P2 Ilk. I 11 fcf .. u ..(Iff I PAGE BIX DUCHESS ON THE GO BOMBAY, April 21: (CP) Saying she disliked staying long In any one place, the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia, just arrived from America, has sailed for Europe. Ranee and Hardy SPECIALS Wednesday to Saturday SILVER POLISH Birks per jar COFFEE Nabob, l's per tin PEAS R. C, No. 4 per tin PORK & BEANS R. C. 16oz.,.3 tins x EGGS Scott's Extras pet doz. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. BREAKFAST SYRUP Nalleys. 21 oz., per jar ORANGE MARMALADE Nalleys, 2's, per jar PINEvPPLE Barco Sliced 2 tins HONEY Clover, 4's per tin CORN R.C., 2's per tin PEANUT BUTTER Coronation Glass, per jar BUTTER MEAL Old English, per pkg. ... ; WAX DEAL 1 Tin Hawes Wax, 1 Playtime Store Both for RHUBARB per lb. a f.v I VI. 24c 40c 13c 25c ' 28c 31,08 Child's 38f c 84c 25c 55c 13c 19c CAULIFLOWER each t 15c,20c,2c CELERY each 15c, 20c, 25c SPINACH Fresh np per lb. 55 Phones 56 W'lliam Miller returned to the A'5? " sf- t.l ft IB - jp&' ' . f MV Show Old Swords Against Modern Development of Military Tactic To be Demonstrated at Tattoo LONDON, Apjril 21: (CD-Development in Military tactics and. weapons in the last century Floodlighted buildings will add will ! shown ;n into,-0,fin to the spectacle and, from scores of ' trast at the Coronation tattoo ai restaurants and theatres will re- Aldershot in June. The crossing ech-; the cry "God Save the King" of the River Douro in 1809 b' IhJ masses drink his health and lhe Duke of Wellington will hV watch fpe".!al entertainments far! carried out by troops dressed ir miu wic iiiBiib. , me periou iasnion. Douro va. DOLLAR IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, April 21: CP,f The Canadian dollar closed at a premium of 9-64c on the New York foreign exchange market the first battle fought by the Iron Duke, then Sir Arthur WellU- after his appointment as Commander of the British Army on the death of Sir John Moore. Following this spectacle p demonstration of a modern brittle ."cone of a riverytirossing will he crtron : A l-i .t,iV... . y I4... u- ... i:-t'' " "AU,"K cuiiiuuiiy 01 w me rnnre ueorge mis Ro.Val, Engineers, with folding moraine from a brief business trip boafeillfepare at high speed to Vancouver. . the a raechanfze5 forPce If keeping milk was the sole service of an electric refrigerator, it would still be worth while. But when you know that it guards the health of the entire family, it becomes a vital necessity. An Electric Refrigerator keeps milk always in the safety zone of AO to 50 degrees. It keeps meats, green vegetables and other perishable foods always at the correct refrigeration temperature. It ends waste. Gives you wonderful scope and economy with "left-overs". It has no drip pans or drain pipes. It is always clean and safe. Ask about our convenient payment plan. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited For. the VITAL first few years MILK must be kept PURE tf TUB DAILY NEW British Statesman Who Will Soon be Premier Our picture shows Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain, British Chancel or of the Exchequer and next Prune Minister, taking a few weeks out from official duties for a quiet vacation'at hif home Castle forbes, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. He is pictured "on a mossy bank." tyin- a fly to a cast, prior to a bit of trout fishing. CROWMNC HEAVY DAY Conuriuea uorn azp ! exciting day but for their loyal subjects it will be a colorful, exciting on'j. Something of the carni val spirit will prevail in the crowd OAn wnicn w111 flow through Hyde Park transformed for the occasion with refreshment stands, first aid j shelters and troop tents. TODAY'S STOCKS Uuuriesy a. D. Jobtutoa Co.) Vancouver B, C. Nickel, .21. Big Missouri, .49, Bralorne, 7.50. Aztec, .08V2. Cariboo Quartz, 1.50. Dentonia, .15. Dunwell, .03 '4. Golconda. .OSi. . Minto, .26 li. Meridian, .03. Fairview.Amalg, .09'4. ' ;'. Nobla Five, .072. Pend Oreille, 3.40. Pioneer, ,4.85. Premier, 2.95. Reeves McDonald, 1.34. Reno, .92. Relief Arlington, .20. Reward, .10. Salmon Gold, .10. Taylor Bridge, .07 V. Wayside,". .03i2. Hedley Amalgamated, .12. Piemier 'border, .03. Silbak Premier, 2.60. Congress, .074. . Silver Crest, .06 Y2. Home Gold, .02 li. Grandview, .15. Indian, J)2V2..,V ' Quatsino Cbppcr,,; .01; " Quesncl Quartz, .13. Oils A. P. Con., .31. Calmont, .57. ' -C. & E.: 2.60. . ' Hargal, .21. i Freehold, .09. McDougal Segur, ,19. . Mercury, .29. , Okalta, 1.35. Home Oil, 1.75. Weymarn, .17 '2. Toronto Bcattic, 1.30. Central Patricia, 3.50. God's Lake, .57. ' Lee Gold, .04. Little Long Lac, 5.90. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.40. Pickle Crow, COO. Red Lake Gold Shore, .55. San Antonio, 1.75. Sherritt Gordon, 2.55. ' Smelter Gold, ,05. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.30. Oklend, .23. Mosher, .48. -Oilbcc, .04. Madsen Rtd Lake, .98. Stadacona, 1.67. Frontier Red Lake, .20. Francocur, 1.05. ' Manitoba & Eastern, .04. Moneta Porcupine, 1.48. Bouscadlllac, .56. Rubec, .05i2. Thompson Cadillac, .90. Bailor, .04. . Bankeld,-1.05.,i;.,4,-.v East Malartic,' 1.20; Preston East Dome, 1.00. Hutchison Lake, .14. Dawson White, .17. M-;QuaIg Red Lake, .18. Rajah Red Lake, .23. Aldermac, 1.25, K-sr rAddlson, 2.70. Uchi Gold; .90...,: Martin Bird,. .95. Hugh Pam? .20. . j t Aueite Porcupine. .32. i Chesterville. 2.25. Rtchmac. .52. Quebec Manltou; 1.00. of Esqulmaltfarrived In the city, on the Prince George this morning from the south and. will conduct an inspect ion of . the lopal unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volun teer Reserve Friday evening, ! 1 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront ! Tight Salmon Regulations On Skeena This Year Reasons For Weak Halibut Situation Port Edward Reduction riant. Apparently, there has been little change in the situation as regards the dispute between Prince Rupert and Vancouver fleets over the question of halibut marketing. Latest word is that the Vancouver fleet Is still resolute against com-' lng in with Prince Rupert under the Provincial Marketing Act. choosing to stand out for a strictly voluntary basis of curtailment. H. M. Daggett, secretary of the Halibut Marketing Board from Prince Rupert, is stljl In Vancouver In connection with the matter. The latest lssut of the Pacific Fisherman contains an Interview with Col. J. W. Nicholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish & j Cold Storage Co.. Prince Rupert, in (connection with the halibut mar- ket situation. Like other dealers. j Col. Nicholls was, apparently, not very optimistic for the immediate future. K'N. R' rtcarrtcr' Prince' John. Cant. Nell McLean. Is exoectcd to arrive late tonight or early tomorrow morn Inn from Vnnpr!n,D,. ,.t , w , . . V ,14 .Queen Charlotte Island?. The ves- Licut. Commander Woods R. c N. , was ,n Mas-Sett Inlet this morn- ana was to call at Naden i Don't forget when vlsitlmr Pnrt.. land Canal that, the Frazer Hotel U the best place to slop. (tf ) QUINS ARE FEATURED 'Reunion' is Mid-week Offering On Screen of Capitol Theatre Here Thp famous Dionne uuintunleta aro .urn in fpaturotl in tho. nieturs The salmon gill-net boat rating "Reunion" which is thP mid-week on the Skeena River this season attraction on thP screen of the will be 850 boats for a 48-hour Caiiitnl Thont ri hprn Thi pnsf weekly closed season. Sockeye nets also Includes .such well known will be permitted from July 1 to favorite actors as Jean Herscholt. August 6. From the start of the Rochelle Hudson. Helen Vinson. sockeye season until the run of Slim Summerville, Dorothy. Peter this variety has passed, the UDDer boundary of the fishing area will Ka frrtm frTf4Vi I -. 11 rinl.,4. n son and John Qualen, In this story the quintuplets doctor, on the verge of retirement, (a boundary sign directly opposite decides to call from all over the i on the south side of the river. After jR'0Ue the three thousand men and tne sockeyes have passed, the ,women ftt "nose births he had of-boundary may be restored to the i catea- from all over the coun-posltlon of 1935 near Aberdeen. !'r' and from many foreign, lands i mere wui c-e a complete closure to illcJ come rich nm ana poor, nign all nets from August 6 to August 15. The department has announced that even greater restrictions may be Imposed on fishing depending largely upon the results of fishing and escapement during the first two weeks of July. The early season weakness in halibut prices this year Is attributed to such factors as the large carryover of frozen halibut, the general weakness of demand for; wnne-meated varieties of fish, the rallure of early halibut this year to get in on the Holy Week market and the bunching of heavy early season landings. Disappointment at the prices is expressed at all coast ports Seattle, Vancouver, Prince Rupert and In Alaska. and lowly alike to take part in the reunion. The old doctor hap many problems to unravel and some interesting romances are woven Into the plot. Rochelle Hudson and Robert Kent have thp rnmantli- Im.-. There are said to be many good pictures of the uuintuplels in the course of the nicturp Hnu.- mnA they have irrown im sinp tVioi.- last picturn "The Country Doctor" is shown. Of course, thov ar thp big attraction in the picture. Clark Gable Takes Stand Denies Paternity of Child in Con-nection Vilh Which Suit Is Centred LOS ANGELES. Anril 21: Thp courtroom was crowded here yek- leruay as i-'lark (Jable, noted screen actor, look the t,iri,l tn deny paternity of the fourteen year old daughter of Mrs.. Violet Wells Norton, plump English woman. Rable said emphatically "No" w hen asked if he was I he father of the admittedly illegiti mat a llunirtil... -t vi Wednesda Aprfl 2i TONIGHT & TIIUHSDAt i-asi bnow starts 9 pjn I uiuAT SURPRISING i DRAMA SlANUi i REVEAltD . . . tlinnn www lAt 7:42 St 9:44! Mnvfe iSw - lUuMMlllI Ill I K ADDED TREATS Smart Set Comedy "AND SO TO WED- Sportlight; -Lucky Spills' Colored Scenic "Alonf the Jlediterranean" l..M UT Kurtn No. 13 FORM OP NOTIf E CaUr Ijind liMrkt llWrut of 1: TAKE NOTipE &at Tni Ack'rfu Chuleg OtxrlandT of Atlln, B. r cupatlon Mliim. Intend to t'l parmissioii o purcrur t:-.j J doicrlbed Uocta Ctunxiitoiaz .i.iu(j,i4 ' a iiuk. lucatea txa:J -"B"ici oi ra. iorion ftablp Wa rpfilln.l e'J,,el, t,. t0 tu the '.. i "I1'' NuUi of Ooldfn G '.t c.i Tc l t , -"Janu Late. N.j-Ui WT: C rnr Jtort On making his debut as n States government wttmu terdav. Mrs. Norlon; Jack I..- SmiMt, detective, and Frank K Winnipeg have been indicted for use of the mails to defraud an:' for charges that .Mrs. Nortn ffnii-j aauuMrii fllreouon Uim 30 eha'.i yes- letters to (Jahlc i n form I nw Wn 'hat his real n;imi w.n "I'mnt " : " m.ii. ne was mi Three new salmon offal reduc- f"tner "f her d.iughter, Gwendo tlon units arc beinc instalipH nn the coast this season by British Columbia Packers. One is being put In old Imperial cannery on the Fratcr River, a second in Port Ed ward cannery o.i the Skeena River ana tlic third at Namu where it will duplicate equipment installed last year. The Skeena and Namu plants will be In a position to operate on herring during the winter and spring. Kenneth Fraser, B. C. Packers official, arrived in the city on the Prince George .this morning on business in connecton with the Port Edward undertaking and will return south tomorrow night. H. V. Morehouse and H. Na.son came north on the same vessel but disembarked at Namu. With a good sized list of passengers, C. N, R. steamer Prince George, Capt H. E. Ncddcn, arrived In port at 10:45 this morning from Vancouver, Powell Rivur and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. With Increased shipments coming in from Alaska, four regular express train moving out weekly over the railway and the fish exchange holding dally sessions for bidding, there Is a distinct speeding up in the handling of fl$h traffic thrduah Prince Rupert this' year. In fact, the business Is con-, tinulng to develoo in. an ever-in creasing and diversified volume lyn, born in 1923. CANADIAN fJOLD PRICE MONTREAL, April 21: The Canadian gold price here yesterday vas $34.68 per fine ounce. Music west, to lecai xxjM. rt be FRED N. ACKLES CHARLES OEERLANDER. Dated April 6U, 1837. Live and Learn That quality .food fresh fr and viretablerf "ore bought reasonably'1 at, MUSSALLEM'! ECONOMY STORE Confectionery Store opn pvtnincs Phone 18 P. O. Box 51 Mi 1 Do you know thai despite the widespread use of radio in all parts of the United States and Canada the public is demanding more recorded music? In line with this popular trend we are pleased to announce VICTOR Records Standard orchestral and vocal selections by lhf greatest artists. Also the most recent popular music by leading orchestras at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Victor BLUE BIRD Records Popular dance numbers, songs and novelties, tfc ca' Victor records are made under ideal conditions hence make perfect recordings df the music you want to hear as and when you want it. Hear them, on the New R. C. A? Itecord Player .They; are a revelation and a'new musieal thru'. From $19.50 up Call in for new record and instrument lists