It. it i "SIS ?2 PAGE TWO TIIR daily NFWS . , I for the Canadian people when you I t The Letter Box 'say that British people will not CHAT ! SPORT I support the C. C. F. but Mr. King. ;Ask the 33,000 ex-service men in -Ji Canada today that are unem- .BELIEVES IN NO WAR MACHINE ployed and If they want 'Editor, billv NZ. ig0?en' to preparlLan!!ler be staging a tournament on Mount offr peaceU, the coming. Sunday U At, OldUcld on In regard to your editorial .u h pnni-i rv 1 - iinininn aSLn 1 lPipnrp flek 1 . " ... "! . . . il!? wear is favo,able. Thare will be OA1LY EDITION. Be careful what kind of shoes you buy . . the new "streamlined" fashions lead right down to the feet! Of course, quality-made shoes cost a little more, but you get so much more in sm fpomfort and fitting qualities. Sej m,Onyx models before you decillgUfe shoe question. Xvhi? Just One of the Styles In Black or Brown Kid Where Most, People Trade lfab.' F AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. PHONE 357 (Estab. 1908) SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cheering News THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prlnco Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN ... Managing-Editor uity aeuvery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance - $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .-...., .It By mail to all other countries, per year , . 9.00 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and united states, yearly period, paid in advance : 3.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion .,..1.00 Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion . .. .02 Local readers, per line, per insertion ... .25 .' , Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 ' New Department Telephone . 86 Member ot Audit Burtau ot Circulations - x Thursday ,.-February"4,. 1&31 fcW ; 1 Vancouver Again , Victoria is terribly worried over the fact that Vancou ver has been stealing part of her bank clearings. It seems that checks of $5,000 or over passing through Victoria banks are not credited to Victoria but to Vancouver as a matter of banking policy, thus robbing the capital city of a&out one halt ot its clearings, so far as the published re suits are concerned. We can sympathize with Victoria. She is in competition with a monster that absorbs everything it touches. It absorbed the general offices of our railway and continues to take everything it sees or happens to hear about. Even our ideas are absorbed and promulgated as theirs. Much of our population has been stolen. It tried to get our dry mock. and we nave grave fears that some day it will ask fflV thn ltirllia!nn nf f ViJo nvnmaeciim nJftr mil V!n' ilr. mi,.? v..w iiiLiuuiun wj. wilt? M UIUWKU VlbJI Wlklllll I In UIUMI ciphl boundaries. " Victoria today is providing us with another editorial paragraph. The following is from the typewriter of British Columbia's most' outstanding writer in the person of Bruce Hutchison of Saanich: . "A headline in this paper suggests that a provincial election may be held in the visible future. This will be cheering. We shall get very excited about the provincial election in British Columbia. Passions will be inflamed. Promises will be made, hopes raised, high principles stated. There will be pointings-with-pride and viewi'ngs-with-alarm. There will be rushings hither and thither across the country, marches into the interior of the province and back again, predictions of victory from every party in the field, denunciations of everyone. "Meanwhile Europe will be passing from one crisis to another. The Orient will be in upheaval. Britain will be arming as fast as it can. Russia will be shooting conspira tors. Japan will be in ferment. The United States will be in the group of labor war. Our civilization will be in tra vail. But still we shall get excited about our provincial election. It will look to us like the most important thing in the world. How wise was nature in building man in his present form so that he can always divorce himself from everything of real importahpo. He can keen his eyes of f the universe by worrying over the affairs of a small planet. He can keep his eyes off the planet by worrying about the affairs of a province. He can keep his mind off everything by worrying1 about the weather. We should be thankful- for these smairworries. ! gS SETA" ' n,wer g,. b U, Brl', ,u,p camp-on i, d , - .,v ...v.. p, people m England when asked on the C. C. F. is worthy of the approval of every peaceful-minded Canadian and he need not be a Communist. The reason why the C. C. F.'s policy is correct is that first of all the C. C. F. is the representative opinion on the peace polkjy of members of the working clas.'t and that it iccognlzes the character of war. Secondly It un- only to the trusts, bankers, financial monopolists and armament i firms. This should be enough to fight against It and much less allow the government to prepare for war. The fundamental principles of war are first and foremost the ac quisition of territorial' rights to create new markets. That is war of one nation against another to submit them to their dictates so. they can make profits. Wars are a necessity to capital market for its surplus goods can not be sold at home. slaves and what have yoii. The whole world is staring us In the face of what wars are fought for. The burden of wars is borne by the majority of the population of any country the working people In general and not by those who seek 1 a peace ballot taken not so long ago. "No wars" was the reply. Who made good. Mr. Editor, on the last war? Was it those who went into the front lines or those making clothes for soldiers or the farmers? Or was it the Morgans, Rochfellers, Holts, Vickers, Armstrongs, Krupps, etc., etc.? Yes, the step laken by the C. C. derstands its detrimental effect onF- a correct - They represent the progress of human society. Thhilly, that wars are bendficial the Canadian working people The best defence against war is no war machine. And as for Russia, one only has ,o read and study the speeches nade by the Soviet representative it the League of Nations in Gen eva, Maxim Litvlnoff, and it will give you the answer as to whether she wants war or not. Russia was the only nation ever to demand total disarmament on several occasions at the League, but, Mr. Editor, what was the re- i ply of your capitalist peace mak ers? Two of the leading members ism. They are its lifeblood along 01 ine ague saia 11 was oaoy the profit motive. Capitalism, In talk and foolish, even fantastic to order to live must expand, that is, tolk of disarmament. So what. Mr. with the basis of capitalist society I Editor! ?o much for Rusisa! I Wars are the enemies of the It must find a nlace where it can make more money and consequent-i British Pe. The price of peace Iv more nroflts. It must find a Is not strong defence but no war machine and much better than all that, a government of the C. C. F. Trade routes are an example of and progressive minded people of against me war mongers and a peaceful Canada. GERALD PATRICK MURPHY. It, who prepare for it or benefit I Editor, Daily News: The Canadian people are still paying 75c out of every dollar In taxes for the last war and I am sure they don't want to finance another. .- Mr. Editor, you are pot speaking ClAssiFlEn FOR SALE DEFENDS COMMUNISM by It. 1 hope you will allow me to cor- rect some very wrong statements In the letter which appeared in Wednesday's Dally News signed Bernhard Trelberg. He states that the C. L. D. L. organization also gives itself the title Communist Party, Prince Rupert Section. To this I wish to answer that any one looking for journalistic fame must first get real" facts and real facts this pror t mistng journalist could obtain from ius if he cared to come to us for j information. The Communist Party j has existed in Prince Rupert since R SALE One Aetna oil burner ! "32- Ilf f lmf and'purposea cannot for heater. Cheap for cash. : " Phone, Blue 825. (331 WJUi oescripuon i t never caned Itself Canadian Labor Defence FOR. SALE 44 ft. 35 hp. dlesel League. It existed, without having boat Discovery, suitable for hall- a hall all these years and now, but trolling and seine fishing. 'since the need for a hall Is so Price $3,000.00. O. FJelde, owner,: pressing, we have rented a hall co Olson and Suride Shipyards, . and given no false information to Seattle, Washington, or Sundej the public, and d'Evers Company, Seattle, The members of the Communist Washington. (tfi 1 LOST.Bla;k fur lined glove. Finder phone Blue 787. (30) LOST Pair of spectacles between new floats and Third Avenue. Finder please return to Dally News, (It) PERSONAL PENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacltlc Supply, 75l Granville, Vancouver. TRUTHFUL Clairvoyant readings. Write Madam Francis, 2531 MEN Gt vigor at once- New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgoratora and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, "aker refunds few cents paid aU or write, Ormes Limited, tf 1 Party of Canada are the only ones ''participating In the work of that FURN TUBE Factory samples , m j par L. D L. go th week Guaranteed 10-; are not requested t0 be Commun. piece Chesterfield Broups-$09,50:ilsls Th haye lu"?rr 1J'".W . eiu"l conviction or no conviction as lone -$72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites Irpund mirrors) $7450. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $1C5. Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 8th floor Beldns Building. Vancouver, (tf ) HELP WANTED GIRL . For general Phone Green 471. LOST housework, (tf) as they believe in defending the workers and their Interests. Since the C. L. D. L. was established In 1925 It was made clear, that since companies employing workers for profit, had well trained lawyers In their service to sponsor the inter, ests of these companies, It would also be necessary for the workers to haye ah organization whose specific purpose it was to look after the Interests of the workers whenever Injustice or discrimination was evident. The C. L. D. L. is still working for the same aims. The Communist Party stands for Communism ,a 'theory which U expressing the thoughts and Interests of all workers, yes, all people who are being squeezed to the wall by this system. It Is not a doctrine invented by some mysterious wiz-ard for his own aggrandizement. The Communist Party here In Prlnw Rupert stands for those Interests and no others. Information we have about the writer of the letter mentioned above leads us to think that he has questions answered. Send birth ' nJl " 0,eler "e month. Donation. ' (tf ) of. hese organizations, that he pos- aiuij i8 6ome gruage towards some individuals of some organl zatlon. This, however, should not lead him astray to the extent of giving the publle false statements which only can lead to ill feeling among citizens In this city. A, WALLIN. planned. William J. Alsfcrd, Tottenham; HofcpurV international halfback who Joined the club's ground staff) when 15, has bssn transferred to- Notts Forest, second division foot-; ball club. ' Just to prove his rightful posi-; tion at the top of the winning i jockeys' ; list fcr Uie season, W Bilscoe roda home five winner and placed, third 'in another racej in one day in Brisbane, Australia.! He didn't place in hi.s seventh at- temnt. , England's first cpen-air artificial ice rink was opened r¢ly at WembJey and, If It Is successful, i the promoters Intend to erect i others In provincial centres. Coacli Bill CHrandler of the Marquette, Milwaukee, basketball team ,s handling a "mjltlng pot" squad. Forwards Paul Sokody and Glen Adams are Hungarian and British, Gecrge Heslk, centre, is Bohemian 1 and guards Erwln Graf and Dave Quablus are German and Nor wegian. Sympathetic To Hospital Plan The Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at its regular business luncheon yesterday, expressed sympathy for the local new hospital project and reappointed Dr. R. G. Large as its delegate to the financial campaign organization. Other matter of club business were taken up at the j meeting Including receiving of committee reports. ALRERNI DUE TOMORROW The new lighthouse tender A1-! bernl Is due here about Friday from ; Victoria with Capt. Harry Ormlston in command. The Ketchikan motorship Eskimo is in port today with one carload of frozen fish for trans-shipment east over Canadian National QUAKER CORN FLAKES ARE GUARANTEED THE BEST FLAVOURED CORN FLAKES YOU EVER TASTED OR YOUR MONEY BACK made by THE QUAKER OATS CO. Fresh' Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZardU Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1:00 up 50 Rooms Hot & CpJd. Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19S I iiirT mm 1-" r- m 9 11 Say it with Thursday, February 4, 1937 lliis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Onvernment of British Columbia. ntines This is a Valentine Year Select a cheerful greeting for friends and relatives from our very complete stock of serious and comic cards. Come in and sec them. We have cards for everyone. M llMURESCOl mi from o for 5c to o'k each Also Valentine Tally Cards, Seals and Napkins St. Valentines is a delightful time for a;pafty Inquire Regarding; New Special Rates For Room and Board at THE KNOX HOTEL R. RRASF.LL "Banquets a Specialty" 1'hone 71 N. IW. BRAS ELL URESCO 5 260Z Musesco's popularity rests on its soft beautiful finish, Its economy, Its sanitary qualities, and Its ease of application. Ideal for wall and celling 75c package 10c j package 50 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control mem 01 Hritisn Columbia. MURESCO puts ftam6ny m Walls and Ceilings A RICH FLAT FINISH tlut wit not rub off, . crck,chp orpiel MtJt in IS Tints tnti ' White GORDON'S HARDWARE I,mne 311 Mcllridc St. mmm mm 1 BP 1 y I WfffTf I III III H mJ'lim.lJBW! PI Ml 1 1 I 1 1 IIIIWHI I II I IHiM m. m 1 1 11 noard or by Ooyern-