" ' 0 I Today's Weather (I AM.) LEATHER TOP Prince Rupert clear, calm; barometer 30.24, (falling); temperature 28; sea smooth. XXVI. No. 284. i am r -f Second Crop Oirries TELLS MR. WINCH WHY kident of Change in International Fisheries Commission Membership Eiplained by Premier VICTORIA. Dec. 7i (CI) Replacement of George J.Alexander, deputy commissioner of fisheries, if U V. Patmore K.C. on the International Fisheries Commission tas protested in the legislature Harold E. Winch, fiery joung CJC.F. member for Vancouver Ut. Mt. Winch said that Van-www fishermen resented the rrtmier T- U. Pattullo replied that be had received representations from Prince Kupert, which port represented eighty per cent f the entire halibut catch of the British Columbia coast, asking for i Prince Kupert man on the Commission and had forwarded the request to Ottawa. The resignation of Mr. Alexander and the appointment of Mr. Patmore to ucceed him had resulted. Minimum Wage Convictions At Interior Town SMITH ERS, Dec. 7 .Two Infractions of the "Minimum Wage Act for girls were tried In the local court Vw.fr.rp fitlnendlary Magis trate R L. Gale last Friday and two Chinese restaurants were fined for having failed to pay the mini mum wage to waitresses, Forin Cnmnbell of the Depart ment of Labor had charge of tho prosecutions. Todays Weather (Oovernment ""rltgrtpta) Terrace Clear, calm, temperature 24 Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 18. Alice Arm Clear, calm, 21. Anyox Clear, calm, 21. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 22. Smlthers Clear, calm, 11. Burns Lake Fog, calm, zero. Stewart Clear, calm, 11. PLEASE START UP CHRISTMAS FUND The Salvation Armv hopes to make mnnv rw.nr.le haDDV this year, especially women and Ch dren Lets all be happy w IfptVlor Vi rrlvlrvir urhflt 'C Can for the Christmas Cheer fund. Money may be left at the Daily News or sent to any officer of the Salvation Army. Big Typhoon In l llillipillCd Id Over; Plane Lost LOG SCALE Picked Herein A Fine Fruit Ripens Late In Rupert Prince Rupert people, shivering today in what appears to be the start of a cold snap, may find it difficult to believe that fine strawberries, growing outside, were picked here yesterday. Nevertheless, it is a fact. While plucking late roses in his garden on Park Avenue yesterday, Fred Lanza looked down into his strawberry patch and could hardly believe his eyes when he saw an excellent big berry, fully ripe, solid and fully an inch in diameter. It was one of a cluster which also contained four well shaped green berries, two of which were also quite large. The cluster was being exhibited this morning at the Grotto Cigar Store. It was evidently a second crop induced by the mild fall. MANILLA, December 7 (Cana dian Press) A large part of the Phlllip.ne Archipelago remained Isolated today as the third typhoon within mree weens movea oui 10 tea. An army chief of staff, pilot and three native officers are missing In a bomb-ladn4 airplane; IS HIGHER Production For This Vear to Date Shows Healthy Gain Over .ear Ago Log scaling In Prince Rupert for- sstrv estry district district for lor the ine year year iva 1937 to u Warren Scott vs. British Colum bia Packers, $806.01. Patmore & Fulton for plaintiff. Brown & Harvey for defendant. January 21. Seven applications for naturaliz ation were approved. WILL ASK COLONIES WARSAW. Poland. Dec. 7: CP -Foreign Minister Yvon Delbos ot rance has made the rounds o' diplomatic circles in the course if his visit to the Polish capita; o discuss European intermtlona". affairs. Poland, like Germany. 1 xnett?d to be an applicant foi olonles. it is said. From Warsav Oelbos will proceed to central European countries lncludlns Ozecho-Slavakla, Jugo-Slavla and Roumanla. ,, - date stands at an aggregate of 149.- I Qpnl fishermen J67.112 board feet in comparison with 135.521,152 board feet up to a IT 1 1 I Smith nrrondinc date last year. The lltiu an uwu. scale for this November was 14,565,- 553 board feet as against 13.393.814 j.ctrr Tcsscn Char;cd with Alicna- ooard feet in November 19J0. i tlon of Affections oi iuasseu The loe scale per species in Nov- Man's Wife ember this year, compared with last rl.r uas ax follows: ' VANCOUVER, Dec. 7: reier J .. ., .j i r . Nov. 1937 Mov. ijwo Tcssen. 44-year oia rnncc nuiiti. Rrard ft. Board ft. Fisherman, was arrested here re- Fir 799,746 Cedar 2,055,938 Spruce 6,611,194 Hemlock 4,462,313 Balsam 493,615 Jackplne 168.784 Miscellaneous .... 73,963 320,241 cently os he boarded a Canadian 1002.711 waHnn.ii Ralhvavs train, with a 6,760.900 ticket for Norway. He is being 3.568,692 held on complaint of Hans 576.372 schwander. Massett logger, who 284,558 claims $10,000 damages from Tes-16,340 sen for alleged alienation of hU wife's affections. Totals 14,565,653 13,393.814 - ti.. rnHnMiL1 of Zls and pn- beattle oervice lng as recorded In the Interior this November was 188,408 nneai .ecu-666 lineal feet fir. 182.137 feet cedar, 4 705 hemlock and 900 miscenan-eous-as compared with 56,414 lineal feet-practlcally nil in cedar-ln November 1936. The tie count this Novemoer 01 mi nippps all ackDine, as com- JJi I W . - 1 Stations Closed - - Pickets Prevent One Hundred Richfield Branches From Doing Business SEATLE, Dec. 7: One hundred Richfield Kirniic service stations In the pared with 21,347 pieces last nov- Ule area are closed down oWing ember ... to a strike dispute. ncKew nave The cordwood record tnis wove : u ented denVerles of gasoline be- ber was 22 cords in companaun de the statlons which are. 102 IVi last lilOM Jive. vear while ....... 43 cords - 01 ... nahie to do business. - I . . . m. . nW UlClbiVtVI - rp taken out this November to comparison with 15 In the same month a year ago. H.C. AT, SAN FRANCISCO VnnrmiLtr Wheat VANCOUVER. Dec. 1u CP) Wieat was trading at $108 on the Vancouver market .yesieroay -DAtimsco. Dec. 7:-Brlt- dropping to $1.28 today. lsh Columbia to ycuitd 200 feet in the Hall of tne wesiem of space vnrv. irp. Bar .Ml- S'iModWt of the fine o-n-e on the New York met-BUte market today. . of Washington. f PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1937. eleventh victim of the mysterious malady, have offered the body oi Vancouver Stocks .Courtesy 8, D. Johiurtou Co) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .OSVi. Big .ssouri. 36. Bralorne. 8.00. Aztec. .07. Cariboo Quartz, 1.60. npntnn.a. -lOi. Onlp.onda. .05"vi.i; . Mlntojiyi Falrvlew Ama-TwT. Noble Five ,04. Pend Oreille. 1.80. Pioneer. 3.00. Porter Idaho, .03.. Premier. 195. Reeves McDonald; .30. R""n. RMief Arlington. .16. Reward. .061.. Salmon Gold. .07. I Tv!or Bridge. .04. HriW Amol.. .05. P'r-mler Border, .01', 4. Rilbik Premier, 1.85. noncress, .02. SMver Crest. .03'. Home Gold. .01 ti. O'nndview. .O8V2. Indian. .01 Ouatslno Conner. .OVA Quesnelle Quartz, .05. Oils A. P. Con., .34. Calmont. .59. C. & E., 2.85. Freehold. .08. Hargal, .37. McDougal Scgur, .26. Mercury .20. Okalta. 1.60. Picalta. .15. Home Oil, 1.50'. Toronto ' Beattle. 1.27. Central Patricia, 2.50. Gods Lake. .50. Little Lonir Loc. 4.95. McKenzJe Red lake, .95. . Pickle Crow. 5.30. 1 Redlake Goldshore, .20, San Antonio, 1.40. Rherrltt Gordon. 1.34. Fmelters Gold. .01 Vi. M'-eod Cnryshutt, 1.24. Oklend, .14 tj. Mosher, .15. Madsen Red lake. .36.,, Stadacona. .48.'. Frontier Red lake, .05. ' Franchoeur. .47. Mneta Porcunlne, 2.12. Bouscadlllc .10. Thompson Cadillac, J2. nankfleld. .63. v.a Kt. MAlartlc. 1.03. Preston Ea.4 Dome. 1.23. , Hutchison I aker..09ia?iJ : Dawson White, .02. Aldermac. .49. l. K"rr Addison 1.65. Uchl Gold. .95. Martin Bird. 36.00. smelters, 54.50. Noranda. 49.85, Athona. .12. International Nickel, 43.00. Stow NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER tv.ni.. Virct hnm jtn that medical I ... ...j j. - ' wo are nuw cav-u , ; , ty,A snips ence may src Prince Rupert before the for defendant, at Brown & " Harvey y Bro?n& Intestinal disease. John G. E?sener, . end n . of of fh, the vear year to to load load Eraln. gram. Olsen'aM he and Ms wife "thought It r n MMPnH v. Axel tiff. Patmore ru,wn ,or u.- lhat the sev. December 20 dant, otm infants were Nordby Supply Co. 'Alaska) vs. -,.. Morris Holmberg. $819.61. Patmore ' & Fulton for plaintiff. Brown & Harvev for defendant, next court. Latest word from the steamer Moorby Is that sne Is due on December 17, a week from this Friday. About December 28 another boat, so far unnamed, Is due. Both vessels will load full for the United Kingdom or Continent. iWORK UPON FARM BILL , 1 1 1 VICTORIA A bill to boost members' indemnities by $400 to $2,000 per year, ministers salaries by $1500 to $"500 and the Premier's salary by $1000 to $9.- 000 were e'ven first reading in the Legislature Monday. TWICKENHAM, England Oxford defeated Cambridge by a score of 17 to 4 in the annual .. 1 11 "-EEer maien oe.ore ine Some Question as to Whether it Will r M ... I Ktnr onrl fi.rtv thousand Stiff ta- l'ass Senate Wages and Hours I ' " " . . , . . ... -1. 1 tors today. Oxford had a lead of vi n on 1 - , ... I O . nAll.l. .1 V. n 1 F . 4 i m m I ill I 111 1 I I i .. . WASHINGTON. D.C.. Dec. 7: (CPU tlon quarters of getting the Farm 3ill through the Senate by the end .f this week. Opponents question, however, that It will have sufficient upport In the Upper Chamber. The American Federation of La bor ha presented a arait ior a mncsed waees and hours of work measure providing for a forty hour reek and minimum wage or roriy ents an hour. Hours and wages legislation has been meeting with 'ome difficulty In committee. Nazis Buy More Canadian Goods is What Germany Gets nERLIN. Dec. 7: (CP) Ger many's growing foreign trade Is Il lustrated by figures covering me first nine months of 1937. Exports from overseas countries to nermanv have New Mavor In Toronto City SILVER IS CHEAP NOW Onmplng by China Causes Weakness on London and Bombay Markets LONDON, Dec. 7: (CP) Absenc of buying orders in London re sulted in a drop there in the pric ' stiver from 19 7-16 pence to 18 7-16 pence. Some cable advices in London say that Bombay prict-structures have been feeling the weight of Increased shipments oi the Chinese metal to London foi frinrinaiiv Wheat. OTes and Coppenuse as collateral for the Chlnest I' j - I o 'rnment. A hint today by Secretary of th- Treasury Henry Morgenthau tha' the United States would contlntv the policy of aiding silver by pay lng American miners a premlur 'or their nroduct reassured nervou esDeclaliy Elders of the metal today. especially ui n . to 18V2 nana ,,n creased In the case of Canada, where Germany bought three times as much as in 1936, chiefly wheal, ores and copper Comptroller alih Day Ha Large Majority Over Present Incumbent ! narket recovered pence, up 1-16 of a penny. Queens' Tastes nurinir this terlod Germany ex- ! ported to European countries goods . worth 2,908.000,000 marks ($1,187.-1 U qi. NeeClleWOrk jnnnnni and lo countries overseas; goods totalling 1.308,900.000 marks ($523,560,000). I Royalty Takes Keen Interest ! Royal School Bazaar Tomorrow's Tides High. 4:36 am. 18.4 ft. 16:10 p.m. 18.6 ft. Low 10:35 ajn. 9.0 ft. 22:55 p.m. 5 J ft. PRICE: 5 CEN1S Scaling Nankins Walls TWO NEW Eleventh Infant CASES ON I" Chicago Dies County Court in Regular Session Monday Morning' Before Judge Fisher ! Physicians and Scientists Endeavoring; to Save Lives of Seven More Babies Affected With two new actions and three , 7tn K,Tt an1 eleventh Want to b t0 an, old ones on the calendar. County Court was In regular monthly ses- ;,7a, 'CI " "Sun. Elizabeth's Hospital here died Sun slon yesterday before Judge w. E. Fisher for setting of December cases. The list Is a-follows: Fay S. Short vs. Earl Osborne, $446.35, Patmore & Fulton for plaintiff, Brown ti Harvey for defendant, adjourned to next court. Columbia Development Co. vs. Isaac C. Matthews et al, $28,000, Patmore Patmore & It Fulton Fulton for for piaintm, plainun, day. Physicians and scientists are i endeavoring to save the lives of L. seven other babies' which have be- come affected by the baffling mal-1 ady The young parents of twelve- Hav-nld Daniel Ennisser, tnei Invaders Resort To Manoeuvre Of Ancient Times In Capturing Of Evacuated Capital Of China Two Grain Ships Due Tokyo Awaits Fall of City in State of Frenzy Although.it is" iSot Expected to Mean End of Hostilities in Orient SHANGHAI, Dec. 7: (CP) Advance columns of T a J 1 J Ti 1 I i-v'fi UinnMiA i.rnllr. r m rr 4" Japanese troops assaueu aiiwug a iiisbuiiv; vmua kuiuiii.. Tkk Montll Japanese officers, who announced the attack, said that fViA .nvflHpra was attemntinn' to climb the w- w - - Hit isaiiiwuii 0 city's massive battlements with scaling ladders a type of manoeuvre handed down through the Middle Ages. The are closed. The Chinese have start ed a final stand which seems des tined to fall. The Japanese spokesman did notsay how soon he ex pected the fall of the one-time fountalnhead of Nationalist China. Ir TENDON. Dec. 7 (CP.) This y-nr ns nl"v. the Roval School ot Needlework baraar was well at-tndeH bv rovolty. for the school Is on1? of Queen Mary's closest Interests. Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth went ent the the day day before oeiore the ine opening opening' Chinese advices disclosed that General Chlng Kal Shek, the Chinese leader, and Madame Chiang had left Nanking by air for Nanchang, capital of Interior Klangst Province. A Chinese boom at Klangyin to the Yangste River, blocking Japanese warships from attacking Nanking, still remains Intact although the Japanese had earlier reported its destruction. In Tokyo, the Japanese awaited the fall of Nanking in a state of frenzy even though the capture of the Chinese capital Is not.generally expected 10 meair wie ena 01 '" tlllties. The Japanese government is said to be considering issuance of a declaration withdrawing Japanese recognition of the Nanking McBride Road Is Advocated II. G. Perry M.L.A. Would Also Have Dominion Take Over Mount Robson Park i VICTORIA, Dec. 7: (CP) Harry n. Perrv. Liberal member for Fori George, has urged In the Leglsla"? ure completion of the highway .astward from Prince George Jto McBride as well as the construction of a road connecting up this section vlth Blue River. Mr. Perry' so lrges the handing over of Mount ftobson Park to the federal govern -nent for development Weather forecast ,rurnll)Kl througt) the cuurtcny Dominion MetecroloKlcal Bureau at ictorla nd Prlw Hupcrt. This :aat ti complied frcn obvtlon .-irtn fct 5 t-m. today and covert the 30 Hour period ending 5 pan tomorrow). General Synopsis The barome-er Is abnormally high over Northern British Columbia. Fair weather jontlnues on the coast. Prince Rupert and Queen Charg otte Islands Moderate northea lnds. fair and colder. West Coast of Vancouver Island -Moderate northeast winds, talf and slightly colder. . Oh Prlnr.e-s Helena Victoria and, Moi-lf ll I imi nataCier UVlCl Princess rlncess Marie Marie Louise Louise to to look look over over the bazaar at one of the stalls and ,.-,- np. 7. cp) in couXTtc te laS;CnI ht fi" sold little ou.lted muffs made for Sowing yesterday's civic election, wear with evening cloak,. , Comptroller Ralph C. Day had a lead of over eight thousand In AN EXTRA HOLIDAY mmiamUv nnt.pRt over And Ability Are Deciding Factors -.Orom.03 ...ajvi.-. ' .... , ...u,... 1. ir-DIC!.r.. the present incumbent, Mayor w. uy nruciamnuii puuusucu .11 rcv. TTj .1; I d Robbins. The head of Toronto's the British Columbia Gazette, the tiry of War Hore Bellsha told the L..I- omiAutrntinr for next year executive council of this provinc? House of Commons today that lis a 39-year old funeral director has declared Monday, December "merit, character and ability ns The counting is not yet complete 27. a public holiday In Brltis'a well as suitability for the posts" although it Is assured that Day's Columbia for the observance of are to be the guiding consldera- majorlty will be a sweeping one Boxing Day. tions in British Army promotion;