\ WEATHER “4 hours ending 5a.m., > % wMP. BAR, TN, RAIN 0 29.871 35 ‘ - THE DAILY NE Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAy, Dec EMBER 1, 1911. Vv) a NEXT MAILS Sey, \__ For soutu conte ary,.... Saturday a.m. Camosun)\}....... Sunday, 9 a.m. / ‘CTORIA, 8B. — Prick Five CENTS STEEL IS LAID TWELVE MILES OV B.C BOUNDARY a COUNCIL DECIDES 10 INCREASE SALARY OF CITY SOLICITOR ee a Oe ee ee Oe, ee ee ee ee ee ee eee Numerous bylaws | the other way should be the tend- SEATTLE MAN’S TRAGIC END) TO BUILD TO PEACE RIVER Wm. TO RAISE ” 00,000 d Alberta Legislature will Finance | Two Mackenzie & Mann Projects Finance Eylaw to WHypothecate Debentures for Hydro-Electric. Ward Accidentally Kille Before Fiancee’s Eyes (Canadian Press Despatch.) Reatlle, Dec, 1c. Wied, | __ (Special to Daily News.) At last night's City Council MAYOR MANSON, ALDERMEN HILDITCH, MORRISSEY AND partner in a ship buiiding demi Edmonton, Dec. 1—At the oP | meeting Alderman Kirkpatrick CLAYTON REWARD MR. PETERS BY AN INCREASE and a prominent member of the| “oe ne ihe a el introduced a bylaw to hypothecate % FROM $150 TO $250 PER MONTH. =n Athletic Club, was shot | weoiitd Sheena with al ateaii| hydro-lectrie seheme debe — ' principal items of{and moved the raise, aonbhiiaen Sane one A yal aaa? Mes tion of two railways from Ed-| to the extent of $400,000; The short session of| Alderman Newton took strong|bis head almost being torn on onan e Peeeae © Fsv5r, a bylaw was read the first and last night was| ground in opposition to Alderman | it the presence of his flancee, to| rai i ag eh ne | second times, passed through a the salary of the | Clayton and in fay or of retrench whom he was tatking at the time.| ting to Daaéa at aaa sroantniel aecteecae onc nandinie ak naie ’ ey ° : ‘ . 5 ASSe s ; "ek f. S from $150 per/ment. The salary list at the City Sighting some ducks Ward/ihe other, which will run from | be adopted on Monday aftr re- ' ), The raise was} Hall, he maintained kept growing. pulled the gun towards himself,| Edmonton to Fort Murray. | consideration in the usual course. on the motion of| The Engineering department had when the trigger caught and dis- Mackenzie & Mann will be the |} Roetaet \ ylon, who argued} only recently had an addition to chargd. The party was left un-| builders and operators of the two | that tt ceeds of the city's| staff. It seemed to him that not] #P!¢ to navigate the boat, which | poads, Xmas presents—time to send them . ww, and had been,/in the direction of increases but drifted for some time before be- nea | to the Old Country—lots of them eas- . ing picked up. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4. | ily mailed. Wallace’s. tf of the Council regards salaries Aldermen Douglas and | and put in final | Solicitor attended eney as besides being|members of the Council, Alder- day by Mayor or|men Hilditch, Clayton, Morrissey isidered the!) and the Mayor, passed the motion thy of his hire,| granting the raise. BAYOF BISCAY — G.T.P. LUMBER WAS DISLOYAL BOAT ASHORE Got Up a Specially Angry Storm | Barque Carrondelet, Well Known in Prince Rupert, While in Tow | neeting and was) Kirkpatrick (chairman of Finance ed upon to con-| Committee) supported \iderman | f moment and| Newton's view, but the other} ‘Mystery Succeeds SMystery--Stedmer Novthweibert Fails to Locate Wrecked Ship, and at Early Hour this Morning There Was Still No Tidings of Her Victoria, Noy. 30—Although nearly two days have elapsed since the steamer Tees flashed her message of distress from Kyuquot Sound, the fate of the ves- sel is still shrouded in mystery. The steamer Salvor and the tug Jolliffe have both arrived at the entrance to the Sound, but are unable to get any closer ON PIPE TRENCH _WINTER’S WORK WILL SOON START CAVATION WITHIN CITY Tenders will be called for not later than December 14th for the work of excavating and preparing for pipe laying in the trench be- tween Acropolis Hill reservoir and Shawatlans passage, being part of the Woodworth Lake water supply and hydro-electric scheme. The completion of the reservoir will also be started early. This was the principal matter for discussion by the City Council at their session last night. It is the intention to have this work done by station gang, ten or more to a gang, but on no ac- count will the station gangs be allowed to hire labor. They may increase their strength on the HIGH COURT IN SESSION Case of Kelly v. Lindsay Up for Hearing Today Before Mr. Jus- tice Clement — The Jury and Those Challenged. Clement held MacIntyre 44 o'clock, Lindsay The Case Judge Court in the morning at of Kelly v. hearing. Supreme Hall this the case is one Pom Silversides, A. T. Parkin, W iT, Robinson, A. J. Mallett, J. 8. | rey, J. 8S. Sweder and A, J. Gal- jland. Mr. W. T. Robinson was |}chosen as foreman, Among those |challenged as intended jurors were J, J. Sloan, 8. P. McMordie, William Angle and Osear Kirk- patrick, A. J. Galland was chal- lenged by the solicitor for the defense just a fraction of a sec- ond too late to suit the Judge, and was sworn in, Messrs. Wil- liams and Manson appeared for the plaintiff and C. V. Bennett for the defendant. Case proceed- ed at noon today. MADE A PLUCKY FIGHT. Willie Ritchie Stayed 20 Rounds With Freddie Welch. (Special to Daily Angeles, Dec. 4, lightwight championship last night Willie Ritehie, Ad Wolgast’s sparring partner, who took Wolgast’s place at the last minute when Wolgast was oper- ated on for appendicitis, put up a plucky showing. He stayed with Welsh for the full twenty rounds, and while the decision went to News.) In the here Los being set for} of STATION GANGS WILL BE ASKED TO TENDER FOR ROCK EX- BEY DECEMBER 14TH— STRICTLY STATION GANG SYSTEM ONLY. usual station gang profit-sharing basis by permission from the City Engineer, Dut not by wage- paid labor. Station gangs will not be allowed to sublet parts of their stations. Instructions were given the City Solicitor to proceed at once with the drafting of a form of station work agreement embody- ing these conditions, so that in- tending station gang men may make their bids by December 14th. The City Engineer's part lof the work is practically ready | for intending bidders. Rock jtrenching will be the principal | work this winter, muskeg excava- | tion is not proposed until the pipe }is on the ground in March, RUSSIA MAY DECLARE WAR She Has Given Peres Forty-eight Hours to Comply With Her De- mands or Hostilities Will Fol- low. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Teheran, Dec. 1.—Russia has j issued. an ultimatum to Persia demanding, among other things, the dismissal of Shuster, the breach of contrac*, plaintiff] American financial adviser of the claiming that Lindsay, contrary | Government. to the terms of contracts made | If the demand is not complied when his share of the first busi-| with within 48 hours Russia will ness was taken over by Frank} order troops to march on Te- Kelly, started up another trans- | heran. | fer business. Proceedings this It is understood that Britain is |}morning commenced with the supporting Russia’s demands, swearing in. of the jury,,the fol- Sepp eneeremarierinies oe lowing being jurors: Messrs. ENGINEER IS COMING Wire From James Matthews, Who Will Install Shawaviene Plant. A telegram was cenhivnd from Mr. James Matthews, electrical engineer of Vancouver, stating that he had received notice of his apponitment to take charge of the Shawatlans plant erection and that he would leave Van- couver by the next G. T. P. boat, expecting to arrive here on Wednesday next. The telegram was read by the City Clerk in Council last night. A GRAIN COMMISSION Permanent Government Commis- sion to Control Elevators. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Ottawa, Dee. 1t.—Notice was given in the House today by Hon, George E. Foster of a bill to es- tablish a permanent Grain Com- whieh will be charged operation and manage- such trminal elevators as may be built, leased or ac- quired by the government, mission, with the ment of Welsh, Ritchie lots of ap- plaus and credit. got M’FARLAND WON But the Winner Proved a Disap- pointment to the Crowd. Press Despatch.) San Francisco, Dec. 1.—Packey McFarland was last night award- (Canadian Yes, Canada Grows. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Ottawa, Dec. 1—An increase of more than a million and a quar- ter dollars is shown in a state- ment of November customs re- ceeceipts made public today, The totalled $7,332,085. collections G.T.P. STEEL REACHES B.C. It is Now Laid Twive Miles Over the Boundary. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Dec. 1.—The steel G.T.P, has advanced the Boundary line Edmonton, head of the 12 miles over of B.C,, and December 30th will reach mile 30 in B,C, crossing the Fraser river, Track laying op- erations will then be discontin- ued until June of next year. Concert and dance, Knights of Pythias Hall, 6th St., Helgerson Block, Monday evening, Decem- ber 4, 8:30 p. m. All visiting Knights welcome. ed the decision over Harlem Tommy Murphy at the end of twenty rounds. The showing of the winner was a disappointment, however, as he was lacking in punch and having the fight all his own way. Buys Fine Yacht. (Special to Daily News.) Vancouver, Nov, 30.—Mr, B, T, Rogers, who recently sold his steam yacht Mou-Ping to CGC. D, Rand, is having a fine 200-ton craft secured for him in Eng- | land, She will be the finest craft in the Northwest, Toric lenses for comfort,—-Cameron’s for Medina — Queen Mary's) he heavy fog and stiff gale. Great te beginning'to be felt: Cabin Was Flooded in the| of Tug Was Driven Ashore on owing to the heavy fog and still gale, reat anxiety is beg g Gale, Holland Rocks Last Night. Victoria, Dec. 1—At three o’clock this morning, Friday, Estevan wireless ress Despatch.) (Canadian Press Despatch.) station reported that the Tahoma is off there and expected to reach Kyuquot 1.—Word has; On her way to Prince Rupert Sound at daylight if the weather cleared. There is still no anne of the Tees, that the steam- |. with the bark Carrondelet, lum- eying the King] ber-laden, in tow the tug Printer the Durbar, en- | met heavy weather last night off AT THE SCENE OF THE BARBARITIES , heavy weather in} Holland Rocks and the barque} of Biscay. The|was driven ashore, the tugmen| flooded by the | sues eeding in saving their vesse . broke over the! The Printer arrived in Rupe rt} this morning and reported the the reputation] stranding of the Carrondelet A} or sailor, and] salvage erew will be sent out this ging cot in-/afterndon, and it is expected that ed with the view the barque can be gotten off the the dire ef-j rocks This, however, may s if the vessel/cessitate the services of a more | powerful steamer than the Print er As far as can be ascertained ution at Camer-| the hull of the A 08s 8 act th Ca 1 t be KE ( t ess f the good ENDORSES N.W. ROWELL |" Wood Pull ve cl i vid days, very strongly timbered, qT Holland Rocks, where the Carron- oronto World Give Warm Trib- delet struck, is a reef situated| ute to New Liberal Leader. ge Ry some ten miles from Ruper | Despatch.) Prince Rupert's leading hotel | 0 rhe follow- Savoy. | to the new Lib- | Nae Te “s SAVED BY A DOG Intelligent Animal Roused Family | vell) is young, When a Fire Broke Out. brave, and able, | nas a reputation (Canadian Press Despatch.) ind shrewdness Winnipeg, Dec. 1 A fire last full seope in night destroyed a store building ; a ¢ to justify. It} at penzil, Sask., and but for a] Italians mounting guard over Arab prisoners outside the east gate at Tripoli—The q interpret the] a4. awakening the occupants in natives look anything but hostile. of Ontario to the dwelling above the family J ; - . rm j pitt oloase. mene would have been burned, ye’ | PURKS ACCUSED of almost inereditable barbarities | alian wounded, which inelude DEQvaes 1aN) dog was sleeping in a stable b OF BARBARITY | caid to be practiced by the Arabs/ crucifixion and burial. alive. The do who warn the fire, but it I | the dangers of low-et the time of ‘4 swakened fand Turks on wounded Italian native women are alleged to take i rushed oe and awé | Italian Minister Says that Italian soldiers are contained in des part in the preparation of the ! the family. | Wounded Have Been Cruci- patches Boga d here by the It- |erue ‘tities: At the | fied and Buried Alive alian embassy ord receives re tthe Auditorium, Mailing presents home? Many things | today from Rome from the Min- | : a Music dust in our stock; we pack them so they g0 | (Canadian Press Despatch.) ister of Foreign Affairs describe a See Howe & McNulty for the ’ By ' i“ hy on ae er Welees’s. Washington, Dee, 1—Stories| the atrocities practiced on the famous Kootenay a neee 0 on, com- ior end, You can IZE NAVY sale or both for To RE-ORGAN yearn" * YESTERDAY'S SALE BROUGHT $133, . Naval War Staff at Once Guara Lee . ° — z : Teturn if tadieg ren coats (Canadian Press Despatch.) sactory, Wallace's London Nov +0 W a Dees ; Churchill has alerted Ri ral th Me month of good] naval war staff at the miré | When the days are] ypon whom responsibiliy Wl 7 04. Brought Very High Prices This Morning---Full List of Yes- ‘ want dainty, ap- t to keep the British nay) } oy res O Kee} a‘ Well as nourish-| jmmediate fighting condition he terday’ $ Purchasers and Prices Paid appetizing already] staff, in addition to keeping the nto George Friz- Imperial navy in readiness, will} One hundred and_ sixty-four) $1,500, This morning its imme-, rapid than on the opening day, \ meat, fruit and} also act in an advisory papal’) is sold at an aggregate figure} diate neighbor fetched $1,460 as|puyers being very determined, : Niee’ (h hind avenue, No-|in developing — the daughter of $133,000 is the official state-/a starter, 30 to speak, and be Yesterday's sales by detail were { Whe ‘ipt oyster cases] navies. nent of yesterday's Section 2|laat lot sold In they. parton ar Ben iinaig + 1 ‘re shopping there, } ve given this morning block (lot 67 block 20, Second ; oe ‘ ‘hing particularly . y things | ioe. “HL Hi 5 “yen corner fetched $2,300, Blovk 1, Section 37, Dr, Clayton, “Pl ’ ba : roe any ' ic 8 9 ( ‘Ul that which is in Presents for ghrone eat tf | mt ag 4 3 and staff worked until | No lot sold this morning went for | #1,200. SOR Dlay 9 \ the refreshing dis- | °asily sent by mall. epic ley Mt f hours of morning com-|much less than $41,000, though : Block 1, Lots 38, J. Grossman, { . e sma Uns § $ ; oe) i 950 a ' things throughout pee foes - the elerical work in ref-|one purchaser secured six lots in| **?"- zs et 3 i . Just to Remind You. | ple Ling in cee of sale made}block 1 at $940 each. Prices Block 1, Lot 39, J Dyhhavn, Ga50. Christmas will soon be here,| erence M were running from $1,000 to Block 1, Lot 40, J, Goodman, $715, B o'clock tea ¢ Don t neglect your wardrobe, For] yest ees rices continued to| 4,300 steadily, and rose*from| Block 1, Lot 41, J, Goodman, $760. é Pecial this Ve ie Pr ras ae tom tailored suit or ovel pOGne = the word “go.” The about $800 by $100 bids very psitidiai geet | 'B Tang Poy ae ee: dosen, | ° ae Gwader Bros., Helgerson | rocks o : mnt fc | swiftly, Selling was much more Santinge 4 boglish Chin \tiful decorations, finest | Coat see Sweder Bros. at {last lot sold last night went for ; (Continued on page 4,) Mt Wallace's, 2t| block. ' it Geo, T. Stewart, K, of R. & 8. ee tee 1 ENB an au wry Ve La 30