f A52 FOUR G0LDBL00M THE OLD KEMMM.E Fur Buyer Wants Furs and wants them badly Ship what you have to inc and cash will be wired or mailed you immediately. We guarantee more-than anybody else. Don't delay market is liable to change. The Central Hotel KOO.MS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal SIRS. C. E. BLACK COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALUEKTA COAL IIULKLKY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY I'HONE; 58 and 558 Clarke's Store Cut Flowers Fancy Work PALMISTRY Phone Blue 995 530 3rd Ave. PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy " Red Sockeye 6 PINK SEAL Finest Pink. Salmon Packed by lne4 only Salmon Canning Company with an all the yeai round payroll In Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Reduces Varicose or Swollen Veins utes, or until done. listen to this - - itovy of her husband's voyage to heater. For the kitchen range, ask ; for Egg size Balkan, Minehead Alberta sootless. It's trade name is "Inferno" It's hot! And it lasts, too. You deserve the be,st. CASIPAIGN FOR RADIO (Contuiuea uom Page 1 i diture to exDect but it might be I well to try for it. 'Simple Home Treatment Prove It I Felix Batt, speaking of inter-J , At Small Cost i ference, said that the department ; . , ' did not look upon the collection of The world progresses. Today di licence ucence a lnvolvlne anv ' as mv01vn6 ay many minor ailments that took weeks to overcome can now be;obliSaon as to delivery of a ser- helped much more quickly. If you .vice. The government, 'when It sold have varicose veins or bunches a hunting licence, did not guar- start today to bring them back to . . i antee f. that f there would be deer 0 j?ou you1 a normal size and if are wise Will ao SO. ! w wic purcnaser w geu rrmcc The meeting passed votes of ap eiators of .this station, pveryone snould gct.bEhlnd the local sta- tipri and support, it to the lulDest, possmie extent, i? A sailor's ' wife had chestnuts in V"? "nz ions long distance distance nroffrAm! programs !n in con- rnf.'' her lap occilon with::whiah Prince Rupert And mounch'd and mounch'd ls nder such a handtcip. Efforts and mounch'd." h3d lon? been made to clear up . disturbing interference but with You High School students ,1Itt!e sas9- nw seemed sphere's a tip. You know that refer- ? arent thai eolation of inter-ence in "Macbeth" to this sailor's (eience was, only a secondary mat-wlfe-the as iad!o' '""m- toi "rump-fed ronyon?" Well, one of the tests this year is ""m7Y "",cernea- ni,.i. u ; seemed impossible ,u, to surmount the , . w fc, iainwui iUUcl" Aleppo in the year 16J0, braving, ue oaruary uoasi ana ine uretan fecal radio conditions could be pirates on the way to Antloch. So successfully Improved was bv hav let set! Shakespeare didn't write ;lng Canadian Broaeat!ng Commls-Lhis story. He left it to your ima- jslon programs extended into Prince i-natlon- Rupert 'or re-broadeast. Alrpadj But you, you parents, you need some efforts alonz this liniv hrt ' no imagination when you buy Al-1 oert & McCaffery's coal. You know' you will get the best coal available; 'he bast for the last twenty years and the best .today. Albert is Mc-1 Caffery's coal gives you the most heat for the least money--and' that's what you want. Albert & McCaffery's coal in your basement is a whole lot better than chest-1 nuts in your lap. ! So whether you like chestnuts or not, next time you need coal, Just phone 116 or 117 to Albert & Mc-Caffery and order Nanalmo-Wel-llngton coal for the furnace or Our coaS ndtfe you very ior way weWe'pAt our wu not f VOUlL LIKE The wav I TMEVTREATyou THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, February 4, WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront preclatlon to the Senior and Junior south, suffering from a severe at-jCrerar. Devil's Food Cake is a particu- Chambers of Commerce, the press tack of Influenza. He Is being kept and radio station CFPR frr ithpi i-Litj (jwu i u-.li . j wunv wvmmu - - . . auuaiu until Li vcaaci gt:u uuirv 1 i . . i ... x . j ' f. i. (n.nnflrdt1nn lr f Vi nqmntm . .. ' V cimaren love mie luivor una it u vamioii tu,vo Vancouver. really ' good for them. It is not too improve radio reception and ser- wnoce southern and eastern "Vf"1' "uariai Vd"tuuv ior ed chocolate, melted, 4 cup milk part 1 taspoon vanilla. . ' of the province while here in thehome at thc end of last week. Sift flour once, measure, add Tiorth there is a deploauble radio ' baking powder and salt, and sift J'J,J: heen made but it seemed ne.es- wiewier wire umes. cream Dunei v, uuu u3ujc 1:!lrv , t . ZT?LTlh I01 -ust be taken immedlatliy; tS iuiu ui-aiii io3w,uer unuj xigiu ana '""' the cause before th niit.hAr!t- i r . i . . .. rnnrifte nt it l i w ' uuuy. auu eggs ana rai wen. - uw 1th Aval,aWA fnrn(y .,, ln i then chocolate and beat until sta" was unable to give an ' uncertain terms In the camnalzn smooth. Add flour, alternately wita .S lt d P" S-oSon inTunS mils, a anu amouni ai a ume. cu iuiuer uie AXtnt TOS essential beating after each addition until circumstances and it was high mooth. Add vanilla. Bake In two tlme thafc there-was more appreel ; ' greased 9-lnch layer pans in mod-. atlon f t"e resources an4 efforts - . I t 1 ... . . :"ate ovsn (350 deg. F.) 30 min-; U1UI Iiaa ocen-expenaea oy the op- WHY PUT' UP WITH , 1PIHPLES, -WRINKLES The memorandum hk goes ont AND A SAL OW ' ' rwL"!,an rwone" throw their, charm and beauty away look! years older than they ardbecalwe Thywelcc? "n"" constipation. They forgQt that badly balanced meals, t,ver a period of years, can change how they look and feel Often their, menus lack the "bulk" needed for regular habits. Then constipation, the beauty-killer, sets in. Other effects may bo headaches, hstlcssiiess, sleeplessness. Jfhtnb?lv" back int0 yur mca's a , tf.tlellc,,ous cercal: Keller's wlft&iJ' ?bsorbs within the body, forms a soft -moisture mass, gently cleanses the system. Just eat two tablcspoonfuls daily. a iter 3Sa a c,real r i" cooked lry it a week. If not satisfactory, your money will be refunded by the cers. Made by Kellogg in Lon3on Treat Yourself to a Happy New Year by having-your Coal bin full of the best coal in town. PHILPOTT - EVITT & Co. Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements "TIME THE TOILER" al rilUNE 052 Masonic Ball Was Enjoyable Attendance at Annual Affair Last With a list of 140 passengers in- J xis,t Diminished by Influenia eluding six for here, C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived in port at 3:30 yesterday, afternoon from Skagway and other northern points and sailed at 5 p.m. for Vancouver. The Just get an original bottle of , Rupert, Mr. Batt said in reply to a ' Princess Norah Is due here next Moone's nnnp'e lmprnlrt Emerald Oil Oil at (it. OmM Orrnes Ltd. T.trt ' ... . .. . I Rnnrtriv Sunday ' mnrnlni' morning nil on her next questlon was located at a disad apply it night and morning to the vantage geographically as far as enlarged veins. In a short time the long distance reception was con-veins should begin to grow smaller cerned. noma3! regUlar " Sn approach John Moran spoke of try: early "people who want to reduce varl-J68 of io broadcasting in cose veins or simple swellings be-Prince Rupert, fore resorting to operations or in- William Fldler thought that If Jectlons should not, hesitate to try everybody tried to eliminate what mfeht be the of radio inter ! cause ing and powerful that a smali bottle lasts a long .time. Timely Recipes DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE ference on itheir own prmlses there, might be on Improvement in reception. In the course of the meeting, correspondence which had passed with the authorities in connection with radio matters was read. northbound voyage. A number of alterations are now Epidemic The effect of the influenza epidemic was very apparent at the annual Masonic Ball In the Temple last night when this consistently popular affair was attended by only about thirty-five couples. Despite the smallness of the numbers, however, it was very enjoyable foi all oresent The hruinnpt. hall of In progress at the lower building !th Tenrole had h of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex- decorated and illuminated for the perlmenta Station here. Dr. L. S. loccasion. Pugsley Is moving his laboratory ; Dancing was in 'progress from 9 from the. lower to the second floor pm untii ,2 ajm -th music by of the bulldins and it is in that!t.h 'RprpnnrftA nmhoot n u D. Galloway, after paying a ivisit to the Reward Mining Co.s , .-.j-. .w. t.i- vi v.otv i itaaye fass mine on Porcher Isl- A collection was taken up, re-! T and eggs which go Into it, there suiting in $8 being taken to help " 'f-' 5tCamf , " JJn' ?y e Pncess Norah on his re-U ""e"d rict energy-binding chocolate defray expenses of the campaign. ath ffactUred c t"rn, ,to Vancouver. Former pro-whh every child loves The Memorandum ' bone as well as ribs in a recent fall vincial mineralogist, Mr. Galloway Two cups sifted cake flour, 2' Mr; Kraupner's memorandum is ontht Q,ufn Cbarlotte Islfnds managing director of the and later developed a slight Reward Mining Co. teaspoons baking powder. "4 tea- a lengthy document which, at the Jh spoon salt. 2-3 cup butter or other outset, points out the "wonderful fu,ch f pneumonia, will be glad . lacmties" ror radio 1 '"'" "c ""uw "" - shortening, l2 cups' sugar, 3 eggs, enjoyment well beaten. 3 squares unsweeten- which have been offered to the fplnd'd oyery. He was able to. MAKES Surprise Party For Mrs. Stuart Some twenty friends gathered Tuesday night In a surprise birthday party for Mrs. William Stuart sr. at her home, 114 Ninth Street. Feature of the evening's proceedings was presentation to. Mrs. Stuart of a handsome china tea service, the presentation being made on behalf of the guests assembled by Peter Wlngham who spoke appropriately with Mrs. Stuart responding suitably. The evening was spent in community singing, music and other diversions. Delicious refreshments, brought by the guests, were served at midnight and it was 2 a.m. before the happy gathering broke up with singing connection 'that the changes are! Tinker was a genial master of ' r 'Auld Lang Syne and "For She's being made. ceremonies. At midnight delightful a Jollv Good Fcllow ' j refreshments were served. Capt. Nell .McLean, at present! C. V. Evltt was .chairman of the aboard the steamer Prince Rupert j committee in charge, other mem-! as chief officer, was confined to hisbers of which were Samuel Massey, quarters on the ship on arrival of iw. H. Brett, Dr. R. O. Large, Wil-the vessel last night from .thejliam Crulckshank and Donald " ' ' ' ' "rf f II LAST TIMES TOto? On the stajfc 'The Capitolians- 'at 8:28 only j m Last complete Show, 8:28 Charles LAUGHTON "REMBRANDT" At 7:00 & 9:40, and - Ross Alexander (Jlenda Farrell In Here Comes Carter at 8:43 once only) Coming Friday Jca."..I',ar,,ierV.Jack Oakk ru .uaoiurrav in "THE TEXAS RAXP.t" ' 'When I was expecting my baby I suffered much from sleeplessness and morning sickness, and was utterly miserable until I started taking a cup of BOVRIL going to bed and at 11, a.m. The results were wonderful." CE CREAM . ,4 ' A'HETIICR you make ice cream in Nsk fjk&r an electric refrigerator or in a hand- &tfB freezer try making it with' Carnation EfeoB ou11 find 11 cvcn morc tempting, richer ' igftKF ?ntl I smoother and more economical. Carnation .Jk 'ims is twicc as rich as ordinary milk, every drop con- ,rrr ,W"'S. tains an equal share of cream, a thc food value of " r the original whole milk is retained. It keeps well because it is sterilised. jmSmsMi' 'l . ff7 li ". JfV . Th; "me virtues make it an ideal fodd ft WmW?? ' AW' Hlh- bottle-fed babies and for growing children. Carna-fi&Kff ii',f: . " I filf , tion is unusually digestible, and is irradiated ' - ' '" ; m suPPlymg extra "sunshine" vitamin' 1). 'Carpaim " tvaPorattd the Dionne -r l" 1 Quintupled use. III r, X,VrThcfor gorgeously illustrated Oarnation mSl ' & I ILP C)kI5ook- A host of ideas and recipes for 10c, - mt - iifs:i :,'!Mm coin or stamns. ArMnx rn.ntf IRRADIATED MM Carnation Mi k i 1 A CANADIAN PRODUCT - "FROM CONTENTED COWS" MUJ& I !WT " 1 m 1 .1 r ' . . LI STEM' MAC TUP P,n? Hacl A?;v-irs Vni TOtSNE UP THAT SHEEP DOd-NAlHY DONTT YOU utiut mow wo emd AUV. HS SUSPEMSE: uuai miuiiici vase on ine uocKet MR. SIMPKIUS I'VJE DECIDED TO GIVJE THE 006 UP TO MS. GOT "V i I 1 J AI Jk J I I I'' J TAUKtMcS, MAC - BVJT OMLV tF I rziM HAVE THE DOfi THE UiPCk?.tMfN? 7T VJHAT 111 . i m v'X' I Al I I By Wstover TALK tS THATj