f Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes Pttfcasbed THE DAILY NEWS. rtUNCE KirtKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Etery Attereooa. Except Sunday, by Prlaac IXOir News. Uauted. Ttuni .Taj H. F PBLULN Manata$-Edttcr srusejontoN kates cay delivery, fey carrier, yearfe jxocO, pasi la auiTii.ce Fur itsser perioii, paid & adTiKe. per et A4erliiat ad OretEhn Tt!bae Ne- IVfrUMt TeeyaB Rupert By mail h al ports of British Ceraabfc. tfce British Eaaftre aad CU&ed SUif. youty perfcxi, piat ia adv&aee By nufi to all elistr eoestn.Sy per year. ADrEXTtSLNG KATES C&tssStai drettisitt$, per weri. per aasrruaa Loral rradeca, per tee. per tosecttea MetaVr t Aett tfctreaa CtremUtieas J5.tt TeiKy. Aat Mi rWJ FALLING OFF IN ACTIVITY Evidently there r? a fallinc off kt ktbor distttrbaRws in the United States TW peoj? of tkit wtry are be- citttiinc tired t tfee cmstat ttsturtees jum are not a YeuuaUteCic as Umv wre. eKudhr whr Ute tibturV antes are eastsed ti disputes betweeft rira kor or-enitibn.. Reports iadkate that the iadttstries of tfe coatiet are seuiif dow to a period of uMfestm! peace. QUESTION OF BATHING SUITS Havktg: nttkiwg else very impmat to discus tfeest days, st&me of Ike ciUwni ewsppers are aaks d3artia tite nadaess of those irho baitke or wke sk on tht Wadbes wkite otbers batiw. Some $e?3e erxleadr stil otvect t tire scant coveriar of tie fcuwajK forn wk3ef waay defend it. It seems ratker fMSe to diseoss this Nobody seeas to be hart by tke fant tiuK the Vatkers are seaatih-arrayed- Tkose who do not wisk to see tkeai Hswly stay at kewbttt we are tegonitog so used to tie sin eorermtrs tKat it is now a antter of course to most of us. We do mt see wljy tke antter should afaia becoese iiayortaat kt te south. CHINA'S GRIwVT PROBLEM From the rtMMfcd ?woi sciestifSe aolat of fast that if violence does aot check its nuaaivrs. the poao-kttioa win probably double ia less thaa 0 years, "lluna caaaot sta&d aiuch rrowrth," said Dr. Notesea. "if it is aot stojafiiby war and other Ttor-ace, it TdBbehr faaiae ART UKKC liar. RTl HK JiaWWHB l XT JL AIR RAIDS ON LONDON Four Hundred Fighting Plae 1 humfeftcf Over Mtnpoits In Manoeuvre Last Nt j LOXBOX. Aa. : -'hundrexf ftgfctui? survrtfr. or attackte and! Jefeadiit. I . v. red" meer LHJa ac wsrfc a sreat afr aiaeorvy ?jfv'rf t ,t?5t tfc city's TutuerahfWty fro l-he air. It ri'mmifti se of tie aid dys f tAe Great War Vs uerwaaa arerat aetaaHr ffew over the Metropolis. jFive Directors Of 'Air Line Killed Portuguese Ptaa Caujckt Fi-e 1 etefdT and Draped hU Sea USBOX. PmetayaL Aae; W Fire Jaeetoe. ml a projected bw airttae here were latest Sasdy he their mmamx eampht fire aad fU tot tfce seat tw emT t j the coast Vetweem Libe ad Ft- rmetrm d Far. . tlAUBlT BtXVT OH"tS AM flSHEKMEX ASK AiiSlST.CNCE C till, J frei Pare 1) tested Sfeit Itee fisfeersea sakJt to a irteC e tteetr Cise and ce kxors jast how ra&ay ; :aU hre k tikx r&st satiaav' A ifcfi fts&eneecrsMee at tte CtHU96et of Oeeserce. Al aaaxtia steets had to be 4er tfceir r-lavs ber befeg de- salt tfae Asiwitjas torsi bMt ewers- imti TStx to hiT M- teaete m ifee- sa&Se er tfee The TfahTv ke rai.'?a-d- vcre Bute to Seattle for tb eatfltotAceMiK Mtfeeyee a a awre trips tfess yeas hxtp K tfee Mail Sciedul vfeu, a war ta China, atirht be Chas satatti&, Dr.j e East Fraak Y. Notesteau stwdeat of powitaitioa. froa Priace-j W"9 ton Uatversity. toM the hKeraaUonat Coagress oa IwNh laMi saeetmc m Paris this wek. Chiaa is gwoiae s jOtauL, knw to the worhi as a aatkn of aajiquity, isrrn Tttmm- tiay a. auoa of yeutia, say? the Victoria Tines. Old atre is ertd kt the Oriewtal coaaitriesv but nea asid ae&do aot hve to erow old there as the do n other nartr of the worM. la New Zataad, half the yayubtiee lm to4tr'juea iw smrt- recii ti btttbcai taiad&rd of BPefJavhrre;cre ad tea. sa&say U Chiaa half of those eontt? krto the vorW dte hfore; Ftir tkv- rk tk M mJ v rV fV .tt CA ApTrr Ay Stewart each Irt) babies Vora hve to celebrate their 10th birthdatrs. Of roar tu ujr.t : drm hat :s y ttfks Pmks The -sre -totrr ed thtts at !"... Fr-ff Heados the aaitvtp car raah :ne vf 'r.e i..-.: -s tker rehears-- whe K .rx e " Plans Laid For Flower Show And Garden Competition At WHIFFLETS TT 1111 I I jT, I 1 tr.e A ..- t Horticultural Society Meet Judsin? of Gardens on Saturdav of this Week. Show Next ! .Monday and Dinner for Professor llarss on Saturday Night getoenfay Fsatoy Tuesday 5 aloSSWtoatorethaaiCKWl Of ihes rTw!f c3aed haaireds of i;a attfchia? afcaat SI to joyr sacaratf ceat live ia raral refiaas. . J At. 2 j aas J e wtoaa fee araa; . s an she .Btoiaf tactoaie. Sw la China. 4$ yer cent die before they reach the a?e of Mi rr xa Krer af pert f Pi-sae a a besac rr uf A Caa&ka& baby coniaf: nto tW arorU aaay be fecled &uy y i-b lrwat m a dK-94i ? -j&e tO Sve tO the ace of 3? to S1 Bt the Chkrese Safaat rtL treex Pwet &ita best Hvx at a aars w 25 ae-: v u. v:x.. .ftt Taesdy ... 11 38 a-. rastas aarf . tor fie be Jsrr- et 4esyae ths tomfic aaattaafty chflaht.vi aad atcituds ma. -ibe ae wa be to eany xaia. .v jwta s Tx-oees are aot rear? vvva oac .no rr Qam CharkKa isijt aecemt to Former King 01 Spain And His Queen Re-United aSL.iDeaa(!a ar atyamt 25- ymeam. a?aap- LATJ&IXVE. tec; aad eatora. 31 ateac Ksatscss y: Fmraer ISaur am. aadl irt?Oaea ta weeds, appeases amn met gania. JjBaSto t jftratr -asS Srrera. 25 toe ia' ?-sl. peamtoz speetmlaes as srveJesa. M iu 3-S ps. piisx Ratcser Itn. 1 COMMODITY COSTS RISE MtKfcoaU L4 fr Hither Prices UtaMeet Dm4i Metak AmI 1VI Pil miiaaauntc tx-avsa ntvlii V.w . LONDON. AMg. I V . TV- T TT 1 - , , . . . " aer rem: em. aE ratare T: 'CP Cost ot tutc rnam naperx noruraiiurai vteiY at . mMuae . . m . -- dker to be srivea to Professor Barss of the UiinrsirT?10 tuahH u 'iauj mt of British Cofcmhta oa Saturday niv-ht .n,1 few tK wWJUii0, c"tw Mkmt - L . . 1 v - u rii m.1 , . " . raced c i nr jsxwea w ucn w 111 pzace on aiuruy 01 dest tt the sooe-rs. wreiaoed seecaac. vHh li garden T the the er er aMbOs aa0s deeateti deeateti there 3iExc pcds jxrsea -rii ee- ( be ifriifait ins tfcilxre aatf tke ecber scit a2vwd are mmt 3. :3ee ec aaie. It was fhaAr JeekW ttot tfeeibe crec for snu craers ftr"'"" w a caaai bmmhl as as a hcief a tfee &ste esu C the ChoaiMr C Oec- of ft Of. ser at a wetatc be ca&ed atxiiy ui-ccs ma aeaaai mtaf im are amertiy artrtoma t rTarmtimat de- Jtxr-fi cae te is pcwri are rippasi 3 tor atetal -r tamto. waml m aeeaed tor A totoat f smetol' h Altos ama maiimj. a Tto. wlsea l I?? ' toM a torn tut toy arw v Mato rtow to SUM "T toa a jra ae rtoa Aasr. at aaaat stto teamr r ii r await k nca i aest yjeeaie & a eTtj as aiTtreseseit' 0 TAOS TWO Tuesday Augur. THE DAILY NEWS M?J t We Carry a Complete Line of Men's WORKING BOOTS Thurstons, Paris Greh, Sismans and Valentine Makes Guaranteed Solid Throughout Priced From $3.50 EAST GETS HEATWAVE Three Deaths From Prostrate Are Reported In Montreat Monday MONTREAL. Aujr. H:--Three deaths as & result of heat ptost-i at uin r import! hrtv yesterday. The heat wave extended to tlte Maritime but ik deaths har ben reported fiooi there, j. I YES. WE KNOW IT LOOKS FUNNY, BUT YOU'RE QUITE WRONG Todays Weather , Terrace Raining, aoir.hi temperature 52. mils, jr h.-.u: 3982. A.r.i Bay1 F&failng c.rr. u r 25.90; iMapera-.u: e c oth. Bci! rfiubcr -Rair.m :::a. W sUhr. per hou: ;-. i te:apeto.ture bl .;. . . . l.-ee Point- Ra. .: ii.e -: luMmet-r .e :ure M: M. roogh lj. Umnd H-, . t; .Ti:er. 3955: 51 n I'-.j" Is!ad Or: , j-: -at wind 15 m r: ate swell. Vina, Aiyamh Cloud calm :o Alice Arm Cloudy LJ.n: l a. c wart Cloudy oalir. 52 Hazel ten Cloudy, ciUn Smlthenr-c:ouo, cln a Burns Lake Cloudy ca.:,. 47 pru.ct Ueo.'xe cieur (.... .!.:?: 2S.4. Vancouver Cloudy f.aterly lnJ, tcui, jn:s r n.u baro. meter, 30C VitHona tlalldy, abuiriit ni, four milM per hmr: ba: ,.xeUtt Estevnn Clnady. wbi bato-2 iea T.rr, urn- : Ha :..;ar r.in Your FaTorite Pktare Cnlarted rrai&ed and Colored Special S1.00 We ARE EXPECTED TO CLOSE SOO.V IfoOrvood Srudto.. TM Cih St THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red S v'ye VPINKEAL Fkt Pink Sa.r .a Packed br tbe ct't HHl NMmLttta- . : ... I .'!HiM ia Html mbmMmc ua. : I . 1 IMiMigwa. wr- - , . . " I m Jmz reat - I at Mt r Priaee Raptn HcMtm ml over the (tmmUj 1 m Urtm the ptedi tm pay -? r cefettMintMMtofN w atuiti cte I tra Jer mch imtti a Srj " ' Z m SMtha TvsIe of I I bread hwsaw. MiUei tw-.. i t ue From the Waterfront ;tahks ai ml ctjiii. reati MUV PfiYAl 25 . .. jhaie aai miwlnfHv ! 1TA TT T Sfiatt aeaa& wi ofTieat $rEi vd tr, i Mil I hi sec cad eaca;" ' 1 ' 1 t'" "" ! fa m. .JC iZ . tlard ante. iae rms w wu. v w . i r i jauf tor tht eweat steaat be, M X a t, ee-M reaai a aaw aa naat a p aex! - HOME AW.tT EKOM r: at the Da-iy Sew atftee aat m tMO to the cu far t inii ni hat, baaVc! UOME" Jtter taax FTaaiT af that weet ttr area. to a thrre aul 5a eaato, aheoe three, bert j Kates ILH ry aiwa.therTAaeaFrt-5! J81 JlJij Priaee krpr BC L. , ., - , , Area Ma. cjeasel aaaad fcv atarcarmc ; rs, r.a Bex cr am Sasarsta? H aat. a wal be L2!f i' ! e C Kaarywr-taSOty iJwTtl """" ' Tar the aaaaaK r to at the w rrrwr 1 "wiav W.Jr T. aww' ssxu. af jyamat aat a total MM - , atosaaaace enextoa aa atot -! kl, u c a , r raisae to Itoe 15 aw ceo. Tbere; T 1 rtteai - . . ,t --y -a- w.. .-.ji Hurin ; Tatoy Thaasiu u L JlTTS ".VS - wtik ceitatt aeta) ante to. J !?aace- w he heM ere toaay. hariaar arwera T " aat m TJay 3 e ei. ia thi h aS ThoJ I 1 U1IUIV1 i SJtawUii teat aaa t aa., . , taamiiiaiiiiiaj aaa I . Mmaacti mi are a2 x wit TVh DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture nfoYing Light Delivery 315 SECOND AYZ-