloe according to the mill heads or ore coming into the bins. ATerage a -says hare been 2456 ounces of sti-rer for heads. 1D22 ounces of surer for tails and 300.17 ounces o! silver in concentrates. Ore mined from January to June 1937 amount, ed to 2153 tons including waste. Cost of wages and supplies, was twinzwiv.wz m wzn.au mjw.mzm7Uimmjmnmrimimjm:.-M-.mjm-iK:m.i Your Home With LINOLEUM The Modern Floor Covering Available in many delightful patterns at prices ranging from 45c to $1.40 per square yard. We also carry a good variety of Congoleum rugs in the newest GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBrideSt. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leare Prince Rupert for VancouTer. TJS. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:31 VM. Due Vancouver. Thursday pjn. T.S.8. CAKDENA FRIDAY, 11:11 PL Due VansouTer, Monday am. If conrenient please purehas tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 2' i H a 55J0L52 or a cost of S2.4I per ton produce at least SZSXX&O in gofeL to mtoe- s0"4 fro,n Prsductioo is sehedoled to begin Bar7 ,Bne 1Ti8 ear.y in 1S33. In adittioB to the sipi eosttnc SI.U1 ZZ'SJOJM groM belkred to a -rati or a ease per too to mm of $3J8. and goid recovery in the i:lnMlr reu,ra the property nine s tailings and reserves, the ' ise """"""s wtBci:'-Teii from which theae were orisin- H.915.34; Jaly 13, U37JI: Jnly 2?. 'ally ntoed aTerage aboot J29 per,4'-"1-5- Ln lorwso- IWii, CMUUdlC. iuz Hiem - 1 1 1 JJ vJlil 1 UllVyllO r,r , ,!the mine has demonatraicti ftx ab-l We are itill ririnr our Fr'ore deoostts are not Indicated. AtI"1- w procnee ore and the mill to - r.Ut Tnirnc hih niitir 1 adeaoate sbsdIt of waier Is h-fn?!3 coocentrate. This is - Cme In and Look Them Orer f Durinz the nasi rear steadr de- MTTQAl T PM' C I rtment of the tamels oa the iU V U U n. ti Li L 111 U ' -ECONOMY STORE Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. now bemg xinz aceanoiished accomplished while we are deTeioping the property and we are of the opinion that, if the nail were increased by the addition of a secondary crasher to redaee the ore entering the ball mffl for fine grading, we would be able to doable our capacity. To make this desired increase, it is necessary to secure ad equate financial support so that the mine may be worked on a larger production basis.'' Ore shipments from Stewart daring the past week hare included Mx tons by Sam Degeh&mps from his Ontario property and another thipment from the Mountain Bay property on Bear Rrrer. VTith the long act-eat tannei on the Rafms Argenta property in the Portland Canal district adranced Jixty feet since Peter Swedburgh and associates started their contract, an interesting change is being encountered that indicates close proximity to the large zone for which, the tunnel is being driven according to B. O. Eriekson who has been spending a few days m Stew art. In dfeesssing the operations at Kufus-Argenta. Mr. Eriekson said that the tonnel being extended under contract by Mr Swedburgh has now entered a changed and Tery hard greenstone that shows blobs of ehaleopyrite scattered through it in little Teinlets. If the big ore body for which the tunnel was originally started is encountered at this depth, it wC give about i 8M feet ot tucks said Mr Erxisoc FTpiarnaig that the zone shows is a canyon to a sen greater depth than that, Ur. Erfckscn is very bopefsi of saccsss wilt Uus tanneL Darin? the two weeks that Us Er-iexsoc spent oc the nroeertT, be - prospected the surface of Uwr orif-inal Rsfus groand and discovered two addztsoBal shownv that offer proae near the glacier wniefc ex- The histnrir Kinrr Snmmnn Minc J Ak.o iwl ttes- T " O w vc '"fliuJu au amIm a W rfw IBM TV nrr cjt aic iciiaiuiKiuru u me r-rentier utml J-iiniDg "'fa, thnrty are of the ieaS-cne type i o. ana win, u 13 expected., soon be contributing again to and indicate a width of jemai feet the world's Droduetion of vellov mptal If is otimaf ion the surface. i!r. Eneksoo rtfl lrom historical records, tnat King Solomon received about 2,400,000 from these mines. By the application of mod ern, rr.inmg memoes, n is esuzxavec costtioae praapecthis of the Argen ta swface to exaaine ground that was not ferseeriy touched Ore with Talces estimated to ran as high as SlajBeo per ;on in gold and silver has bees cpened ap on the strike reported recently on the Northwestern Aerial Prospectors 'Ltd. property on American Creek about thirteen mnt beyond the end of the Bear Rrrer road in the Portland Canal district. Spending soeve days on the property in which they traced the rein for about 1M feet and stripped it '.jt thirty feet. John Roehfort, Angeio BsgneBo and Jack Krug arrfred in Stewart a few days ago with srty pounds of ore that had broken down from the vein on the canvas: This ore is estimated to contain at least ten per ient gold. The ore was placed for safe keeping in the Bank of Montreal at Stewart from which it wiB oe shipped as balUsc On the thirty feet stripped. 4t is stated, the Tem chows a difference, in eieration of fifteen feet and has a width of from one to six inches. The stringer seems to be an offshoot from a very large silieilied fracture zone that has been traced for some 4090 feet and has an aTerage width of fifty feet The zone, where chipped. shows low Talues in gold and silver. To date is has not been prospected to any extent The discorery of substantial gold Talues is much of a surprise to the owners who haTe always considered the property a prospective silver-lead mine. Roch- fort BugneQo and Krag hare returned to the property with the objective of continuing work of extracting high grade ore for shipment as long as weather permits. With rock under their feet and tee of the immense Chkkamm u lacier all around them, Larry Thornton and associates are busy there extracting high grade ore for shipment from their Solo property at the head, of Texas Creek in the Portland Canal district. Already they haTe seren sacks of exceptionally rich gold-sflrer ore ready Mr. Thornton says that they reach the 1 j ssssssaFSSlrf! Ill lliiiiisss CUT CURRENT COSTS Giiolioe oottuti Brim ic Strtttoa powf iii-'ltr. SEPTEMBER FILM LIST Maytise" and "Midsuauaer Nights Dream Amoei Outstanding Attractions Wita Maytnte" billed for a r ran. in xHifuou Night's Dreaat as poibly the oaUtandiftg attractioa, Hanger D. G. Borland aaasaaces aa U- teresda? lift of SepteaaWr bek- iays for the Capital Theatre kee as follows: Septesaber 1 aad '"You're ia the Nay Nor with Wallace Ford aad Anna Lee. Septesaber S aad 4 "Slave Ship" with Wallace Beery. Warner Baxter and Elizabeth Allen. Septesaber 6 aad 7 They -ae Him a Can with Gladys Georye. Speacer Tracy and Fran-chat Tone. September 8 aad 9 "Fifty Roads to Town," with Ann Soth- ra and Dob Araacae. aad "Gun it the OljTBpC5," with Warrer Dlaod. Septesaber 16 aad II "Ele-faant Boy." aaed en Radra'd Kipling's Toosaai f the September 13 aad 14 "Riding on Air," wrth Joe E. Brown, and "Off to the Races,' with the loses family. September 15, 16. 17 aad 18 "Maytirse." with Je-anette Mac- dona Id and Nelsou Eddy. September 20 aad" 21 "In ternes Can't Take Moaey." w'th &aroara Stanwyck and Joel Mc- .rea. September 22 and 23 "Mid- tunnel through 200 ieet of ice tun nel driTen at the base of the ... glac a a r i. uie poini wnere it ts encountered by tnis tunnel, the vein strikes up a slope and so it Is possible to get more adTantageously ai n wun open cutting m steps, ex iracung tne ore after which the high grade is sorted and sacked. The rein is from two to three and a half feet wide with Tery spotty Talues. Over half the time of the mining crew is taken up In sorting' jre. The Talues are hard to de-J '.ermine owing to spotty nature but) -hey run from a trace to extremely! ligh in gold and surer. It has not' yet been decided when the ship-i ment now being accumulated will1 be made. CoastwUe StearnshiD it Bart? Co.'s freighter Amur has been at Stewart over the week-end loading I out ore and concentrates for Ta- oma. i Mignifictnt 6 tuba 3-band Suptrhttsrodyna with sensation! "Distant Boot tr" nd Magic Brain. Rsmark-bl yorld-wida parformar captivating RCA Victor Btauty-tont cabinat. Greatest Value We've Ever Offered! Trul! These new 1938 RCA Victor radioj are wnsauonal value. RCA Viaor endneers may well be proud of such outstanding achievements as they nave developed for this new line of radios. Drop in our store just as soon as you an and let us demonstrate them for you. To see and hear the new RCA Victor is to get an entirely new concep-uoo of radio performance and reception. Lis f ansae r Kijhl's Dream,' with all- star east I September 24 aad 2S "Arti.'ls and Models," with Jack Benny. Ida Lapiao, Rkaard Arlen and Gail Patrick. September 27 aad 2S "Between Tw0 Women." with Fran-chot Tose aad Viryiaia Bruce. September 29 aad SO "Ex- jclive." with Frances Farmer aad r red MacMarray. Haring on board a party of Sea Scouts who hare been on an annual cruise to Alaska, the power vessel Tyee Scout was In port Saturday afternoon on its way baek to Seattle. Motorahip Betort was in port from Ketchikan yesterday afternoon with one carload of fresh halibut for trans-shipment East over Canadian National Railways. The Dally Newt nas an audited iircclation. Pliy safe I HiUDUSTOXiGBr Here's a Snuih C, m . . . Da Mia itf Olivia De Harifland in "Call It A Day" with AMTA LOUISE, LIX UtStn AUCE BRADT. E0LIVD YOUNG tAl7-aiia4J31 Alic Pete Smith's "CriM "Forky's Rtaanev WORLD NEWS Cming Wednesday The Great British Ml Lomeaj TOrRE LV ARMY .NOV TBI USED School Books Elementary, and High We Buy, Sell, Allowance in Exchange The Book of Knowledge The Children's Encyclopaedia Used Tools, Stoves, Ranges, Shot Guns, Musical Instruments Used Furniture Beds, Dressers, Dining Room Kitchen Tables, Odd Chairs New Furniture 5-Piece Bedroom Suite $98.50 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite $79:00 ELICTS Furniture Exchange Hours Open 9 a.m. Close 5 p.m. Phone Green 916 Prince Rupert, B.C. I Canadia n HH racihe Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Transd'acijc To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. j . To Vancouver Direct , ... Princess Alice princess Louise Prlneess Cbsrlol" Aug. 4th, Hth Aug. 7th, 18lh, 28th; Aug. 21tb, Sept. Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services w i Tts and Reservations from . mA w t w 1