n if a 1 Large o Rail for Manchu. ... . i .r is., naaaintr the crew had ueiajtu departure until last night she got away .for palren, J7h War UUI1U3. cjr "HV back without prejudice . n . : 11 sal-i a, ...LL k ' jiii mm m . liniJlLi A. J Jhr 1. 1 f nrammnr p.ki i m m i phi iiai v ' - . V,s Worth $32,000,000 During Fast ljtar IH.lrt. fll'UL. u .ir:.(n nnmvtflikfl mailt the provincial government, rKiiainoaa U'DM WOfih ... . n tii -i. i..- i.i- tn iiriiisn lAiiumuia the past year. James Barrie it . rexstate Cynthia AMiulih, for lears wrtury. rrmcipai ttss Itecognued Sept, 18 The will vtw James uarr.c, yn im p 1 1 kt 11 iph 1 nr rru toyt revealed an es Wa $887,300. He IcH W lo Udy Cynthia : bit secretary for raanj tltnildn It rrlvnn nil rltrht THni fw mi unrm in 1 'if 411 Mir uui uojni VI if The Boy David." 1U . rii Water Y an CoVfrnmpnl AIH tn Connor. h Tun Mtllton Ilnltnt Piping Project 1 IVL' 1 1 11 r 1 n .1 n . M wB0 uvyv w o r e it 1 1. n fnnn...li. ...Ml. a iiciT Liiv waipr &uu The cost of the nrolect is "ted at $2,000,000. 1 1 i HAI H I REMOVED 0s (!erman U rni' w rhnn. Iflit. I . . - - "'uota flimsier ui Economics a ow in, ui. ,iir-.- 0) n I n n ...in. , . i im t.nancenor ' II l lPr nn.l .IL. -..11 ; , - - vviii auviivil- Dn 'he naUnnnl' oif.o..fM. iuBuon. ""64UOM la .1111 ... . uO Rlvn- j : . . . 1 . I iliiii iv mvrmtttAtt . n ' sia Charged Arcraft Carrier HJV1.S. Glorious, Keporfed Object of Torpedo Attempt LONDON, Sept. 18: (CP) It was stated yesterday that Italy had loaned twelve submarines to the Spanish Nationalists, Italian officers staying with them because there; were no Spaniards of suffic ient; experience. The submarines have been carrying no papers and the officers have not been wearing their uniforms. British naval vessels yesterday reported' sighting two submarines fitly miles off Malta in the Mediterranean; They were escorted by Italian and German destroyers and headed towards the Island of Mal-jorca now In .Spanish Insurgent fiands. Further reports from Informed persons. In Malta said there was "good reason" to believe that an attempt had been made to tor- . I T1ll I . 1. I I A news report from insurgent Today's Weather Hazelton Foggy, calm, temperature, 45. Smlthers Clear, calm, 57. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 48. Terrace Foggy, calm, 50. Aiyansh Clear, calm, 50. Alice Arm Clear, calm, 51. Anyox Clear, calm, 48. Stewart Clear, calm, 39. Prince Oeorge Clear, calm; bar ometer. 29.74. Vancouver C81oudy, valm; bar-j ometer, 29.82. Victoria Clear, southwest wind; barometer, 29.80, Estevan Cloudy, northeast wind, four miles per hour, barometer, 29.82. Alert Bay Dense fog, calm: barometer, 29.95; temperature, 47. Dead Tree Point Clear, calm; barometer, 29.76; temperature, 51; uurn iititii 1 ziAMtn n nnn iviia. iiau the mo r TL'ted to arrive In the city h. , . ft roi " r---- , . . . Cai vukul nri i.i i.ui n. nhtr i lo uaiwc in h'iii llie nmcess LouiM.- 3ra.uon . av cont nii in nn.n H.'-nr.ert. in niace 01 jviajoi "- P0sslble eft the city some weeks Mln, " r i rd CaotalnE. Robertson who r "'"ugni several leaves earu pass- r, ri here. inii.i , ..,.. 1 - rant, and Mrs. Halsey, whose teastbv 7. :,"T' olt was at Drumheller, have - nem until after the .been spending a i met arrival. ' n.i. i,me In Victoria. Queen Charlotte Island Catch This Year 317 as Compared With 376 Year Ago i - .. .- .' 1 j .... 1 1 - Helen Keller Not Out Of Danger As Operation Result CHICAGO, Sept. 18: The con-dition of Helen Keller,' blind auth LaGuardia And me j cur previous, me uecwie is nose attributed to prevalence of fog ana ratn. or and lecuturer, is reported to' peao uie nnusu aircran earner nm l f1! Glorious Thursday night. I lVianOIieY VllOSen JAPS ON New Deal candidate, as success- imenL ful in the contest for the Demo cratic nomination over Senator Royal Copeland, the choice of Tammany. It was; a close fight and eary relurns: were not decisive. 31ayo'r Fiorella LaGuardia is the Republican' candidate. Strike Threatens Furniture , Making Three Hundred Workers Go Out At Grand Rapids, Michigan, Demanding New Terms GRAND RAPfDS, Mich., Sept 18: Demanding new terms, three hundred employee of the Furniture Makers of America went on strike here yesterday. They are affiliated with the Committee on Industrial OrgP.n-Ization. A widespread strike in the furniture Industry is Prominent Church Man Of Vancouver Passes In Calgary National League New York, 3; Cincinnati, 4. Brooklyn, 2; Pittsburgh, 3, Philadelphia, 3; ' Chicago, 9, seventh). American League nhSnnon B-O? New York. 12-4. Col. II. W. II. Holmes of Victoria, who was supervisor of the recent trip of Lord Tweedsmulr, Governor General of Canada, and his party from. Burns Lake to Bella Coola, through Tweedsmulr Park, was here aboard aooara the me Cardena waroena today wuuy returning ietuniui ! I 0t ' Today s Weather Tomorrow's Tides (I A-M.) Che High - 0:07 a.m. 20.2 ft. 12:32 p.m. 20.4 It. ISter, (falling); temper- 29.70. Low - 6:28 a.m. 4.2 ft. 51; sea uuotvu.v 18:50 pn. 4.3 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER , No. 218. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1937. PRICE: 5 CENTS ..ia CivtMr War Steamer 0 - - 1 1a: Sail From rori . wx To Manchukuo itnKRNl. Sent. 18. i. nr tno rri r tone nieuiuv, - SUBMARINES FROM ITALY Twelve Undersea Craft Loaned to . "anlsh Nationalists Two .4 T -mien ivrir Miiti WHALING IS OVER '- V f : CASUALTIES bchooner JKace a or ur a rv iuue lvcvivcu; GLOUCESTER, Mass., Sept. 18: There, is a prospect of a revival nf th famous Interna- VICTORIA, Sent. 18: The Cn.. tWai fuhint? schooner race solidated Whaling Corporation's 1 th -Prtrude Thlbaud 1 4 ADVANCE Claim To Have Moved up Twelve Miles in Twentyfour Hours In North -China PEiriNG; Sept. 18: Z'ut. The Jap- i Chinese defenders .are declared !to have been steadily fallini back. . . ! Japanese military authorities! 1 Spain has General Francisco Franco' 7 . ... 1 Present , 4t Incumbent and New Deal defenders back toward a fortN . .1 . ... . as formally accusing Russia . of op erating two "pirate" submarines In the Mediterranean. The British fleet Is now conccn- which may endeavour to Interfere with international shipping. Million Dollars For Clothing In Dried Out Areas REGINA, Sept. 18: The gov frnment of Saskatchewan is to spend $1,000,000 to provide cloth ing for; sufferers in the drought area. LOCAL MAN FIND main vein. Naturally Mr. Collart Is much enthused over his discovery and1 plans to set to work Immediately will be Sixty-Four Royal Air Force Force Planes Crash With Total Los of 105 Lives LONDON, Sept 18: A. Royal Air Force bombing plane plunged fleet is home from the Queen' a nt mniwr anA the Bluenose i.into the sea off the coast of Charlotte Islands stations. The'0f Nova Scotia. A challenge Wales yesterday with a loss of total catch for the season was; 4, was Issued yesterday on behalf ' three lives. This made the sixty-317 whales as compared with 376 4, oI tne Tlilbaud to the Blue- fourth crash of Air Force planes to aate mis year 4 loss of 105 lives. (with 90 I corded 85 with a total Cloudbursts And Mud Slides Have Held Up Traffic VANCOUVER, Sept. 18: Thf1 Cariboo Highway between Lytton and Spence's Bridge was reopen- led to traffic at noon today after he "just satisfactory" following .S..ZJT' V- having been closed temporarily hUM n,,p4lr,n. lW a"e " "sl i B"1 w " " on account of damaee caused by thrust Into Chinese central 11 rOVIHCe IS Warm pen i reviiice c' lines, uauing uie 'ey V ""7 T? Weather In This as high as twenty-one leet tanner 10 uuerscci a wn-iouk ., be,n , nl.ij vein which It is thought carries good ore, ATTACKS BRITISH WARSHIP ILM.S. Fearless Object of Aerial Bombs But Not Struck Believed Government Plane LONDON, Sept. 18: (CP) The British destroyer Fearless reported to London naval authorities that it had been attacked by a bombing plane off Gijon on the north coast of Spain. Six heavy bombs fell close to the Fearless but she was not struck. The plane then flew towards Gijon, the loyalist government's last important port on the Bay of Biscay. This led to the belief that the plane . might have been a Spanish government craft. The Fearless carried regulation identification as a British war-craft. It was not disclosed whether the destroyer returned the fire. physicians slate that she is no. , mad a tlJMw' ' Train 8cheduI'8 Hnlillllt bS SIIpC I HallDUt " ,t of danger. also been restored to normalj above lo Admits and Prince George 80. Police; an lirn warm m in" in" Tla Dawson, urartn ill was also (ranging from 44 to 80. In Alberta land Saskatchewan "80 waif recrd- while it was cooler at 70 in !ed Manitoba with rain snowers. on His. Spider Property Near I H nrt William In Big Missouri Mine Theo Collart, who returned home Thursday night from his Spider mine on the Salmon River in the Portland Cana'l district brought with him about seventy pounds of ore which he( proposes- to put through the local sampling plant, working 11 was taken from a rather spec- tacular vein on the property which was discovered by him while away. The formation Is of porphyry greenstone and tuft and the vein Itself Is quartz. It carries sulphite, lead, zinc and copper with evidently gold and silver arid Is from five to twenty-five feet wide. It is Well defined .nd with numerous feeders and several other veins running Into the Build Airplanes Order From Turkish Government Means Reopening of Plant Which Has Reen Closed For Years FORT WILLIAM, Ont., Sept. 18: The Canada Car and Foundry Co. Ltd. plant here, which has not operated for years, is to be re-opened to handle an order for $2,000,000 worth of airplanes which Canadian interests have received from the Turkish Insurance Rates On Shipping For to trench from four to ten feet f ,4 T deep across the main vein Iri order; UNCM AWaV Up to et samples for assays. Then ! "" 1 . A. I : ". i U 1 a Jlnmn'nrl. I CAIX3ARY, Sept 18: Samuel nP'r v 111 ,r NEW YORK, Sept. 18:-Insur- Henderson of Vancouver passed, oriuea. worx is a v? - ance rates on 8hpping to China! away here yesterday while on a ' P' VmTuvIT have been doubled, premiums at pushed something like forty visit. Mr. Henderson was a prom inent Presbyterian Church sup- K IV c ... ...... ll-Fil enroll t . . . . t, ,tt. wpu ia: (ijn ue-.-sv-or.uct .h. porter here ana in Vancouver arneirnnco t ir uiii. SchachfB hund from the di- nn Af v... . .. - v ittr economic tioiicv "? io ue a rea tv vestnr :f.eriv whid. light swell Langara Island Foggy, north -in fiv( miles ucr hour; barom- W tt 'f - with lh. i.J.i.T?".dir--t- eter. 29.64; sea obscured. . v urtiouuil uiv lie i ' "vtn rimn.-o.i r. . i nuin me hum- i tconomlcs. His resigns- ""rCmOVlll liaH Inn.. on- New Salvation ' Army Officers Captain and Mrs. Halsey of Drum-heller Are Coming Here Today's Baseball percent Mr. Collart went up to the mine Weather Foi'CCaSt Being In Hold-Ups Old Country Soccer English League First Division A 1 it CunrlAftqnH 1. letic 1. Blackpool 2. Leicester City 4. Bolton Wanderers 1, Everton 2. Brentford 2, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1. Leeds United 2, Huddersfield Town 1. Liverpool 2, Grimsby Town 1. Manchester City 6, Derby Coun ty 1. Middlesbrough 4, Chelsea ?. Stoke City 3, Portsmouth 1. West Bromwich Albion 1, Preston North End 1. Scottish League First Division Ayr United 1, Rangers 1. Celtic 2, Hearts 1. Dundee. 2, Queens Park 0. Falkirk 2, Arbroath 2. Hibernians 6, Clyde 3. Motherwell 2, Aberdeen 1. Partick Thistle 1, Morton 3, last wees to cnecK up on worK aone demicals 1 for him by Owhey McFadden and , to Investigate the report that the t,i S n II glacier had receded over 400 feet In victoria and Prince Rupert. Thia fox- rrairie ilaVin f.hP nast flvi. vears and that It hasl-t , .... Yen Al I ..l . u.. H. -1l- compiled complied Irom irom obveraallons oovcrMviom t. .j K ft m lvlfi.-v fl.nrt covers the 30 m m - uncovered some rich float. No hour period KHng 5 pm. tomorrow), vjfwa Ka"lvcic Boston, 7; St. Louis, 5 (end of . wm ... ym plnce rt nd Quen har than Proceeded to ; fjjd the vein Xlta h that r , St. Louis. 2-0: Washington, 6-8 from om the the Big Big Missouri Missouri road road so so (end of seventh inning). Cleveland, 7; Boston; 6. Detroit, 5-4; Philadelphia, 2-5., transportation would be no problem. It is a richly fnlnerllzed area where there is electric power available and Mr. Collart feels that the development of his property will be comparatively easy. Funeral Notice British Columbia Spud Price Pegged Marketing Board Sets It At $23 Per Ton Wholesale, Announced VANCOUVER, Sept. 18: The wholesale uin price u of potatoes i'""-"' was ! I inira L.anurn i, iiuminun nc- Four New Cases Reported Manitoba and Three In Medi cine Hat Urges Vote For Women In Quebec Resolution to This Effect Passed By Trades and Labor Congress' Of Canada OTTAWA, Sept. 18: (CP) The annual Trades and Labor Congress of Canada here yesterday passed a resolution favoring the immediate jrivinn; of the vote to women in Quebec. Just prior to adjournment, the Congress voted in favor of state medicine and hospitalization, establishment in all provinces of labor federations and jail terms for high-graders. P. II. (Paddy) Draper was reelected president of the Congress for the third term. V.-3 Roosevelt Is Coming West Chief Executive of United States To Pay Visit' to Seattle And Other Coast Points WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 18: Spray, 25,000, refused 10.4c and 7c, Barring unforeseen c i rcum- left for Seattle. stances, President Franklin D. Thelma: II, 18,000, 9.2c and 7c, Roosevelt expects to leave next Cold Storage. Wednesday for a trip to the Pa Vancouvtr Wheat Candidate to Rattle for New ified line which neutrals believi Kamloops Has Wnety Above VANCOUVER, Bept. 18: iLf. York Mayoralty will see the major clash of tin While 83 is Recorded In Wheat was trading at ?1.243,i 'Sino-Japariese conflict. Okanagan on the Vancouver market yestci- traUngon the Mediterranean patrol! ,et t rom the New Yorli st; bombardment oft the Mark-' VANCOUVER, Sept. 18: -j azainst submarines and other craft , . . .i... in' i 4! : i rri. t.. T. i Wn ,.oiv.r. aim VQii 'Pivif pifrTiiii nr mnrifH tin 1 iiuis nnn r.n;wi spcnnn ni-nii win irnwn mvuljui etui iriwtuuo . M i i t i Hf 1 . fi t it. i ii -1 in. PriflaU f1 1 1 m i a If amlnrtrta Vi! aay snow jtreiiuan .uaiHuicj, pern iq ire iniernauonai seme- ""v," tllVP iillllScll UU ixne ngne.si reaamg yesterdn yesieraay 1 - 1 cific Coast including Seattle. Mrs. Hibbard Passed Away .Succumbed Yesterday Afternoon Following Long uiness rro-mlnent Raptist Church , Worker ! Following a lengthy Illness, - - (lately that recovery could not bo ABBOTSFORD, Sept. 18' hoped' for, Mrs. Mary 'Ella Hib-Stating that he had been imp If- bard, wife of George Hibbard, cated in three recent hold-ups, (passed away late yesterday af-a man named William Foncll jtemoon at her home, 1738 Atlin gave himself up to the police ncro ! Avenue. yesterday. Born in Philadelphia August 11, 1880, Mrs. Hibbardi had lived in Prince Rupert fot nineteen years. Besides her husband sh'e is survived by a son, Howard, and a daughter, Mrs.' Helen Leek. Mrs. Hibbard was for years an "tive worker and valued membcr Birmingham n. n.ha'- 1 1, Charlton Lhanton Ath- Am- First ru.,, Church. u. Het of Baptist passing will be deeply regretted by many friends whose sympathy will be extended to the bereaved. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon with B. C. Undertakers in charge of rangements. Scottish Soccer Star Is Victim Of Heart Attack ar- LONDON, Sept. 18: Bert Thoirfpson, well known Scottish international football player, died suddenly yesterday of a heart at- lnrt V nm nrlw with Ppltif In thfl St. Johnstone 6, Kilmarnock 2. s tUsh First Divisi0n, he waa ou mirren t, vueen vi ouuvn , v transferred to B acK- -2,-.,..J . . IP1 'n the English League. WINNIPEG CHICAGO WHEAT WINNIPEG, Sept. 18: The Winnipeg wheat price yesterday (wa8 ?1.2G'2, the Chicago price .being $1.03' . m Typhoid Fever In .Bellingham Water WINNIPEG, Sept. 18: Foul new cases of infantile paralysi Special Arrangements Made Tor were reported yesterday in Mani- Domestic bupply in Washing' toba. There were three new cases ton City in Medicine Hat. Archie Shields, president of the Pacific American Fisheries, who has been on a visit to his extensive sal mon canning Interests In Alaska, BELLINGHAM, Sept. 18: Typhoid fever germs have been found by the health authorities in the domestic water sutffly here. Special arrangements have ne lummi m wmj n-i - - - - - south after a trip to Bella Coola to bard will take place tomorrow,! fixed at $25 per ton yesterday by, was a passenger aboard the Prln-bccn made for a new source of clean up final details following the Sunday, at 2:30 p.m., from .the, the .British-Columbia Marketing, cess lulse last evening returning , supply pending the cleansing of vice-regal expedition. First, Baptist Church. ., Board. to his home In Bellingham. the reservoirs.