Slippers Slippers Now is the Time to Select YOUR SLIPPERS while Stock is complete A SbzI Deposit W9I Hold Them Family shoe store ltD. The Hons of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. DiSj XTB3L 12 nrri At-k E. F mzxx JarifirjMiina FTEscEirriaH kitls drrcr. tj cxzrz. toxj peatc, ptii fa insct. PiJt 2s iStxaet. per r-v Trfcfci Ei jij itfri- Ej 2 io il sttar w2riE, per jir ADTntnSlAC KATES ta; Ttiitn. per fc- -3. AtietiMLi; Hit Ctenriifta TtSrtiM w Set ?arKiexx Tfex-bes M ALL SEE3I TO BE Hl'MAN Serve The month or Deteaber You all most resnJer It the time for rejoieinr and cheer Just adc for the beat eU do the ren Phone PDptt t cau. ETitt far We Stock the Bert Coil In Town WELLINGTON FOOTHILLS Bl'LKLEY VALLET PHONE PHILPOH EVITT & CO. LTD. Aiftkxa Crws Ovesss Cfcrwa-icxs Tfdii N Tonsi: ZsMJtXf jMfetej iiwf aa Hi 3B tfeatsr of Otnnr Vwt1' aad lc townee A aeanr mas Hi irttj at Che feesae tf tt- 3Cpel rrwjTXia rtaenrae the aaaiaea x aaaii w 11 vat arcswud is i!m fcrs f aa lamia, rw tn&acaat nirwTin if Bertie OS ite preens pmateti jm-Cer fiw rectaaa af Zsm SirSm. S3bfn axtaM x viatta deet be fc Tlraffia irrfaaanrani by 3ss: 'Date 1 r i rsonuGE t iV Jane Axbxw: ccsl sdus ty EQe-a iSutfc: and a U - iiaej? fey V5st Votetza Fro Ar-coEapsaHU for fee fetter ta-. 3Jp3fe Hwniwlii T5e Xtpo hj IXl?'pptar item, faocwer. pevrJ to Ibe za Inas soar br Bs-rt r-;. x cteriart solo brWC- lxi ackx. a the rok of a coce- tey TBck Tle latter tooc by tvD 71 inr in idkarxjr ct USm Teaeda Ttzxt xzuS btr wf ; As esjoraMe batf-hoar -bxs 4Pest as niaviDC "raaU. Tbt C.C.F. in tife rori&s. t ,1BS SaSfc Oomkerj xad ir ojr;;eitii m hiri candid ran ihirxL In 2 JTe renewing ifce sKcstxn Txe FtdrrstioniiC," oresa of tive ottT ttoifoiied rty, aal:5 anefa aiiheiz&ih&t Pnfes&r Kim Got- rfrtah"ait' io zath lir caisdkk poBti 7S aors liisn bedid in liL inli! r:' " 1-me- 11 f2" to roeniiofi tJuli the Liberzk rxilkd phaxt electboccttd i 3i3 reus more inaa the' did is 1S85 ssd xhzt tk- rw r, j wbeate that, while the Liberals aad Crvath kt a sSS!' JBe ter?e fain in the strength of their respective nar- tiJroi i&e rociet. u aMAeTC.CXiB2butasmaBaiiL SS!!.Z feT 0:2 Je did not iatnd to have eeraoeaud on this Aizs of ae vote but seeing the pubfebed report in the CCF ' ? paper it ed only right to give both sides of the new ATTENTION ! ! Jjrf1 te properh informed st! !?f in regard ct, u ux u the mass. Had we stated that the Liberals made f h itT; great gams and not mentioned the gains of the others we r-nJf fcr a4-! fl"?at aa been eondemned as unfair. To Fl.i-t;; r) ex is, Vibc,- had no such ottalm It mK- Tfr B c srav. kq r- r v a. t t. . . , 7 wc v..x . se 01 ine ctetsion and text out the oak imr iTf-.S 311 T31?13 lkat tse CCF. is huinan;gS!SS55555S5 W ht it ako indicates that its journalistic supporters j''- ewspaper training and try to bufld up a fabric of swe : from a failure instead of admitting the failure. What Should SIR EDWARTVQ T PTTPP ' Sir Edward Beatty, writing to the Peace River Outlet . The Engagement Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, suggests that the outlet to the Peace should be built in such a way as Rina Cnst? best tO COntnhiltp tn th nronut. r tJ, nf lVUli? VUOI. countrj- and the economical use of the wealth reposing in the country to be traversed between the grain fields and the sea. This is encouraging to Prince Rupert where it is believed that an outlet to Prince Rupert would best serve that nurnose. r 2fycu wdAt oustetus we 1 Many a Tosng man it at lots to taor That bis etifagtsesti ring xboald eoff. i He dossil -raat to be cheap sor' yet eztrxTasanL j A good rate axed to be aherei ooe caa afford it to ansa the' asKM&t of ooe raooth's xalaryi as betoc about right We hare a aide rarietr of bean- j ttf al eafagriaent rlajs and ve are sore oar Tatees are rtsbt JOHNgULGER? RiZ.T Aii "l YOUNG FOLK Hotel Arrivals FOREGATHER Sxrt zs! to. . r Iai, n.- r sac ifcrv. Oei ft rtr per; Ueaten c( ae Abf!mb Tam H. a. Cuiseax CX2 E Irieksaa. T'-iajSr riarnr J4 s,.ijw a. Sescsiaansar. IS,: TMatJtoiplxrzwss . 2iTltadTr Gex, cftr : tf Sbe Cteaa IMfe Sorae M rfcs: Bkc Ctoatxsv ??asesbDaI Prist x?rt ap-acd -rttfc x dnvMMc fenad i J A. " Brew xzrf Ada. Part charae T WSj HKb art Ite ZsSaria; H. x, Vxioe. PrJat tu, iMk'. -rw lit af a itss- 2. Jtoart Prr Hapat: m iac srafir e -saws uszat. Tisjoirwy. . H- Aa appeal s5e "sr 3ersar Sor the i aezt 5 the m-Mr J T Viuf -wSB fn a Aart Itrtare saai 2. Classy BEaor: sj CXS; A. Xfrf 2 eft . KBrx 15 H. Jer- Va Lrsns. Xtnh Psafic Cbs- Iti "S n ICEtr c tet bees & rfee Ptw 3ptr: Cfw-rw Heerii! Turner Valley Working Hours W W. Xk Great Lu 1 FOURTH STREET 5e "Wtasij-fcsswB be nBae sxej Aaaenrar ami CiJiacui fiXir f;nr.-t? tc- p. EXTR and SPECIAL! OFFICERS ELECTED I I: t&a. Six Bit Wwt ibI DI Bm ir V-cddfe gJtt Are Orfwrf a Awru Ofl Is It. ffttT Lies Be4 f UU Xm.-IK! ? far r.TX t3 Oa. a ,CP of lis Headquarters For AH Kinds of Toys and Christmas Gifts Regal Shop avetto $.50 17 Eilra F'ants If Desired Men's Overcoats 17 md 19 Odd Pants Regular $7.50, Sale Price 4.50 and $4.00 wer b Sack lGMK(Vr .. H. Otfnmcc EJMQSnOSL Dee. 1: CP Tb there vac a A&fisa. tiiinin e Sa-trcij Tax? kteai Nortip SockKy bfftd hm mtmbnx 1 t&tf wJOBdriBItaaraT at the ectcal aMren w ti yexr ai W J lKflraBiy ror. ' EHCTOC MS ?niim. Peter L5m. Vke-PrwatJeat. A. Uadseth. Seeretoj. 3 PeiSersea. Utl Latlx fe bdk We- by W er -w aae or n t. U2fm parrot tar f at Madras Clinii fcere.. - - - - Aeal af a bean afar a2 cs. t4s LVC$naUi5T WES 1 to 'CP i. fl8i 4 Days Only Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday Dec. 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th r Sacrifite of Maunfacturers' Samples and Travellers' Models at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES ! ! MEN'S SUITS $4 r .50 Mr. P. Cravetto has induced a larje East' ern manufacturer to release his Western sample? and models by direct public sale. Thee garment are sensational values and every man should take advantage of this opportunity to ave money on hkh grade clothing. 0 1 Tip Top Tailors RepSalive W. L. Graham wiD be at P. Cravetto's on Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday with a-complete djspjav rf Tip Top Tailored Clothes. r j Suits and Overcoats at $25.95 P. CRAVETTO Amt store vmi the odca Prince Rupert Phones 151 at 1