esday, August 81, 1937. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Tt arrived, a new shipment) Grand hats for $1.00 at the Miss Margaret Rensveld sailed j... nii.kt nn thp wrlnre o t-ln in Pnrt. f! pmpnts. l r. Special meetuig "i mc ut ,v.. 7-"n All members reauesti lUlib ttv ... vnoatlncr nf th P. Badminton Club will be hold r TMn fj-. i iv.-. hnmp ni jur. aim uio. vju. luc i ..i t l!tl.. who are mieiesieu vuruiuuj Mrs Richard Burnett of Port Al- vnlnoa f n W on: -i i j i 7 i . .m r Hmrr rtn nor ronirn cniiin Final train oi me season on sum-. i i . i i . i . . Iter scneauie, yvsicraay s train frrvm me easi arnveu on time ai a:au. DrinKine in a nuinoer ui local M,nna oe ore at n rpui nccpntrpre c ......... .. fiVP Kfllllfl. Mrs A, J. Ingraham and child, . . . . . i i i . i .. i . . i . ... in, ui 1 1 1 1 u ... w.w ?w eni. on me i-mice i.iiaries ior (irvLtr LU IlilV il VIA1L Willi 1V1 1 .1 prahnm's nnrpnl.s. to. uml Mrs . C Stevens. Rev Dr J. S. Henderson of Van. Ledge for British Columbia, af- 1 4 1 1 l J I Al .14.. HflOiM iVUKla UlliTVU Alt WC LtVT . .kt U a ...111 - Mlt1 Announcements United Fashion Show, Septembei Catholic Bazaar October G and Qyro Hallowe'en Dance, October Try a Dally News classified ad- School Opening Sale . . SWttATRRS Miss Ann Dunroe, following a visit to the city, sailed by tue Prince Charles Saturday night on her return to Port Clements. Mrs. J. Morreau sailed by the Prince Charles Saturday night on her return to Queen Charlotte City latter a brief visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Qlof Hanson arrived in the city from Smlthers on yesterday afternoon's train to spend a few days in town. S. J. Mayer of Smlthers is paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Gilbert Campbell, who has been on a vacation trip souih, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Princess Charlotte yesterday. Isaac Matthews, well known Atlln mining man, was a passenger aboard the Priricess Charlotte yesterday returning north after a business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. T. Splckett, well known pioneer Juneau woman, was a pas-senger aboard the Princess Charlotte yesterday returning to the Alaska Capital after a trip to California.. J. W. McAuley, divisional mechanic for the Canadian National Railways with headquarters at Prince George, arrived In the city from the interior on yesterday af ternoon's train, returning to Prince George last evening. Col. H. W. H. Holmes of Victoria, who acted as supervisor of the Governor General's recent camp In Tweedsmulr Park., and Provincial Constable Charles Bennett, radio operator, left by last evening's train for Burns Lake to go back into Intata Lake to bring out the camp equipment. They had come out from Tweedsmulr Park via Bella Coola with the vice-regal party. R. Carter-Guest and Norman Terry, inspectors of civil aviation, arrived here on the Prince Rupert yesterday after a trip Into the Yukon and Northern British Columbia on official business and proceeded by plane from here to Stewart. They will pay a visit to Meziaden Lake north of Stewart which Is being persistently mentioned as a possible seaolane base. ANNETTE'S Pullover Sweaters All new aililUC'S. OC11UU1 Opening Sale W A1CVC Crepe Printed crepes, sheers fine .,n Tt.J tin School Opening Sale $1.69 fall 95c sa- $1.49 R. W. Riley, Terrace druggist, arrived in the city on yesterday af ternoon's train from the Interior for a brief business visit to town. He will return to Terrace tomorrow evening. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Cdrson and sons, who have been holidaying at Laice Kathlyn near Smlthers, returned to the city from the inter ior on yesterday afternoon's train. Mrs. W. J. Rennie of Port Clements, following a brief visit to the city, sailed by the Prince Charles Saturday night on her return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Premier T. D. Pattullo left on last evening's train for Hazelton whence he will drive through the central interior and then south. Tomorrow evening a receDtlon and dinner will be held In his honor at Prince George. M. M. Connelly, M.L.A. for Omln. eca, left by last evening's train on his return to his home at Fraser Lake after having accompanied the Goveiiior General's party on Its recent trip through Tweedsmulr Park. H. M. Butterfield, who was an ar. rival in the city from Alaska on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning, proceeded from here by train last night for a trip to Bralnerd, Minne sota. He was accompanied by his wife and child. Miss Lillian Halliwell of Borden Street School teaching staff re turned to the city on yesterday af ternoon's train from Terrace where she spent the latter part of the summer vacation after having been in Vancouver and Victoria. Lieut. Col. S. D. Johnston, officer commanding the 102nd Battery, Royal Canadian- Artillery, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Calgary where he was successful In a military staff course. He had spent a week at Victoria be. fore going to Calgary. Mrs. W. O. Fulton and family have returned to the city after spending the season at their summer home at Lake Lakelse. Having come down the Skeena River from Ter race to Kwinltsa in a river boat with George and Gordon Little, Mr. Fulton is due home on this evening's train. Constable A. Gaunt arrived In the city from Smlthers at the end of the week to Join the city detachment here. He brought In two prisoners. Tommy Talt and Sam Pierre, Indians, who will serve six months' imprisonment at Okalla for breaking and entering the garage of W. J. Larkworthy at New School Opening Sale Sale Starts Wednesday Sept. 1st 9 a.m. ooooooooooiooooooooooooooaoooooooaooo0iooooooii3oooooooawooooeoHooooo0oo DRESSES School Girls' Dresses. CO AA School Opening Sale . . v SKIRTS Pure Wool Novelty Skirts Reg. OXFORDS R-rown and Black in all sizes. Leathers and patents. Q4 QQ School Opening Sale . . HOSE In Chiffon, full fashioned. fZ An To clear at, per pair .... uo' GIRLS' LINGERIE SETS Shirts and Pants S to 12 7)P years. School Opening Sale 1 UK JACKETS Navy Blue Blanket Cloth Jackets With zipper fronts, novelty backs, M to 18 yrs. Reg $3.95. CO QC School Opening Sale . . &WOOOO0O0O0O0d00O0O0OOO00OHjl00000 Annette Ladies Wear Co. THE DAILY NXWI PAUI THK KEUOGG'SMEANA GOOD START TO A tgjk GOOD' W I MORNING &7 "My family temi to gt started more brioUly in th morning; when I serve Ktl-logg'i Corn Flakts. Am! I grt started quickly, too, because they're so convenient." Crisp, delicious Kellore's Corn Flakes are full of the elements that supply energy. Always crisp because they're packed in the patented wxx-tite inner wrapper. Kellogg's aro sold by all ffro-cers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. CORN FLAKES aSK I K I CORN FLAKES Made Bitter Taste Better Packed Better t Mrs. V. H. Kergin sailed on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon for Ocean Falls where she will pay a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Hardy; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis left at the end of the week on their return to Vancouver after a three weeks' visit here with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Davis. J. D. Schwartz, who has been here superintending the construction of the new provincial government ore tseting plant, sailed by the Prince George Saturday evening on his return to Vancouver. L. B. Jones, agent for the Canad lan National Railways at Skagway, was in the city on the Prince Ru pert yesterday going through to Vancouver where; he will spend the winter. W. G. Crisp, transferred from Kit wanga to Telegraph Creek in the service cf the Hudson Bay Co., ar rived In the city from the interior at the end of the week and sailed yesterday on the Princess Charlotte for the Stlkine River point. Tonight's train, the first under the new winter schedule, Is due at 11 p.m. but is half an hour late, it was reported this morning. Under the winter time card, trains leave for the East at 6 o'clock Monday. Wednesday and Friday evenings and arrive at 11 o'clock Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. J. H. McLeod, collector of customs here, has received a letter from Arthur Lalng, collector of customs at Montreal, telling of the safe arrival there and embarkation on the steamer Antonia for Scotland of the daughter, Irene, and son, Angus, of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan of Stewart bothof whom passed away here recently. The children were splendidly taken care of on their trip across Canada on the Canadian National Railways. George W. Crlpps, provincial assessor, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a vacation trip to Van couver and Victoria. 1 ciiiiEu HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHERS MALE AND FEMALE) WANTED in Prime Rupert by ihe Dominion Civil Service. Applications for examination to reach Ottawa by September 18th. We have help-ed hundreds to obtain Civil Service positions and can help you. Proof of this statement and full Information about th examination, etc., free. M. C C. Civil Service Schools, Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. (211) FOR RENT ANGUS Apartments, three and four room suites. tf) FOR RENT Clean, well furnish ed, modern apartment. Phone Red 444. tf. FOR SALE FOR SALE Singer Sewing ma chine $20.00. Red 126. (204) FOR SALE All household fur niture. Apply Mrs. MorrH, Leeds Apartments. Phone Blatk 925. (207) ABOUT THESE REPAIRS For lumber, shingles, cement, plaster, brick, Gyproc and roofings, see Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phone 116. tf. FOR SALE Walnut dining room suite, good condition. Phone Blue 450. (202) BOARD AND ROOM FOR ROOM and Board phone Green 997. (209) WANTED WANTED 3 or 4 -room furnished house or apartment. Apply Box 238, City. (202) anjsic PIANO TUITION Miss Ruth Nelson. Phone Green 390. ' (207) VIOLIN TUITION, theory and harmony. Miss N. Lawrence. Phone 580. Classes start Sept. 1. (212) AGENTS WANTED DEPENDABLE spare time sales people to work among their friends, acquaintances, lodges societies, churches and business concerns, showing our sample portfolio of printed-to-o r d e r Christmas Cards and boxed assortments. A postal card will bring our sample book without charge. A friendly company offering absolutely the best values and the most liberal commissions to reliable Christmas Card salespeople. Experience unnecessary. Write today. No obligation, Premier Art Guild, 576 Seymour St. Vancouver. t.f.! The Hose .of Merit Ringless Knit Perfect Fitting Latest Shades Comes In Chiffon, Service, Semi-Service and Crepe, also Knee Length From 75c to $1.50 Orange Pekoe Blend SALADA TEA pnrjn A Beautiful Decorated 10-oz. Tumbler r r. with every purchase of Effervescent uwu Fruit Saline. (English Typ?) Both for 39c Protect Your Teeth By using Mi 31 Tooth Powder on your favorite shaped Klenzo Tooth Brush Both for 39c Cara Nome Cosmetics. 25c Trial Size Perfume and 25c Trial Size, Face Powder Both for 35c Special For Baby One Tin Stork Baby Talc and 3 Stork Nipples Both for 35c Ormes Ltd. 77hf! Pioneer Druqeists The Uex-Ol Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays-From -12 noon till -2 p,m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Ottawa, June 22, 1937 Council of Canadian Medical Association Endorses and Urges Pasteurization of Milk and Cream We have pasteurized our products since 1923 for your protection. Positive Past-teurization for Safe Milk at no extra cost. VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 LAST DAZE To get your picture nic.d-: at the Hollywood Studio. We Close Soon Hollywood Studios, 220 Gth St. The Central Hotel KOOMS and L'At'K Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS, C. E. BLACK HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. i WALLACES 2nd Ave. Phone 8 17 & Gth St. Third and Fulton Phone 9 If you lose anything, try a classified ad. ft 4. )' 9 1