X- display of heavyweight boxing that has been seen Pri 'minutes after it was an- , there was an uproar of boo I derisive shouting. Farr was i his defeat and the legions lung showing and a poon He showed plenty of respect particularly of his right Irr, he took a great deal of pains f. Said Louis after the fight: Is a tough fighter. He did riot Passes Away husband, who was called East from Trade and Industry and express Burns Lake recently, and by a ed the appreciation of the execu- daughter, Miss Vivian Hlckey ot tive of the association at the an- Montana, and a son, Charles Hlck ey of Stewart. Lynching Attempt In New York City Outcries of Excited Woman Causes Narrow Escape For Laborer NEW YORK. August 31: A mob i.nmnM t, ct,oiiiof 1000 persons tried to lynch a 51- Lr Louis 'year-old Queen's laborer In a 14th L . ,' ... , Street subway station when a wo-he opinion of the most of 'A . a murderer writers. Louis put up a dls- d manlac Weather Forecast IPurnlBiied tbrwuKi Ui courtesy o A Dominion Mrteoiologlcal Bureau Victoria wid Prince Rupert, Thla lore rip tr in.h. r.nl a xnnnl nf i rnmnlled from observation l- i.. . ,'k.o ut a a.m. today and cofi Hit M "an vlth his nis right. risnL. lie is a coou z." . ij nm Irnan " " i nour irivu iny'n " . uminrrow). 1 uihloVi nf T milti klnntc liiir. ui.u 4 l.o Mnocn r!ha rlnll.fi Is-i'ale. lost, Parr said: "He gave me lands and low off Vancouver Island iy. I don't know." I where rain has occured. It Is mostly p. i is manager admitted that, fair elsewhere Pad raABLdl won a fair decision. Regulate Peddlers Mr. Matthews stated the Association had been requested to se amendment to the Muni Char-' cure an and Prince Rupert Queen Ainnl Act Ant itihlnh which u-nll would I it omiiriU'al r ' v :(- !A, B.C. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (S AM.) jprlnce Rupert Clear, southeast ad, four miles per hour; Darom- 30.08;. sea smoom. those responsible for such t splendid turnout stating it was rather unusual to have such a splendid representation of ladies missing for two days. CONTROL OFBANKS Premier Aberhart Discloses Plans In Letter To Mackenzie King; NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1937. Night to See Children of Flay- trrnnnfla In Pnlnrfnt Arttnn JOLIET, 111.. Aug. 31: - William " . Lawrence, 19, Hollywood motion nlcture Juvenile, who came here a The closing display of the Gyio' Hall was an interesting and col orful affair which drew out a crowd of such proportions us to completely pack the big assembly i place. The display was along novel and ingenious lines, re play. The program included danc presented James Stevenson, prior to Batt, darkie singing, vocal solo his return to McGill University at by Miss Lois Judge, a Spanish Montreal, with a handsome pencil dance, a blackface singing and nouncement made by the Premier'set In case as a mark of apprecia- dancing act, boy that such a department would be established and a minister aj jxjinted at the next sitting of tlu Provincial Legislature. He regret ted that the securing of a bankrupt stock and closing out sale act had not materialized at the last session and that the Fair Trade Act, which had proven such a success in the United States, though very simple, was held up pending the decision of the Privy Council on the federal legislation that had been intro duced as a result of the price-spread commission. The Pank-rupt Stock Sales Act would prove of equal benefit, to the consumer and retailer as it wnnM serve as a protection to the public In requiring that no misleading publicity either in the press, circj-iars, or display cards in the windows could be used to deceive the public as to the true value rr '. of the goods being offered for s group games Uon of his leadership at the Sea and tumbling, Scandinavian folk Cadet camp this summer. The pres- dancing, a demonstration of life I entatlon took place last evening Just saving from the water, parade oft prior to ine pumng out 01 tn iranii icin;ii wuuucn soiuiers, tumuiing for the East on which Mr. Steven son left, a number of the boys gath ering to see him off. YORKSHIRE and vaulting box exercises, tab- Meau of human statues and a 'grand march of all participants. Lxcellent incidental music was' furnished by Dr. II. N Brocklts-by and ihe Capitolians. In the absence of the chairman It would be a knock- fair ana wnu iw """ -" ,11,.iP MHi,Pwa nnto r .... 'i ,i t. irmnnrf ntafr. CAtv rnmmissioiur niivp. paced, he Is the toast of the Uc world today. ur Donovan wnu nfr.o Re semi-final. ,on the way to New Vk .v., vrntu r Drther, scored a technical ii, t- In command of Continued 0n iair Tw,. ,i,inlum. i'i u i iiili . ...... v. u .'vn u. inn 1'ii'ii.ri'iNi i i r .1 1 r i hiiu v . l v r - iiii: r . .'. .- . . - - - j v..v. I yeiaifui. the very keen interest producers n0yal Salute. ann consumer organizations were result, ruauiu, Thp fish packer Ueipninium, tamng ana, as a icuexni Em- belonging to the Royal Fish Co. regulalions had been recently st- they had had been been deceived deceived because because only only congratulated congratulated the the Gyro Gyro Uut Club avywelght champion put up - prnce Rupert and now en- cured requiring that all retailer of yielding to the temptation Qt'ifor its work but extended the ap will be assured of a welcome j.nJfe(r packing fish for Nel- selling creamery butter must ad buying a so-called bargain. jpreciation and thanks of the city ie In future that he wants to son liros .. Fisheries Ltd., while vertise the exact grade being of- A very hearty vote of thank Prizes Presented from Growler Cove fered as well as being stamped Westminster recently, on the package. He stated a con weighed in at 107 pounds njpked un near New Westminster ferencc was Itfilig called In Van- , ; the body of a sail muience mciuded a, ereat ...i -.r fmm jm oi rormer and present stars Earj 0irt of Llvernnol or who had fall- couver, representing federal andjganization of the Prince Ruperl the steamer provincial governments as wel' merchants was evidence of their The no producers, consumers and re 1 prize ring Including Gene y wa8 n bad shape as it ht.d.tailers, to secure regulations re-y- Jack Johnson, Benny yj, cut by the propellor, the en-.quiring that all meat be graded ouunnv iJiintipp .Tnpv t urn nv over , - -gine Having uccii o y. Max Schmellng, Max Baer,' when hc unfortunate man fell ranter and Tony Canzon- from a scaffold. The body, which was picked up on Wednesday oi last week, was turned over to the. nnllrp nonce bv uy -"i-- Uapt. 1'eter Hansen, tne Del- and advertised as such so that the public would known whether they were being offered cow or steer beef. Very few housewives were in a position to judge from the general appearance but certainly could express their opinion after preparing a meal when was extended to the speaker and Before the close of the pro- the very splendid response to hit feedings a number of presenta-appeal for membership in the or tions were made by Dr. Hugh appreciation of the work the Retail Merchant Association is doing In the interests of not only meeting the election of officers was left to the president and members of the provincial organization to arrange as soon as possible. Morrison, inspector of schools, as follows: Doll contest Largest doll, E1-! sle Kraupner, Acropolis Hill; smallest doll, Margaret Lamle, the retailer but Ihe producer and Seal Cove; best dressed doll, Joan consumer as well. Squires, Seal Cove; funniest doll, Owing to the lateness of the: Oracle Soles, Acropolis Hill; best home-made doll, lielli Astoria. Soap carving contest Best workmanship. Betty Hauden3 child, McClymont Park; most un High Low intermediate boys, Benny estview; junior boys, Santerbane, McClymont 10:45 am. 17.8 ft. 22:48 p.m. 199 ft. 4:20 a.m. 4.6 It. 16:36 p.m. 8.1 ft. PIUCE: 5 CENTS tah n Vessel Is Now Attacked iton Stands Up For ifteen Rounds And Forces Champ Hard.' iUreatest Heavyweight Uoxinjr. Display In Many " I I IW llMil sin . . w lears i,rowu was vun Lnailenger And V V mm - DINNER OF RETAILERS lovincinl Secretary of Federal Association Heard Last Night Some Fifty merchants met at IJOOCU IJCClSlon tor LOUIS I George R. Mathews, provincial 'secretary of the llctail Merchants IEW YORK, August 31: (Canadian Press) Joe 'Ration of Canada w F. ; retained the heavyweight boxing championship of lfrLf .he JES forld last night when he won a fifteen-round decision and c. c.'Minna as secretary, n the British challenger, Tommv Farr. It was theirs Mr. Matthews' first visit to Hollywood Film Juvenile Missing Search Under Way For William Lawrence Who Has Been Missing Two Days DISPLAY IS FINE Exhibition Hall Is Crowded Last Another Mercy Ship n Chinese Waters Is Object of Bombing the Uoston Cafe last evening to month to visit his father, Is the Club's supervised playgrounds ago f:inri rhinncr K Phnb- Co,, in Cf., ,i,a mtral tiliang Kai-Chek HlS Own Makes meet and hear an address by Ulect of nollce search. He has been last evening in the Exhibition bays Safety Etfco rlsivs of fJpnr. Tiinnnv. Fnrr W1 tfco nrA nf remark, ne congraiuiaict tct pr so fans with him from the i finish and put up a show a TT, boxing ability, courage and lyirS- niCkGV S mat won jor mm a tre-i , ovation at the end of the (indeed, the decision, while nous and admittedly fair, was liar with the crowd and, for j Immediate International Intervention In Sino- Japanese Conflict Imperative SHANGHAI, August 31: (Candaian Press) A sec- . ond air attack within two days on a mercv shin increased fleeting credit upon both insiruc- the peril to civilian life at sea in Chinese waters today. An tors and the 150 or'so young folk air bomber of unknown identitv dived and bombed the Sd'SfSK- o, Italian-operated steamer Lung Shan thronged with Chin- carried on during the summer vt- . cation period in a wide range of EDMONTON, August 31: (CP)- fprrpatinnal nMivlM. The hn and extended wel-jAlberta intends to put into effect cordial a very wag aUraclively decorated anu come to them. He dealt with fed- immediately legislation designed to the getting wa8 quite un, eral legislation which had been'Place the banks under Provincial The recreational display was (introduced to eliminate some of control and curtail access to the staged in the form of a fairy tale ese refugees, where Japanese reported their forces had Pilot Of Mattern Refuelling Plane Former Well Known Local Woman the unfair business methods that courts. Premier Aberhart said in a n whlch Aiaddin, represented by P--A(. TU5. TUw Dies After Having neen 111 wou)d iw one dag8 of b .letter to Premier Mackenzie King, NaI,0e Lotourneau, by rub- TaSScS 1 HIS ,llY advantage over another. He released yesterday. stated thp federal irovernmpnl Word has been received in the j.a(i m n-amn or nthpr pp. King should withdraw the federal la were not hesitant In , city of the death of Mrs. W. S. Hick-,f rained from atmointinir -i nubliei veto Alberta banking legislation. tag It He exploded the ,ey, formerly of this city and more 1)rosecuor as provided in tl.el ' ' at 'horizontal" British fight-' recently located at Stewart. Ser-,8tatutes and urged Prince Rupert' Q p 1 . ot since Charlie Mitchell lohnL. Sullivan has a Brit-vyweight stood up In such jer to an American. At that i erlng the handicap luted right eyc-from traln. th closed up soon after tire f iast night's fight through st of which It was a gory W further handicap for the r was that he was not a utter but, on the other hand, Slantingly, took all that lad to offer and kept wading whole fifteen rounds for There were no knockdowns ly once did Farr falter In Jenth when Louis uncorked t attack that seemed to have, lmc:;t groggy against the However, the Britisher came the eighth fresh as a daisy, fifteenth and last round, he a fierce pace. Had he a lit e punch It might easily have! lousiy m lor several montns, Mrs. n-tailers to nress for ihU ph. uca vaubio iiiarwv. Hlckey went East some time ago to ointment at the next sitting of! receive ireaimeni ai Mayo unruc.parian,ent in Ottawa so that the in Rochester, Minnesota. She fall- fui benefits of existing legisla-ed to obtain much relief there and ti0n could be secured, 'left to" be with a sister-residing.- Mr:' Matthews' referred 1o" the elsewhere .In Minnesota. There she negotiations being carried or. uiea. I VYU" with i,ie the nrovinc I'roviiiciai inl Koverumpini iroveriimenl Presentation To James Stevenson bing his lamp, caused the ap- I Aberhart suggested that Premier pearance, in a flash of flame and smoke, of the genii, represented by P. H. Lindsay, who, with red-tational sequences, took his listeners on a trip through many lands for various forms of entertainment and calisthenic dis - - 1 captured the town. Japanese forces said the capture of Woosung waa the first step of a big push against the city's Chinese troops. The Chinese denied that the Japanese of- . tensive there had been successful. I Cholera has broken out in Shang- 1 hal's French concession. I At Nanking General Chiang Kal . Shek, Premier of China, said today Garland Lincoln, who was pilot Qvm made nec of Jimmy ttern refuelling plane lmmcdlate lnternatlonal lnterven-wWch crashed and overturned near Uon end sln0.Ja anese dlIflcul. Fairanks, Alaska-, a few days ago while assisting in connection with ' the search operations for the miss- lng Russian transpolar fliers, was I Yirppncrniiit I povae here yesterday aboard the steamer .ing by Dutch girls in costume, Prince R ert Eolng 50uth enroute r.. . : hHdairnuanea. . Jtullduui .. Angelea. of Egyptian pyramids, an ama- companIed by teur hour in which several youn ot tne crew of . i i 1.. 1 ,.li -.4-.4-,! l . . t a t i I Lincoln -was ac- t: the other members tl the wrecked plane benior memoers 01 wre iwdi umi cuici tamers iook pan, acrouauc n.flr,t Tnmirh m nilnt and rharlps Mrs. Hlckey- Is survived by herlto establish a Deparlment of! of the Sea Cadet Corps yesterday dancing by Iris Edlund and June "uh GEMS FOR ALIMONY For Jasper Park Final Day Of Governor General's Visit Here Marked By Ideal Weather Conditions The final day of the three which were spent here having been marked by radiant and balmy sunshine from cloudless skies, Lord mulr, Governor General of Canada, Lady Tweedsmuir and other mem- bers of the vice-regal suite left In Jewels Valued at $100,000 Given to thelr speciat cars attached to last Woman by Husband i evening's regular train for the East. Their next stop will be at Jasper LOS ANGELES, Aug. 31: Gems park where they will spend half a worth $100,000, including a six-car- day tomorrow, at diamond, were handed to Mrs.i , .. 'or tne uyro uuo s playground --u-- wu.. J r f w IC WlNWkP Icommittee, Dr. It. G. Large, Wil-jfrom her husband, Morris M. Lan- I omDrOIMSe Un v" I.T VYllllirilV'li.m rrUirkshflnW ar-fpH fla Ua,',.J dau. wealthy South African dla-UII1FlulUi'c Defeated Hampshire Today In Brit ish Cricket man. In opening the proceedings, mond merchant he referred briefly to the work of the club playground committee and also congratulated the di- LONDON, Aug. 31: Yorkshire . rector of playgrounds, Harry yesterday won the first class cricket ' Gordon Cooper, and his assist-championshlp for the nineteenth j"nts Misses Evelyn Boyc3, Ger-tlme defeating Hampshire. York-.aldine Cade, Alice Gomez, Kitty shire finished only a fraction of a' Cameron and Mary Davey for point ahead of Middlesex and the 'Ihe excellent results that had counties will play a four-day test been obtained. Mr. Cruickshank match, commencing September 11. also announced that Mr. Cooper i.wouia be - remaining o here this Halibut Sales American Betty 14,500, 11.3c and 8c, Storage. RAM SILVER iAuto Officers Slate Offered By John L. Ltwls Is Ratified 1 MILWAUKEE, Aug. 31: Both . factions of the United Automobile i Workers of America today ratified a compromise slate of International officers which was drafted by John L. Lewis, C.I.O. head, to re- Bar sll- unite the u.a.wa, INfrW nkw YORK: lUlmi (CP) ) uoi mi- I winter to act as director of the I Waa ,inpnnriired at 41c per Leod of Victoria and F. J. Maw physical education and recrea-,fine ounce on the New York met. UT' 17 H desley of Vancouver in Royal Ca- tional centre and would continue , market today ( LUZZy UVdU. nn.Unn Atr Fnrro n anes. lonnetl playground work K 111 OCIHVII1U-... cipal empower'oF early yesterdV afternoon for W. R. McAfee, president, of the! tou tvrr ncrn KiifH-Ki 11 iiul. LUbLC - ' , , . , ... - ... , r r.i..i. r .1 .n I -- - . - .. . . .. j o, municinauiies 10 more neavnv Vnnrnm-pr Thpv hna neen in wie itoiary uuu, rtientu 10 mc uove. experts had expected that nottnwesi wmas, u- u..u ...uuw ,, ani transinnt,..!..,. ...1.1. .u r...n, r.Bn. hp of the snnervised recreational Phvaiml efficiency champions' iMayBeOut u d be and a lot ?f money . ately warm. jlraderjJ ln reerrhlg to the pre3. , . . ,B,t to work upon so successfully carry- -Senior boys, Bob Parsons, Seal shoulder Trouble May Prevent Him Ihlm, I that tne lauurc 01 lou is u we.t . ent campaign which is being car- T-PPd;m,. ir Park. Prior Lo leav- ing on which he congratulated Cove: uettlng had been three m i ' rled 'on throughout the entire L ii,, iwA nlanes flew low ovtr the Gyro Club and the play- Garonne, W B the Brown Bomber. as the first nnnpnrnnpp nf . ,i p this country but such a irful iui show show did did the the British British Em From flaying For the Cardinals This Season W. J. Aider also recognized the Park; senior girls, Betty boKs, ST. LOUIS, Aug. 01: Dizzy uean. importance, of the work of de-. A c r o t o I i a Hill; intermediate star pitcher of the St. Louis card ... ... . . 1 . . .1 . r.rl. . i . , t 1 lit- n veloning healthy bodies and not girls, Bea Rudderham, McCly- lnals, Is suffering from bursitis of mont Park the right shoulder. Dean may noi Senior Girl's Basketball -Aero-, pitch again this season. polis Hill, Frances Robertson, captain. ' Five schooners from the banks Senior Boys Basketball Seal j0f No. 3 area landed halitut Cove, Terry Grimble, captain. I catches in Seattle yesterday to-Senior Girl's Softball Acropol-( tailing 1GG.500 pounds In addition Is Hill, Frances Robertson, can-.ro which a few smaller bpats tain. (brought in 7,200 pounds taken in- Senior Boys Softball AcropDl-cidental to cod fishing In Area 's Hill, Raymond McNeill, captain. Special personal gifts from the supervisors were made to Mis Joy Green In appreciation for ss-sistance as piaVist, to .Dominic Montesano for acting as plaj ground referee and to Dick Clarke. for his services as play- "ique iJea, Norma Letnes, Se-1; ground reporter No. 2. The Area No. 2 fish brought UVic straight The five large catches were as follows: Sunset, 3G.000 pounds, Sebastlau, 94C and 9c; Estep, 24,500, Booth, liVgc and 9c; Bonanza, 20,000, Whiz, 7 Vic and 8c; Paragon, 38.-500, San Juan, 10c and 9c; Eldorado, 39,000, Washington, 10VgC and 9c. ;