PAGE SIX 70 If I If s I? W 8 USEFUL AND LASTING GIFTS For Every Member Of The Family Bovs ooys and ana Girls uins Watch W aicn WALtfiiAM, " ELGIN; GUI" EN, ROLEX ancf WASHINGTON watch-A new strong-built watch that will cs in a great variety of cases and de-kcep perfect time. For QIZ if signs, including beautiful Diamond-boys and girls. Priced at v U Set styles. ' A Truly Wonderful Assortment to Make Your Selection From Solid Gold, Genuine DIAMOND 3-piece ROGERS' QQ 7 RINGS. ETA Tea Sots. From ?0 From THIRD AVENUE 1 m ' '4 u up A fine assortment of STERLING SILVER HOLLOWWARE and FLATWARE The Largest Variety of Useful Gifts in The North! Used FURNITURE 3 Axminlster Rues Size 9x12. Price $15.00, 820.00 and 825 00 Bed. Cable Spring and Cotton Felt Mattress Zr- S14.50 Bed, Coil Spring and Spring Filled Mattress S22.50 Extension Table With leaves. Price 84.00, 85.00, 86.00 87.50 Cabinet . S15.00 S K"""" S25.00 Brick'lined Heaters Price 85.00, 88.00 and 89.50 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Orpheuni No. 1 Tenor CIO IZfi Banjo tXdU Vioiins-From $5 up to .ft $-Tube Radio Console in first class condition JEWELS 23-Jewel Waltham Watch Genuine Diamond Tie Pin H-krt Watch Chain , 17-Jewel Bertmar Watch 845.00 820.00 825.00 815.00 810.00 Doll Proms From Kiddie Kars Rocking Horses Velocipedes Baby Swings Baby High Chairs c5 New FURNITURE Axminister Mats Size 15x27. Each Size 27x54. Each up Dresser and Toilet Sets in STERLING SILVER in all the Latest Modern Designs IN OUR BASEMENT STORE We Have Over 30 Different Designs o f Dinnerwarc to Choose From HUNDREDS OF ODD CUPS AND SAUCERS FINE CRYSTAL AND Large Range! glassware Wonderful Values! BRASSWARE COPPER BAGGAGE NOVELTIES Hundreds of Beautiful and Useful Gifts To Choose From! We Cordially Invite Your Inspection I MAX HEILBRONER 81.50 84.00 Bedroom Reversible Wool Mats Colors blue, rose, mauve and green. Size 25x43. QQ Bath .Mats Cotton rag rugs. Size 24x48.' Each 90c Rubber Kitchen Mats Placed In front of stoves or sink, this soft rubber mat greatly relieves the fatigue of household 7 work. Size 16x24. Each ... I OK, Passage Linoleum Plain brown with red key border,. Width 24 Inches. fi?n Lineal yard DDL Magazine Table Each Folding Metal Bridge Sets and table. Set 87.50 -Including 4 chairs 818.00 TOYS FOR CHILDREN 82.75 82.00 82.00 87.75 81.75 83.50 up up up up up up We Buy Used Goods Phone Green 916 Hours From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ELIO'S PRINCE RUPERT I ft fa & I to Early Advertising Copy Wil! be Very Much Appreciated THE DAILY Tuesday OFFICERS ELECTED Mrs. J, O. Vicrcck Heads Prince Rupert Hoys' Band Parents' Association ElectibW of officers for tnc corn- in? year took place last night at the regular monthly meeting or the Prince Ruoert Boys' Band Association at the home of Mrs. O. W. Rudderham. The following were chosen. President, Mrs J. O. Viereck. Vice-PresideVit. Mrs. Jack Joy. Secretary - Treasurer. Mrs. H. Perkins. Executive Mrs. G. V. Rudder- ham, Mrs. Bruce Love, Mrs. A. Bussanich. Mrs. A. Jl Phllllpson and Mrs. L. J. Dell. H. Perkins was named reoresen- 'ntivc to the'Prince Rupert Boys' Band Association. The central committee consists of L. J. Dell. O W. Rudderham and A. Bussanich .Refreshments were served hv he hostess. LATE FOR .MARKET PETERBOROUGH. Ont.. Dec 7 CPl Some Peterborough house wives arrived at the farmers' market here the other day before farmers. A heavy foz delaved traffic keeping hucksters home until after dawn. Overwaitea Ltd. Cash or C.O.I). Phone 813 i BUTTER First grade 3 lbs. Wednesday Only Quaker Corn Flakes- 3 packages Muffets Per package EGGS Grade "A" large. Per doz. in car. SANTA CLAUS and COMPANY 4 t 95c 25c 10c 37c I J Christmas Candy and Nuts in Stock apeciai rricca Grapes ' Per lb. 10c MOIRS' XMAS SPECIAL Chocolates 501 Hard and Soft Centres Brcntuotid Peas- Ize 5. Per tin Aylnicr Boneless Chicken Per tin 10c 25c LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE Tall 10-oz. tins. tZn, Each OK, Royal Crown Soap 1 bar free when . you buy 5 bars 25C J 1 Lifebuoy Soap Free With Each Large Package of I Rinso ai &Ol BURNS' 5-POINT HAMS IT 29c Turnips Sweet and tender 6 lbs. Celery Large, white bunches 2 for 25c 25c Free Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over mm MM UAU 11 c.rve gT0 ...... eonsvif- fit." 7 rra I . 1 1. oD Ml i J At 1 wenty -Five Years Ago December 7, 1912 Judge F. McB. Young and Lionel Crlppen had a rather arduous all light experience while they were iowlng Major George E. Gibson's boat to Dlgby Island to be beached .or the winter. Crlppen was aboard Major Gibson's boat which broke away from the judge's boat In the stormy weather. The Judge then vent on the rocks and Crlppen was adrift without any motive power. Finally an Indian boat rescued Crlppen. Several hours later the judge's boat was successfully The Railway Employees' Association has been organized In Prince Rupert with Len Bell as president ind Paul Muldner as secretary. Word has been received in Prince 3upcrt of a rich strike of copper and galena being made on the Red Reef mining property about "half a mile from Stewart. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Late this trip in returning from .he north, Union steamer Catala, Japt. John Mulr, is .due at 4 )'clock this afternoon from Stew art, Anyox and other points. The vessel was at Wales Island at 8 'clock this morning loadlnc can ned salmon and at Port Simpson at 1 p.m. Northland Transportation Co.'s steamer North Sea, Capt. A. W t Nlckcrson, arrived in port at 12:30 ' midnight last night from Alaska I nd, after discharging five car- toads of fish from Ketchikan for; transshipment East over Canadian National Railways, sailed early this morning in continuation of net i voyage to Seattle. COPS STOP RECEPTION SUDBURY. Ont., Dec. 7: (CP) A wedding reception In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chuck was interrupted when police seized seven quarts of liquor and 26 cases of beer and arrested Chuck on a charge of having liquor in a public place. PLAYS IN IRELAND MORROSBURO, Ont.. Dec. 7: 'CP) Ralph Ashton, Morrlsburg youth, has signed a contract to appear on the stage with an English repertory company which recently opened a season In Ireland. Ashton left here for England In September. f- I r iL!i:,J.A; -J i t f vm , owsiniCT V I i-THcY VE Rc.LLy X" A'-THOUSHT W R VWT'N vM FwSOWbW.CAP'nVI THAT, H fe-sssj J fi eo-iuCKY! you A mselpi ft tJl. JU h nrtMT Nf?ji tf.'UAT 1 I AM " Tv T ' J ' mm- foim m M,.?jmm Excursion From Interior Cpming Tre-Christmas Visitors Due To-night and ,Will Return Either Wednesday of Friday Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. It Is bringing In the annual pre-Chrlstmas excursion of Interior people from points along the line as far East as Prince George. Their bargain fare tickets call for return to the Interior on elthei Wednesday or Friday evening's train. Bernice Palmer says . . . Even the youngsters are earden- LAST TIME One Show Onlv si . TE DAVIS HENRY FONDi In 4fri. .i AIt, l ...... I mlnded here. My young son boueht - "" " ""ise, ian j, . I Grand Revival -i . . Hit! ItOUHUTDox;?; ine unosl (Joes1 Mt stmi News Cartoon Pete Smith Short "Certain Woman Gho,t Goes West' , COMING nth and' Lionel llarrymore in- a pacKage of cucumber seeds and keep your kltehen r-f proudly announced he Ma 'Ull AFFAIR" I'Ius-IUTPaS be able to go into the vard and . . "ta,J pick his own dill pickles: I once C" JUr j jmi . ... (J I CCMlr.rp if vmi i I pmutu am seeas witn the same ";jh .. hopes! ... Oh well, one lives and bread- 'ou ten h u, learns siove . . . polish, Speaking of learning, you can Oakland, A Warm, Comfortable DRESSING G01 " "viiucuui gut uur selection f :r ' j (."n k English Robes in checks and solid colors. F,u:,r R be-. h' -T checks and plain colors with contrast- QQ nn t coo ni Ing trim. Prices from , Fine quality Beacon Cloth Robes in smart pa' at A HOUSE JACKET IS JUST THK THIXfi ror long evenings oy me lire. Drop in and ok i . t I of English House Jackets In shades of Blue S'. Br: u. plaid trim and the plain colors with v..-: p 87.75, 810.00 and 812.95 WATTS & NICRM i 50C Third Ave. Men's and Boys Clothiers I'hone DEMERS Closing -Out SALE Here is an opportunity for mothers to outfit their girls lor schwL Wool Dresses Regular to $16.50. (Jg i$5 Skirts Regular $2.95. Cl Qj NOW Scotch Plaid Skirts Regular $5.50. NOW 1 Pullovers Regular to $4.25. NOW Jackets- Regular to $4.95. NOW ut Sash's over YT! IT'S eT7lN'(J MAR PIMNSR-7lME ANP -PH ISM'T ' A THING To EAT IN TH2 WHOLE Toy ?Aciofzy 82.50 or. 84.2) 81.9' 83.51 Ut lour lluiiilrril '! p ft. t n-.i lii-rc. n''c . X WlllAS prwi ; j a (bit rv w - Ilui7 DatJ October 4. I . lul' .filed in thU oaice. r.- -i ..... I -I. .11 at W'.ii one moiU turn thn '3.Hm . Lll A k W rmr.r Ite'ir r .j 1 ; CcrtUlCAj of TtUe In . - ui DATED at Uie IaixI r.- q ' ' Nuvembcr, A D.. 37, ANDREW THOMTCrt Deputy iwgtouw The Central Hotel ROOMS nd CAFI Thone 51 for Best Household Co1 , MRS. C. V- MLACK